Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Welcome to Kami Wisdom Coaching! I am stoked you're here. This page is meant to bring a community of bad ass women together to SUPPORT on another.

Here you can share tips, wins, education and again, support. Have fun & welcome to your life transformation!

Photos from Fitness and Nutrition Coach's post 09/08/2022

Heard this on a podcast yesterday.

Honestly no words needed on this one.


Just something about this quote ya know šŸ„ø itā€™s provocative- gets the people going.

Timeline photos 26/08/2020

Get out of your own way.

Step into the comfort of the unknown.

Watch as the beauty of your life unfolds.

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

I remember the moment so vividly.

I was talking to someone and I was really into this person. One night after work we met up with a bunch of said person's friends.

This is the first time I was meeting that person's friends and I was really excited.

All the boys were there and I a) love meeting new people and b) love chillin' with the boys.

I was wearing a hat and quite frankly didn't look my best because I had just gotten off work-bartending.

So here we are all chatting having a few beers things were going great. They seemed to like me and we all got along well. I vibe with this, it's important for me to get along with the person I like friends.

AND THEN.. haha here it is. ( I laugh about this now because it's years later but I tell you this truly freaking scarred me and made me SO SAD.

We're gathered round all laughing, drinking. I remove my hat.

In the DEAD SILENCE of the group of 12+ people one of their friends looks at me with this wide eye look and says...

"yikes you should put your hat back on."


My heart raced dude. I was so embarrassed.

Why? because this guy literally in front of strangers that I was trying to get to know had just spotted and then disclosed with zero remorse my BIGGEST INSECURITY.

Which if you haven't put together is this big ol' dome piece I got in between my eyebrows and my hair line.

I was mortified. literally mortified. I started sweating and reluctantly kept the hat off for a moment because- you know ego- before I slyly slipped my comfort zone right back on my head.

I still think about this moment.
It really really rattled me.
My emotions, my acceptance and my overall feelings toward the person I was talking to quickly changed from excitement to humiliation.

No one stood up for me.
No one said anything.
Which was validation of my insecurity once more.

Here's what I did.

After that meeting I went back home alone, I thought about the comment. I stared in the mirror.
I was sad, I was upset , I wanted a different face. A different forehead.

I looked, get this, at hair implants that could possibly lower my hairline. HAHA

And then I put my big girl pants on and realized:

Everyone has insecurities. everyone has something about their body they wished they could change. everyone.

was I humiliated? yes
was I sad? yes
was I going to let this comment and fear override my confidence and internal thoughts about myself? (momentarily, yes) but overall NO.

I started accepting myself.
I started saying nice things to myself.
I started to wear hats less.
I started to embrace the one thing about me I wanted to change forever...

in hindsight I am glad it happened because without that I wouldn't have been put into reflection mode, I would have stayed in fear mode.

Moral of the story:

No matter what you think you have that you want to change but ultimately cant you are far more beautiful than you think.
no one see's your insecurities like the mind of the ego.

let the negative thoughts be.
be kind to yourself.
know if you have a working brain, a home, a warm shower, shoes on your feet, ability to read and write.

THAT YOU MY FRIEND, HAVE GOT IT GOIN' ON! (& are luckier than most)

This life is not about looks; its about your values, who you are as a human, how you treat others, the actions you take, the thoughts you think, what you leave the earth behind with.

Nobody is leaving this earth lookin the way they came out. We all age, we all get old. who you are as a human is the ONE thing no one can take from you.

thanks for reading if you did, tell me your insecurity in the comments below.

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

-i will make this short in sweet-


(thanks for my daddy, for this one!)

FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL. If you can't change it move on.

There's no sense in worrying about things that are uncontrollable.

You spill coffee on yourself in the car on the way to work.

You can:

1. Get mad as hell and let it affect you for the entire day. (what a waste of precious energy if you ask me)

2. Realize you can't do anything about it. Dust (wipe) it off and move on.

Make a joke. Smile at ya self.


Moving on....

Timeline photos 23/08/2020
Timeline photos 22/08/2020

Kami Wisdom


I remember thinking this many many times in my early to mid twenties (lol sometimes still, I am 26)

I felt like I had lost, re lost and lost many times more, my identity.

