

YOUUTEKK represents Stemregen and Life Extension supplements. A little about our suppliers:

Life Extension® is more than 40 year old.

It is privately owned and research based company with an award-winning commitment to quality, purity and potency. With a staff of chief scientists that formulate products based on current scientific research and clinical studies. Kalyagen™ is the world’s leading biotechnology company in the development of natural plant-based Stem Cell Enhancers. Deeply rooted in science and innovation, Kalyagen™ i

4 Sleep Benefits of Glycine 03/06/2024

Glycine is an amino acid that lowers core body temperature, raises serotonin and helps the body metabolize sugar in a safe manner. Learn more.

4 Sleep Benefits of Glycine You might not know it by name, but the amino acid glycine is at work in your body right now in many ways, including helping you get a great night's sleep.


Why take the Stemregen bundle with Curcumin Elite™?

Curcumin Elite™ helps inhibit inflammation to promote joint and vital organ health. When inflammation is controlled, the stem cells mobilized by Stemregen have a better chance of repairing damaged tissue.

Kalyagen 07/05/2024

STEMREGEN® is manufactured in the USA at a GMP-certified facility. It is made with 100% natural, gluten-free, standardized, and clinically tested ingredients. STEMREGEN® is a unique proprietary blend of plant-based extracts that has been documented to support ESCM. Although STEMREGEN® is safe for long-term use.
Learn more:

Kalyagen Kalyagen™ is world leader in developing natural plant-based Stem Cell Enhancers that support Endogenous Stem Cell Mobilization ESCM, like STEMREGEN

Application of stem cells in peripheral nerve regeneration 23/04/2024

Research shows that incorporating stem cells as seed cells into biomaterial-based scaffolds increases the effectiveness of tissue-engineered nerve grafts and essentially boosts the regenerative process. Numerous stem cells, neural stem cells, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells, adipose stem cells, skin-derived precursor stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells have been used in neural tissue engineering.

Application of stem cells in peripheral nerve regeneration Traumatic peripheral nerve injury is a worldwide clinical issue with high morbidity. The severity of peripheral nerve injury can be classified as neurapraxia, axonotmesis or neurotmesis, according to Seddon’s classification, or five different ...

The perfect cocktail for the brain - The EFPSA Research Pulse 14/04/2024

Research indicates that a balanced training founded in science-based materials plus, literary, and artistic expression disciplines like photography or playing guitar could potentially increase the brain’s connectivity, which is essential for learning. Read the article for more on how to train and use your brain.

The perfect cocktail for the brain - The EFPSA Research Pulse instagram: Does the expression “The brain is like a muscle; you have to train it” ring a bell? At some point, you might have heard this. Just like a rigorous lifting workout at the gym, the brain has a similar behavior to the body’s muscles, which is why it gets frequently compared.....

New Study Reveals Why Fats and Sugars Are Irresistible 05/02/2024

Sweet & fried, so irresistible! One better pathway is to follow moderation and go with a Mediterranean diet. Eat responsibly and sustainably for better health.

New Study Reveals Why Fats and Sugars Are Irresistible If fats and sugars sometimes seem irresistible, you’re not alone. A new study published in Cell Metabolism reveals why.


As we age, we become more susceptible to anabolic resistance where our bodies ability to build new muscle slows down even in the presence of necessary amino acids. The result is a decline in muscle mass and strength. HMB has beneficial effects on muscle mass by helping to preserve the structural integrity of the muscles and muscle growth.


Nootropics in the morning make a perfect combination with your coffee to jumpstart your creativity and energy to a new level.

Long COVID brain fog may originate in a surprising place, say scientists 24/10/2023

Why do 'long COVID' patients have brain fog? New research points to the gut, tryptophan and serotonin

Long COVID brain fog may originate in a surprising place, say scientists Scientists studying the causes of long COVID symptoms are proposing a surprising pathway. Their research weaves together several prominent lines of evidence on what might be driving the condition.

IBE — Science of learning portal — Neuroplasticity: How the brain changes with learning 22/10/2023

The brain always has the capacity to learn and is not predetermined by biology. The brain continues to change constantly with learning and experience throughout all of life and never becomes fixed and unchanging. Therefore, one’s “smartness” is as much about brain connectivity from learning, not just about your biology.

