Stop Humanewatch

Stop Humanewatch

HumaneWatch is a paid industry smear campaign to malign the HSUS because of their work advancing laws that protect animals, which hurts profits.

Anyone who loves animals and opposes cruelty is welcome to join the discussion, but in doing so, you agree to follow our commenting policy (outlined below):
▶ Posts must be relevant to the mission of the group.
▶ Spam, personal attacks, excessive profanity, flooding (excessive posting), or violations of the Facebook Terms of Service are grounds for immediate removal from the group.
▶ Posts advocat

Jane Goodall Joins Wyoming Protestors in Buying Up Grizzly Hunt Tickets 21/07/2018

How much do you love this idea?? 😍

Jane Goodall Joins Wyoming Protestors in Buying Up Grizzly Hunt Tickets As the state prepares for its first legal grizzly hunt in years, animal advocates clash with hunting interests and state wildlife managers.

Lions kill suspected rhino poachers who sneaked onto South African game reserve 06/07/2018

Sometimes Karma creeps in on big cat feet.

Lions kill suspected rhino poachers who sneaked onto South African game reserve Suspected poachers sneaked onto a South African game reserve to hunt rhinos, but a pride of lions found them instead.

Koko the Gorilla Wasn't Human, But She Taught Us So Much About Ourselves 21/06/2018

Dear Koko, 🤘.

Koko the Gorilla Wasn't Human, But She Taught Us So Much About Ourselves Here's why she mattered so much

More than 5,600 dogs and cats helped in first round of Spayathon for Puerto Rico · A Humane Nation 17/06/2018


More than 5,600 dogs and cats helped in first round of Spayathon for Puerto Rico · A Humane Nation Our team has just completed the first stage of Spayathon for Puerto Rico, an ambitious initiative to spay and neuter 20,000 cats and dogs at no cost to pet owners on the island, and it’s been an amazing success. For seven days, surgical teams, ground . . . 

Interior moves to lift restrictions on hunting bears, wolves 22/05/2018

The National Park Service today floated a plan to remove Obama-era protections from several species. This sickening proposal would allow hunters to kill bear cubs and mother bears with cubs, use bait traps to lure bears for killing, kill wolf and coyote pups in their dens, use dogs to hunt bears, and shoot swimming caribou from motor boats.


Beginning Tuesday, May 22, visit the website: and submit a comment for "RIN (1024-AE38). Be sure to include the words "National Park Service" or "NPS" in your comment.

Interior moves to lift restrictions on hunting bears, wolves WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is moving to reverse Obama-era rules barring hunters on some public lands in Alaska from baiting brown bears with bacon and doughnuts and using spotlights to shoot mother black bears and cubs hibernating in...


Today is . Do you have a rescue dog in your life? Post their picture and story below!

The Queen Brought Meghan Markle's Dog to Windsor and It Was Too Cute to Handle 19/05/2018

Got fever? Fun fact: Meghan Markle's dog is a shelter pet!

The Queen Brought Meghan Markle's Dog to Windsor and It Was Too Cute to Handle What a good boy!

Chimp who was used in numerous science experiments, now freed, celebrates 55th birthday 12/05/2018

After years of enduring cruel and painful experiments in a medical research lab, LuluBelle celebrated her 55th birthday at Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch.

Happy Birthday, LuluBelle!

Chimp who was used in numerous science experiments, now freed, celebrates 55th birthday An east Texas humane society celebrated a pretty special primate today-- a chimpanzee who has survived decades of being experimented on...

Why Is China Treating North Carolina Like the Developing World? 25/04/2018

A massive Chinese-owned company is currently poisoning poor communities in North Carolina - and most Americans are completely unaware of this dirty industry secret.

These hog farm conglomerates have moved their operations here because it is cheaper to operate here than in China. And they don't care about the devastation they cause to the people and communities in which they operate.

Their neighbors are mostly low-income and have few resources to fight back against the well-moneyed special interests that fund these companies. As a result, concentrated agricultural feeding operations ("CAFOs") like these are able to pollute the land, water, and air with massive pig waste lagoons and sprayers that send the hog waste into the air.

CAFOs like these have put Humanewatch on their payroll to defend them against animal welfare organizations like the Humane Society of the United States, that work to stop these abusive practices that harm animals and people.

But the average American has no idea this kind of cruelty is happening. If you think this kind of "farming" is outrageous and should be stopped, you can help by sharing this post to get the word out.

Why Is China Treating North Carolina Like the Developing World? How lax regulation made it cheaper for China to outsource pork production – and all of its environmental and human costs – to the U.S.