I was no longer a kid, not really an adult. Trying to make adult decisions.

What job will I have, what career do I want to pursue, how will I pay my bills, where will I live.

These things changed many, many times. As did my identity.

I was once the life of the party.
A bartender.
Studying something I wasn't really in love with.
The 'fit' girl.
the girl who could hang with the boys.

These identities haunted me, I felt like I wanted to change but also hold onto the things that made me, well me.

I was scared to shed the things I was once known so well for.
The things that I had many friends because of.

It took many times over and over of me:

not being able to pay my bills.
being so bored at a party and HATING myself the next morning.
being stuck in an industry that was feeding my addiction and unhealthy lifestyle.
hanging out with people and having conversations that literally drained my soul.
feeling like I was literally lost and had no direction in life.
being alone- very alone with my thoughts.
hating the jobs I was working-and the amount of hours.

You see it took a lot, many years for me to say I had had enough.

Enough of the faking it. Enough of the just doing it to socialize, make money or 'this is how my 20's are supposed to feel' until I wanted more.

and I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.

Look I know we gotta make ends meet. We gotta do things that don't necessarily make us HAPPY 24/7.

But you can question that. You can deviate from the norm. (honestly f$%& the norm) what is normal anyways.

See this life is tooooo short for that. This life is over and done in the blink of an eye.

So instead of asking who am i? I started to switch my language to who the hell do I WANT to BECOME!

I started to step away and enjoy different things. Feed my soul with richness. (not $$ but actual tangible things)

I started to get to know myself and things in my life started falling together.

I finally had figured out what DIDN'T make me happy. Time to figure out what the heck actually did make me happy.

I challenged the norm.

and I expect you to do the same.

you get to live. you get to breathe. you get to work. you get to make choices.

why not make the choice on what your life will become.
start to figure out what makes you happy. truly happy. what your soul enjoys and thrives in.

Once you do I swear the pieces of your life fall in front of your face like a puzzle. everything just starts to happen.

So question: WHO ARE YOU??
wanna work on getting better from the inside out? DM me let's chat, let's work through it together.

I've been through the ringer. maybe I can provide some guidance for ya!

Thanks for reading, if you did, tell me your favorite color in the comments below ;)

Coaching link in bio :)

signing out- coachkwizz

Timeline photos 22/08/2020


I remember thinking this many many times in my early to mid twenties (lol sometimes still, I am 26)

I felt like I had lost, re lost and lost many times more, my identity.

I was no longer a kid, not really an adult. Trying to make adult decisions.

What job will I have, what career do I want to pursue, how will I pay my bills, where will I live.

These things changed many, many times. As did my identity.

I was once the life of the party.
A bartender.
Studying something I wasn't really in love with.
The 'fit' girl.
the girl who could hang with the boys.

These identities haunted me, I felt like I wanted to change but also hold onto the things that made me, well me.

I was scared to shed the things I was once known so well for.
The things that I had many friends because of.

It took many times over and over of me:

not being able to pay my bills.
being so bored at a party and HATING myself the next morning.
being stuck in an industry that was feeding my addiction and unhealthy lifestyle.
hanging out with people and having conversations that literally drained my soul.
feeling like I was literally lost and had no direction in life.
being alone- very alone with my thoughts.
hating the jobs I was working-and the amount of hours.

You see it took a lot, many years for me to say I had had enough.

Enough of the faking it. Enough of the just doing it to socialize, make money or 'this is how my 20's are supposed to feel' until I wanted more.

and I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.

Look I know we gotta make ends meet. We gotta do things that don't necessarily make us HAPPY 24/7.

But you can question that. You can deviate from the norm. (honestly f$%& the norm) what is normal anyways.

See this life is tooooo short for that. This life is over and done in the blink of an eye.

So instead of asking who am i? I started to switch my language to who the hell do I WANT to BECOME!

I started to step away and enjoy different things. Feed my soul with richness. (not $$ but actual tangible things)

I started to get to know myself and things in my life started falling together.

I finally had figured out what DIDN'T make me happy. Time to figure out what the heck actually did make me happy.

