How-to Handyman

How-to Handyman

Thanks for dropping by! We are in search of the better way to live and want to share what we're lea


Let's not get too cocky, though...


There is a point in every life that one can choose the path of DIY or not...


There is a certain "zen" when one is deep into a project...


My daughter that was in culinary school had this same problem...


We all look forward to the return of the king.


I just about spit out my OJ this morning when I saw this gem...


Have any of you also seen this effect of the quarantine? I am fighting it...


Sometimes I love, and sometimes I hate my kids coming to the hardware store with me.


Something none of us will ever say out loud, but think all the time...


Every feel like this is how well your advice is listened to? As my Mom always used to say, "There is no satisfaction in being right. Especially if I was right about you being hurt." Goes for the heart as well. Huh. I didn't plan on getting philosophical...


Sometimes doing the job right means no one sees what you are doing. Keep working strong, everyone!


Some things should be self-evident. You ever feel like employers have a vision problem?


Feeling nostalgic again...


Another tool I have from my grandfather. This made me laugh, but there is no way I would scribble anything on it.


My DIY ideas don't always work well either.


Remember to focus on where you are, not where the other guy is.


I still have this conversation with my older brother.


This best sums up how I feel today after finishing a particularly tricky project that included 3D printed parts.


My wife saw this and sent it to me. I'm trying to figure out what kind of hint this is.


This happens with my children way more than I would like to admit. Not the mix-up on which screwdriver to bring me, but just loosing their heads often.


Have any of you ever experienced this? I can honestly say that any and every stud finder I have ever used never fails to find me...except that one time I forgot to put batteries in.


Not feeling well? Work some wood!


Just one more, honey. I promise...


That's right. I'm trying to be strong. Hang in there, everyone.πŸ‘Š


Got a new project. Wife wants a new raised garden bed.πŸ™‚


Guess what I stepped on this morning? Thought I would post this while my foot heals.


With internet down at my house for a bit of last week, I got a lot done in the yard. Truly, I felt manly.


No school like the old school. I still have my grandfather's


I was helping my father with some baseboard, and this would never fly. I would say the biggest issue is cutting them the right way. Ever tried on obtuse angles? Fun.


Throwing hammers is sometimes the only way to get something fixed. Just ask my man, Thor.

Learning is our passion. Saving money is just a side benefit.

We love learning. We love teaching ourselves how to solve a problem and seeing the solution work out just right, the way we wanted. We’re so glad when a project turns out perfectly, and we know that we have picked up a skill while at the same time, saving a bunch of money. It is a great feeling, and we want to share that with everyone who will listen.

We began this page so that we could build a community that loves learning and doing their own things to make their world a better place. It is great that so many of us can connect this way. Thanks for stopping by.

