DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC

DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC

DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC teaches you the steps to identify the cause of your pain and control it, so it doesn't control you.

I am an occupational therapist licensed in Florida.


The next time your back muscles feel tight, you might want to give this a try. Only do this if one side doesn't hurt.


Chris Shares How Total Motion Release Helped His Back and Knee Pain.


Check out Paula's story of how TMR helped her after an car accident and wrist surgery.


Patti shares her experience of relief from 10 years of back pain


You don’t have to live with back pain!


I’ve been helping my parents get their house ready to sale. We have had to go through 49 years of papers, photos, clothes & knick-knacks in addition to the attic. I ended up with 2 weird pains yesterday. My thumb behaved like a trigger finger & did not have full movement. My knee on the same side was painful & felt like it would give out when I was walking. Both went away within 10 minutes when I used my Total Motion Release techniques. It led to a discussion with my mom’s friend who has had lots of surgeries. It seems one surgery leads to more, especially when fusing a joint.


I am certified in Total Motion Release and can teach you how to quickly get your body back in alignment. By keeping in alignment, you can resolve pain.


Lisa used the Restrictions Self-Assessment sheet that I sent out. The following is her problem areas with beginning and ending numbers after one session:

Turn neck to left 30/100 to a 0/100
Trunk twist to the right 50/100 to 0/100
Lean back & twist to the right 50/100 to 5/100
Forward leg raise with foot straight 60/100 to 0/100
Forward leg raise with foot rotated inward 20/100 to 5/100
Forward leg raise with foot rotated outward 30/100 to 0/100

see a video of her results in the comments - posted with permission.


How do you know if you are on the way to breaking your current pain cycle?

Are you interested in a formula that will show if you are moving in the right direction?

Send me a message if you would like access to a free self-assessment of over 30 motions that will identify any restrictions that may be limiting your progress.

Timeline photos 12/06/2022

One of my favorite artists!

Burrard Lookout ✨


Stop stretching painful/tight muscles. It isn't helping long-term.

Twist away your pain & stiffness 06/05/2022

So easy, yet powerful

Twist away your pain & stiffness This is a tip that can help decrease pain and increase range of motion. As always, check with your doctor before performing any exercises. All exercises are...


Is chronic pain something that has to be lifelong? No

If pain has gone on for more than 3 months, it is chronic. Longer than 6 months, it is definitely chronic.

Can pain be resolved without surgery, injections, or pills? Most likely

I answered similar questions on a post earlier today and I wanted to share it with you. Chronic Pain can be scary. I remember wondering if I was going to end up in a wheelchair. Others worry about their jobs & their quality of life. Here is what I told them:

Some of us have had accidents/injuries/surgeries that partially healed but not completely over the years. For others of us, it was from diseases or a congenital abnormality.

It may be performing too much of an activity/movement or not enough. We are constantly putting our bodies out of balance.

They key to being mostly without pain (because let's be honest, if we keep doing the same things that caused us pain before, it will come back) is to know your triggers & know how to put your body back into balance before the pain level gets too high.

For many people, the issues found on x-rays or MRI's developed over time. You didn't know you even had an issue until you had a lot of pain. There are studies that show many people who have arthritis or herniated discs are pain-free.

Most pain is due to soft tissue such as muscles &/or myofascial tissue.

In addition when dealing with chronic pain, nociceptors (pain receptors) sometimes are turned on to a hyper-alert state. Think of an outdoor alarm system that is constantly going off & needs to be adjusted.

To manage pain & be mostly pain-free, know your triggers, & know techniques to balance your own body.

If you have been in therapy, your home program should be able to get you out of pain....if not it is the wrong home program.

Photos from DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC's post 09/12/2021

This is someone I have been working with for 6 sessions. He has allowed me to record all of his sessions to share and I am working on a video of clips but I couldn’t wait to share this. He has had atrophy in his hand for years. Then 4 months ago he woke up with numbness and wasn’t able to spread his ring finger away from his middle finger nor bring his little finger towards his ring. His grip was significantly affected. We worked through some asymmetries in his body & improved the balance in his body overall. On the 5 session, he gained movement in his ring finger. On the 6th session, we were thrilled when some neck exercises increased the sensation in his hand, gained movement in his little finger & affected his right leg strength.

Increase shoulder range of motion and decrease pain using movement on the opposite side. 09/12/2021

Here is another tip for increasing range of motion and decreasing pain.

Increase shoulder range of motion and decrease pain using movement on the opposite side. Attempt this exercise at your own risk after consulting with your physician. Only do this if you have a good side and you are continuing to see progress. St...

