Frankly Co

Frankly Co

The online community for driven female entrepreneurs that provides them with what they need to know

Motivation Is Key for Attracting and Retaining Talented Employees - Frankly Co. 27/01/2023

Do you know why Disney's theme parks are so successful? Every team member knows how much of a difference they make to guests. If you want to motivate employees and reap the corresponding business benefits of that motivation, you need to provide your team with meaning. Check out our blog to learn more by clicking the link below.

Motivation Is Key for Attracting and Retaining Talented Employees - Frankly Co. Not sure how to motivate others as a leader? Attracting and retaining talented employees begins and ends with purpose. It's up to you to help them find it.


Surround yourself with individuals who share your same values and beliefs. It's through common ground that trust is built!

New episode with Linda Kagan is out! Subscribe to the Podcast here:


Scouting for venture capitalist support for your business? Here's a tip: make sure your strategy and plan of action are intact! 🙌🏻


Motivation, determination, and inspired action are all things that come from within. In order to achieve and receive everything that you desire, it is imperative to do the inner work. S**t happens. Especially when growing a business. Being able to stay calm through the chaos and not downward spiral fast into the "I can't believe I signed up for this" pure panic mode is so important. Being able to ride the waves as they come while still having the belief in yourself and your work is everything. You get to feel amazing, successful, abundant, prosperous, happy, joyful, grateful, and all the things now, regardless of how things are looking on the outside. "I'll see it when I believe it" is far more effective and fun than "I'll believe it when I see it." The storms will happen, so why not find the funny in them, the lessons in them, and the opportunities in them, while still feeling successful, strong, abundant, peaceful, and joyful as much as you can?


Hey siri, play "everyday I'm flourishing" by The Universe


It is important to check in and see how you are doing. Be honest with yourself about all the things you are doing oh so well and all the things you could be doing a little bit differently. Identify those areas, while giving yourself some love, and see how you could change things up. When you are honest with yourself while still being kind and can laugh it off, you are able to see those areas of improvement quickly and easily and adapt accordingly.


What is success to you? Sometimes it's when you find joy and contentment in whatever it is that you're doing!

"It's not happening to you, it's happening for you"
- Don't you agree that every challenge is an opportunity for growth and self-improvement? Comment down below! 🙌🏻


The employees are the ones who make a business grow. They fuel a company towards success 🙌


This is the year you actually get everything you want; the year where the list of goals you made all get accomplished. The year where all your dreams come to fruition in a way that is far better than you ever could have imagined. This is the year you have fun, you flow, you grow, you thrive, you flourish, you love, you laugh, you dream, you acheive. This is the year where you get to be the best version of you all while having fun, filled with joy and doing what you love, building the company of your dreams, helping so many people, being abundant and prosperous AF and having the best time doing it all. This is your year. Are you ready?


Happy 2023 Frankly family! We are so excited for all the success 2023 is bringing to all of us female entrepreneurs! Take this day to relax, rejoice, rest and smile with gratitude for the first day of this amazing year. Tomorrow, it's go time


We are so grateful for all that has happened this past year and are so excited for 2023. Frankly Co. will officially be releasing in February. We can't wait for you to see all we have been working on for you incredible female entrepreneurs. We think you are truly modern-day superheroes, so we have been creating some superhero tools just for you. We are so grateful for all of you and can't wait to watch you continue to soar and achieve so much. We love you, we are here for you, and we can't wait to see all of you win some more in 2023.


Awareness of what didn't work is important. Staying stuck in the feeling of disappointment is not. In fact, it makes things harder. You get to see objectively what went so well and what didn't work out. Both are amazing because both are learning experiences. It is important to reflect, to learn from your "mistakes," but then let them go. "Thank you for the lessons these things have taught me. I am now ready to move forward and do things differently. I am grateful for all I learned from this." This is so important to get out of the stuckness disappointment can drag you into. It allows you to move forward without the shame, guilt, and fear of doing things that didn't work in the past. It allows openness, gratitude, and clarity and with this, you can move forward with that energy and feel really good while taking the next best step for your business.


What is success to you? Sometimes it's when you find joy and contentment in whatever it is that you're doing!


What is success to you? Sometimes it's when you find joy and contentment in whatever it is that you're doing!



Top 3 Takeaways from Serial Entrepreneurs

There are important key takeaways as a serial entrepreneur, and this might help you along the way.

1. Always be proactive in your deck if there is a problem right away since VCs are much more focused on tangible metrics.
2. Always deliver your content clearly in the first part of it so that listeners remain interested.
3. It's also important that we're clear on who will be receiving this information and how they can use what we've given them.


We know how this goes - end of the year = goal setting and reflecting and each year we find that we set the most badass amazing goals, yet we only achieved some of them if any at all. Why is that? We have all this inspiration and excitement when we set them, yet our actions taken after do not align. It's not because we lack motivation, it's because we get stuck, overwhelmed, uncertain, no idea how to actually achieve the goals we set. We may take action, but the actions do not get us the results we are looking for and then the motivation fades FAST. We feel like we failed and don't know what to do next. Milestone setting is great when it comes to working towards your goals; it allows you to celebrate the little wins along the way and feel so good that you are on the right path. They allow you to see what is working and what is not and where to change course. It is important to celebrate what goes well along the way, even if it seems super small in comparison to your big beautiful dreams. When you celebrate, your energy is super high in its vibrations, and just like when you are in a bad mood and start to spiral and everything that could possibly go wrong, does, the same happens in reverse when you are feeling good, in that high vibe celebratory state. Good things keep on coming. So here is to our upwards spiral, smashing all our goals out of the park, and continuously creating new, big, beautiful goals and milestones, and celebrating all the things along the way.