I challenged the norm.

and I expect you to do the same.

you get to live. you get to breathe. you get to work. you get to make choices.

why not make the choice on what your life will become.
start to figure out what makes you happy. truly happy. what your soul enjoys and thrives in.

Once you do I swear the pieces of your life fall in front of your face like a puzzle. everything just starts to happen.

So question: WHO ARE YOU??
wanna work on getting better from the inside out? DM me let's chat, let's work through it together.

I've been through the ringer. maybe I can provide some guidance for ya!

Thanks for reading, if you did, tell me your favorite color in the comments below ;)

Coaching link in bio :)

signing out- coachkwizz

Timeline photos 21/08/2020

"I need a break"

For the majority of us the gym has not been consistently in our lives everyday for years.

Yo, I get it.

I took a freaking hellacius break from the gym like a whole year. It has been my biggest break to date. Probably since I was 15.

June 2019-June 2020 I barely even touched a gym door.

I am not as strong, have as much muscle tone as I previously did. AND THATS OKAY!

Look we all take breaks from things we either enjoy or know are good for us. It's totally normal to not be consistent especially when we're not working towards a goal right?

So here you are ready to get after it, maybe a pandemic has happened, maybe you traveled, started dating someone WHATEVER IT WAS/IS here are a few tips to get back into a groove.

1. START SMALL-smaller weights, smaller workouts (time/volume), smaller goals.

Instead of 6 days/week try for 3.
Instead of 135lb warm up try 90lb or less.
Instead of eating salads and chicken breast. Eat normal food and work to integrate more healthy foods into your day.

Drink Water
Start a sleep schedule
Eat some color
Have compassion for yourself.
Take it easy.

Remember, you are a flower.

You don't plant a seed and expect it to grow into a beautiful flower overnight.
You have to water it, provide the right environment, give it love, AND TIME.

You are a flower. Give yourself time to blossom. But remember you must plant the seed in order for the process to start. JUST START. SOMEWHERE.


Kami Wisdom


This is a romaninan deadlift using dumbbells instead of a bar.

Stand tall with feet shoulder width apart!
Lock your shoulder blades back and keep the chest high in the starting position.
Hips go back first
Let the weight naturally come down as you push hips back
Reach for mid shins and squeeze glutes to come up to starting position,

This is a GLUTE & HAMMY exercise you should feel your hamstrings tighthen at the bottom and feel your glutes SQUEEZE at the top!

I recommend 6-12 reps here 3-4 sets, with 0-60 sec rest inbetween sets.

Timeline photos 15/08/2020

Soft flex with tha boy Petey!!!


Timeline photos 13/08/2020


For real though too many times our worst critic is the one inside our heads.

Iā€™ve been there.

Never felt good enough.

Sometimes I still feel this way. But it is my my unconscious mind that leads me down this path.

Once I notice (awareness) the thought. I explore (feel) it. I then correct (conscious thought) my thought and sweep a positive one right next to it.

It works.

Start to notice your thoughts.

What do they say in hard times, what are you vulnerabilities?

How do you handle them?

A simple mindset shift can help you get through this.

1. Awareness
2. Feel it
3. Replace with positive thought
4. Hype yourself TF up.

Unconscious->conscious and present.

Present always wins.

Stay sane my friends. Times are weird šŸ‘½

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

Iā€™m spillin some knowledge today.

The holy grail of info. How tf do I set my calories.

Depending on your goal, body weight and exercise level this can all change.

But I want to make it simple.

I want to make it so that everyone understands.

Hereā€™s how to set your maintenance calories. Wanna know how to lose or gain?

DM letā€™s get a plan for ya šŸ˜Š

Photos from Fitness and Nutrition Coach's post 11/08/2020

How to maintain posture throughout daily life and during workouts!

Pelvic positioning is important:

It sets the tone for your upper and lower body to stabilize as efficiently as possible.

If you have

šŸ˜« low back pain
šŸ˜« sit all day at a desk
šŸ˜« have a weak core

You are susceptible to the pelvic tilt.

But look no further there is a simple cure.

The most effective one is awareness of your posture. āœ…

Practice squeezing and engaging you glutes to activate them throughout your day.
10 sec hold/ 10 sec release.

Check yourself in the mirror is your pant line neutral (straight)?

