Wag & Whinny

Wag & Whinny

Expert, reliable, and quality care. Wag & Whinny offers individualized training and boarding.



If you “snoozed” on your chance to sign up for this session, reach out to get on the waitlist for the next opening. Text or call 508-282-1240 to inquire.


***within 20 minutes of posting, this class is now at over 50% capacity- text or call 508-282-1240 to inquire about grabbing a spot now***

Alright everyone, here’s the chance many of you have been waiting for- class announcement!!

I’m thrilled to be working alongside the incredible team and in such a wonderful space at Sarah's Courteous Canine LLC to bring some group training classes in the mix. If you haven’t worked with the team at SCC, but have worked with me and are interested in taking your skills to the next level, reach out at 508-282-1240.


Advanced Obedience: Focus on Finesse

If you and your dog are looking to level up your obedience skills, get into or improve performance in competitive sports, this class is for you. Focusing on the details and precision required to take your dog into the ring and beyond regardless of your sport of choice, this class will cover building engagement in your work, improving focus in heeling, proofing your obedience so it is rock solid under distraction, fine tuning your positions, and more.

Prerequisites: CGCA or Rally obedience. Not sure if this class is a good fit for you and your pooch?

Reach out to Aileen at 508-282-1240 to touch base.

Start date Monday June 3rd, 8:00 pm
$200 for 5 weeks


Before we dip our toes into the year 2024, I wanted to take a moment to honor the accomplishments of this year. After all, there have been many and they deserve a minute in the spotlight.

Congratulations to every board and train graduate, CGC/title earned, and every milestone that all the W&W dog-human partnerships have reached towards their goals. Here’s to another amazing year!

Photos from Wag & Whinny's post 26/12/2023

Hope everyone who celebrates had a fantastic Christmas today!


A very belated congratulations to these two ladies for completing their Board and Train program with me this Summer!

Ginger Snap (top) and Allagash (bottom), as well as their human families (these dogs came in at separate times, from separate families) are now armed with the skills to tackle anything that comes their way.

Confident and collected, the sky is the limit for Ginger and Ally!


Celebrating the official start of W&W’s 5th year in business with some quality time with my own pups 🐶

Thanks so everyone for helping us get this far, and cheers to many more years ahead!


Phew! It’s been a busy Summer so far, with more to come…


Happy 4th everyone! Stay safe and have fun this week ☀️🐶

Photos from Wag & Whinny's post 23/03/2023

Happy National Puppy Day!


Nothing like taking your puppy to a brand new spot and celebrating the first day of Spring all in one go!

Taking your dog to novel places can stimulate their noggin and take your training to a whole new level. While excursions should be part of an adult dog’s life as well, they are particularly important for puppies and young dogs developing critical skills in the developmental stages of life.

The goal? Every week go to at least one new place to explore and train at. Before you know it, new sights, sounds, and people will be no big deal to you and your pooch!


Say no to stress and YES to success!

Ever had a dog that absolutely hates mani-pedi day? Don’t simply book the vet or groomer to tackle these issues. Start desensitizing at home in short, successful sessions to help your puppy or dog learn to love spa day, the vet, the groomer, and more.

Below you’ll find Arrio working through the first steps of desensitizing nail trims- simply holding the paw and then individual toes (as if I were going to trim the nail) without him trying to take it away, lick, or nibble my hand. If he is neutral the the sensation, I click, and reward.


Does your dog play keep away? Is leashing them up at the end of a hike a total nightmare for you but oh such fun for them as they make the most of their freedom? Do they bolt out the door, after the neighborhood cat, or over to any dogs or people they see?? Your dog may be lacking in the recall department if you can relate to any of these situations. But don’t worry, it’s not too late to change!

A reliable, hesitation-free recall might just be the most important and practical skill in your dog’s toolbox. Many dangerous or stressful situations can be avoided with a simple recall, so it’s best to make it a priority to keep your dog and you safe no matter what comes your way.

Arrio’s rocket recall in the making…watch that little pup go!


Noises and textures and movement oh my!

As we touched on last post, exposure starts in the home. This means that with some creativity you have ample opportunity to start your puppy off on the right paw- all from the comfort of your home.

One of the easiest ways to introduce new stimuli to your puppy is with food. The first test is can your puppy eat off of a new object? How about eating from a small space that constricts your sensitive whiskers? Off of something that makes noise while you eat? Something clear, tin, soft, moving etc.

While it seems simple, when your adult dog turns up their nose at food served in something out of the norm you’ll wish you did this easy exercise. Not to mention, this can help your dog recover from a negative reaction to something like a skateboard, clippers, or an object falling over. Send them on over to eat off of it and help steer the reaction over to the positive side!