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating. I am so grateful and thankful for all of you, my Frankly Co. fam!


Taking a vacation for fun as opposed to taking a vacation because if you don't you feel like you might fully collapse and go into full phase meltdown mode are very different things. When you are running your own company and you take a vacation it can go more or less one of three ways: 1) You have the best time, grateful for this freedom and abundance and badassery that is you and your life and know you get to go back extra refreshed and continue to crush it like you always do 2) You panic every second of vacation that your company will fail because you took 5 days off and don't trust your team to get it done or 3) You are completely on your last marble and can barely enjoy vacation because it is over before you know it and you know you will be rundown in less than half a second when you go home. I don't know about you, but 1 sounds fabulous to me and the rest are not my cup of tea. Focus on creating a structure, a solid team, and a healthy routine daily where you work efficiently and get to have fun and breathe easily (at least of most of the time) so you can enjoy your life and your business.


The amazing thing about the internet and all that we get with technology, is you can find inspiration everywhere. Podcasts, social media, books, articles, you name it, you can find someone with an amazing story to inspire you. How cool is that?! It is pretty freaking cool, however when the awe moments ware off, what happens? You are in the exact same spot as you were before, panicking about what to do next in your business, because you have no freaking clue. It's nice to hear how someone else did it, how they overcame adversity, and how you believed you could do it to, because girl, YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. However, that doubt kicks in just as quickly as that inspiration wore off, because there was no action that came with that inspiration. Action by itself is not efficient, but inspired action, yields the best kind of results and it does it crazy fast


Understand what you have and what you need and this will save you from unnecessary headaches!


Inspired and aligned action moves you forward faster than anything else in your business. Taking action by itself is not efficient, you may take the wrong action, you may take smaller right actions, but reaching your business goals takes far longer that way than if you take ALIGNED action. When you do your own inner work so your thoughts, beliefs and words are aligned with your personal and professional goals, you get inspired to take certain actions that feel really good and authentic from who you are being and that is when the magic happens.


If you want to go faster, slow down. I know, this seems counterintuitive, however, it is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and the grind of growing your business, that you end up making decisions that are less than optimal because you are going at record speed. Slow down and reconnect with your intuition. Take 5 minutes to just breathe. Go for a run. Take a bath. Give yourself a founder time out and set your timer. No business planning, no millions of ideas of new things for your business, just quiet. When you slow down and allow yourself to have that time when you do go back to growing your business your mind is at ease and refreshed and you will find you are able to make better decisions from this calmer place that feels better and are more effective.


An effective leader should be aware and accountable for any decision made in their business!


You can have a vision for the exact way your company will unfold, have your entire strategy, offering, and everything lined up to the exact detail. However, once your customers start coming along, and once things start moving you will see things need to change and change quickly. The plan you came up with might have been great on paper, but your customers will start to show you what they really want, what they use of your offering, and which content of yours they consume. Be adaptable - it is great to have a plan, to know what means the most to you and things you will not shift on because those are aligned, but everything else? Be willing to shift and grow and your business will grow with you. If you can't adapt, your company will be capped in its growth.


If something doesn't work out, find another way around it! Resourcefulness is a skill that every entrepreneur should have!


Focusing on the value you add to people's lives will shift your mindset about selling your product or service and will be your motivation to serve more people through whatever it is that you are offering. Are you ready to change lives?


There is literally no one else on this earth who is you. You are unique, you are beautiful. Your story, your perspective, your path, your triumphs, your struggles, your pain, your disapointments, your victories, your joy, your celebrations, they are all uniquely yours. There are your gifts that allow you to do and see things differently and allow you to be as you are. The choices you make from this uniqueness allow you to grow, to learn, to experience and no matter what challenges come along your road, no matter what opportunities to learn arise, you get to navigate through them as you. There is literally no one who is you, and you are pretty freaking awesome. Celebrate you today.


I love when a mentor or colleague says something that is so simple that truly hits home. Many times we as founders overthink things, thinking that the answer to success or solving a particular roadblock we face is something huge and complex. I have found that it is rarely something very complicated, it is usually simple and therefore not always the one we think of. When we surround ourselves with intelligent, like-minded, and objective friends, colleagues, mentors, coaches, and community, we are able to move through things quicker. Having that community to easily point out the "obvious" is huge. It's quite fun actually when the simplest path is the most efficient one. Comment below if you have ever overthought something in your business that turned out to have a simple solution!


Don't just be a boss, but be a leader that your people deserve and love to work with.

Videos (show all)

Scouting for venture capitalist support for your business? Here's a tip: make sure your strategy and plan of action are ...
Hey siri, play "everyday I'm flourishing" by The Universe #FranklyCo #femaleentrepeneurlife #femaleentrepreneurassociati...
Scouting for venture capitalist support for your business? Here's a tip: make sure your strategy and plan of action are ...
The employees are the ones who make a business grow. They fuel a company towards success 🙌#femaleownedbusiness #femaleen...
We are so grateful for all that has happened this past year and are so excited for 2023. Frankly Co. will officially be ...
What is success to you? Sometimes it's when you find joy and contentment in whatever it is that you're doing! #successmi...
What is success to you? Sometimes it's when you find joy and contentment in whatever it is that you're doing! #successmi...
Top 3 Takeaways from Serial EntrepreneursThere are important key takeaways as a serial entrepreneur, and this might help...
Taking a vacation for fun as opposed to taking a vacation because if you don't you feel like you might fully collapse an...
Understand what you have and what you need and this will save you from unnecessary headaches! #businesstips101 #entrepre...
An effective leader should be aware and accountable for any decision made in their business! #effectiveleaders #womenwho...
