Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI

Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI

I'm announcing that I'm running as a republican for state representative for the 59th district.

I believe that the candidates that have filed and those that have said they are going to file; I believe that I am the most experienced candidate to represent

The Political Insider #113 03/08/2020

Listen to this audio, if you don’t want to listen to the entire audio you can start at 13:20. VOTE Tuesday August 4th!

The Political Insider #113 Listen to The Political Insider #113 by The Political Insider on


Thank you Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI for signing the on Congress pledge.


We are just two days away from the August Primary. I’m asking for your vote to be your next state representative. I’m the only candidate that has ever won an election to hold public office. I have held an elected position for fourteen years. The four years that I served on Three Rivers city commission I only missed one meeting. The past ten years as your county commissioner I have only missed two meetings. I believe that this shows my dedication to the position that I have held to represent the citizens of St Joseph county.

I’m the only candidate during the campaign season that has even mentioned the word JOBS, and will do everything that I can to bring jobs back to Michigan from overseas. Michigan is the only state that has declined in population. I believe the number one reason for this is lack of decent paying jobs. For the past ten years my focus for St Joseph county has been Retention and Attraction to make St Joseph county a great place to live and raise a family. I would like to continue this on a state level.

I have maintained a positive campaign unlike some of the others. You have not seen any of my campaign signs under stop signs, alongside a speed limit sign or in a ditch or vacant foreclosed homes. Everyone of my signs have the owners permission. One of the candidates primary campaign message is internet in rural areas, and another candidate is the heartbeat bill to overturn Roe verses Wade. The heartbeat bill in Michigan is dead and has no chance of being passed in the future. My campaign covers several areas that Michigan needs to work on.

You may not agree with every vote that I have cast, but I challenge you to ask yourself, is St Joseph county a better place to live? I believe that it is with all the improvements that the county has done in the past ten years.
We are living in uncertain times right now with the pandemic and the division between our citizens. You are witnessing a movement to wipe out our American history and making our great country a socialist communist country. We are seeing it firsthand in Michigan as our Governor has completely bypassed our legislators and is operating as a dictator. This is not a time to send someone to Lansing to start a political career. Experience and a voting record that you can look at is Paramount right now. I’m asking for your VOTE Tuesday August 4th to send the most qualified person to Lansing to be your voice in the 59th District!! If you have any questions for me prior to voting, you can message me or call me 269-501-3977.

ENDORSEMENTS: Former 59th District State Rep Rick Shaffer,
Former Senator Bruce Caswell, recently retired Sheriff Bradley D. Balk, Police Officers Association of Michigan, Citizens for Traditional Values, Associated Builders and Contractors and Michigan Right to Life (sole endorsement)
THANKING you in advance for your SUPPORT!
Allen Balog


Happy to be one of many sponsors of Three Rivers Athletics golf outing today.

Photos from Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI's post 22/07/2020

In case you didn’t receive in the mail. Thank you RTL for believing in me!


TRUMP signs are at Republican party headquarters 226 Enterprise Dr in Three Rivers. I'm here from 12-2 today.


Another endorsement for common sense leadership.


I’m the only candidate that has ever won an election to hold public office. 14 years of experience. Pro Life, Pro 2nd amendment! Only candidate to be endorsed by Michigan Right to Life.


Click on image to play audio clip.


Click on image to play audio clip.


Click on image to play audio clip.


Great opportunity to hear what the candidates have to say. Tune in and get informed.

Photos from The KZOO Podcast's post 01/07/2020

Thank you Nathan and Clayton for helping me and the other candidates to get our message to the voters.

Al Balog 26/06/2020

Here is my interview with the Three Rivers and Sturgis Chamber of Commerce. Thank you Christy and Kathy for doing this for our community and helping the candidates to get their campaign message out to the voters.

Al Balog


Extremely honored and humbled to have received this endorsement! Thank you RTL.


Campaign update!


I’m honored to be endorsed by POAM to serve as 59th District State Representative.

Photos from Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI's post 15/06/2020

Thank you Action Quick Print Plus in Sturgis Michigan for doing my printing. Supporting local business!


I can't remain silent on what is happening to our law enforcement community in this country. I 100% stand behind our men and women in Blue and all other first responders! Minneapolis city council voted to defund their police department. They will become a lawless city and it will be destroyed. There is a force sweeping our country to destroy it. Wake up America. The silent majority can no longer remain silent. We are witnessing good verses evil. Pray for our first responders and our country!

