It Can Be Arranged Too

It Can Be Arranged Too

Floral Art exuding rich complexity that dances on the Eye of the Beholder


"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
-Lao Tzu


Floral Art veers away from traditional format and flower recipes. It establishes individuality and unique craftsmanship displaying a glimpse of desired expression of its creator.


Hi, my name is Grace Eberheart-Rogers. My grandmother, Pastor Grace Davis Hinton owned and operated "It Can Be Arranged" on Hay Street downtown Fayetteville, NC. It was established in 1985. There, she created one-of-a-kind, handmade church hats, floral arrangements, and provided other services. As a youth I spent a lot of my time with my grandmother at It Can Be Arranged. I would watch and admire my grandmother's craftsmanship at work especially when making the floral arrangements. I soon developed a love for flowers. Now I "too" create beautiful floral arrangements for all occasions.


"Do what makes your soul shine."

