Eugene A. Uhl III Memorial VFW Post

Eugene A. Uhl III Memorial VFW Post

As the VFW Post attains it official charter, this is the social media post for this page. The Charte We want to make sure that funds raised are put to good use.

This will be the first Wisconsin VFW Post to stand up in 50 years. With the recent ending of two decades long wars, it is time to create a VFW post that acknowledges the needs of the millions of veterans that are raising families and need help now. Our goal is to be active throughout the community and to not stash funds.

All Veterans to Benefit from Act Signed Into Law, Will Get Free Lifetime Access to National Parks | 18/12/2022

All Veterans to Benefit from Act Signed Into Law, Will Get Free Lifetime Access to National Parks | An act signed into law gives all veterans and Gold Star families free lifetime access to National Parks. The act was part of the defense authorization


From all of us at the Eugene A. Uhl III Memorial VFW Post, HAPPY VETERANS DAY!

The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers | Veterans Affairs 12/10/2022


Are you one or more of these 3:
1. A VA Rating of 70% or more?
2. Medically Discharge from the Military
3. Need at least 6 months of conintuous in person care

You may qualify for the Program for Comprehensive Assistance for Family Care Givers. Your primary caregiver can be a spouse or family member and may be eligible to receive transportation and lodging expense reimbursements, training and even a monthly stipend if they qualify. For more information or to apply:

The Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers | Veterans Affairs We recognize the important role of family caregivers in supporting the health and wellness of Veterans. Find out if you may be eligible and how to apply for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers (PCAFC).

