

To have a residential facility large enough to open our doors to any child, sibling group, or young adult in crisis,


Friends, we will be shutting this page down so please go to this link for the official kkids page so you can continue to follow us.


KKIDS,Inc. Keeping Kids in Distress Safe. (KKIDS)
If you'd like to know more, please visit our website at www.kk


For those of you who wonder what Kkkidsinc.org does here is a sample from my wife's page.





This is a long read, she wrote this in 2017, but if you follow what Karen and I do, you should, no, you need to read it! First let me give all of the praise and glory to God. Without him we could not do any this and have any success stories. Secondly, Thank you, for all of you who support us, be it financially or with supply support, but mostly your prayers.

We Quit. But it’s Not What You Think…

I wrote this in 2017, and now it is 2023 and we have come a LOOOOOOONG way. You should read this to know what we are up against, what we have been through, and why we keep doing what we do. We are not your "typical" non profit foundation, that's for sure.
I hope you read it to the end:

This is going to be a long and heartfelt post and in it I am going to share some things that may shock you. I hope you read it to the end.
Since the beginning of the year, 2017, we have been under attack. Both figuratively and literally. As in, actual people cursing at us and wanting to throw it down in the driveway.
We have experienced gut wrenching betrayals by children and families that we have loved and invested in for years and years, and been utterly shocked and disappointed in the legal system and organizations that are supposed to have children’s best interests at heart and fail miserably.
We experienced a “whole new level of crazy” when someone who had given us a furniture donation became infuriated that we gave it to a pregnant teen. We were surprised that this person missed the entire point of our foundation but, clearly, it was missed. She demanded it back, so we had to go to the single parents house and retrieve it, but thankfully one of our other supporters gifted her a brand new one.
One parent, who literally abandoned her children by walking out of their lives, moving across the country, hooking up with someone who was a known felon and starting another family, somehow ended up standing in our yard accusing us of stealing other people’s children.
A DCF investigator inappropriately named us by name, which is a TOTAL breach of trust by the way, in an ongoing investigation (we were not directly involved, we were simply references for one of the parents) which then caused us to be viciously attacked by the parent who ended up in our driveway screaming vulgarities at us and upsetting the child we were fostering and everyone in the home. This same investigator then told us that she knew more about the situation than we did even though we’ve been involved for 9 years and she has spoken with them 4 times. It was surreal.
It’s like we are unwilling participants on the Jerry Springer show.
And we are VOLUNTEERS!!!!

As in, we don’t get paid.

We don’t get support from the government because we are considered “non relative caregivers”. We refuse to be licensed by an agency whose policy goes against everything we believe, but we still open our home and our hearts to children and fight for what is right. Sometimes this is reunification and sometimes it isn't. With the agencies, reunification with the abuser is the top priority and they lie, cover up, falsify, and overlook every red flag to make it happen. We don't agree with this so we speak up and advocate for the victims.

All of this is done on our own dime and we give far more than we get. Honestly, we could not do it without contributions from all of you who see what we are doing and know and love these kids and their families. .
In the meantime, we are trying to keep a roof over our heads with one income all the while raising a bunch of children. We never say no. If a child needs us, we make a way to keep them safe and let them know they are loved, valued, and that God will always send helpers.

I’m not sure if you are a parent, but I’m sure you know that to raise children successfully, SUCCESSFULLY being the key word, but that includes spending time with them, playing with them, nurturing them, listening to their non stop stories, watching them flip water bottles repeatedly, observe them proudly “fidget spin” until you want to throw those gadgets in the bushes and run away, teaching them to ride their bikes, swim, tie their shoes, use their words, making them go outside for exercise, making sure they brush, wash, and aren’t wearing the same dirty clothes for days, and praying over them while tucking them in at night.

You also have to feed them all the time, pick up after them, drive them everywhere, do their laundry, wash their dishes, and make sure they are safe.

We have, in our 16+ years of fostering, we sincerely believed that the parents, given the opportunity to improve their lives and do the right thing, would want to do that for the sake of their children.
And we were wrong.


