WTF have you done lately?

WTF have you done lately?

When you are aimlessly scrolling down through posts like a brainless zombie, we'll be the reminder post of your addiction so you can log the f**k out!

If you don't like this page, it's ok, denial is the first line of defense of an addict.


Seriously though, share this and get off the app.


Have you not?


Bye, bye.


Obviously if you're on a break or something but even then, what better things could you rather be doing than scrolling on this platform? Text/call an old friend maybe?


Simple reminder to get off this app and start a book or something.


What COULD you rather be doing than mindlessly scrolling?

If there's something you'd rather be doing then why are you still here?


Try "5 min mindful breathing" exercise... If you're scrolling, you got 5 mins to spare, ye? If that exercise worked, then don't come back :)


Dear fellow human beings... if you're not disabled or on leisure time, what's your excuse?


Just checking in...

This Is How Social Media Is Destroying Your Life - The Fake Reality 27/02/2020


This Is How Social Media Is Destroying Your Life - The Fake Reality One of the most important videos I've made. After everything that happened to me in the past 2 years, I wanted to touch on an important subject. Social media...


Have you scrolled enough today?

No? then ignore this message and keep on scrolling your life away.

Yes? then logout, like LITERALLY logout from this platform that's wasting your time. At least force yourself to log back in if you want it that bad!


This is your life and it's ending one swipe at a time. You've been warned. - iAmSyrex

Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless print is another second off your life. Don't you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can't think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you're supposed to read? Do you think every thing you're supposed to think? Buy what you're told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite s*x. Stop the excessive shopping and ma********on. Quit your job. Start a business. Prove you're alive. If you don't claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned - Project Space Monkey [paraphrased]


Nature Naturally Nurtures you!! Get out there.

No friends, you say? Well, be one!

Don't let this platform stop you from going where you want to go in your life and growing to be who you wanted to be when you were little! How many childhood dreams have you buried alive at this point in your life?

Follow this page if you sincerely want to take control of your life. However, if you're SERIOUS about taking back the control? Select "See First" under follow and we'll be there as soon as you open this app/platform/blackhole of time!! Seriously though, try it and if you don't like it, feel free to unfollow.


First step is getting off this platform...


Possibly clean your desk? That's better than scrolling for sure...


Have you nothing better to do than mindlessly scrolling?

Stop scrolling and start a load of laundry. Just one.

Why are you so attached to that filth? Clean that!




Whatever device you are aimlessly scrolling and keep going down on to see this post was made for far better purpose than what you are doing right now. You know?


Just do one... at a time and before you know it, you'll be doing two.


This is your once daily reminder to stop scrolling and maybe go to the library, and check out a new book. Stop consuming all this trash!

You have been warned...


This is your once daily reminder to stop scrolling and maybe make your bed. Stop consuming all this trash!

You have been warned...


Go take a walk around the block. Get some fresh air.



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What the fuck have you done lately?
