Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Dr. Christopher Hobbs

I dedicate this page for truth, a place of kindness, and for connection, and community


Hi Friends,
Just saw this NEW STUDY on the best kind of PREBIOTIC FIBER to eat daily!
The confusing aspect of dietary fiber is that different fiber sources vary in their health benefits. Here are some bullet points that highlight these important differences.
*Amount of fiber to eat daily.....experts say 25-30 grams but most Americans and Europeans only get about 15 grams!
*Those on a traditional diet typically get 40-60 grams/day, which helps cut the risk of premature death from inflammation-based illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer
*Highest sources of high-quality prebiotic fiber is (best first):
-Mushrooms (containing branched beta-glucans)
-Any beans or legumes (including peanuts)
-Oats and barley (containing straight-chains of beta-glucans)
The new study cited here found that among different fiber supplements (albeit in animals) like pectin, starch, wheat dextrin, and oat fiber, the beta-glucans worked the best for losing weight and producing beneficial breakdown products like butyrate that has many known benefits in the gut which are detailed in the article.
I've been consuming raw oat fiber in my diet (in the form of ground up oat groats and museli) for decades, and has worked perfectly to benefit my cardiovascular and immune systems and reduce systemic inflammation, as proven by my incredible cardiovascular health numbers and my overall health into my 70s.
I recently came back from Nepal after a 3-week trek to Everest Base Camp, hiking up steep mountains over rocky trails, 5-8 hours/day.
I was able to keep up with the younger folks well and came back in even better shape than when I left.
Bottom line takeaway....adding 20-30 more grams/day of high-quality prebiotic fiber is the single most important thing you can do to improve your overall health and longevity. Of course getting a good night's sleep with at least 1 hour of REM and 1 hour of deep sleep, along with walking 10,000 steps/day counts too!
I wish you good health!
Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Send a message to learn more


Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) has been a garden favorite since ancient times, especially in cathedral gardens for its bitter taste in elixirs and cordials, as an herb to promote mother's milk, and other purposes. Recently, researchers at the University of Cologne discovered that Cnicin, derived from the medicinal plant blessed thistle, accelerates nerve regeneration significantly, offering a potential new treatment for nerve damage that can be taken orally.

More info below.

Historical Use
Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) has a rich history in traditional medicine. Its name alludes to the belief that Saint Benedict, a 6th-century monk, advocated its use. Throughout the Middle Ages, it held importance as a treatment for the bubonic plague and a plethora of other ailments. Blessed thistle was commonly used for digestive issues, fevers, infections, and wound healing. It was also believed to promote menstrual flow (emmenagogue) and increase breast milk production (galactagogue).

The primary active components of blessed thistle are sesquiterpene lactones, most notably a bitter compound called cnicin. Other constituents include:
Volatile oils

The pharmacological effects of blessed thistle are primarily attributed to cnicin and the other sesquiterpene lactones:
Digestive Support: These bitter compounds stimulate the production of saliva, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes, promoting healthy digestion and potentially easing indigestion.
Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory: Blessed thistle exhibits antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage and inflammation.
Antimicrobial: Limited research suggests potential antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it a possible aid for skin infections or wound healing.

Latest Health Benefits
While traditional uses abound, the scientific evidence for blessed thistle's health benefits is still evolving. Areas where research is ongoing include:
Breast Milk Production: There's mixed evidence on its use as a galactagogue. Some studies show promise, while rigorous clinical trials are needed.
Appetite Stimulation: The bitter constituents may help those suffering from loss of appetite.
Digestive Complaints: Blessed thistle might be mildly beneficial for indigestion and other related issues.
Potential for Other Conditions: Very early research is exploring its relevance in areas like diabetes and cancer, but findings are currently inconclusive.

Blessed thistle is generally considered safe for most adults when consumed in typical dietary amounts. High doses can cause gastrointestinal side effects.
Due to its potential emmenagogue effect, it's generally not recommended during pregnancy.


