Roll For Our Rights

Roll For Our Rights

We're making disability rights front and center in the 2020 election by giving candidates the opportunity to roll in our chairs for a day


We deserve a representative who fights for us!
deserve better than Bonamici

gives us fluffy words that sound nice without accomplishing or fighting anything specific

But that's not me. I'll fight for real solutions to benefit all!

We need to stop electing politicians who only fight for some
The includes !

Click here to support Roll For Our Rights! - Portland, OR organized by Amanda Siebe 17/11/2019

SHARE THIS MESSAGE PLEASE!!!! We are having an event to raise awareness on issues affecting the disabled community, and are trying to raise money. We have a goal of $4000 in 72 hours!!!!!! Can you help out today?????

Click here to support Roll For Our Rights! - Portland, OR organized by Amanda Siebe Amanda Siebe Roll For Our Rights! - Portland, OR My name is Amanda Siebe, I love Oregon, and I’m running for Oregon's 1st Congressional District against Suza


1 in 5 voters in the United States live with a disability, yet the few times our politicians and elected officials even mention they're only referring to senior citizens and disabled vets. While these are incredibly important and valued members of the disabled community, it is so much bigger and more diverse than just that.

We live in a world where we're all one major sickness, injury, or diagnosis from disability, yet entire parts of our country are not wheelchair or walker accessible.

Stores, restaurants, venues, and office buildings were grandfathered into the ADA, which hasn’t been updated since 1994, have left those with limited mobility scrambling to ensure that whatever meeting place, cafe, or home they're headed to is accessible. Sidewalks and ramps have gone so neglected by our government that they've become safety hazards and major obstacles to maintaining functionality and quality of life. Ensuring we have access to locations can be a full-time job and the challenge it presents keeps those with disabilities isolated.

As part of our campaign to bring some much-needed awareness to this important issue, we're planning a disability awareness event to help make front and center in the .

We'll be kicking off Roll For Our Rights, in Portland, Oregon on December 7th, 2019 lead by Siebe 2020 for US House before taking it to other parts of the country.

We'll be renting wheelchairs for able-bodied running in 2020 and giving them the opportunity to be guided around the city by disabled to learn about the physical mobility and accessibility issues the disabled community face in our daily lives. After the tour, we'll be having lunch while we discuss other issues such as the financial, mental, and social implications of disability. Candidates will debrief what they learned before discussing what elected leaders must do to improve the living conditions, mobility, and quality of life of the disabled community.

We're all !