Learning is essentially something that the brain just does automatically. As we experience different situations in our everyday life, carry out our day-to-day tasks, encounter problems and find solutions, those pathways used in our brain most frequently strengthen their connections, forming habits, reinforcing memories, and improving skills. Of course, learning can also be deliberate, when we practice or train, but the same principles of changing and strengthening connections apply whenever those pathways are used.

It is recommended that deliberate learning involves making and strengthening connections between associated concepts, rather than the rote learning of disconnected facts.

IBE — Science of learning portal — Neuroplasticity: How the brain changes with learning You cannot learn something without storing it in some form of memory for future use. From neuroscience, we know that memories are encoded by physical changes in the brain. In other words, your brain changes physically whenever you learn anything, and your brain continues to be moulded by experience....

Office of Dietary Supplements - Choline 22/10/2023

Learn about choline's important roles in modulating gene expression, cell membrane signaling, lipid transport and metabolism. Choline is needed by the brain to protect the myelin coating on the neurons.

Office of Dietary Supplements - Choline Choline overview for health professionals. Research health effects, dosing, sources, deficiency symptoms, side effects, and interactions here.

N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC): Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews 04/10/2023

NAC uses for effective treatment and updates. Mainly helps to reduce inflammation to improve breathing. May improve shortness of breath and reduce coughing.

N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC): Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews Learn more about N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC) uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain N-ACETYL CYSTEINE (NAC).


Do you know what is STEMREGEN® made of and what does it do in the body?
STEMREGEN® is a blend of the most potent stem cell enhancers that have been scientifically documented to support the natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow. STEMREGEN® is estimated to increase the number of circulating stem cells by up to 100%.

STEMREGEN contains:

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae : An extract from the cyanophyta Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) was documented to trigger stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow and to improve cases of various degenerative diseases.

Hippophae rhamnoides (Sea Buckthorn Berry – SBB): SBB is a Native to the Tibetan Plateau, Mongolia, Central Northern China and the overall Himalayan region. SBB is a concentrated source of several flavonoids and polyphenols documented to provide numerous beneficial effects. Recently an extract of sea buckthorn berry was documented to trigger bone marrow stem cell mobilization and increase the number of circulating stem cells.

Fucus Vesiculosusextract: A unique source of fucoidan & phlorotannins, namely phloroglucinol, which have been associated to a wide range in health benefits. Fucoidan has been documented to increase the number of circulating stem cells.

Panax Notoginseng extract: Concentrating notogensinosides that were documented to promote both stem cell proliferation in the bone marrow and stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow.

StemAloe: A unique extract of Aloe that was documented to increase the number of circulating stem cells.

b-Glucan: Complex carbohydrates documented to support various aspects of immune functions. b-Glucan was documented to protect and support the bone marrow, to trigger the mobilization of stem cells from the bone marrow and support the migration of stem cells out of the blood into tissues. STEMREGEN® uses a source of b-Glucan that contains 85% 1-3 glycosidic bonds, which is the most potent form of b-Glucan.

Transfer Factor: A blend of growth factors found in colostrum. Documented to stimulate and modulate the activity of various immune cells. Stem Cells being technically a lymphocytes – Transfer Factor in STEMREGEN® supports overall stem cell function.

download the free eBook here:

THE STEMREGEN EFFECT THE STEMREGEN EFFECT eBook is free to download. It contains details about stem cell mobilization and how Stemregen can help your body perform its best

Life Extension Zinc Lozenges Citrus Orange 02/05/2023

A possible treatment for canker sores is to supplement with zinc. Zinc lozenge is better suited for oral health as it is absorbed where it is needed most.

Life Extension Zinc Lozenges Citrus Orange Life Extension Zinc Lozenges Citrus Orange is based on clinical studies to provide 18.75 mg of zinc as zinc oxide and zinc gluconate. It offers powerful support for immune health & protein synthesis. Zinc is necessary for the biochemical activity of over 300 essential enzymes. Zinc has great value o...