SPRING is just around the corner!
I hope you are well and thinking more about the beautiful spring that is on our doorstep. Did you ever read the Frog and Toad books to your kids (or vice versa?).
Frog and toad were taking a walk and it started to rain and it became quite cold. They rushed back to Frog’s house. They got warm by the fire and Frog told the story about how when he was very young his father told him, “it’s cold and rainy now, but spring is just around the corner!” Frog wanted spring to come so he walked all around the neighborhood to find corners he could look around to find spring. He looked and looked, but he couldn’t find the corner spring was around. He only got wet and cold. Finally he went home, and as he was walking up to the house, he saw the corner of his house. He walked up to it and peeked around the corner. There was his father and mother working in the sunny garden with flowers blooming everywhere, and it was warm. The air was fresh and birds were singing.
My son always liked this story, so we read it together numerous times. I always wondered if there was a wider meaning in the story. I hope spring is coming soon where you are—you should check!
Many of us are stressed and worried. Our earth is stressed, and may be having a healing crisis just now. At this time gardening, whether in window boxes, a small space outside or larger, spending time in the open fresh air, getting our hands in the soil, smelling the plants and flowers is just the balm we need.


I just got over a COVID INFECTION. Only two days down. I'm 100% now. In fact I feel better than before the infection. I really think Covid can help tune up different aspects of our immune system and point out areas where we need to boost health practices (like more deed delta sleep). Viruses are the great regulators.
My go-tos:
*Andrographis tablets from Planetary Herbs (2 tabs, 2-3 times daily)
*1/4 pint of the elderberry juice I canned this year (alternative, the traditional formula of thick elderberry syrup from Gaia)
*Nuun Electrolytes tablets, 1, twice daily
*Herbal tea
-strong infused thyme, rosemary, sage, yerba santa with lemon and honey
(I make a quart by blending the herbs in hot water and let steep for 15 minutes; either take 1 tsp to 1 tbsp multiple times a day, or filter out liquid and drink throughout the day)....symptom-free after the second day with symptoms

Many ways to treat and prevent covid, but this regime worked for me for two rounds, 2 years apart!

Enhancing Wellness: Effective Strategies for Herbal Respiratory Protection with Christopher Hobbs, PhD

To sign up:

Dr. Christopher Hobbs I dedicate this page for truth, a place of kindness, and for connection, and community

Photos from Dr. Christopher Hobbs's post 15/11/2023

A delightful moment in a Rose Garden!
Throughout the ages, roses have been favored to lift the spirits, gladden the heart, and for Healing.

Human Uses for Health:

Aromatherapy: The fragrance of rose flowers is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and uplift mood.

Skin Health: Rose extracts are found in many skincare products due to their purported benefits for the skin. They may help hydrate, soothe, and reduce inflammation.

Antioxidant Properties: Compounds in roses, such as polyphenols, exhibit antioxidant activity, potentially protecting cells from oxidative stress and supporting overall health.

Culinary Uses: Some cultures use rose petals in culinary creations, adding both flavor and potential health benefits.

Traditional Medicine: In traditional medicine, rose water and extracts have been used for various purposes, including digestive health and as mild diuretics. also used for uplifting the spirits, for grief, PMS, upset tummy, sore throats, colds and during the menopause.
Potential Relaxant: The aroma of roses is thought to have calming effects, contributing to stress reduction and improved sleep quality.

Dr. Christopher Hobbs Ph.D.

Facebook: Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Youtube, Instagram, Twitter


It’s summer watermelon season who knew that watermelon had so many health benefits!

Watermelon is a fruit that offers various health benefits. It contains phytochemicals such as lycopene, vitamin C, β-carotene, and total polyphenolic content, which possess anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties (Maoto et al., 2019). These phytochemicals contribute to the potential use of watermelon as a functional ingredient in food applications (Maoto et al., 2019). Watermelon is also a rich source of l-citrulline, a neutral-alpha amino acid that is the precursor of l-arginine, an essential amino acid necessary for protein synthesis (Manivannan et al., 2020). Supplementation of l-citrulline has been shown to have cardiovascular and anti-hypertensive capabilities (Allerton et al., 2018). Watermelon consumption has been associated with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, and has been shown to improve aortic hemodynamics (Ridwan et al., 2018). Additionally, watermelon has been used to treat various ailments such as obesity, diabetes, ulcers, and various types of cancers (Manivannan et al., 2020).

In terms of weight management, watermelon consumption has been found to elicit robust satiety responses, leading to lower hunger and greater fullness compared to low-fat cookies (Lum et al., 2019). It has also been shown to decrease body weight, body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, and waist-to-hip ratio (Lum et al., 2019). Watermelon consumption has been associated with reductions in oxidative stress and an increase in total antioxidant capacity in the blood (Lum et al., 2019).