Committee Members | Committee on Agriculture 17/04/2018


Rep. Ted Yoho filed the PAST Act to ban the cruelty of horse soring late yesterday as an amendment to the Farm Bill. This doesn't guarantee he will offer it during the hearing markup on Wednesday morning. We still have to encourage him to do that.

The pro-soring coalition is working hard to block it so they can continue their cruelty. We need as many calls as possible in to Rep. Yoho, House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway, and other Committee members encouraging them to include the PAST Act in the Farm Bill tomorrow.


Here is the committee info:

CALL the committee phone: 202-225-2171 and tell Chairman Mike Conaway to include Rep. Yoho's PAST Act amendment in the Farm Bill tomorrow to stop cruel horse soring.


via Beckstead

Committee Members | Committee on Agriculture

A fierce opponent of the Endangered Species Act is picked to oversee Interior’s wildlife policy 04/04/2018

There's a pattern here...

A fierce opponent of the Endangered Species Act is picked to oversee Interior’s wildlife policy As Texas comptroller, Susan Combs compared endangered species listings to “incoming Scud missiles” that should be shot down. She said a threatened state songbird was a danger to military readiness.

Historic initiative launched to spay/neuter over 20,000 dogs and cats in Puerto Rico : The Humane Society of the United States 01/04/2018

Historic initiative launched to spay/neuter over 20,000 dogs and cats in Puerto Rico : The Humane Society of the United States The Humane Society of the United States is proud to announce Spayathon for Puerto Rico, a high-quality, high- volume spay/neuter initiative to alter over 20,000 dogs and cats in underserved communities across the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Each animal treated will also receive rabies, leptospirosi...


The HSUS Shelter Ally Project works with a network of 350 shelter and rescue partners to lend mentorship, training and resources to other shelters that are struggling. This project will help to coordinate animal allies to fund much-needed change and find the perfect shelter partners to step in and lend a hand, including funding transports of animals out of overwhelmed shelters to shelters and rescues that are well-established and able to find them homes quickly. It also includes various support and resources as needed in each particular case, to transform the shelter's practices and facility.

These sweet pups are a few of the very first shelter pets to benefit from our brand new initiative, the HSUS Shelter Ally Project!

105 shelter dogs and puppies from Palm Valley Animal Center are off to new lives thanks to our new project. Palm Valley is an open-admission shelter in TX that takes in over 30,000 animals a year from 14 different counties. The Shelter Ally Project empowers them to move animals in their care to our Emergency Placement Partners across the country and provides ongoing training, support, and resources.

Thanks to the help of our incredible EPP, Humane Society of Tulsa, we’ll continue to move these animals to our EPPs throughout the U.S. that have space and resources to help, and free up much-needed space at Palm Valley.

Donate to our Shelter Ally Project today to help transform overwhelmed shelters like Palm Valley and help shelter pets find their forever homes! 💘

Destruction of nature as dangerous as climate change, scientists warn 26/03/2018

Destruction of nature as dangerous as climate change, scientists warn Unsustainable exploitation of the natural world threatens food and water security of billions of people, major UN-backed biodiversity study reveals

Giant elephant killed by hunter – despite research collar - Africa Geographic 26/03/2018

"The giant elephant was collared for research purposes, a fact that the entire hunting party of seven people (including a government Ranger and two trackers from the community with detailed knowledge of the area) claim not to have noticed at the time...."

Giant elephant killed by hunter – despite research collar - Africa Geographic Another giant large-tusked elephant (with research collar) has been removed from the gene pool, this time by a Russian hunter in Zimbabwe.

Breaking news: HSUS, HSI sue federal wildlife officials to stop imports of elephant, lion trophies · A Humane Nation 20/03/2018

Trophy hunting is despicable and trophy hunters kill for only one reason: to gloat over their "trophy". Deprive them of that, and you deprive them of the major reason why they pursue this abominable "sport".

Breaking news: HSUS, HSI sue federal wildlife officials to stop imports of elephant, lion trophies · A Humane Nation The HSUS, Humane Society International, and our partners today filed a lawsuit to stop the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from lifting existing bans on elephant and lion trophy imports from certain African nations. FWS announced earlier this month that it would lift the ban on elephant trophy import...

World's last male northern white rhino dies 20/03/2018

Hunted to extinction.

World's last male northern white rhino dies The world's last male northern white rhino has died leaving only two females left to save the subspecies from extinction.