Fix it by tucking your hips under (anterior pelvic tilt)

Pushing hips back and neutral (posterior pelvic tilt)

Your pelvic bone, which can be felt on both men and women should be vertical. Straight up and down.

It shouldnā€™t slope in ward / or outward \ it should be straight up and down |

Photos from Fitness and Nutrition Coach's post 10/08/2020

Bruhhh. It happened to me yesterday.

It used to happen all of the time.

And then I identified what was causing it. A viscous cycle that I HAD TO BE CONSCIOUS OF.

My trigger; drinking alcohol.

Honestly any amount gets me. Iā€™m 4ā€™11ā€ 100 lb. I used to drink like a freaking fish and combine it with uppers to keep me going.

I lived in a world of anxiety to which I never thought I would escape.

I knew I had to get rid of something. But it took many, I mean many times of fu***ng up. Of pure frustration and hate towards myself to finally muster the courage to make a change and actually go through with it.

I had to take time away from people, identify what I wanted in life. What I NO LONGER wanted and what no longer SERVED ME.

The realization was pretty easy. Taking the steps to change was fu***ng hard.

Cutting out friends, saying no, getting called a ā€œpu$$yā€ because I didnā€™t want another drink, or left to go home early.

The point is. You have to be very clear and real with yourself as to what you want in life.

You have to know that the changes you want to make may not all be easy. As a matter of fact most of them will be hard.

If youā€™re clear about a goal, and want to make it happen nothing can stop you.

Even a binge. Something that would rule me for 4-5 days and repeat constantly now doesnā€™t hinder me.

Am I perfect? No
Does it happen? Yes
Am I still learning? Absolutely

I am more clear with what my triggers are and what I want now more than ever.

I have complete control over my choices, take responsibility for them and march forward.

Love yourself through this process.

Keep going.

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

Bruhhh. It happened to me yesterday.

It used to happen all of the time.

And then I identified what was causing it. A viscous cycle that I HAD TO BE CONSCIOUS OF.

My trigger; drinking alcohol.

Honestly any amount gets me. Iā€™m 4ā€™11ā€ 100 lb. I used to drink like a freaking fish and combine it with uppers to keep me going.

I lived in a world of anxiety to which I never thought I would escape.

I knew I had to get rid of something. But it took many, I mean many times of fu***ng up. Of pure frustration and hate towards myself to finally muster the courage to make a change and actually go through with it.

I had to take time away from people, identify what I wanted in life. What I NO LONGER wanted and what no longer SERVED ME.

The realization was pretty easy. Taking the steps to change was fu***ng hard.

Cutting out friends, saying no, getting called a ā€œpu$$yā€ because I didnā€™t want another drink, or left to go home early.

The point is. You have to be very clear and real with yourself as to what you want in life.

You have to know that the changes you want to make may not all be easy. As a matter of fact most of them will be hard.

If youā€™re clear about a goal, and want to make it happen nothing can stop you.

Even a binge. Something that would rule me for 4-5 days and repeat constantly now doesnā€™t hinder me.

Am I perfect? No
Does it happen? Yes
Am I still learning? Absolutely

I am more clear with what my triggers are and what I want now more than ever.

I have complete control over my choices, take responsibility for them and march forward.

Love yourself through this process.

Keep going.

Timeline photos 09/08/2020

2 years and have spent less than 72 hours away from each other.

And for the most part itā€™s so much fun.

Who else would I move states, cities, quarantine with rather than ? Absolutely no one. Couldnā€™t have done it without you. šŸ’“

Love you honey šŸÆ

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

I canā€™t tell you how many times I wished someone would just tell me it was going to be okay.

So this is for you. My beautiful friend.

Everything will always be okay.

Stay positive.

Photos from Fitness and Nutrition Coach's post 07/08/2020

Health is not a cut and dry system. Itā€™s a spectrum. šŸŒˆ

No one person had to do the same thing as another.

You donā€™t have to start with weighing and tracking ever food.

You donā€™t have to over exercise and stay in the gym doing hours of cardio.

You donā€™t have to be perfect.

This is a learning process.

Learning how to incorporate health into YOUR life is the goal.

Karen and Josies life looks different. Do they need to do the same things in order to be healthy?