Watermelon is not only beneficial when consumed as a fruit, but other parts of the watermelon plant, such as the seeds and rinds, also contain antioxidant properties (Pérez et al., 2022). The seeds and rinds are often discarded as waste during the production of watermelon juice (Pérez et al., 2022).

In conclusion, watermelon offers a range of health benefits due to its phytochemical content, including anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antioxidant properties. It has been associated with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, weight management, and improvements in satiety responses. The various parts of the watermelon plant, including the seeds and rinds, also contain beneficial compounds. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these health benefits and to explore the potential use of watermelon in preventing and treating various diseases.


Allerton, T., Proctor, D., Stephens, J., Dugas, T., Spielmann, G., Irving, B. (2018). L-citrulline Supplementation: Impact On Cardiometabolic Health. Nutrients, 7(10), 921. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu10070921

Lum, T., Connolly, M., Marx, A., Beidler, J., Hooshmand, S., Kern, M., … & Hong, M. (2019). Effects Of Fresh Watermelon Consumption On
the Acute Satiety Response And Cardiometabolic Risk Factors In Overweight And Obese Adults. Nutrients, 3(11), 595. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11030595

Manivannan, A., Lee, E., Han, K., Kim, J., Kim, D. (2020). Versatile Nutraceutical Potentials Of Watermelon—a Modest Fruit Loaded With Pharmaceutically Valuable Phytochemicals. Molecules, 22(25), 5258. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25225258

Maoto, M., Beswa, D., Jideani, A. (2019). Watermelon As a Potential Fruit Snack. International Journal of Food Properties, 1(22), 355-370. https://doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2019.1584212

Pérez, J., Gómez, K., Vega, L. (2022). Optimization and Preliminary Physicochemical Characterization Of Pectin Extraction From Watermelon Rind (Citrullus Lanatus) With Citric Acid. International Journal of Food Science, (2022), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/3068829

Ridwan, R., Razak, H., Adenan, M., Saad, W. (2018). Development Of Isocratic Rp-hplc Method For Separation and Quantification Of L-citrulline And L-arginine In Watermelons. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, (2018), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4798530

Dr. Christopher Hobbs Ph.D.


Facebook: Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Youtube, Instagram, Twitter

[email protected] See less


HOPE TO MEET YOU at the Maine Mushroom Festival, May 12-14
Portland, Maine.
My keynote offering will be the Transformative Power of Mushrooms, and also a class on the incredibly interesting and important mushrooms Reishi and Cordyceps.
Creating mushroom community, together!


A classic and highly revered herbal remedy, especially for nervous system and respiratory tract problems.
So easy to grow and beautiful to have in the garden. This is a rather low-dose herb so growing one plant can make a half a pint of the tincture and experiment with it. In line.
thanks for watching, sending out green herbal blessings the day after herb day.
I hope your spring will be full of beauty and magic. More time in the garden whether it’s small or large, or even in pots. We are caring on an ancient tradition of healing through connectedness with nature or source of all blessings..
Christopher Hobbs


"IF ONLY 20% of the beef consumed were replaced by fungal protein by 2050, THE WORLDWIDE DEFORESTATION WOULD BE HALVED."

If you follow my posts, you likely have heard me talk about eating more mushrooms...add to the diet everyday. This is practiced all over Asia, in eastern Europe, in parts of Africa.
When I studied at a traditional hospital in Hangzhou China in 1995 after getting my acupuncture license I saw many people with at least 3 types of mushrooms in their soups and stir-frys. Wood ear and shiitake are ubiquitous. Also clamshell, beech mushroom, oysters, button mushroom, and enoke mushrooms (Flammulina velutipes).
A new study I found today, "Mycelium vs. Fruiting Bodies of Edible Fungi—A Comparison of Metabolites" caught my interest because this topic is one of the major controversies in the natural products industry. Is mycelium or fruiting bodies better in products. I will share my findings on FB, based on the science. Bottom line is that some active compounds are higher in FB and some in Mycelium. The main question is to make sure your products have a lot of mycelium (and not brown rice residue) and/or FB. Not starch. Starch is starch, and you don't want to buy starch at $30/bottle or bag of powder. Always test your product with the starch test (iodine solution). Process is detailed with pictures in my book, Medicinal Mushrooms, the Essential Guide.

