Hope Aflame Sermonette

Hope Aflame Sermonette

A Hope Aflame 🔥will see the glory of God💥🕘💥


Pray Without Ceasing Day 1

Ministering: Pastor Yahaya Emmanuel
Message: The Thessalonian Church
Scriptural Text: 1Thess 1.1-7, 5.15-20

Thessalonica was a prominent city in Macedonia (in modern-day Greece) due to its location: it had a seaport on the Aegean Sea and was a principal stop on the Egnatian Way, a major Roman road.

The message:
The founder of the Church at Thessalonica was Paul the Apostle from Corinth, Achaea (now in southern Greece). He addressed to the Christian community how he had founded Thessalonica (now in northern Greece), at about 50 CE.

Paul wrote to encourage the Christians in that community with the goal that they would continue to grow in godliness. Paul knew that the people had been exposed to errant teaching from those in opposition to the way of Jesus Christ and the grace of God. And Paul also understood that unless the young church continued to mature in its faith, the danger would only increase over time.

The Thessalonian Christians were apparently concerned about the fate of deceased Church members. They wondered when the righteous dead would be resurrected and whether they would have part in the Second Coming.

In response to this concern, Paul admonished that at the rapture, Christ will return for His people. The dead in Christ shall rise first, while those still living will follow close behind. All believers will meet Jesus in the air to begin an eternity spent with the Lord.

Paul's specific, practical instruction includes avoiding sexual immorality, refusing to defraud others, appreciating those Christians who serve on your behalf, refusing to repay evil for evil, rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in all things. More so, Paul admonished Christians to work and not be idle. Hence, every Christian should expect to grow in holiness over the course of his or her life.

Eternal Lord, we submit ourselves to you, keep our hearts aright as we do your will. Amen


The Spotlight:

John.8.54 Jesus said, "If I turned the spotlight on myself, it wouldn't amount to anything. But my Father, the same One you say is your Father, put me here at this time and place of splendor. (MSB)

The spotlight is everybody's desire. We all want the ovation. We all want the applause. In fact we desire to remain on top of the list as well as life permits us. At times, we worked so hard to earn the badge, or perhaps pay every necessary price just to be the talk of the day. It is human, and it is life.

We can relate with the idea Jesus wants us to note. And that is, He does not do anything in order to win the favor of men. Not at all. His continuous effort all through His stay on earth was to seek the glory of the one who sent Him, that is God.

Many a time, one can be misunderstood. As was the case of Christ, our intentions or motives may come under fire by those who are so prejudiced on their personal assertions about us. And would not, even when wrong, want to accept the fact that not everything we heard about people is totally correct. Sometimes, people create a wrong impression of someone just to dent their image, or create a module for which other people may see them. But in the end, we know that this attitude is inhuman

Jesus said sternly that "if I turned the spotlight on myself, it wouldn't amount to anything...". This sums up the fact that whatever we do without God's approval may not be successful. If we add up everything without God, the result would obviously be zero. It is laughable, because anything without God is absolutely nothing. Nothing can exist without God.

This is an age were fame and money sums the existence of most people. Many organization carefully arranged their events, and chooses their models or actors who helps showcase their brand. However, we must not forget too that while these people are being paid to do their job, we are chosen by God to speak forth the words of God. Unlike the first which is arranged, ours is divinely orchestrated. And because its the Lords' doing, it is always marvelous.

God would surely take us to places where we can represent Him. He will promote His course. He will bring to pass His purpose. God would not fail. God would not relent. His eyes are upon the faithful. No spotlight would make us more famous as would the rays of His glorious presence.

Declaration: Thank you Lord for the gift of your presence. We submit continually to you that we may work the work you have sent us.


The Message of the Magi:

Matt.2.1 After Jesus was born in Bethlehem village, Judah territory--this was during Herod's kingship--a band of scholars arrived in Jerusalem from the East. (MSB)

To begin, let's start by saying a merry Christmas to every believer who joins in the celebration of today being an agreed day for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. We commend every effort you and your family are putting to ensure that the glory of this day is duely achieved. God bless you richly.