What are the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline?
Those who experience cognitive decline may have difficulty with various aspects of cognition, including:
• Planning and organizing
• Following changes in conversation
• Finding words
• Focusing
• Losing items
• Loss of empathy or judgement
• Inappropriate behavior
Additionally, mood changes are common, with depression affecting approximately one-third of those with mild cognitive impairment.
There are many practices we can tackle to help improve the symptoms.
Follow a Mediterranean diet
Exercise regularly and maintain an active lifestyle
Sleep 7-8 hours
Meditate or take a break from everything
Stay mentally active by being a lifelong learner
Reduce stress factors affecting your health
Remain socially active within your community
Follow a restricted yet adequate calorie diet
Remove all food allergens from your diet
Do not disturb your circadian rhythm
Balance your hormones,
Supplement with green tea, dark chocolate, spearmint and ginkgo, bacopa, berries, omega-3 and other nutrients.

Collagen: What it is, Types, Function & Benefits 04/03/2023

Collagen accounts for 30% of your body’s protein. It provides structure, support or strength to your skin, muscles, bones and connective tissues. Scientific research is lacking for most collagen supplements, but a well-balanced diet gives your body the raw ingredients it needs to help it make collagen naturally.

Collagen: What it is, Types, Function & Benefits Collagen is an abundant protein, accounting for about 30% of your body’s total protein. Collagen provides structure, strength and support throughout your body.

Bromelain Confers Protection Against the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Male C57BL/6 Mice 06/02/2023

Bromelain has a beneficial effect on the deregulation of lipid metabolism by high-fat diet (HFD) in the liver by modulating multiple metabolic pathways. In addition to its anti-inflammatory property, bromelain was found to have anti-obesity action.

Bromelain Confers Protection Against the Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Male C57BL/6 Mice We aimed to investigate the effect of bromelain, the extract from stems of pineapples on the high-fat diet (HFD)-induced deregulation of hepatic lipid metabolism and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and its underlying mechanism in mice. Mice ...

The Potential of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders - CNS Drugs 03/02/2023

Through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, glutamate modulation activity NAC has been investigated in the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders, schizophrenia, spectrum disorder, bipolar, depressive disorders, anxiety, obsessive, compulsive and substance abuse.

The Potential of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC) in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders - CNS Drugs N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) is a compound of increasing interest in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Primarily through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and glutamate modulation activity, NAC has been investigated in the treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disord...

Visualizing the Composition of Blood 17/01/2023

Regular blood tests help us measure what our bodies need. This is a smart feedback when practicing self-care. Ever wondered about the boods composition? Here's a quick refresher.

Visualizing the Composition of Blood Despite its simple appearance, blood is made up of many microscopic elements. This infographic visualizes the composition of blood.


NAC or N-acetyle-L-cysteine has been shown to reduce endometrioma mass, by switching cell behavior from proliferation toward differentiation, and decreases both tissue inflammation and cell invasiveness via a regulation of gene expression and proteine activity and location, as published by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

More than antioxidant: N-acetyl-L-cysteine in a murine model of endometriosis - PubMed 09/01/2023

Could NAC be one course of action in treating endometriosis? NAC's antioxidative actions helps bolster the body’s intrinsic ability to combat oxidative stress by aiding the production of the endogenous antioxidant glutathione.

More than antioxidant: N-acetyl-L-cysteine in a murine model of endometriosis - PubMed N-acetyl-L-cysteine exerts a complex action on endometrial cells, involving regulation of gene expression and protein activity and location, all converging into a decreased proliferation and a switch toward a differentiating, less invasive, and less inflammatory phenotype. Also considering the lack....

Cracking The Stem Cell Code 01/01/2023

Cracking The Stem Cell Code, 3rd Edition with New Chapters. By Christian Drapeau, MSc.

Demystifies the most important scientific breakthrough of our times. It reveals the far-reaching potential of adult stem cells and how understanding the natural role of stem cells in the body changes our understanding of human health and wellness. It provides a means of tapping into the regenerative potential of our own stem cells.