However, one statement in the article really grabbed me:
"A very recent study calculated that if only 20% of the beef consumed were replaced by fungal protein by 2050, the worldwide deforestation would be halved [97]. Less beef consumption means less pasture is required for grazing cattle, and fewer cattle would reduce the need for arable land to produce feed (or alternative plant proteins), which in turn would lead to less deforestation. Methane emission from rumination and nitrous oxide emissions from fertilisers and manure would also be reduced."

No matter whether you enjoy eating beef or not, we must moderate our intake and add more sustainable and forest-friendly sources of protein. Mushrooms are awesome in this respect, almost a perfect food. Sardines are sustainable. There are other choices. And this is also better for our own health personally, according to abundant research."

Many thanks friends for taking the time to read my post!
Christopher Hobbs


Mushrooms as PREBIOTICS!

Mushrooms have among the highest fiber content of any food (with TURKEY TAIL BEING THE HIGHEST, 60%) and this is important because the average person in the US and in europe get about 15 to 18% fiber. People in traditional cultures who don't eat a lot of processed food and only moderate animal products (animal products have zero fiber) get about 45-55 grams!
This amount of fiber turns out to be so vital for our health. Eating that much fiber can cut all chronic diseases by about 1/2.
Just as important, getting ample fiber of the right kind can diversify and selectively grow the most beneficial types of organisms in our gut.
Did you know that up to 80% of our body serotonin, a crucial neurotransmitter that regulates sleep, blood flow, sexual function, mood, and cognition are produced by our microflora

Turns out that the latest research shows that mushroom fiber is the best kind of complex fiber to get down into our lower gut and feed our microflora, for instance much better than oats. Beans and legumes are next best.

If you would like to discover many more benefits of mushrooms, how to make your own powders, even turning the tough turkey tail into edible food, how to pick the best products and test them, and the full range of their benefits that so many others are excited about, check out my 7-week course in Medicinal Mushrooms, which also goes along with my new award-winning book, Medicinal Mushrooms, the Essential Guide.
Link to check out the course is at the top.
Many thanks, hope to see you there!
Christopher Dr. Christopher Hobbs

Mushrooms as Medicine 01/01/2023

Hi Friends,
Mushrooms! They are earthy, savory, versatile, and downright delicious in meals. We just found some Cloudy Funnel Mushrooms which are popping up all over (Clitocybe nebularis). These are very meaty and not bad tasting if well-cooked.
Best of all, they are loaded with immune-boosting and antiinflammatory beta-glucans! They also happend to the the worlds most efficient and beneficial PREBIOTICS.
Recent research shows that almost none of the mushroom fiber they contain in abundance (up to 60% in turkey tail fruiting bodies) is digested in the upper GI tract. Instead, it travels to the lower gut where our beneficial microflora feast on it. The researchers showed that when people added more mushrooms or mushroom fiber to their diet, their mood and memory were significantly enhanced.
This is likely because our gut microflora might produce about 90% of the body's serotonin!
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a number of important roles in the body, including regulating mood, sleep, and appetite. It is produced by cells in the brain and other parts of the body, including the gut. In fact, the gut is sometimes referred to as the "second brain" because of the large number of neurons that are found in the digestive tract and the important role that the gut plays in influencing mood and other aspects of mental health.
New research also shows that gut bacteria might produce other neurotransmitters as well.
Mushrooms have been used for thousands of years for their incredible health-promoting and medicinal and visionary properties.
There are thousands of edible mushroom species in the world and approximately 250+ of them have been identified as having healing properties.
East Asian traditions and Indigenous cultures have long embraced mushrooms to treat all manner of ailments — and now Westerners are recognizing their nutritional and medicinal superpowers for the body, mind, and even the spirit.
I believe that by incorporating mushrooms into our diets — fresh, cooked, or as dried adaptogens — we can help prevent and transform a myriad of debilitating issues.
On Tuesday, January 3, you’ll discover the scientifically supported benefits of making mushrooms a part of your daily regimen. I will share the ways these fungi can strengthen and fine-tune your immune system to help stave off cancer, prevent heart disease, keep bones healthy, improve digestion, aid cognitive function, and much more.
You can register here for Mushrooms as Medicine: How to Integrate the Science-Based, Practical Benefits of Mushrooms Into Your Diet, Healing Regimen & Spiritual Evolution: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/mamCH/chrisrhobbs/
In this free one-hour event, you’ll discover:
• Ways to incorporate mushrooms on a dietary, medicinal, and transformational level — and how they serve as convincing alternatives to meat, protein powders, flavor enhancers, nutritional boosting powders, coffee, and more!
• The incredible immune-boosting and normalizing properties of mushrooms
• How new research shows that mushroom fiber is the most effective type of prebiotic fiber — which helps to regulate mood, immunity, blood circulation, sleep, and sexual function
• How a greater consumption of mushrooms can lessen the threat of many cancers by as much as 33%
• The ways in which fungi are essential for healthy growth and communication of all plants, including trees for the restoration of forests — and can help save our planet
Over the course of 60 minutes, you’ll discover the power of mushrooms as medicine — how they’re safe, with negligible side effects, and very inexpensive (and sometimes even free if you’re willing to hunt them yourself) to procure.
You can RSVP for free here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/mamCH/chrisrhobbs/

