Refuge Hour

Refuge Hour

The Refuge Hour brings to you the gospel undiluted and presents the meaning of the church with all clarity and sincerity.


I have reached 1.5K followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


I am flabbergasted that in the Liberian politics, people attack personalities instead of attacking the issues that affect the survival of the common people. Where are those good African cultural values that our people inculcated that make us unique? Can we still boast of the fact that our country was established on Christian principles? Sad enough to note that almost every Talkshow host of Liberia treats women and elderly men with disdain by the F and A words that are sung in their daily songs on social media. I think Liberia needs Spiritual resuscitation.


Once we are willing, ready and available, God will do the rest. We broke ground for God’s mission and there is no devil that can stand in the way of what God is about to do. To God be all the glory for this vision.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray , and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land( 2 Chronicles 7:14). The wall between you and your God is your inability to step out of your comfort zone of rebellion. Our God is a merciful and compassionate God. He will change your story when you step out of your comfort zone!


GRTMI FARGO 1st Sunday Worship Service
December 5, 2021

Photos from Refuge Hour's post 26/09/2021

One of the things that the enemy uses to make us doubt God is discouragement. He brings challenges in our way and makes us think that God has abandoned us and that he has the solution to our problem. It is important to note that the problem of the enemy is bigger than any challenge that he brings in our way.If you think that the whole world has dropped from under you, just try praise and if you do not know how to praise Him, just ask the Voice Of Praise(VOP) of GRTMI, Fargo, USA. Here is a secret: it confuses the devil when you praise God in your problems. Yes, just try praise.


AUGUST 8, 2021


You may not drive a car in your entire life. You may not live in your own home until your life here on earth is ended ; and you may never have the opportunity to enter an aircraft but so what! You may not do any of those things that man regards as great things but God created you for a purpose and no matter how little that can be, once you can accomplish it , you are fulfilled. If any Prophet tells you that you were supposed to accomplish great things in this life, tell them that everyone is unique. Tell them that there are preachers today who own private jets but John The Baptist didn’t have the time to eat on the cheapest table in his time. Go on and celebrate yourself!!!!!


AUGUST 1, 2021


The true meaning of one’s life is not the wealth he has accumulated but the lives that he has positively affected by even the little he has. What you truly are will truly be known when your life here on earth is ended. Be careful what you do as a child of God because those who watch what you do are more than those you can see.


Rev. Swendorwlehpo Kehson, Senior Pastor of GRTMI CHURCH FARGO, ND, pronouncing benediction at the close of the Father’s Day celebration.


The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him(Ezekiel 18:20). In this dispensation of Grace where the grace of God is abused by both the Godly and the unGodly, the message of death whether physical or spiritual is paramount. Come and experience the greatness of God. CRUSADE MINNEAPOLIS JULY 23,2021.


One of the greatest teachers that can push any serious minded person to jump over his challenges against all odds is Mr. Failure.


Be careful what you do with the world around you because when the world out there knows when you sleep and when you wake up from sleep, it is the world around you that tells the story. Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss, so your own case will not be different. However, you don’t have to worry about what people think and say about you; just keep your hands clean!


The prosperity gospel is killing the church of God. It is the doctrine that teaches that Prosperity is a sign of God’s blessing and that the poor are poor because of lack of faith. This heresy is the devil’s idea. I want my good readers to read Matthew 25:31-40. The response of Jesus in Matthew 25:40 tells us that prosperity is not the mark of faith and poverty is not the lack of faith.


A Biblical hill of Megiddo, an Archaeological site on the plain of Esdraelon, South of present-day Haifa in Israel. The place where the battle between the good and evil will be fought before the judgment Day. We visited here during our trip to Israel somewhere in March of 2017.


In 2017 , a study conducted showed that 150000 people die each day globally. If we multiply this number by the 365 days in the year, we have 54,750 000 dying annually. With this being said, about 547,500 000 deaths have occurred since the birth of a ten years old child. This is incredible! My dear good people, we owe our existence to the living God. Thank you Father for your many blessings.


Greatness is not wickedness just as wealth accumulated through corruption is not success. When you’ve sincerely and genuinely worked for what you have, not even a knife to your throat can stop you from smiling.

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GRTMI FARGO 1st Sunday Worship Service  December 5, 2021