As it falls for today, our topic talks about the magi who were Babylonian scholars, or astrologers who devoted their study to astronomy, and of course relevant literatures as were available at that time, which includes the Jewish literatures. The magi's message could be understood in the following format:

1. The Star: the first citation of this Star, which speaks of the Messiah is in the book of Numbers 24.17, which is more than a thousand years before the birth of Christ. However, it is still a wonder how that the Jews did not notice when this Star appeared, nor have any proper knowledge of that particular day on which Christ was born. It is God's wonderful work to have revealed this Star to strangers who are far from Israel. The magi happened to be first to mention anything about the Star in the New Testament.
2. Worship: It is surprising to know that the Jews at that time had no intention of worshiping the Messiah because according to scholars, they presumed Him not so fit following His very humble background. But we can always thank God when we look into the big picture.
3. The big picture: We must understand after all that from the beginning, God has a plan. This plan was for the entire humanity. Although the journey began with Israel, we understand that God has the entire world at heart. And we understand clearly that He has always sought every occasion to prove His fatherly love to all of mankind. Consequently, the magi were but only a miniature of the grandious manifestation of what we have as Christianity today, which is 99.9% of gentile believers or adherants who worships with offerings in sincerity, and lifting holy hands before the Lord our God.

God is not an author of confusion. He loved us from the beginning. He worked it through. Our fervency, hunger for God as evident in the lives of the magi were not overlooked. Let God be magnified.

Declaration: Keep us Lord in constant vigor to worship You, and wait soberly for your return. Amen


A Star will rise from Jacob:

Num.24.17 I see him, but not in the present time. I perceive him, but far in the distant future. A star will rise from Jacob; a scepter will emerge from Israel. It will crush the foreheads of Moab's people, cracking the skulls of the people of Sheth. (NLT)

The main story of Balaam occurs during the sojourn of the Israelites in the plains of Moab, east of the Jordan River, at the close of forty years of wandering, shortly before the death of Moses and the crossing of the Jordan.

We can trace the continuous conflict between the Jews and the Moabites, which usher in the call of prophet Balaam. This man was invited to curse the people of Israel by Balak, the leader of Moab. As was recorded, Balaam has a track record of being used to either bless or curse a people. Whatever pronouncement their fate falls upon is forever sealed by God. He was indeed a mighty prophet.

Following the request of Balak, Balaam set himself to curse the people of Israel, but as would have been the plan of God, no man can curse those God has blessed. Instead, the prophets' oracles were channeled such that every of his utterance revealed God's mandate, future and plans for His people Israel. It was on one of his several attempts that he prophesied as would be for our scriptural text today.

Balaam prophesied the coming of the Messiah who was later born some 16 centuries after. According to this prophecy, the Messiah would be the king of the Jew, which is the literal meaning of the scepter that will emerge from Israel. True enough, the magi attested to this fact according to the book of Matt.2.2 They asked around, "Where can we find and pay homage to the newborn King of the Jews? We observed a star in the eastern sky that signaled his birth. We're on pilgrimage to worship him." (MSB).

The Moabites mentioned in our text is symbolic to the world and sin. Jesus, being the scepter of Jacob crushed the head of Satan at the cross, nailed our sins, and gave us victory when He resurrected according to the scripture. He redeemed us. This is the hope we have as believers. We are a people called out to showcase the praise of Him who has brought us out of darkness into His marvelous light. A star would rise. You and I, everyone of us would fill the galaxy of God's kingdom. The whole world awaits us. Kings would come. Arise.

Declaration: Keep us dear Lord in the path that will speak of your might, and reveal your light as we journey through our days on earth. Amen



Isa.6.8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (KJV)

Our ministry defines us. We are a people called of God, chosen for a specific purpose. We are God's workmanship bought by the precious blood of Christ, cleansed, and released for purpose. There are other facts which can not be overemphasized, among which is the following:

1. Ministry is God given: God has given to every believer a ministry after His plan for such an individual. In this sense, ministry is the sum total of what God wants you to do for Him and the whole of mankind.
2. Ministry comes with anointing: there is a peculiar anointing attached to the ministry one has been called unto. Infact, the anointing empowers you to carry out this work with ease, which wouldn't have been so for every other person.
3. Ministry is rewarding: there is always a reward attached to the ministry given to us. It should be understood that except you are called into that ministry you may lack the rewards that comes with it. This explains why people labor, and it seems vain. Often, they were laboring in the wrong direction.

