

I believe all Jesus taught. I obey all his commands. I do what Jesus did. I strive to be like Him.


If you want to be blessed, be a blessing for it is a great blessing to be a blessing.


Don’t confuse God’s blessings with His favor,nor man’s praise with God’s approval. God blesses both the righteous and the unrighteousness with His sun and rain. People praise the GREAT and FRUITFUL LEADER but God commends the GOOD and FAITHFUL SERVANT! Selah!


It’s not how much we give but how much we enjoy giving.


Kiss the hand that slaps you!


A Christmas Wish

I have a Christmas wish this year
Which you should contemplate,
I wish that God had had his Son
Born on a different date!

Then we could sing to and for Him
And not of old Saint Nicolas,
We’d give our gifts to and for Him
Were He not born on Christmas!

We’d give to Him our prayers and praise
All glory and applause
And He would be the featured one
And not old Santa Claus!

We would forget parties and trees
And concentrate on Jesus
We’d speak of love and peace on earth
Were He not born on Christmas!

Billy Hill


You have heard it said,”Jesus is the reason for the season”, but I say, Jesus is THE REASON!

Billy Hill


 You have heard it said, “get Christ back into Christmas” , but I say “let’s get Christ back into the Christian”. Then Christ will also be back in the church, back in the workplace, back in the marketplace, back in the schools and colleges. He will be in the government and the courts. And EVERY day of the year!

Billy Hill


"Jesus judges us by our motives whereas people judge us by our achievements." -LJ


"Always play the "Jesus" role." -LJ


"It is illogical to think that we can have Jesus on our tongues and not in our hearts. It is impossible to have Jesus in our hearts and not to have Him in our character, attitudes and actions. When Jesus is truly in our hearts, He will be on our minds constantly, and it will show in our character, attitudes and actions." -LJ


"To live Jesus means: to live love, live hope, live kindness, live mercy, live compassion, live justice, live humility, live gentleness, live forgiveness, live honesty etc." -LJ


"It illogical to think that we can have Jesus on our tongues and not in our hearts. It is impossible to have Jesus in our hearts and not to have him in our character, attitudes and actions. When Jesus is truly in our hearts, he will be on our minds constantly, and it will show in our character, attitudes and actions."


"World peace begins with individual peace. But individual peace begins internally. Therefore, work for world peace by working for individual peace. That's why we say, "Peace begins with me." But before peace can begin "with me," it must begin "IN ME." Individual internal peace leads to external and world peace." -LJ


"Our world today does not have a shortage of reading about Jesus, teaching about Jesus, singing about Jesus, preaching about Jesus, talking about Jesus or writing about Jesus. But we have a great shortage, a dearth, a famine of living Jesus. First and foremost, before writing, preaching or singing about him, we must live Jesus. First, second and third, we must LIVE JESUS." -LJ


"If you were put on trial for being a follower of Jesus, would there be enough witnesses and evidence to find you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."


"Jesus yes, Christanity no."