Absolutely not. Itā€™s what works for them.

Start small. Do something for you. Do something that matter to YOUR HEALTH.

āœ…Stay consistent
āœ…Start small
āœ…Have empathy for yourself
āœ…Know it will not happen overnight.
āœ…Love yourself

Body update ā˜ŗļø


Timeline photos 03/08/2020

Bruh today I went to the gym for the first time in 4 WEEKS!! & got kicked out.

Lol so before you ask why the bell did we get kicked out it was NOT my fault. Some paranoid lady heard Noah cough and told him to leave.

& were a package deal soo.

My first workout got cut short BUT dude it felt so good to get back in it and immediately I can to wait to go back.

Also why tf have I not been to the gym in 4 weeks???

Let me explain my last few years to you so you can understand a bit. *warning long post*

In 2012 I entered college, upon my first semester I did a lot of partying and even more not caring. I remember seeing a photo of myself at a party and everything changed for me.

I started working out because I HATED my body.

ā€œMy thighs are too big.ā€

ā€œI have no definitionā€

I had stretch marks from the weigh I gained. My face was pudgy I honestly just hated everything.

So I went on a m***a fkn mission.

2015- I decided to do my first bikini competition. Honestly no clue what I was doing I just knew I wanted to change my body and was willing to do whatever it took.

November 5 2015 I stepped on stage feeling more proud of myself than I ever had. But still was not satisfied.

2016 in the Spring I graduated college. Literally having NO CLUE what I wanted to do.

I was a bartender with broken dreams and an empty bank account.

I moved the week before I walked for graduation to Missouri, Lake of the Ozark where I started a travel bartender gig for a couple years.

For those of you who are like whatā€™s a travel bartender: I worked seasonally basically; 6 months in the summer somewhere and moved 6 months to work in the winter.

I did this for 2 years trying to figure out what I was doing with my life.

Fun fact I lived in the Virgin Islands and Lake of the Ozarks.

I kept up with my fitness it would be around 2018 and I kind of lost all my motivation to lift.

Iā€™ll tell you why.... partying and lack of focus. I got lazy point blank. I started doing drugs, not sleeping, not taking care of my body.

And guess what happened? I lost ALL OF MY MUSCLE. literally 10 lbs of it. I looked sick kinda of.

But with that canā€™t a shift of actually liking my bod

Timeline photos 31/07/2020

I always advise my clients to weigh in at the rate they feel COMFORTABLE.

Some people are comfortable with weighing in multiple times per week, or day.

Some people obsess over the numbers and it hinders their mental health or progress.

Although there is good data on weighing in daily I typically suggest every few days.

Why? To allow your body to adjust to your current regimen, to take in account for your water, food and hormonal changes.

Itā€™s okay for your weight to fluctuate day to day! In fact itā€™s totally normal. Donā€™t let that stop or scare you away from your progress and goals.

Know that what youā€™re doing will take time and consistency.

If youā€™re not seeing progress in 2 weeks check with your coach to see if adjustments need to be made.

Check your consistency. Weā€™re you 80% successful at your nutrition and exercise? If so maybe your nutrition needs to be modified.

Easily done when you have a coach on your side to guide you in the right direction.

Weā€™re looking for progress. Not perfection. Keep going.

Peace love and unity itā€™s my friends. Stay healthy.


Who is ready to turn their life upside down? I still have a few spots on my roster for coaching!

If you are:

A woman looking for guidance and education of what, when, how to eat properly.

Tried other 'fad' diets, programs that aren't customized to your individual needs.

Frustrated with not knowing what to do and seeing no progress.

Have 20+lbs to lose and are ready to do whatever it takes.

Want a coach who is there for you! Will keep you accountable and on track with daily, weekly check-ins and customize your nutrition and workout plans just for you!

No cookie cutter coach who is going to tell you what you want to hear but what YOU NEED to hear.

If this is you fill out an application to work with me. There is no commitment involved for this! Let's hop on a phone call and see if I can help you achieve your dreams.

Link for application ^^^


Hey all,

I wanted to touch base on a few things MINDSET.

Changing your life is NOT easy. It takes time, grit, and hard work.