Are you in Nevada? Join the candlelight rally tonight to show your support for America's wild horses!

Tonight! Join local Nevadans in a candlelight rally to save the Virginia Range mustangs! More information here:

Federal court says HSUS lawsuit to protect grizzlies can proceed · A Humane Nation 16/03/2018

Humanewatch likes to misdirect animal lovers by complaining that The Humane Society of the United States uses some of its funding for lawyers. But Humanewatch never bothers to point out that HSUS's lawyers fight to protect ALL animals.

Meanwhile, Humanewatch does nothing - not one thing - to protect animals. Instead, Humanewatch does everything it can to help strip protections from animals and allow them to be hurt and abused.

Federal court says HSUS lawsuit to protect grizzlies can proceed · A Humane Nation Our fight to protect grizzly bears cleared a hurdle this week, when a federal court gave the green light to a lawsuit challenging the premature delisting of Yellowstone-area grizzlies. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had filed a motion to indefinitely pause the case filed by The HSUS and the Fund...

Feds, district attorney launch investigation into death of puppy on United Airlines flight 15/03/2018

It shouldn't need to be said, but...

Overhead luggage compartments are airtight. Animals do not belong in overhead luggage compartments. Pets are family; not baggage.

Feds, district attorney launch investigation into death of puppy on United Airlines flight The district attorney's office in Harris County, Texas — where the flight originated — said Wednesday that its animal cruelty division is conducting an investigation into potential criminal wrongdoing in the French bulldog's death.

Harmful provisions in Congress’s spending bill would strip protections for wolves, reopen horse slaughter plants · A Humane Nation 08/03/2018

What you need to know about the 2018 Congressional Spending Bill - and what to do about it.

Harmful provisions in Congress’s spending bill would strip protections for wolves, reopen horse slaughter plants · A Humane Nation As Congress works to finalize its FY18 spending bill to fund the federal government, key protections for animals are under attack. Some members, beholden to special interests, are attempting to reopen horse slaughter plants in the United States, authorize the killing of thousands of healthy wild hor...

Trump blocks access to puppy mill inspections as Florida weighs dog store legislation 07/03/2018

And the hits keep coming.

"Every word of every inspection — from the date to the violations — were redacted from the documents provided. Providing "personnel and medical files," the agency said, would "constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy."

These records used to be available on the USDA website for anyone to search and find. But in the first month after President Donald Trump took office, the information was scrubbed entirely from the website."

Trump blocks access to puppy mill inspections as Florida weighs dog store legislation TAMPA — In May of last year, the Tampa Bay Times asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide the three most recent inspections of 15 puppy breeders who supply Tampa-area stores.

Trump to consider elephant trophy imports on 'case-by-case' basis 07/03/2018

Just four months after President Trump announced that the United States would maintain the ban on elephant trophy imports, the administration has done a disappointing U-turn.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) issued a memo announcing that it is withdrawing its ban on importing elephant trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia, beginning immediately.

Instead of the full ban, permits will now be granted to hunters on a ‘case-by-case basis’. A number of other decisions made previously under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) are also being overturned by the administration.

The ban on importing trophies from Zimbabwe and Zambia was put in place under the Obama Administration in 2014 as a measure to protect African elephants, after evidence showed that hunts in these countries did not enhance conservation efforts. After the Trump administration tried to lift the ban in November 2017, the backlash to that initiative forced President Trump to put the decision on hold.

In November, President Trump suggested his support for retaining the ban, calling trophy hunting a ‘horror show’ and the attempt to overturn the ban ‘terrible’.

But now it seems there has been a change of heart, and the USFWS has already begun issuing permits again. Since trophy hunters can again bring home evidence of their cruelty to brag about their exploits, this latest reversal of protections for the species will, undoubtedly, lead to the slaughter of more innocent elephants by American trophy hunters.

Trump to consider elephant trophy imports on 'case-by-case' basis The Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced last week that it will now consider all permits for importing elephant trophies from African nations on a “case-by-case basis," breaking from President Trump's earlier promises to maintain a

Winter Olympics: Gus Kenworthy adopts puppy from South Korean dog meat farm 27/02/2018

U.S. Olympian Gus Kenworthy isn't just a great athlete - he's a great human being!

Winter Olympics: Gus Kenworthy adopts puppy from South Korean dog meat farm The Team USA skier rescued a dog from a farm that was targeted by Humane Society International

Analysis | How reliably does animal torture predict a future school shooter? 26/02/2018

Data shows that serial killers and school shooters tend to have a history of animal abuse in their backgrounds. What's more, these two categories of criminals abuse animals in an up-close and personal manner — strangling, bludgeoning, burning or mutilating — much like serial killers.