Twist away your pain & stiffness 02/12/2021

Here is a technique that works for many people who have pain. As always, attempt at your own risk after consulting with your physician before trying any new exercise. This exercise should only be done if you have a GOOD SIDE & only towards your GOOD SIDE. There are over 250 combinations of movements/positions that can release restrictions, if this one doesn’t work for you.

Twist away your pain & stiffness This is a tip that can help decrease pain and increase range of motion.

Timeline photos 01/09/2021

Flareups of back, shoulder and elbow pain may be the result of asymmetries in muscles and restrictions in fascia. There are gentle techniques that can be done during warmups as a preventative and at the onset of pain to improve performance. Frequently pain keeps coming back because it isn't immediately being addressed as it occurs. DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC teaches athletes how to correct imbalances and restrictions for greater range of motion, smoothness of movement, increased strength and decreased pain.


A client shares her experience after using TMR techniques

Timeline photos 18/08/2021

Nociceptors, pain receptors, alert you to noxious sensations like cold temperature. The signals it sends, when working correctly, gives feedback as to the intensity, duration, and location. Holding an ice cube for a few seconds should send a different message than holding it for longer. A nociceptor that is hyperactive, will send a faulty message to your brain. DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC can teach you to re-educate your hyperactive nociceptors.

Timeline photos 14/08/2021

Does your pain tell you to just sit a little longer? Does it zap all of your energy? Are you losing the battle to keep up with projects that need to get done? Is it too much effort to get together with friends? Movement is necessary to control your pain. The right kind of movement is key. Learn how to move without feeding into pain.

Timeline photos 13/08/2021

Our muscles and fasciae are all connected. If your pain or decreased range of motion has persisted even after it should have healed, you may be treating the wrong area. DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC will teach you how to be both a detective and a scientist when it comes to solving your pain puzzle. Affordable group and individual sessions are now being offered. Message me to see if this is right for you.

Timeline photos 12/08/2021

Have you ever dealt with a security camera whose high sensitivity level alerted you to every movement nearby? Just like a hyperactive security camera our pain receptors, called nociceptors, can continuously sound the alarm in the absence of a true threat. Long after an injury has healed, some nociceptors can remain on high alert. DIY Chronic Pain Solutions can provide you with a gentle pain-free way to adjust your security (pain) system.

Timeline photos 11/08/2021

How are muscle imbalances in your body affecting your game? Strengthening alone will not not get the results you want. Don't let pain interfere with your game! Join a group session or schedule an individual appointment.

Timeline photos 09/08/2021

How is pain or stiffness affecting your ability to enjoy life?

Timeline photos 06/08/2021

Daniel initially scored his right hip pain as a 70/100 and his left shoulder pain as 50/100. Using TMR techniques, his pain was reduced to 5/100 in one session. Posted with the permission of the client.


Restrictions cause imbalances in the body. Are you out of balance? Try a simple test. Can you raise each arm over your head equally or is one a little stiffer or have pain? Sit on the edge of your chair & try a leg raise with a straight knee. Is it equal? What about a trunk twist? Can you twist to each side equally? These are some of the imbalances that can happen. There are many more. Traditional therapy treats the injured area. Total Motion Release treats the entire body.


In the following video, Total Motion Release techniques were used on a volleyball player complaining of ankle pain. Initially, she scored her pain at a 50/60. Using TMR the pain was reduced to zero. Permission was given to share this video.


Are you dealing with chronic pain? If traditional therapy and chiropractic care are failing to control your pain or you want to learn to control it without weekly appointments, DIY Chronic Pain Solutions, LLC may be your solution. Frequently after an injury or as we age, we develop restrictions throughout our body that can turn into chronic pain. The restrictions can be from ways we compensated after the injury, postures we use throughout the day, as well as over and under use of muscles. The techniques I teach allow you to identify those restrictions and quickly release them in a pain free manner.

Videos (show all)

quick tip to loosen your back
Chris Shares How Total Motion Release Helped His Back and Knee Pain.
Check out Paula's story of how TMR helped her after an car accident and wrist surgery.
Patti shares her experience of relief from 10 years of back pain
You don’t have to live with back pain!
A client shares her experience after using TMR techniques
Daniel initially scored his right hip pain as a 70/100 and his left shoulder pain as 50/100.  Using TMR techniques, his ...
In the following video, Total Motion Release techniques were used on a volleyball player complaining of ankle pain. Init...
