Hokulea Dorm

Hokulea Dorm

Aloha! This page has been created to keep in contact with the residents of Hokulea dorm.

We would like to hear from you folks as it has been awhile since we've seen each other.


Aloherz everyone,

I know it's been awhile since any kind of post was made. Because LMA doesn't currently have an assigned SRA, I have temporarily taken over paperwork duties for both LMA and Hokulea. If you haven't already heard, Aunty Lupe has retired, and I (Jas) will most likely be taking over CAP's once again. I thank you all for being patient with me during these times, and hope you all are being safe. Looking forward to hearing from you folks soon. Aloha & Take care!


Aloha All & Happy New Year!

Hope everyone is safe, and celebrated ringing in 2021 with just as much caution. The next oncoming quarantine cluster is scheduled to return to Center on 01/11/2021, and will be residing in Hokulea dorm for the 2-week duration. All your items have been properly secured within open lockers, and lock combo's/keys are documented within each of your dorm folders. Just to get an idea, is any of you returning in this class? That way, I can assign you folks to your original rooms--we weren't given a list yet. If this pertains to you, message me to lmk. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please lmk how I could assist.

Hope to see and hear from you soon!
Aloha & Take Care


Aloha All!
I've just reviewed Hokulea's leave requests, and found that a good majority of you will be on PTO starting tomorrow, and returning 01/04/2021. PLEASE continue to be safe and vigilant out there! Know that we miss you, and hope to see you in 2021! With that said, have a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Aloha everyone!
Just letting you all know...David has been accepted to Advance Training in Kentucky! When you have the chance, please congratulate him on his success. Although he'll have to wait for the Kentucky Center to re-open, he's already got his foot in the door. WOOHOO!! Congrats, David! May you continue to stay focused, and motivated while you begin this new chapter life has to offer!


Aloha Everyone! Just curious, are any of you scheduled to come back with this next group on 12/08/2020? That way, I can assign you to your original rooms. LMK!

Mahalo & Take Care!


Aloha All,
It has been VERY busy on Center since the first two groups arrived. As you should all know by now, Hokulea is currently being used for quarantine. All your items have been packed and stored in lockers--your new keys/combos are in your dorm folders. The group residing in Hokulea are all well-behaved, and very respectful of the dorm, so there's nothing to worry about. When you folks have time, check your emails for updates regarding your distance learning hours. I hope you all are doing well, and keeping safe out there. Please drop a line, and let us know how you're doing. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

Aloha & Take Care!



Aloha All,
As you all should know by now, the Center is in the process of reopening. All upstairs dorms are being used as quarantine for the time being, however, once quarantine is completed (2 weeks), trainees will be moved to general population. However, I'm unsure of La dorm being opened as co-ed for the time being. Today after 3 pm, is when the first 12 returning trainees should be arriving on Center; they will be placed in Mahina dorm (Males to MMA, and females to MMI). As previously mentioned, I'm unclear of the movements being made after they finish quarantine. What I'm thinking is MMI will be used for females once quarantine is completed, and LMI will be filled before moving to LMA. Per Miss Ellen, there are to be no more than 2 trainees per room once the dorm population has been fulfilled, but as you've all seen first hand, nothing is ever set in stone. Hokulea dorm will be the main quarantined dorm, and Hoku dorm is closed for isolation--meaning if there are trainees exhibiting symptoms of COVID, they'll be assigned there. I will inform you of any, and all information that is shared to me. Please remain patient, and keep in mind that I'm being very transparent to help prevent any confusion from happening. Aloha & Take Care.


Aloha Everyone!
If you haven't already heard, we have just received word back from Corporate, and the Center will start to return trainees starting the week of 11/08/2020. Approximately, 9-12 trainees will be coming back at a time. From there, they will be under quarantine for the duration of 2 weeks, within Hokulea dorm, and possibly Mahina dorms. With that being said, we may need to pack your folks belongings, to store in lockers, to ensure the quarantined trainee's don't touch your things. PLEASE EXPECT ANY FORM OF CONTACT BY DORM STAFF, AS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND THERE'S NO WAY AROUND THIS. Please, also be advised, this years Winter Break has been CANCELED. Once you return to Center, there will be no passes of any kind. As for who's coming, we are unsure at the time. Keep posted, and I will be sure to update you all, while the information comes in. Until then, Aloha & Take Care!


Aloha All! I hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe. Unfortunately, there isn't much updates to mention. We are continuously cleaning the dorms, and preparing for your folks' return! I know, when will that be, right?! I wish I had the answer. Nonetheless, we continue to do what is necessary in order to get approved by the corporate office to reopen the Center. Pictures of the dorm changes will be posted soon, so please be on the lookout. If you have any suggestions that we could utilize within the dorm, please, I encourage you to voice them, as this is your "home." Looking forward to hearing from you! Aloha & Take Care!