Do we want to believe that all of these dysfunctional parents will wake up one day and find God and find their way?
Of course we do!
However, after a decade working with the same families and waiting, praying, supporting, giving, and investing, we have yet to see any improvement.
Do we want to believe that all of these parents will wake up one day and find God and be reunified with their kids? Of COURSE we do! We pray for it, we encourage it, we talk about it, we take them to church, we take them to rehab, we take them to counseling, we take them under our wing, we buy them phones, we pay for first, last, and security, we pay their utility bills, we get them jobs, we provide every opportunity and yet things stay the same.

And… we are done.

We have spent so much of our lives enabling parents and families who have had every opportunity afforded them, and they choose not to change. It is the same ole’ same ole’ except at a new address. An address that we probably lined up, paid a deposit on, painted, and furnished for them that will be filthy, infested, or abandoned shortly thereafter because of their lifestyle, and because they had little regard for our efforts.

Would you like to know why I believe they don’t change? It’s not like they are bad people because they aren’t.
They are children of God and people of worth. Many of them have good hearts that mean no harm.
So, why???? Why do they choose to live like this?
Why do they reach their hand out for our help and use the same hand to stab us in the back the first chance they get?

Because… they are damaged.

You see, their parents were damaged by their parents who were damaged by their parents and now they are damaging their children. It is a generational cycle and it needs to stop.

Which is why we are quitting.
We are quitting the parents and the outreach to families for the purpose of reunification. The fact is, we don’t want reunification into dysfunctional families. We don’t want anymore damaged kids. We want to break the cycle.
Here are the facts: Virtually everything a child learns about what is right, wrong, pleasing, helpful, expected, and safe, PLUS their future health, growth, future achievement in school, basic coping skills, emotional well being, attachment to family and involvement in community happens in the FIRST FIVE YEARS OF LIFE. In a nutshell, the first five years of life determine whether these children are going to be stable, successful, human beings.
Or not.
It is everything! It is a tiny brain developing and absorbing everything it comes in contact with.
This is when the HARD WIRING of their brains and personalities are developing and this is statistically when most of the abuse occurs. Did you read that??
The imprint will be indelible.

A child born into a world of chaos, to an addict, an alcoholic, an uninvolved or abusive parent, a young teen with no support or experience, or someone with a mental illness, has now become a victim.
These are statistics, they aren’t opinions.
These tiny, innocent babies learn that a life filled with drama and chaos and strangers and yelling and lying and police and filth and hunger and stealing is how you survive.

We have fostered toddlers that sneak into the cupboards and forage for food and open the refrigerator and eat entire packages of hot dogs in the middle of the night because that is what they know. When they were hungry in their other home they had to go and find food on their own and eat as much of it as they could because they didn’t know if it would run out. And it would often run out.
We have had children who had to bathe in stores or with a neighbors hose because their water was turned off for four months.
DCF was notified and did NOTHING even though they had NO RUNNING WATER FOR 4 MONTHS! In fact, one of the "investigators" didn't even go into the house because there was a dog in the street and she had a fear of dogs. Seriously?? You are hired to be an investigator for crimes against children and go into dangerous neighborhoods and surprise them to find out if the allegations are correct, but you don't bother to get out of the car because of a stray dog?
And she never went back, by the way. Just wrote it off. "Could not verify, unleashed dog in area."

We have cared for children who have lived with a rotating door of strangers, their drug addicted mom failed to protect them and most were abused by the strangers coming and going. These children have had men ma******te next to them while their mother was in the other room, children who only know how to grunt because nobody taught them words, or songs, or colors, or animal sounds.
Nobody was reading them “Goodnight Moon” or “Dr. Suess”. They fell asleep on the couch or on the floor, filthy and unfed. These kids grow up with no keepsakes from their childhood.
No photo albums or baby books or blankies.
No special toys.
No “First Tooth” proudly displayed in the cabinet.
Never a visit from the tooth fairy or an Easter basket.

We have fostered children who lived with an apocalyptic roach infestation in their home, so bad that a roach had actually crawled in his ear. CRAWLED INSIDE HIS EAR!
It was there for weeks until one day, in the shower, it crawled out.
They grew accustomed to the bugs and would just take their arm and sweep them off the counter when they needed to or smash them with books like it was no big deal. It was so bad the house was condemned.