To explain further, our text reveals the first appeal made about the ministry of Christ. As we read, Christ accepted to embark on the journey owing to the fact that only Him could fulfill that purpose or ministry. Another aspect of this scripture explains also how Isaiah the prophet accept the offer to bring God's verdict upon the people of Israel. The messenger said send me, are we also as ready even as he was?

We always have enough to keep our mind on as we continue to pray for God's guidance on our calling or ministry. Let us however not relent. Let us walk in our calling. Let us build our ministry. Use all you have. Invest. Christ gave His life, for that was His ministry. You may need to give in your time, your money, your effort, and above all your intelligence towards the success of your ministry. It is your time, use it well.

Declaration: We receive of your grace Lord, the enablement to work out our ministry with sincerity and hope. Amen


Fan to Flame:

2Tim.1.6 That is why I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you by means of the laying on of my hands [with those of the elders at your ordination]. (AMP)

Every good gift comes from God Almighty. He is responsible for our existence. This is because He cares so much about us. Timothy is a remarkable figure in the New Testament. According to scripture, he was one of Paul's many proteges. Except that he, unlike the others would have been more faithful, as presumed by biblical scholars. He was very young, and happened to be the bishop of the church at Ephesus.

Timothy acted as Paul's scribe and co-author of the books of 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and Philemon. He accompanied Paul on his many missionary journeys, and when Paul was in prison, Timothy represented Paul at Corinth and Philippi. For a time, Timothy was also imprisoned for the faith too. But this did not stop the preaching of the gospel. However, following our text today, we can deduced that God wants us to put to use every good gift He has given to us. He wants us to be actively involved in propagating His purpose here on earth. But the question is how do we do this?

1. Give attendance to the reading of the scriptures: that is read and meditate. Read to see. Read, until you can mirror your life as an epistle that is readily approved for the world to read.
2. Pray: there would never be any fire that is not prayer born. Prayer is the match that sets the burner of God's word on. Light your life with just a spark of prayer. If there is a man to pray according to God's word, there is a God who would not overlook His word.
3. Serve: the one way to increase is giving. This could be in any form. Timothy for example was an exemplary servant, who was renowned for walking in the footsteps of his master Paul. This service is what metamorphosed into being ordained as the bishop of Ephesus.

We can be always sure of great results when we invest our efforts in bringing the best of whatever gift we have of God. In fact, God entrusts us with something much bigger, when we have proven ourselves faithful. Fan to flame the gifts that's within you.

Declaration: Thank you Lord for every gift you have given us. We ask that you grant us the grace to make best use of it. Amen


You are not your friend:

Mark.14.45 And when he came, he went up to Jesus immediately and said, Master! Master! and he embraced Him and kissed Him fervently. (AMP)

Show me your friend, and I will tell who you are is the common saying of our time. But, would it not be sarcastic, humiliating and insulting to say that our Lord Jesus the Christ was a friend of a thief? Before you and I say 'God forbid', allow me be to say vehemently that he was, for he knew Judas more than we can ever conceive of his person. However, that the purpose of God be served justly, God prepared every vessel for his pleasure.

To begin, we can recall that there were 12 disciples who were active companions in the ministry of Christ. Another fact is that every disciple was chosen by him. And upon this, we can be certain that there was no mistakes in the choices made. Yet, since the individual person of the disciples had will to make their own choices, it is reasonable to say that any of them could have choosen to betray Jesus.

Another fact we must understand is that, the company we keep does not always defines our totality. Sometimes, people pretend to be in our favor because they are benefiting so much from that choice. And at other times, we may be given the opportunity to see the reality of who they really are. It is upon this, that we see the obvious drama that goes with the person of Judas.