Aloha Everyone!
Weekly updates have been made, so if you haven't done so already, please be sure to check your emails to ensure your distance learning hours have been logged accordingly. Also, just a heads up...Carly will be leaving HJCC on October 13th; she has been offered a job outside of the company! When you can, please send her some Aloha, because she misses you folks dearly and we all know how hard "goodbye's" can be. We hope you all are remaining safe during these times. A few of you have received a separate email from me regarding your upcoming CAP's; please, please, PLEASE respond to that email BEFORE your scheduled CAP's as your goals and case notes need to be generated before then.




Aloha All!
Weekly updates have been sent out, so please check your emails. Just a head's up, Aunty Carly has moved dorms--she is now the acting SRA for Mahina Makai dorm, but she is hoping to start a new job opportunity soon outside of the company. Please send her some positive vibes while she prepares to embark on her new journey in life. With that being said, Aunty Keahi who was the previous SRA for Mahina Makai, is now the SRA for Hoku dorm. Aunty Nanea who was the previouis SRA for Hoku dorm, is now the Residential Living Supervisor (RLS). Aunty Lupe who was the previous RLS, is now part of the Hokulea team--so now we have 3 SRA's as your folks' dorm staff. Just to be clear with all the SRA's in Hokulea dorm, I (Jastine) am the SRA that oversees everything.
As shown in the previous post made sometime last week, all dorm bulletin boards have been redesigned and updated; pictures available on this page. Dorm walls have been scrubbed and cleaned, the study room will be repainted once the dorms floors have been stripped & waxed (study room is being used as storage at the moment), paint touch ups will also be done throughout the dorm. If there are any more updates you feel are necessary for Hokulea dorm, please feel free to voice your opinions.
Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Aloha & Take Care!!

Photos from Hokulea Dorm's post 20/09/2020

Aloha All,
Just a sneak peek of the changes happening in the dorm. I felt like we needed to update the bulletin boards around Hokulea. Our bulletin boards were BEYOND outdated; i've found flyers that were posted from 2016! Well, no more! It's time to start turning this dorm into THE dorm for the ELITE. Room bulletin boards have also been updated, new shower curtains/rods/rings/liners, and new rugs have also been bought with hope of much more to come. If you have any suggestions on what more we can do to get us to the top, please feel free to let me know. I'll be doing the study room and laundry room bulletin boards tomorrow, along with the weekly updates for Distance Learning. Aloha & Take Care!! :)


Aloha Everyone! When you have the chance, please check your JC portals for your weekly Distance Learning hours. If they don't seem right, please contact your instructors/counselors/advisors to ensure Distance Learning hours are being documented in a timely manner. Just a heads up, everyone has met the minimum requirement of 20 hours, and/or have turned in a weekly work summary to excuse them from meeting the 20 hours. If you are employed, please reach out to your counselors, and inform them of the employment, and ask about turning in a work summary to help with your credits toward Distance Learning. Although this doesn't fully excuse you from participating in Distance Learning, it does help with receiving credit during the week and it should prevent you from receiving any disciplinary action. As stated above, please contact your counselors to learn more information. Please stay safe during this holdiday weekend, and STAY HOME. I know, it's hard, but we're all in this together.
A Hui Hou!


Aloha Everyone! Hope you all are safe, and practicing social distancing, personal cleanliness, as well as respecting the new mandated rules regarding social outings/activities. The numbers are contiuing to soar, but as long as you all remain vigilent during this time, that's all I can really hope for. If you haven't already heard, Jordan has exited Hawaii Job Corps, and has relocated to Iowa where he is furthering his education. When you have the time, please wish him the best of luck towards his future endeavors. There isn't much to update--emails have been sent to you regarding your distance learning for this past week. When you all can, please take a look at your jobcorps portals, and contact your instructors/advisors to ensure proper documentation of your distance learning are in place. Let me know what's up.




Aloha All! Hope you all are keeping safe, as the COVID cases soar. Please adhere to the CDC guidelines, practice social distancing, and wash, wash, WASH your hands! Take Care!


Aloha Everyone!
As the state of Hawaii is once again closing, I hope you all are remaining safe, wherever you may be. I know, at this point, Job Corps is sounding rather repetitive with your folks' questions in regards to Center reopening. I wish I had the answers. Truth is, we aren't sure. We're currently waiting for DOL and corporate to give us the green light to move forward, based on the Center's proposal of implementing new safety measures throughout the entire campus. Dorm staff have been cleaning and disinfecting the dorms (rooms/common areas) during the whole duration of this pandemic, Maintenance has been completing work orders and installed new water fountains in allthe dorms (with a fountain to fill flasks). A new counselor has just started working, so those who had Ruby, if you haven't heard from him yet, his name is Rick. I haven't met him, so I can't give the 4-1-1 on him, but I hope all who are assigned to him. are welcoming. Please feel free to catch up via email or messenger. Hope to hear from you all soon!