They hold loosely to everything and have learned not to mourn over “things” because when you move from place to place so often you lose track of stuff. You only take the clothes on your back and what you can stuff in a car because you’re sneaking out to avoid the landlord. Sometimes angry boyfriends will sell all their possessions or destroy them in a rage. Sometimes their Christmas toys get repossessed because Mom stopped making payments to the Rent To Own place.

They know that their clean urine can be sold to people trying to pass a drug screen and wake up often to complete strangers sleeping in their house or passed out on the couch. It is a completely different world that these innocent little children have to navigate, and it’s costing them their innocence. It is also creating something in them that makes a peaceful environment disturbing to them. Uncomfortable. Unsettling.

It makes them crave drama.

In a peaceful environment, they will often create turmoil and stir up some chaos because it’s been imprinted on their brains and it is familiar to them.
They are bored without it and it makes them feel vulnerable.
Can you imagine?
Stuff that makes our hearts pound and gives us upset stomachs and we avoid it at all costs, is the stuff they thrive on. It gives them an adrenalin rush.
It’s entertainment.
They pull up a chair and get some popcorn because this is the show they watched growing up.
This is what creates those “crowds of teens who stand around watching and cheering” when someone is getting beaten up.
Oh sure, they know right and wrong, yes they know the law, yes they know all the rules that they don’t think apply to them.
But this kid… this young adult has a hard wired NEED for drama, a quest for excitement, and the insatiable desire for attention. Because they are a part of the cycle.
It isn't really their fault, they were destined to repeat it.
And most never grow out of it.

They have grown up watching their parents lie to the police, the child protective services, their boss, the landlord, the power company, the car salesman, their significant other, lie after lie after lie and we sit back and wonder how they became such liars. We watch TV shows like “Cops” where the people arrested with co***ne in their pants pocket and on their nose trying to tell police that its sugar from a donut. Even when faced with the evidence of the test kit that proved it was co***ne wiped DIRECTLY from the snout of the man in handcuffs, he continued to insist that is was sugar!
We laugh at the audacity, and the incredibility factor, but the fact is that this is tragic.
And it makes me angry.
It also makes me face the ugly fact that we can no longer advocate for reunification with parents who won’t step out of the cycle. This generational pattern makes it incredibly difficult, and dare I say virtually impossible, for these people to be good parents.
There are plenty of opportunities out there if they truly wanted to change their life, but they will no longer be offered by our foundation. They will no longer take advantage of us, we will no longer enable them or excuse behaviors that jeopardize the development of the children.
We know that this will seem harsh to some, and being steadfast in this will be one of the hardest things that we personally ever do because we are both givers and exceptionally forgiving, but it is necessary.
To keep peace in our house and protect these kids from the drama, we have to say, no more. No more drama.

For those of you who might criticize us, until you can come alongside us and see firsthand and know what we know from being up close and personal, then please don’t offer an opinion unless it is supportive. We don’t want to lose your support, we need you! We need praying people and positive people and people who are willing to stand beside us and in front of legislators and child protective service workers and say “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH”! People that will tell their stories and help us break the cycle.
We believe that God has led us on this journey so that we can make a significant impact in the protection of children in our community.

It is now 2023, I wrote this in 2017, and I can tell you that we feel the exact same way. We no longer waste time or money on rehabilitation for people who aren't trying, who don't make any effort for their kids. Our lives are much more peaceful now because of it and we continue to fight for change to the system and invest in the innocent victims, the kids.


She's going hate this, but I just had to share it. This event was so worth it but it was exhausting.


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Daddies are in short supply for most all of our kkid kids, if you get the chance to be a childs daddy just go for it!


Father's ,dad's, daddy's are in short supply, so sometimes there is a bit of a competition for my attention. The little guy in the floats still calls me daddy even though he has been reunited with his mom. He comes and stays with us 3-4 days a week. This job doesnt pay much but the rewards are priceless.


old guys should not do things like this


a wonderful donor bought all of the kids summer passes to Defy fun center in Fort Myers. This is the third time they have been here in a week.