Furthermore, we understand from scriptures that not every person that behaved well before you is an angel. This explains the fact that the master was not betrayed as a result of a quarrel, or a fight. Of course, we would have expected something hostile, or even malice, but that was not the case, for as the records holds, "he embraced Him and kissed Him fervently". Then comes the usual question, who would have believed that the warmhearted kiss was a betrayal? Nobody would have thought. Not even the sanest of men.

Our prayers is for the help of God always. It is obvious that our friends do not defines us. It is also amazing to know that Jesus had no friends until Pentecost came. Of course, we remember how he was rejected by the 12 when his great trial began. And we could also tell how God always wants us trust in His grace to enable us always. In the end, one thing we must come to admit is that there is no other friend like our lowly Jesus. No, not one.

Declaration: Guide us merciful father to know what friends to keep that will help promote your work. Amen



Dan.9.8 Oh yes, GOD, we've been exposed in our shame, all of us--our kings, leaders, parents--before the whole world. And deservedly so, because of our sin. (MSB)

If we were to be grateful for anything through the end of the year, it would certainly be for the obvious work of the spirit in exposing the works of the devil, his agents, and the numerous tactics he employed after all. God has, and would continue to expose them all. God will bring to judgment every demonic ruler who oversees the borders of hell, who are committed to causing shame to those who worship the one and true living God. God would not hesitate.

Another fact is that those who prioritize evil, and advocate such would not be innocent. In fact, those who loves wickedness, and practice such would be brought into confusion. Exposed, exposed, so would they be. Their evil works, their evil agendas, their plots, and their conscientious appraisal of strife and sedition would be brought to judgment. God has not left Himself without a witness. We must be grateful for everything God has done.

Looking back at the historical circumstances upon which this scripture is made, we would understand that it was a time when according to prophecy, is the time of the freedom of the Jews in Babylonian captivity. Daniel, a man who has been proven true to be an instrument of divine excellence, understood by books the duration, and the supposed set time, and prayed for their emancipation. God of course heard the cry of His servant Daniel.

However, when relating to the words of Daniel according to our scriptural text, we might draw certain facts, among which is his sincerity, honesty, and integrity. In fact, Daniel obviously said we are exposed. Yes, God exposed us but did not leave us. He has chastised us but not forsaken us. Again we were exposed because we sinned, but God has forgiven us our sins. Our mourning days are over. God has redeem His chosen people. And what was once our cry is now the cry of our enemies. We rejoice for our victory is everlasting. Exposed, exposed, is their shout. They mourn. Their wickedness is brought to light. Blessed be the Lord who hears the righteous always.

Declaration: Thank you Lord for exposing the works of the devil, and giving us victory on every side. Amen


Endeavor to mind your business:

1Thess.4.11 Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, (NIV)

It is a common attitude among us humans to want to pry into peoples affairs, sometimes unintentionally, but at other times purposely because we may want to make news with whatever information we have gathered. This is humiliating. It is absurd to mention, following the fact that some of these informations were supposed to be secret, kept, and not for the public consumption.

It is even common among the politicians of our times, who seek every opportunity to blackmail and backlash their political opponents. This they do by employing every means within their reach, which includes the media. It is a sore to our humanity as it is the obvious of our time.

More surprising, is when ministers of the gospels have joined this wagon. That is the supposed role model of good conduct in terms of general relationship with the public as is defined within the context of religion. Is it not disheartening when these holy men spread false rumors, or encouraged same of their followers, or otherwise. It is even shocking to see them appraise people who indulge in same.

We can not overemphasize the idea of minding our business. At least learning to focus on things that concerns us only. And to be replicas of our professed model, Christ. We would do ourselves more good when we no longer find pleasure in making a false report, or conspiring to bring a fellow down. It is needless. It is of no worth. We can be more.

Our scriptural text explains further, that we should lead a quiet life. That is one without gossip, false rumors, wrong comments or reports. We are called to work with our hands. God enjoins us to be applied to good works, good life, and a good attitude, as would speak obvious of our eternal Lord. God is the judge. We have the investigating unit of the executive arm of the government who knows best how to seek information to persecute those who go against the law of a country. In fact, in the 21st century, CCTV cameras have made this work easy. And then the last question is, why are we not minding our business? Why are we interested in other peoples affairs? Why do we make it a priority to become the Satan that accuses the brethren. If there is one thing honorable, you must endeavor to mind your own business.