Watch as Arrio navigates eating at the puppy picnic. In this short clip, you can see he hesitates at the muffin tin, seeking direction from me, but figures out the technique on his own. He goes on to finish every last piece of kibble- despite the screeching and moving tin. Wahoo!

Head to the comments for the full original set up with more textures.


Exposure to new objects, sights, sounds, feelings (touch), animals and people during your puppy’s imprinting phase is incredibly important in raising them to be the balanced and adaptable adult you always dreamed of. Having your puppy experience these things in a positive manner when they’re young can cut your work in half later on.

Take advantage of your pup’s innate curiosity and encourage them to be brave, strong, and explore the world. Don’t forget to take into consideration your puppy’s natural sensitivity to either sound, sight, or touch when choosing interactions to target. Start slow, and make it exciting and rewarding to be brave!

Check out Arrio working around some novel sights, sounds, and textures foraging for a portion of his lunch in a DIY puppy ball pit. This is a great, cheap in-home exposure activity that is perfect for snow days like we’ve had lately, and mimics the movement and sounds of things you might come across in the home, on the street, or out and about (recycling bin toppling over on a windy day for example).

Pro tip: for safety be sure to cut the little plastic rings below the caps off your bottles, and keep caps on. Plastic only please!


Bonus round!

Now that your crate training is becoming a success inside the house- time to add and think outside the box.

Can your pup remain calm, cool, and collected with distraction? How about with guests over? Other dogs in the house? Cats, children, construction noises, new people, vacuuming, maybe even at a new location??

Check out Arrio’s very first trip to the car wash. It’s a great way to introduce new sounds and sights to your puppy without having to plan an entire trip or wait for appropriate vaccinations. The wash is loud, the spray and rags hit the car and make vibrations and shadows- it can be scary!

Notice how initially Arrio shows signs of being nervous; licking his lips, not settling, his tail is flatter than normal, looking around in reaction to the unfamiliar noises. He then quickly becomes comfortable, lifts his tail and settles into a down where he gets treats for being a superstar.

Go Arrio, go!


The clicker is an amazing tool in dog training, and is a great way to mark exactly which behavior is being rewarded. It is manufactured to be precise and consistent in tone, pitch, and duration which can help give your dog the clarity they crave when teaching new behaviors. Replacing your verbals (yes, good etc.) with the clicker can help bring neutrality, precision and consistency to your shaping markers, even when you are at distance from your dog. The options are endless!

But alas, your pup doesn’t come into the world knowing that the sound of a clicker means that they are an absolute genius. You first must do something called loading the clicker to create the Pavlovian response to it.

Simply click, feed, repeat! Do so in short, successful sessions that leaves your dog wanting more. Once you’ve properly loaded and conditioned the clicker noise, your dog will associate the sound with the event of receiving a treat. Eventually, you’ll click and your pup will look around expecting a treat to appear. Then you can incorporate it into training of all levels- basic and beyond.

Check out Arrio learning about the clicker below. What behavior should he learn first with it? 🧐


Pup To It!

Ah the crate.

While it may not be love at first sight for your puppy, there are so many reasons to learn to LOVE the crate! Here are just a handful of reasons why the crate is an absolute must for any dog owner.

- safe haven for your pooch when unattended
- promotes an adaptable dog
- used at the vet/groomer
- creates structure
- car crates make travel safe and easy
- gives your dog somewhere to relax and reset
- post surgery rest requirements will be a breeze
- helps keep the house clean
- great tool for house training
- can be brought anywhere (bring your crate on vacation!)

Truly, the list goes on.…

Below you'll find part of a 30 minute video (sped up 5x) to show Arrio working on crate training and manners. Every time he gives the behavior I like-- quiet, relaxed, down-- I label and reward.

In the meantime, I'm doing computer work and simply walk over or toss a treat every time I see the preferred behavior, and ignore the rest as he starts to figure out what the “answer” is. Practice this when you’re having your coffee, on lunch, winding down at home watching tv etc. and your dog can learn to love the crate too!

Pro tip: set yourself and your pup up for success and do this after a walk or play session when they are tired and naturally going to settle more quickly.


Whether you’re getting your puppy from a reputable breeder or rescue, pick up day can be both thrilling and anxiety inducing.

Make your life easy and prep for your new family
member ahead of time- don’t find yourself stopping at the local pet store on the way home and grabbing things in a frenzy.

Here is a list of some of my must-haves to include on your shopping list when getting a new puppy.