Aloha All! Hope everyone is staying safe, and practicing social distancing. Just wanted you all to know that we miss you folks, and think of you often.


Aloha All!
If you haven't already heard, Ines has exited HJCC as of yesterday. Please be sure to congradulate her when you can! Ines, may you continue to pursue all your dreams and aspirations in life. Never settle for less than you deserve! Keep in touch!
With that said, room 202 locker #3 was locked and had some things remaining inside. Aunty Lynnette has asked Ines if they were her's, and Ines has said that they weren't. If anyone knows any information regarding the items, PLEASE let us know, otherwise, it will be thrown out. Just FYI, there was a post it note to the back of the combo lock with Kumer's name on it, but we don't want to assume. Mahalo Nui!


Aloha All!
Hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe! Unfortunately, I don't have anything to update, but for the sake of not sounding repetitious, we are in the process of scrubbing and waxing the dorm floors. Hope to see you all, or hear from you, at the very least! (lol) Take Care & A Hui Hou!


Aloha Everyone! Just a heads up, I have given Carly the sign-in information for this page, so she could be video calling you folks, and reaching out through messenger. As for any updates, the Center has been cracking down on distance learning. Keep in mind, the minimum requirements are 20 hours/week; help us, help YOU! I have sent emails out to either your jobcorps portals and/or personal emails (should we have it on file), which shows you the hours to which you've accumulated this week. You have up to 4 offenses of not meeting the 20 hours before an NIR will be generated per TPO (Jody). Please, please, PLEASE reach out in any way you can. If you are in contact with anyone else in the dorm that may be struggling to meet the expectations, please encourage them to do so. Aunty Lynnette and I are currently in the process of rennovating the appearance of the room bulletin boards. As of now, bed bulletin boards have a background of plain black, with a double boarder of white and purple. All personal items that were on the bulletin boards, have been placed in gallon sized ziploc bags with your names on them for you to place on your bulletin boards upon your return.

Mahalo Nui & Take Care


Aloha Everyone! Quick update: The Center is cracking down on becoming more efficient, and meeting CDC regulations and MTC guidelines in order to accomodate the return of all dorm population. If you haven't heard by now, HJCC is looking at returns beginning no earlier than September, while we continue with preparations. Dorms will now be housing 18 trainees per wing for a total of no more than 2 residents per room (doesn't affect Hokulea). Only beds 1 & 4 will be used to occupy the rooms residents, while beds 2 & 3 will be "stored" in the rooms to which they are from, but will be turned on its side till proper storage is figured out. This would be used to enforce Social Distancing in the rooms. As for common areas, unfortunately, the whicker sofas will be removed, and individual chairs will be in place. Sanitation Stations will be implemented throughout the dorm; the occupant is responsible for disinfecting the area used before departing. Also, assuming it should be a no-brainer, face masks are to be properly worn at all times throughout Center and/or when social distancing at 6' apart isn't possible (rooms).
Talk around Center, is that they are looking to first return those who are local, and facing hardships. If you fall into this category, please be sure to acknowledge your situation when talking to ANY staff on Center so we can work to get you back here, ASAP. Keep in mind, when returning to Center, there will no longer be any day/weekend/LTE passes issued--the Center will be CLOSED, meaning there will no longer be any off Center WBL or even Rec activities for the time being. College students, i'm unsure of what this means for you folks, but I will find out more information, and keep you all updated.
Lastly, in cleaning/disinfecting the dorm rooms, we've recently learned through corporate that medicine cabinets will no longer be used and therefore, all items left in there prior to the pandemic will be thrown out. I'm not comfortable with throwing your items away, and will instead store them in a bag, and place them in a cabinet under your sinks to await your arrival. If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to either ask or express them, I will personally try to answer them, and if I can't I will find someone who can. Thank you all for being so patient during these times; I know how frustrating it all is.

Stay SAFE & Take Care!


Aloha Everyone! Just a heads up, Natasha has exited the program last week, and this Friday, Loke will be pursuing her future goals outside of Job Corps, as well. If you have them as friends on FB, be sure to wish them luck on their future endeavors! It's been great working with you, ladies! I pray for your health & safety during these trying times, and hope you both go far in life; don't be strangers!


Aloha all! I (Jastine) will be out for the remaining of the week, and won't return until next Tuesday (07/07/2020). I will be leaving this FB information with Carly who will return on Sunday (3pm-12am), if you folks would like to video chat with her :) Have a safe 4th of July, and continue to remain positive. Aloha & Take Care!


Aloha All!! Please take a look at the members of this page. If you are friends with anyone else that's in the dorm, please inform them of the page. Once we have everyone (or majority of the dorm), we can start implementing video chats for virtual dorm meetings. Mahalo Nui!


Aloha Everyone! Hope you are all safe! We are doing are very best in cleaning and disinfecting the dorms to get you folks back. We miss you all, and hope to see you soon.