P.S. In Mushrooms as Medicine: How to Integrate the Science-Based, Practical Benefits of Mushrooms Into Your Diet, Healing Regimen & Spiritual Evolution with me…
… you’ll learn how mushrooms are a cost-effective, enjoyable, yet highly experiential superfood that can help ward off disease, keep your immune system strong, sharpen your cognitive skills, and, in some cases, heighten your consciousness and lead to a deeply meaningful spiritual experience.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/mamCH/chrisrhobbs/

Mushrooms as Medicine A Free Video Event With Internationally Renowned Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Mycologist & Clinical Scientist Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc


The hand-painted Christmas tree ornament I found in a small market in Kiev, 2001. I was there for the first International Medicinal Mushroom Conference.
Was Santa really an Amanita muscaria shaman? Maybe not, but the colors match, the flying reindeers and jolly laugh all make for a great story!

I Loved the small markets walking the streets in Kiev with hand-made crafts of all kinds, trolls in a woodsy scene with lichens, dolls, and many other treasures.

I'm sending out love and best wishes to all my friends wherever you might be! Thinking of the Ukrainian people who were so friendly and hoping for PEACE and HEALING in 2023. I'm taking time today to be present in spirit with the Ukranian people, remembering the joy I felt to walk in the great botanical gardens in Kiev.

"Thankfullness finds its full measure in generosity of presence."
David Whyte

May your time with family and friends be joyful as well as a time of healing relationships as we beceome ever more conscious of the power of forgiveness and the awareness that LOVE is truly all that matters.

May the new year find you with increasing clarity of heart, mind, and purpose.

Your friend and community member,
Christopher Hobbs


This is an offering from the Earth, a wonderful antibiotic that helps us stay away from corporate medicine.
You can read or download my booklet on medicinal lichens on my website, defined out much more.
A number of species of usnea occur around the world.
Usnea longissima is used in Chinese medicine as a valued herb.
If you find some in the woods, you can harvest a few bunches. Make sure there is plenty around.
Best to dry it first, and tincture in strong alcohol, preferably 190 proof. Use the strongest type you can get.
I use Extractahol which is 190 proof organic, you can get on the web.
Blend it up well. Add just enough alcohol so that a half an inch of clear liquid is over the dried lichen.
Shake daily, and then squeeze out through a nut milk bag.
Add one ml, which is one dropper full, of the tincture into a little water and gargle, then swallow.
It actually tastes better if you add a little honey, making an elixir. these lichens are a powerful medicine, used all over the world or treating infections .
Gray green lichens are not toxic even if a different genus.
Stay away from orange or bright colored lichens.
Good to have on hand in your medicine chest.



Hawthron leaf and flower, as well as the fruits have many phenolic compounds that can protect the heart and vessels when taken regularly!
Best way is to make an elixir by tincturing the leaves and flower (highest concentrations of active phenolics, then add a simmered down tea concentrate of the fruits to add flavor and pectins which have antiinflammatory properties of their own. Blend the two and take 1-2 tsps daily.
Our HEART does a lot more than pump blood around our body! So hawthorn daily can be a great way to protect and support heart and vessel health, and the ancients knew this 2,000 years ago!