Analysis | How reliably does animal torture predict a future school shooter? Plenty of people abuse animals. But some have especially cruel methods.

Breathtaking 'whale cam' shows how they see the world, feed and use blow holes 16/02/2018

Take a break today and check out this amazing footage of a whale's eye view of life from the World Wildlife Fund.

Breathtaking 'whale cam' shows how they see the world, feed and use blow holes Scientists attached cameras with suction cups to humpback and minke whales to

Angus the dog jumps into Kansas governor's race but won't go far 13/02/2018

Legislative Alert! Species discrimination shall not stand!

Angus the dog jumps into Kansas governor's race but won't go far Hutchinson has a dog racing to become Kansas' next governor.Truly.Terran Woolley, 3600 N. Lorraine St., set up a campaign committee Saturday for Angus P.

Lions eat suspected big cat poacher 12/02/2018

Karma sometimes just sneaks up on you.

Lions eat suspected big cat poacher The lions in the Kruger National Park in South Africa left the head and only a few remains.

Winter Olympics shines spotlight on dog meat trade in South Korea 07/02/2018

”There are hundreds of dog meat farms tucked away and nobody is talking about this. The buzz will be about the Olympics.” ~ U.S. figure skater Meagan Duhamel

Humane Society International is on the ground in South Korea, fighting the inhumane dog meat trade. Since 2014, HSI has rescued over 1,000 dogs and convinced nine dog farms to permanently close their operations.

Winter Olympics shines spotlight on dog meat trade in South Korea As the Winter Olympics prepare to begin in South Korea, some are using the event to shine a spotlight on the Korean dog meat trade.


This has been a difficult week for the Humane Society of the United States. However, the mission of HSUS remains firm. HSUS Acting President & CEO, Kitty Block is committed to making sure that HSUS will continue to drive transformational change for all animals by bringing people together to engage the political process and to create and create a kinder and more humane world.

Message from Kitty Block, Acting President & CEO for The Humane Society of the United States Kitty Block, Acting President & CEO of The Humane Society of the United States, addresses staff, volunteers and supporters.

The Humane Society of the United States accepts the resignation of Wayne Pacelle as president and CEO : The Humane Society of the United States 03/02/2018

Wayne Pacelle has resigned from the HSUS effective immediately. Kitty Block, who has served the organization capably for nearly 25 years, will be acting president and CEO until the Board of Directors finds a permanent replacement.

The Humane Society of the United States accepts the resignation of Wayne Pacelle as president and CEO : The Humane Society of the United States The Humane Society of the United States announced that it has accepted the resignation of Wayne Pacelle, as president and CEO, effective immediately.

Pork Board payments to NPPC for trademarks must cease, judge says 02/02/2018

The National Pork Producers Council is a lobbying organization that supports factory hog farms which crams thousands of pigs into tight spaces, causing unfathomable misery for the animals during their short, brutal lives.

"The Humane Society of the United States, Iowa hog producer Harvey Dillenburg and Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement sued USDA in 2012, challenging a 2006 purchase agreement between the pork board, which runs the pork check-off program, and NPPC for four trademarks. Under the terms of the agreement, NPB agreed to pay $34.6 million, but financed it over 20 years, resulting in payments of $3 million annually for 20 years."

Pork Board payments to NPPC for trademarks must cease, judge says A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has ordered a halt to annual payments from the National Pork Board to the National Pork Producers Council for trademarks including “The Other White Meat.”

When Animals Are at Risk, Special Netherlands Police Force Defends Them 30/01/2018

Animal issues and societal issues are often interconnected.

"The work is a mix of animal protection and human social services, finding practical solutions — like monthly visits to a troubled dog and its owner to ensure all is well — and judicial procedures like fines.

'Obviously, the first thing I do is to look after the animals, but often when you look further, you see the things aren’t going so well for the owner of the animals,' said Sergeant Smit, who estimates he sees malicious intent in only about 20 percent of cases."

When Animals Are at Risk, Special Netherlands Police Force Defends Them Like a Humane Society with guns, handcuffs and badges, the animal police force provides a mixture of animal protection and human social services.

Thai police arrest notorious wildlife trafficking suspect 20/01/2018

It took them more than a decade but they got their man.

Thai police arrest notorious wildlife trafficking suspect Exclusive: Boonchai Bach allegedly ran tusk and horn smuggling route from Africa

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