The things you're doing (tracking, exercising, regular sleep, drinking water) are NOT easy to integrate into your life. It will take time focus and energy.

The payoff=freaking priceless. You can't beat waking up feeling energized, looking in the mirror and seeing something HAPPENING.

You MUST give yourself grace, you must be patient and KNOW you will fail, you will have set backs. When you fail and push through you will teach yourself one of the most valuable lessons in life; and that is that you are


Once you set your mind to something and put the pieces into play, your life SHIFTS, your mind SHIFTS, your world CHANGES.

You have to prepare for things to not be easy. Ask yourself WHY you are doing this in the first place. Why does this change MATTER to you?? If it doesn't you likely will not change, but if it does. If you're willing to go through the hard s**t to get where you want to be, the possibilities are ENDLESS.

Here are my top 4 tips to having a POWERFUL MINDSET:

1. Pay attention to the constant stream of words that enter your brain. When something bad happens to you what are your first thoughts? Do you have a string of negative thoughts on repeat? Are you KIND and encouraging to yourself? Start to be aware of your thoughts, what are they saying? How do they make you feel. When you start to notice something negative coming, pause, take a deep breath and replace that negative with a positive. Check in see how you feel. KEEP GOING.

2. Stay PRESENT. This one is important. For someone who has struggled with crippling anxiety my entire life I know the importance of staying in the present. When you visit the past, you dwell. When you fast forward to the future, you stress. When you are present you are sound, you are in the moment you are able to focus, concentrate, have peace of mind. My mantra is: I am here. I am (insert current activity) walking. I take a deep breath, analyze what I smell, what the weather feels like. What my body feels like. I am here. I am walking. I am safe. I am right here. Present.

3. Growth Mindset. This one really changed my life. There is something extremely powerful about knowing you can truly accomplish anything. "The limit does not exist" (If you know you know) When you can truly look at anything in front of you and say I can do this. I maybe don't know how yet but I can figure it out. It's life changing. Know that you are powerful, capable, and everything is figure-outable. If you're interested in learning more about this shift the book by Carol Dweck "Mindset" is for you.

4. Talk to yourself as you would a friend. Give yourself advice that you would give a friend. When I started my business my perfectionist, imposter syndrome really drove my thoughts. I spoke with my boyfriend about what I was feeling. He immediately paused me, and said what would you tell a friend, client, family member? Boom I was right back. I recited the things I would tell a friend if she was coming at me with my thoughts. I immediately felt safe, okay. My anxiety had vanished. I was doing just fine.

The mind is a powerful tool. It will run you if you let it, but once you turn the corner and learn to navigate the depths of the most robust machine on this planet you are in control of everything in your life.

It will take time, practice, and consistency. But doesn't everything worth doing? Keep going, be aware, stay conscious my friends. You are in control. Keep those vibrations high.

and remember

Motivation+ Action = Results

Timeline photos 28/07/2020

hereā€™s to all my boss ass bishesss. I LOVE you! šŸ’“šŸ’“ I nominate .wisdom .fresh.daily89

Photos from Fitness and Nutrition Coach's post 27/07/2020

How do you choose to spend your money throughout the day? I chose to spend my money like I spend my calories.

~I call it my caloric budget!

~So how do you choose to spend it? Do you choose to blow it all at one store- call this a ā€œbig spender.ā€

~OR do you choose to spread your funds throughout the day. Little here, little there.

~with calories itā€™s important to make sure your spending is even at the end of the day. Your output=input. Itā€™s all equivalent.

~it really doesnā€™t matter too much how you choose to spend it as long it doesnā€™t go over budget.

~These are general guidelines for caloric intake.

When you are starting out it may be easier to break up your calories into smaller meals but as you get more in shape the timing of meals becomes important!

This is why hiring a coach can take the guess workout out of how much, when and how.

Reach out to me if youā€™d like help on this! Iā€™d love to chat and see if I can help you :) link in my bio!


MORNING ROUTINES! Why they're effective and how to set them up!


Yo happy Thursday!!! Letā€™s talk a morning routine! Wanted to shed a little light on why I think itā€™s important to have a morning routine to get your day started off as consistently as possible. Do you have one? Let me know your morning routine in the comments below!

Videos (show all)