Declaration: Teach us to obey your word, and to mind our businesses. Amen


Girded with Gladness:

Psalms 30:11
Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness;

Nothing is as amazing as when your expectations are met or even exceeded. It is a joyful moment to behold God's faithfulness and be endued with grace to enjoy it. It is really awesome.

Some of the many wishes of our lives are materialized, and others are purposely withheld from us, with a reason that we are not qualified at the moment for it, or that we were not called into that circle. But one unimaginable thing about God is that, He knows how best to encourage us in whatever state we might be found.

The historical data of our scriptural text explains briefly about David's sin, rejection, repositioning by the divine hand of God. That is after the outcome of having to take Uriah's wife. One remarkable fact about the person of David is his obvious repentance in sackcloth, mourning with sincere remorse for his sins. We could learn from his character how to put our pride and ego aside when we entreat God in matters that are very serious. His humility earned him God's favor, and regards, turning his supposed sorrows to joy after all.

The psalmist said, God has girded him with gladness. God has done even more for us. God has won our battles. God has redeemed our names. God has opened a new door. God has filled our lives with opportunities. God is not relenting. God is not biased. God chooses us as His own instruments. We are His. Our hearts are full of joy, at least for that we are alive. And that we are not mourning the death of anyone, close or afar from us. We are blessed indeed. Health is wealth. Why wouldn't we be happy? God has led us thus far. The year is coming to a successful end, and we are happy God led us.

Declaration: Blessed be the name of our Lord and God who has not, and would not leave us through the end of the year. Amen


Its not a time to play games:

Mark.12.15 He knew it was a trick question, and said, "Why are you playing these games with me? Bring me a coin and let me look at it." (MSB)

According to some masterclass spiritual leaders, games and tricks are a part of the approach in winning against the odds of life. Consequently, everybody in this category has developed a strategy towards his own survival, or personal growth. And it is even surprising, when these tricks have been known by the general public or their followers, culminating into what would be referred to as a false precept.

It is the general way of man to want to play a trick in matters where his understanding is shallow, that is in an attempt to cover up his ignorance. Then another is his attempt to convince people of that perception. One thing we must not forget, when an idea is generally accepted, it becomes a general rule of engagement.

Drawing from the examples of our lives, we found that at times we are in a condition or circle where we are under obligation to obey certain rules, not because they are good but that we are part of that system and do readily submit to it. It was on this understanding that Jesus requested for the inscription on the coin, and he told them to give it appropriately. The question over the years is what does he really mean?

The first thing we must learn, even as we are taught of the scripture is to obey authorities. According to scripture, all authority comes from God. So, obeying them is a way to obeying God too. Another fact is that we must not let carnal things get the most part of us, in form of distraction. Don't forget, Jesus has every right to refuse the tax at that moment, which was a time of Roman and Jew conflict according to scholars. But this would be a distraction to his purpose after all.

Furthermore, we should expect divine intervention often. And must be ready to outwit the devil in all his craftiness, for we are not ignorant of his devices. One thing is certain, while the devil plays certain games, our sincerity, and whole hearted approach would always redeem us from his gimmicks. We submit to God. We have but one master. We know only Him. It is enough to let other things go and hold tenaciously to him always.

Declaration: Guide us O great redeemer, help us to follow after your steps as we journey through life. Amen


Where there is no revelation:

Prov.29.18 Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law. (NIV)

Revelation is a gift from God. They are blessings of the highest upon mankind. It is defined as an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. Life would remain in obscurity and uncertainty, until revelation happens.

There are several forms of revelation:
1. Foresight: this is the ability to see things that would happen in the nearest future.
2. Insight: this is a clearer picture of things within the original purpose which is not easily understood on the surface.
3. Hindsight: this is the ability to look back in time within a particular circumstance to explain facts without any knowledge of that thing before.
4. Invention: this is a gift from God for the wellbeing of mankind through a conceived knowledge of a product or services invented and intended to promote, or lessen our struggle at a particular time.