Recent research has identified cells in the heart that have functions of a mini cognitive center, "the Heart Brain."
"Research points to the heart and gut as being fully intelligent systems that are able to assess situations at a rate much faster than the conscious mind. In other words, not only does your heart respond to your brain, but your brain continuously responds to your heart." (Source of quote: Julie Rowin MD)

Heavy metals found in dark chocolate including Hershey's and Trader Joe's 16/12/2022

Many of us love CHOCOLATE!
and it's National Chocolate-covered anything day
And studies show it is healthy
Not the added sugar and fat though
That's why dark chocolate has become so popular...now it's a health food!
One caveat though.....
A new study shows that 23/28 brands of chocolate tested had high levels of heavy metals like lead and cadmium...oh no!
Long-term exposure to even small amounts of heavy metals can lead to health problems, like developmental problems and brain development in young children, experts say, and even in adults long-term exposure to the amount of heavy metals found in these bars could have toxic effects.
Five of the bars had much lower levels though showing that through careful manufacture and sourcing it is possible to produce a health bar.
Some leading brands were found to have 192% and 265% above the levels that California allows. California admittedly has fairly strict laws but allowed limits were determined through scientific studies.
Some of the healthy bars were Taza chocolate, Ghirardelli Intense dark chocolate delight and Valrhona Abinao dark chocolate. I have used Taza for years and definitely thought it was one of the best I've ever found, really does seem like medicine (85% serious dark chocolate). I have no financial or any other working relationship with these brands. I am no picking on any brands, only reporting the research results and my experience.
So the next time you reach for a chocolate bar, better read the report. Article attached.

Heavy metals found in dark chocolate including Hershey's and Trader Joe's Consumer Reports says potentially harmful levels of cadmium and lead were detected in some chocolate brands.


Fantastic MUSHROOM AISLE in Monterey Market! Lion's mane, Oysters, Wood Ear and more.


California poppy is good medicine. The flowers are sunny and bright and lift our spirits. They reseed readily and bring color to the garden.
They were used by Native Americans for calming children and helping with sleep.
Very non-toxic and safe even for kids.
The tincture is the way to go. Tincture the roots leaves and capsules in 70% ethanol 30% water.
You can also boil down the whole plant and make a tea powder. You can put it in capsules or make a tea adding some sweetener.
More instructions on how to make the powders in my book grow it and heal it from Rodale press.
Hope you get a chance to try it. It was the number one herb I used in my clinic for stress, anxiety, and sleep for years. Many people that used it considered it indispensable. You can also add it to pain relieving formulas.


Radical Mycology Convergence 02/10/2022

SO EXCITED to be at the Radical Mycology Convergence.
Hope you can come and join this wild mushroom community.
I will be offering some great classes, as will many other presenters.
Lots of activities, inspiration, and MUSHROOMS!

October 6-9
Mulino, OR

More info, or to sign up:

Radical Mycology Convergence A gathering of mushrooms, medicine, and mycofolk in the heart of the Pacific Northwest.

Photos from Dr. Christopher Hobbs's post 28/09/2022

These are more properly fleshy cones. Every other year, you can find very large crops. Native Americans let them get very ripe and then gathered them to add to their version of power bars, pemican.

When harvested unripe, they are often tinctured and used 2-3 x per day to helping to ease urinary tract infections. Very popular with natural practitioners like naturopaths.
They are used to flavor gin, and steam distilled into a hydrosol (use foliage and cones) they smell heavenly and make a wondrous room refresher and healer.
Watch my new reel on Instagram, christopherhobbs1

By the way, in the California sierra we have ancient juniper trees over 1,000 years old! When I sit with them long enough I feel released from these daily concerns and join them in deep meditation.

Gabor Mate's words in new Tim Farris interview I heard today describing when he felt while journeying with native Canadians with psilocybin medicine:
"Nature Contains us All."

**Sign up to watch all my reels on herbs and mushrooms**
Instagram christopherhobbs1

[new illustration by jasper.ai, never seen before]

Videos (show all)

Self Care is Self Love!
A classic and highly revered herbal remedy, especially for nervous system and respiratory tract problems.So easy to grow...
This is an offering from the Earth, a wonderful antibiotic that helps us stay away from corporate medicine.You can read ...
Hawthron leaf and flower, as well as the fruits have many phenolic compounds that can protect the heart and vessels when...
Fantastic MUSHROOM AISLE in Monterey Market! Lion's mane, Oysters, Wood Ear and more.
California poppy is good medicine. The flowers are sunny and bright and lift our spirits. They reseed readily and bring ...
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