Cracking The Stem Cell Code Cracking The Stem Cell Code, 3rd Edition with New Chapters By Christian Drapeau, MSc. Reveals the far-reaching potential of adult stem cells and how understanding the natural role of stem cells in the body changes our understanding of human health and wellness.


Stem cells constitute one of the greatest discoveries of our time.
STEMREGEN supporting the natural role of stem cells in the body is one of the greatest strategies to reach and maintain optimal health. Adding Bromelain on empty stomach helps manage inflammation to allow excellent stem cell activity.

Lactoferrin ameliorates aging-suppressed osteogenesis via IGF1 signaling 21/10/2022

"Lactoferrin can alleviate age-related osteoporosis and inhibits osteoblast senescence. In addition, Lactoferrin was found to downregulate the expression of genes related to aging, increase antioxidant enzyme activity and reduce oxidative injury, all of which may be related to Igf1. The present study suggests that Lactoferrin treatment may represent a promising therapeutic strategy for the prevention of senile osteoporosis and could provide underlying benefits for such patients."

Lactoferrin ameliorates aging-suppressed osteogenesis via IGF1 signaling Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein that plays an important role in promoting bone formation and inhibiting bone resorption; however, its effects on senile osteoporosis remain unknown. This study aimed to investigate the effects and mechanism of LF intervention using a senile osteoporos...


YOUUTEKK features Life Extension immune system boosters and more. Visit to learn more.


Similar to Reishi and Shiitake, Beta-Glucan has been shown to support stem cell function. The beta-glucan used in Stemregen is 85% (1→3) b-D-glucose bonds, the most potent form of Beta-Glucan. Download the free eBook to learn more about Stemregen.

THE STEMREGEN EFFECT THE STEMREGEN EFFECT eBook is free to download. It contains details about stem cell mobilization and how Stemregen can help your body perform its best

What Does Potassium Do for Your Body? A Detailed Review 12/09/2022

A potassium deficiency, also known as hypokalemia, is characterized by a blood level of potassium less than 3.6 mmol per liter. You may also lose potassium if you’re taking diuretics, which are medications that increase water excretion from your body.

What Does Potassium Do for Your Body? A Detailed Review Potassium helps regulate critical body functions, and a potassium-rich diet is linked to health benefits. Here's a review of potassium and what it does for your body.

Photos from Nobel Prize's post 21/08/2022

Vitamin B12 is essential for brain health and function, energy metabolism and the production of red blood cells.

Effect of Pregnenolone vs Placebo on Self-reported Chronic Low Back Pain Among US Military Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed 31/07/2022

Study shows: "Participants receiving pregnenolone reported a clinically meaningful reduction in low back pain and 2 pain interference domains compared with those receiving placebo. Pregnenolone may represent a novel, safe, and potentially efficacious treatment for the alleviation of chronic low back pain.."

Effect of Pregnenolone vs Placebo on Self-reported Chronic Low Back Pain Among US Military Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed Identifier: NCT01898013.


YOUUTEKK features the new Calm-Mag from Life Extension. Magnesium Acetyl Taurinate works with your brain to support a healthy stress response, which helps to calm your mind. How about a mid-summer healthy activity of neurotransmitters like serotonin and GABA? Get a healthy stress response, relaxation and feelings of calmness. Visit today.


youutekk is an online shop focused on promoting a healthy and productive lifestyle. We specialize in pharmaceutical grade supplements designed for optimum health, fitness-ready condition, and good quality sleep.

Videos (show all)

YOUUTEKK features Life Extension immune system boosters and more. Visit to learn more.
YOUUTEKK features the new Calm-Mag from Life Extension. Magnesium Acetyl Taurinate works with your brain to support a he...
This is Calypso. She started taking Cat Mix about a year ago and now she asks for it (as you can see above). Cat Mix is ...
Our cats playing and being friends. Nothing more relaxing.
Did you know that cats have their own nutritional needs? Supplementing your cat’s diet helps ensure that it is getting e...
Healthy Lifestyle
Wellness Code® Muscle Strength & Restore Formula is an excellent workout supplement, preventing muscle loss and aiding m...
Calypso and her Cat Mix
Calypso loves her Cat Mix