Every revelation carries a stamp, or a signature of the order from which it is revealed. But one thing is certain in all, and that is man is the channel always. Revelation sometimes could be misleading if not properly checked. This is because not all revelation comes from God.

There are other forms of revelation like mirage, which is something that comes from or exists only in the mind and is not real. Or hallucination which is a conception or image created by the imagination and having no objective reality. Another fact is that there are manipulative visions or revelation that is demonically manipulated with an intention to mislead, or counter attack a true revelation. Whichever, one thing is sure, every true revelation has its backing, and authority from the scripture, and is justified by the same objectively. Let us pray.

Declaration: Open our understanding to know, and our hearts to grasp every truth which you have revealed. Amen


Zealous for Good:

Gal.4.18 But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, and not only when I am present with you. (KJV)

We can always draw a mark on the many opinions of people on the subject zeal today. In fact, there are misunderstood concept, and perception which brings us to really consider this subject today. Let's began by asking a common question, what is zeal?

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines zeal as eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something. Another word for it is fervor, vigor, fire or passion. Zeal is a common denominator in every discipline. Without zeal efforts would soon worn out. But an individual could either be zealous for either good or evil.

Good zeal comes from a positive mindset. It is the sum total of ones objectives in relation with his own goal, upon an agreed term to promote the common good of everybody. It seeks the good of others. Examples are the preachers today who not only bring the undiluted word of God to the people, but have gone extra mile in providing and supporting the less privilege with finance and food as the case may be. We have heard of great and mighty workings of God in miracles, signs and wonders that are mind blowing to the glory of God.

While we don't wish anybody to be disposed to an evil zeal, we hope that by knowledge, every effort would be properly employed for the common good of mankind. And so we see those who oppose the oppression of the government through the media within the provision of the law of their country. Or the philanthropist who gives money in support of projects within the state or community. One thing is certain when a man is zealous for good, the positive impact is always something remarkable.

Our scripture reminds us to be zealously affected in good things without eye service. We should do what we are instructed to do without hesitation. We should seek our reward from God who watches our motives or intentions. We should avoid, by all means, being hypocrites. And this is only achievable if we allow ourselves to be unconditionally employed to promote the plans of God.

Declaration: Keep my heart aglow on your word, and let me find purpose before you Lord. Amen


The Father of many Nations: (Abraham)

Rom.4.18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations, according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be. (KJV)

There is a historical data based on God's plan which is emphasized on the account of scriptures to bring us to light, and the general antecedence of the beginning and how it all began. Among several examples, is the person of Abraham who is the father of our faith. Abraham was a servant, and a friend of God. In fact, he was a pioneer of an order which is often referred to as the Abrahimic covenant.

While considering the personality of Abraham, we see the circumstances that brought about his journey from the land of his nativity, the Ur of the Chaldeans. We could also recall his call to this journey which would be for an allegory of what sort is our kingdom walk. This journey which is recorded in Genesis chapter 12 through 25 reveals so much of God's fullness, and a pattern of the divine oder foreshadowing our time and after.

Abraham believed in the promises of God. He was a man led by unadulterated faith. He was a man of hope who was but an example to us of the manifold grace of God. As we have it, God promised to make Abraham a father of many nations. And of course, to give him the land of promise which is also a methafor for the kingdom of God.

Abram(exalted father) was his initial name before God changed it to Abraham which means father of many nations. And as a beginning of this fatherhood God gave him Ishmael who was his first son according to the flesh (the son of the bondwoman Hagar). Meanwhile, God promised to give Abraham a son according to the promise. A true son and only son. For as we know, it was only Isaac who was proper before God, being also the child of Sarah, the only wife of Abraham. And upon Isaac was the promise contained and continued.

Furthermore, Abraham only lived but a few years to see two different personalities in Isaac and Ishmael. This was overtime materialized as we have with us today to be the two greatest religions on the planet. We could see divine endurance. We could see patience. We could see hope at the onset and even now. We could see the holistic plan of God after more than four millennium. And above all, we could see clearly the comparison and the general aproach employed to reveal wisdom over the years. Let God alone be praised.

Declaration: Thank you gracious God to have made us heirs with Christ. Amen
