Harbor Flint

Harbor Flint

A community service non-profit organization, serving the needs of the greater Flint, Michigan, community.


It's so cold in Flint! Warm winter gear needed for people of all ages! Message if you have anything to donate and we'll arrange a ppu or meet!


There are a whole lot of people on the streets of Flint and they need help. I need a whole lot of items to make supply sacks to hand out to the homeless. If anyone wants to contribute, please message me and share! We are NOT a 501C3, but we are a registered nonprofit with the state of Michigan. There are so many people needing help and this is one small way that you can make a difference in their lives. Even the smallest acts can change or even save a life ❤️


Just SOME of what Harbor Flint is handing out to people in need tomorrow. If you have items that you feel can help our community, please contact us!


And warm socks!


With the frigid temps, many in our community are in dire need of winter coats, hats, gloves, warm blankets, and tarps. If anyone could donate, please contact us asap to set up a time for delivery/pickup. Stay warm, everyone!

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❤ :trans: ❤ 🏳️‍🌈
Please let us know any FB groups relating to the Michigan and Genesee County LGBTQ+ community. The more connections we have, the better we will be able to serve our community! Please post links to them in the comments! And thanks so much! Together, we will celebrate and uplift our community!
🏳️‍🌈 ❤ :trans: ❤


:trans: ❤ 🏳️‍🌈
Harbor Flint is a newly-formed nonprofit which aims to uplift and celebrate our LGBTQ+ community. While we are just starting out, we want to take immediate positive action and announce our first ever community outreach project!
Please nominate an LGBTQ+ community member (or family) who lives in Flint, MI and could use some assistance during this holiday season.
Let us know who you are nominating and why, and be sure to include a list of specific needs. If your nominee is chosen, we will do everything we can to make sure their needs are met!
To submit your nomination, please check out the Harbor Flint FB page and message us!
*the deadline for submissions is 12-10-19


Hi, everyone!

I know things have been quiet around here since our big announcement, but things are not standing still. Sarah has been busy procuring things that businesses need--post office box, bank account, EIN number from the IRS--the boring parts of creating a business of any sort, and I've been knee deep in grant writing!

I hope to have some news to share with you soon, so thanks for your patience and please keep an eye on this space!


A message from Sarah, our Director of Community Outreach:

To so many of us, activism is so important, a defining part of who we are as people. Marches, rallies, voting, raising money for charities, raising awareness, those are all ways that many of us try to better our world. One of the greatest things we can do as humans, is to help elevate each other, to help lessen another's suffering.

Not long ago, I had a MONUMENTAL conversation with my dear friend, Amber DuBois. As many of you know, she is a wonderful mother and friend that has always gone above and beyond to help others. I brought up an idea I had for a nonprofit, and as it turned out, she had been considering doing the exact same thing. So, I am so very pleased to announce that together, Amber and I have created Harbor Flint.

Everyone knows of the government-sponsored suffering that has been inflicted upon the people of Flint, Michigan- repercussions of which they still endure to this day. Frankly, Flint needs all the help it can get.
Harbor Flint will be a community resource center, and so much more! From helping people with writing resumes, online applications, even vouchers for clothes to wear to the interviews, we will be there. We will provide help with getting Medicaid and food cards. We will build parks and put up basketball nets, community gardens, clean up blight, a food pantry, we will reach out and sponsor local organizations in their efforts to better the community. We already have counselors who will be offering individual and group therapies. We have so many plans, but here is what I am most excited about:
By now, most everyone either knows first-hand, or has read the horror stories of LGBTQ+ youth being abandoned (or worse) by their bigoted families. Harbor Flint will be purchasing dilapidated houses, restoring them, and making real HOMES for these kids who are already suffering so much, due to a complete lack of acceptance and encouragement. So many LGBTQ+ kids have been left to fend for themselves in a world that is so dangerous. We are unwilling to just sit by and do nothing about it. Every child deserves a home. They deserve love and encouragement, to be celebrated for who they are, to have all their needs met. They should have someone making sure they get to doctor appointments, that they do their homework, that they have school clothes. All kids deserve an education, birthday parties, and holiday gifts. All of it.

Greg Friant is our Maintenance Supervisor. He will, among so many other things, oversee the hundreds of probationers from the construction industry, whose probation officers have already promised them to Harbor, in exchange for having their community service hours written off. Free labor, so win/win/win. Greg and I attended classes at the Ruth Ellis Center in Highland Park, last month. They do amazing things to better the lives of the LGBTQ+ community, and we have learned/will learn a lot from them. Greg will also be the Official Harbor Dungeon Master, because having fun is a big part of building a community.

The lovely and talented Noray Shoemake has signed on to be a house mother, because we all know that teenagers need supervision. Her creativity, insight, and passions can only be a beneficial addition to Harbor. We will have art classes once a week, and I'm pretty sure that since she's the most talented artist among us, the title of art instructor will also fall on her.

I have spoken with Wellness & Allies in Flint, and we have discussed the atrocities committed against trans people. I'm sure you have all heard of Jennifer Gale, who froze to death (was murdered, as far as I'm concerned) not far from the steps of a Salvation Army shelter, denied entry solely because she was a trans woman. Trans people, especially trans women of color, have great difficulty in finding help when they need it. The number of people from the LGBTQ+ community on the streets of Flint is just staggering. Harbor Flint will be doing everything we can to make both short and long-term housing available, and we will see to it that the needs of as many people as possible will be met.

To put it simply: We want to save lives.

We are hoping for all of your help in doing so. Please stay tuned for future updates!


Hello, everyone! Welcome to Harbor Flint. Keep your eyes on this space for upcoming dates as well as ways everyone can help out. We appreciate your effort and support!
