Magical Life

Magical Life

Health related information, wellness, anti-aging, what creates more energy and vitality to your body and life.


If you’re looking for something fun to do today Sunday 4-21-24 come to the Reed Opera House on the 3rd floor in the Ballroom in downtown Salem Oregon, for an amazing metaphysical fair. I’m there doing Intuitive Channeling form 11am to 7pm. One day only show.

Timeline photos 15/10/2019

This has been a great gift to have for sustainable energy. Check it out at

The leaves 🍁 may be falling but your energy levels shouldn't! Learn what AXIO can do for you. 👉


Did you know that most degenerative problems is the body come from to much inflammation and Oxidative Stress the rusting of the cells. If you’d like to reverse that process, I have some information to share with you. Private message me and I’d be happy to share.


I'm fascinated by asking the universe questions, trusting the universe has my back. I'm finding all the things I'm asking for, my life the way it was has to change, to open, receive and what I'm asking for. So as things shift, I observe how quickly the old ways of being, things I'm doing falls away and very wonderful gifts are showing up. New friends, shift in my business, shifts in my body. It's quite amazing when I let go, and not try to control, which stops the flow, life is effortless living in the mystery of being.


I read a book called “Becoming Supernatural” by Dr. Joe Despenza. I’ve done the meditations out of what he shares in the book, and noticing my body moves more effortless, My JOY factor is way greater and they intention in the meditations to call forth the Magical Life I am creating, I’m seeing things show up as if by Magic.
If you’re choosing to create your life differently we have to rewire the Neuro nets in our brain to create a different way of functioning in our life. In doing the meditations he shares in the book, it changes the brainwave patterns to rewire the Neuro nets. it’s a very fascinating read.

HempWorx 04/09/2019

I’m enjoying the effects of the full spectrum CBD from Hempworx. Relaxed body and mind.


HempWorx 28/08/2019

I have a fun dog story to share...My friend brought his small 10yr old dog to my house yesterday, he said excuse my dogs nasty breath, it needs dental work. I encouraged him to put a couple drops of the CBD product I have from HempWorx and he said, it couldn't hurt. We left for a few hours, came back and the nasty breath was gone! His mind was blown!


HempWorx Samples 20/08/2019

If you've ever tried a CBD product that didn't do anything, likely the CBD was an isolate not full spectrum using the whole plant. I have finally found a product that's full spectrum and has assisted me and many others with being well and maintaining wellness. Here is a link to receive a sample to try. All you pay for is the shipping. H

HempWorx Samples


It's been fun to see my body change in the last month by Juicing vegetables and eating clean. My liver can process so much better, I've dropped and addition 15 lbs, with taking some specific supplements, my energy level is better than it's been in many years. I'm so grateful for how food from nature can instrumental in creating health and energy.

ABC PRIMETIME INVESTIGATIVE REPORT!!! How to reduce oxidative stress? Protandim Scam Reviews! 05/08/2019

After coming out of a recent health challenge, thankfully with flying colors, I'm choosing to share what has assisted me in getting my body back online. Now with more energy than I've had in years. The science behind this is life changing. to take a deeper look go to

ABC PRIMETIME INVESTIGATIVE REPORT!!! How to reduce oxidative stress? Protandim Scam Reviews! Don't take PROTANDIM if you don't watch this video! ABC PRIMETIME INVESTIGATIVE REPORT!!! by: John Quinones Signup to Order here: http://mylifefreedom.lifeva...


HELLO! Welcome to creating a magical life! I've created a new page to share the many tools, products, ways to have health and vitality naturally. Stay tuned for more information coming!