Critical peeps charges

Critical peeps charges

This page is to share information for the charge nurses on the ICU at HFWH


Hello 🔵 It's official. Signed at 12:53. It even came on tv.
Mine really turned blue. Don't forget, the new Facebook rule starts tomorrow (aka... new name META) where they can use your photos. Dont forget the deadline is today!!! I do not give Facebook or any company affiliated with Facebook permission to use my past and future photos, information, messages or posts.
With this statement, I inform Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to publish, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The violation of privacy can be punished by law.
NOTICE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must publish such a note.
Whoever wants can copy and paste this version. Failure to post a statement at least once will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as information in profile and status posts.

Hold your finger anywhere in this message and copy will pop up. Click the copy button. Then go to your page, create a new message in “What’s on your mind” and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will appear and click Paste.
This will bypass the system....
He who does nothing agrees.

(Better to be safe and post this than be sorry later) Hello 🔵 It's official. Signed at 12:53. It even came on tv.
Mine really turned blue. Don't forget, the new Facebook rule starts tomorrow (aka... new name META) where they can use your photos. Dont forget the deadline is today!!! I do not give Facebook or any company affiliated with Facebook permission to use my past and future photos, information, messages or posts.
With this statement, I inform Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to publish, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The violation of privacy can be punished by law.
NOTICE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must publish such a note.
Whoever wants can copy and paste this version. Failure to post a statement at least once will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as information in profile and status posts.

Hold your finger anywhere in this message and copy will pop up. Click the copy button. Then go to your page, create a new message in “What’s on your mind” and put your finger anywhere in the blank field. "Paste" will appear and click Paste.
This will bypass the system....
He who does nothing agrees.

(Better to be safe and post this than be sorry later)


So another question how would everyone feel about on your
Charge shift coming in 6:30-6:45 to get report give any necessary help to off going charge for assignments


Also the PCU staff and patients are not the ICU’s responsibility unless we have to staff it and those are pulls. And they are not
The responsibility of the ICU docs after transfer they become the attendings responsibility


Also UGC discussed that triples should be treated as a pull that way
They can be kept track of
Easier in the pull book as well as someone who was tripled is not being pulled their next shift


So per request of Kim I am writing this update for
1. When a patient is transferred from the ICU if you are
Placing the orders you need to re asign the attending I showed Kim and brandy this evening please pass this knowledge on while a tip sheet is made also if a patient that is holding in the ED and we feel the patient is no longer ICU appropriate then we ask the intensivist to take a look if they agree we are to place the transfer order and re asign the attending while they are still in the ED.

2. We also need to keep a running list of ICU holders a sheet to keep track will be
Forth coming

3. Also charges on either shift
Should not be assigned patients until nurses are tripled


So in updating the charge book what are your top 3 things you use in your position as charge ? And what do you think should be included in this book?