Photos from Allen Balog for State Representative 59th District MI's post 07/06/2020

Putting more signs out today thinking I may went to far to the west!


Today as a county leader I participated in a conference call with the White House covid 19 task force. The first speaker was our First Lady Melanie Trump. (Loved her accent) she spoke about how domestic and child abuse is up in our country do to people being forced to stay home. Drug abuse and mental illness is skyrocketing. Secretary of Health and Human services Alex Azar reported that cancer diagnosis is down by 80% since the Covid 19 pandemic, which means that over 300,000 people in our country have undiagnosed cancer because they are discouraged or can’t go to the doctor because of the pandemic. Point being that people are unnecessarily dying because some of our States have unnecessarily been closed down. Unfortunately we are one of those states. Stay safe!


ENDORSEMENT from J PATRICK YODER: Pat served as first county administrator, 20 years later the county board of commissioners asked Pat to return to his former role where he served until his retirement in 2018. The combined vision of Pat and the board has made St Joseph county not only a great place for business to grow, people to raise families but also a recreation destination.


I’m honored to be ENDORSED by former 59th District State Representative Rick Shaffer. Rick served on the St Joseph County Board of Commissioners for 14 years before being elected as our 59th District State Representative in 2002. After 6 years in Lansing he was elected to serve on the County Board of Commissioners for another 6 years. I had the pleasure of serving with Rick when he was on the commission the second time. Rick was always the voice of reason and he brought to the board a wealth of knowledge.
Currently there are 27 past County Commissioners that are serving as legislators in Michigan. That is almost 20% of the legislative body in Lansing.

“ Having worked with Al on the County Commission, and multiple committees, he is an avid contributor and conscientious in his duties. Al is always receptive of ideas and makes decisions after thoughtful consideration.”
Rick Shaffer
Former State Representative


This ENDORSEMENT from Bert Edquist owner of Mission Hills in Cass County is an endorsement that I am very proud of. Mission Hills have served families since 1953. Mr Edquist is also the President of Michigan Cemetery Association. He mentioned the past 59th District Representatives by name and shared with me how helpful they were to his industry.


BREAKING NEWS! CBS National News today reported that Facebook is going to delete any post that promotes demonstrations that speak out against our government stay at home order. I don’t know where you are at on the issue and it really doesn’t matter. What matters here is our 1st Amendment right! This is about CENSORSHIP. Think of all the previous protest that have taken place in our country and Facebook never had any concern about them. First time conservative thinking people protest in modern history they are going to censor us. Michigan Governor contacted Facebook requesting that they do this.
When you elect me to be your State Representative I will fight to prevent CENSORSHIP from our government of either party and any media source.


Signs have arrived! I know many of you have requested one. If you haven't and you would like one, please let me know.


I’m honored and very humbled to be endorsed for 59th District State Representative by Sheriff Brad Balk. Sheriff Balk was with the Saint Joseph County Sheriff’s department for 35 years. He spent his last 11 years as our Sheriff. For those that may not know, Brad’s father Neubert Balk served as Sheriff for Saint Joseph County and now Brad’s nephew Mark Lillywhite is our Sheriff.
A rich tradition of public servants. Thank you Sheriff Balk for believing in me!

A Message from Senator Mike Shirkey 08/04/2020

Great leadership will get Michigan back to work!

A Message from Senator Mike Shirkey A message on promoting safe behaviors and safe workplaces amid the COVID-19 outbreak from Senator Mike Shirkey. For the most recent updates on the coronaviru...


I’m happy to announce that Senator Bruce Caswell has ENDORSED me for State Representative 59th District.
Thank you Bruce Caswell.


This was a very easy decision to make. We need to take care of our employees! We are blessed to have quality people that work for our great county.

St. Joseph County Votes To Continue Paying Employees

(CENTREVILLE) – Despite the threat of COVID-19, St. Joseph County is taking steps to make sure that they continue on as normal.

That was the message shared Monday by County Administrator Teresa Doehring during the St. Joseph County Commission meeting. It was a virtual meeting for the Commission, who were able to call in or remote in on line to participate. The meeting was an update on how the county stands and what they are doing in response to the COVID-19 situation.

Doehring says all county departments are operating as they normally would, either remotely or with skeleton crews. Some exceptions would be the Sheriff's Department and Central Dispatch and a few other departments around the County.

Doehring says some employees are able to work from home and have chosen to do that. She says that brings up the matter of employees who can't work from home and don't have enough to do. She recommended that the County pay all employees whether they are working or not, as if they are working, until April 13.