- a harness (keep away from using a collar only for now, harnesses are preferable for puppies so as to not damage their delicate trachea)
- 6 foot leash (save your fancy leather one for a bit later when you’re sure your puppy understands not to chew it)
- bait bag/ treat pouch
- long line (I like 30 foot thin biothane lines)
- crate
- clicker
- yummy treats for training (plain chicken or baby puffs are a good choice to start with and not upset your pup’s belly too much)
- long lasting chews
- enzymatic cleaner for accidents in the house or crate
- play pen
- baby gate(s)
- toys (both for play and teething)
- a water bottle so your pup can’t spill their bowl

This list should get you through your first days and nights as brand new puppy parents. Wahoo!! The journey begins.

Pup To It! Continues in the next post, where we take a look at the ‘dreaded’ crate. Stay tuned!


Time to ring in the New Year by announcing the newest pack member of W&W…

I’m thrilled to introduce R.E.O. Speedwaggin’ aka “Arrio” Pictured below. Isn’t he a cutie!?

Arrio will be the subject matter of my brand new “Pup To It!” series. Watch a puppy develop from 8 weeks of age on. In and out of the house, good manners, obedience, vet and grooming, problem solving and overall development into a happy, balanced dog.

Stay tuned and happy New Year!! Here’s to a healthy, happy, and fun 2023.


Merry Christmas everyone!

Wishing you all a wonderful day filled with friends, family, good food and of course, lots of wagging tails.


Wag & Whinny is now booking into 2023!

Call 508-282-1240 to schedule a consult and reserve your spot. Limited availability, booked as schedule allows.

Not sure what program best fits you and your dog’s needs? Check out the offerings at www.wagandwhinny.com or call any time to chat about options.

Let the training begin!


Happy Halloween!

There’s only one pumpkin I think about this time of year- the OG Ozzie (who puts the treat in trick-or-treat, I mean look at that face)!


Happy Fall y’all


What nail trims should look like every time! Quick, easy, and stress-free.

Photos from Wag & Whinny's post 01/09/2022

September 1st marks the start of hunting season in NH. Time to get your Hunter’s orange and neon gear out for you and you pooch.

Safe trails!



Happy National Dog Day!


Merry Christmas to everyone!



Our quilt fundraiser continues through Wednesday but we are taking the rest of the weekend off from our “reasons to get your ticket” posts, not because it is not incredibly important but because we want to fill you in on other things on the farm.

Our new sheep are settling in more and more each day and we have been watching them closely. The chocolate and the white gals are doing great. But the mother and daughter pair are sadly, not in the best shape and our worried thoughts already turn to the Winter ahead.

Beneath the wool, the two Finnish are very thin and they need serious calories if they are to comfortably and safely get through Winter. We have had incredible success with underweight seniors in the past (just look at Perci and Dobbin) but these girls have more than weight issues going on and cannot eat as well as they should. They have had 24 access to hay and for now, grass, as well as receiving grain, but it was obvious right away that they needed more. We began adding a free choice tub of chafe (chopped up hay) for a bit of easier nutrition, along with a bit of alfalfa and have begun to offer soaked timothy pellets to encourage additional caloric intake. We are on it, however they each have additional challenges.

If their weight was not worrisome enough, the lame Finnish (who I believe is the mother) has twice been unable to get up after lying down. It is a scary thing for a prey animal and our fear of course is that it will happen on a cold Winter night. Being a senior is hard enough but after years of producing her body is just in rough shape. It is something that troubles us deeply and we are starting on nsaids with fingers crossed. Not to worry, they are bedded up and we are obsessed with checking on her multiple times a day.

Please send kind and healing thoughts for these two old girls, they have a lot of wear and tear. We are so hopeful they can find comfort here and we can give them the gift of a ripe old age but we are sadly realistic too. Winter looms but we will keep fighting for them and so hope to make their dreams come true.

For now we will keep trying all that we can and we are grateful for the opportunity to help.

Videos (show all)

Nail care prep
Does your dog play keep away? Is leashing them up at the end of a hike a total nightmare for you but oh such fun for the...
Noises and textures and movement oh my!As we touched on last post, exposure starts in the home. This means that with som...
Exposure to new objects, sights, sounds, feelings (touch), animals and people during your puppy’s imprinting phase is in...
Bonus round! Now that your crate training is becoming a success inside the house- time to add and think outside the box....
The clicker is an amazing tool in dog training, and is a great way to mark exactly which behavior is being rewarded. It ...
Pup To It! Ah the crate. While it may not be love at first sight for your puppy, there are so many reasons to learn to L...
What nail trims should look like every time! Quick, easy, and stress-free.
TBT to this noodle head at just 3 months old 🐶❤️ glow up pictures coming soon!
The Belgian Malinois is an incredibly driven, intelligent, and athletic dog breed- making them perfect for police work, ...
Happy Monday morning from Kev the conure!
Staying cool, Ozzie style