Doehring says she is trying to be compassionate to all employees during this difficult time. She also said the Commission could re-visit the matter prior to April 13.

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the recommendation.

(photo courtesy of St. Joseph County)


I have served on the Health Department board for the past nine years and three months. The Health agency and board are working diligently to keep you not only informed but safe from this horrible pandemic virus.

March 17, 2020

Local Public Health Response to COVID-19
Coldwater, MI – As of March 17, 2020 at 11:00 a.m., there are no cases of COVID-19 in Branch, Hillsdale, or St. Joseph counties. Within the State of Michigan there are 54 cases of COVID-19 and testing continues daily. In Branch, Hillsdale and St. Joseph counties 20 individuals have been approved for testing using state guidelines. Of these 20 tests, 7 are negative for COVID-19, and the remaining 13 are still out for testing at the lab. There are currently no travelers being monitored within the three counties; meaning they have traveled to a Level 3 country, precautions.html. Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency (BHSJCHA) and state authorities are making additional recommendations to prevent the spread of illness and slow any progression of a potential COVID-19 outbreak. These are proactive strategies.

BHSJCHA has information on our website at where there is a link to the State of Michigan COVID-19 page. We support the strong, preventive measures taken by Governor Whitmer and encourage all residents of Branch, Hillsdale, and St. Joseph counties to take them seriously, limiting gatherings of people and staying home. “I encourage everyone to stay calm and I want to reassure everyone that BHSJCHA, Your Local Health Department, is ready to respond immediately. We can all take measures to protect our family and friends by staying home, rescheduling mass gatherings, and practicing good personal hygiene,” says Rebecca Burns, Health Officer. The situation locally may change quickly. Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency is relying on our community to continue practicing good, basic prevention strategies, like handwashing, and referring to official reliable sources of information for updates and guidance.

Response Actions
The BHSJCHA Health Alert Team is meeting regularly and working collaboratively with our county governments, our local schools, and others. If you call one of our main offices, you can select an option to speak with someone about COVID-19. This system is manned 7 days a week from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
We know this possibility of local cases may cause concern, and we are working to share timely, accurate information without causing unnecessary alarm.

There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus.

Older adults over the age of 60 and people with chronic medical conditions have an increased risk for serious illness from COVID-19. If you are at a higher risk of getting sick from COVID- 19, you should take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and others. When you go out in public, keep away from others who are sick, limit close contact and wash your hands often. The CDC is recommending that higher risk individuals avoid crowds, avoid visiting long-term care facilities, avoid cruise travel and non-essential air travel as much as possible.

To help reduce the strain on our healthcare systems:
• If you are mildly sick, stay home instead of going to the doctor
• If you think you might have COVID-19 disease, call ahead to your doctor or clinic so that
they can take special precautions
• Only go to the emergency department if you feel very sick, and call first.
All individuals should take the following precautions:
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick
• Avoid touching your face
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash
• Stay home when you are sick
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency is committed to promoting wellness, preventing disease, providing health care, and protecting the environment. For additional information, contact your local health department office or visit and follow us on Facebook at
Branch County
570 N. Marshall Rd. Coldwater, MI 49036 (517) 279-9561
Hillsdale County
20 Care Drive Hillsdale, MI 49242 (517) 437-7395
St. Joseph County
1110 Hill St.
Three Rivers, MI 49093 (269) 273-2161
Sturgis Office
1555 E. Chicago Rd. Sturgis, MI 49091 (269) 273-2161 Wednesday – Friday

Branch-Hillsdale-St.Joseph Community Health Agency The Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency is your local health department. Our mission is to promote optimal health to prolong life by preventing disease and assuring the protection of the public’s health in our community and environment.

Court sides with Trump in 'sanctuary cities' grant fight 26/02/2020

Court sides with Trump in 'sanctuary cities' grant fight A federal appeals court in New York says the Trump administration can withhold law enforcement grants to force states and cities to cooperate with U.S. immigration enforcement.


Last Thursday I attended the Cass county board of commissioners meeting and had the opportunity to address the board to announce my candidacy for 59th District Rep. Last night I attended the 6th District GOP 6th annual Mardi Gras fund raiser, and tonight I attended the Cass County GOP meeting. There is nothing better than being in a room with like minded people that are conservative and are the grass roots of our Great Democracy!


I am proud to have played a role in the accomplishments you will see in this video.

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Rick Shaffer's Endorsement of Allen Balog
