Beautifully Broken- JustMe

Beautifully Broken- JustMe

Life is TOOO short so make the Rest of your Life the Best!



🔹 The gut microbiome is part of a network termed the “gut-brain axis,” which links the emotional centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions.

🔹 Therefore, the gut-brain axis is a term for the communication network that connects your gut and brain.

🔹 These two organs are connected both physically and biochemically in a number of different ways.


👀 In today's world we are all searching for true super foods.

💚 The anti-aging properties of colostrum, with its growth and immune regulation factors can be used effectively for the following:

• cell renewal

• muscle repair

• longevity


Tonight is gonna be a game changer. The results have been off the charts with the test groups and I can attest being on the product 5 days I’ve been AMAZED!!!

Join Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith & Income Coach, Rose Alison, for a special webinar Thursday, June 8th at 7:15 pm central for the launch of advanced digestion and gut-brain formula, GutBiome6. Invite your friends & family, and don't miss this exclusive interview with Dr. K and new product overview.

Thursday, June 8th at 7:15 PM Central
Zoom Link:

Dial-In (346) 248-7799

Pin # 824 7384 0267

Will you be tuning in?

Zoom Link:




💙 "Anovité has been a game changer for me in many ways & my weight is definitely one of them. I took a long hard look at myself & decided to use the Lepti Trim System, many of you have heard my story, I lost 40lbs in about 5 months. Y’all I was THRILLED 🥳.

You see I’m a big b***d girl with curves & losing that weight made me so proud of myself & I felt really good about how I looked. 👀

Right before Seismic6 came out I had been thinking 🤔 about making some changes, just to see if I could take it to the next level, I started eating a little bit healthier 🥒 but let me just say the Struggle is real. Carbs LOVE ME, I was trying to w**d them out of my diet a little at a time and I was failing MISERABLY. 🤦🏼‍♀️

is my 🦸‍♀️ SUPER HERO 🦸‍♀️

Not only was I getting the Energy, Gut Health, Heart Health, Collagen, Focus, & just being plain HAPPY. I was also not craving Carbs, the struggle well it stopped being a struggle!

Making healthier choices became so much easier! If you’re looking for an EDGE is for you!!"

- Salien L.


Why is restoring a healthy balanced estrogen metabolism essential for adults 50 and older? As we age, our hormone levels naturally fluctuate, leading to imbalances and a range of health issues.

DIM (diindolylmethane), found in veggies like broccoli 🥦 , is a powerful compound that helps to support healthy hormone balance and restore a healthy balanced estrogen metabolism.

It is estimated that to obtain a therapeutic dose of DIM, you would need to consume around two pounds of raw broccoli daily. 😳 Luckily, contains concentrated extracts of DIM from cruciferous vegetables so you don't have to...

Don't let imbalanced hormones hold you back, try Flex6 today and take control of your hormone health!💪👊




Give your kids the best & tastiest vitamins with Colostrum6 Strawberry Chews! 🍓

These delicious chewables are packed with 400mg of natural colostrum and 126mg of Vitamin C per tablet 🍊, making them the perfect daily supplement for growing bodies.

So why settle for other "vitamins" that don't offer the same natural, full-spectrum benefits as Colostrum6?

Ditch the old supplements and upgrade to the best with Colostrum6 Strawberry Chews! 🙌

Photos from Beautifully Broken- JustMe's post 23/04/2023

Y’all get ready!! In the morning we will have Coach Paula Lee!!!

I’m so excited to learn from her!!

Set your alarm and get that pen and paper ready


📣 Attention adults 40 and older! After 19, our IGF-1 levels decline, leading to muscle loss and reduced strength. ⤵️

By supplementing your declining IGF-1 levels with Flex6 Fitness Supplement, you can promote muscle repair, growth, and tissue regeneration. ⤴️

Stay in shape and feel your best at any age!💪


✨ Anovite Ageless Skincare...enough said. 👏


Relief is in the air! 🌬️💧🌸 Say goodbye to seasonal breathing issues with OxyQuest liquid oxygen drops.

Experience the revitalizing benefits of oxygenated hydration while alleviating symptoms from that pesky pollen count. 🌳

🌬️OxyQuest promotes better circulation and oxygenation throughout the body, which helps to clear airways and improve respiratory function, providing relief and allowing you to breathe easier.

Colostrum: A Natural Gut Healer! 17/04/2023

Found this on another Anovite group…..

⭐️ I came across an excellent video some time back of Dr. Andrew Keech who teaches the value of colostrum to physicians around the world.

💗 If you or someone you love has an auto-immune condition, don't miss this information and stay tuned to the end. "Auto-immune diseases are all an expression of the same illness - an immune system that needs to be modulated." He gives an excellent explanation.

[Colostrum: A Natural Gut Healer! - YouTube](

Colostrum: A Natural Gut Healer! Dr. Andrew Keech describes exactly what colostrum does and why it's designed to be the first food people and other m...


Attention all fitness and gym junkies! Want to take your workouts to the next level and achieve a toned body? Look no further than Flex6 Fitness Supplement for Shredded Tone and Strength!💪

🤔Why Flex6 with ZMA helps keep you toned and increases muscle recovery?

✅ZMA, a combination of Zinc, Magnesium and Aspartate, is a powerful mineral supplement that supports muscle recovery and growth. By supporting muscle growth and repair, ZMA can help to keep you toned by promoting the development of lean muscle mass while reducing fat mass.

🥗And when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, ZMA can be a valuable tool for achieving and maintaining a toned physique. 🏋️‍♂️


Good Morning and Happy Thursday!


Finding the positive in everyday life is not about denying the challenges and struggles, but about embracing the beauty and opportunities that surround us.

It's about focusing on what we have, rather than what we lack, and seeing the good in every situation.

When we cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity, even the smallest moments can bring us joy and fulfillment.


All our stories are private and only meant for the Live Well Community! Thank you!

Calling All New Mama’s 🍼

Another 😊 Happy Associate shares her story!

My 6 week old baby had cradle cap and my sister In law told me to use colostrum and make a paste
! So I put alot of colostrum on her face yesterday, I let it dry all the way this time, I rinsed her in the sink and just gently massage the colostrum off, then I used her little baby brush and all of the cradle cap was just coming right off. I had tried EVERYTHING, different kinds of lotion, home remedies, other moms shared tips, and nothing else was working
Her skin is so soft now, no more dry issues, the cradle cap is gone from her face and the parts of her hair line where I put it. We also use it in her bottle twice a day!

Our whole family loves Anovite and this is just another reason to add to the list!!!


Six months from now you will either have six months of excuses OR six months of progress. The choice is yours👏🏻


Did you know that many supplements that have limu or fucoidan as an ingredient are bare minimum just so they can put it on the label? It's called 🧚 "fairy dusting" 🧚 in the supplement world.

NO fairy dusting with LimuZ6! Dr. Kleinsmith PACKS the limu and fucoidan in there!!

LIMUZ6 is made of the equivalent of 40 pounds of limu condensed down to one pound, a 40:1 ratio, to give some of the highest concentrations available. Fucoidan occurs in seaw**d between 2.5 and 4%. The fucoidan concentration in LimuZ is above 90%.

Brown seaw**d is shown to keep the body free from radioactive contaminants, reduce cancer risk, fight weight gain, cell mutations and heavy metal accumulation.

Known as “Mother’s Milk from the Sea,” limu (Laminaria Japonica) supplies: 6 immuno-stimulating glyconutrients (fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, N-acetylglucosamine and xylose); polyphenol antioxidants; organic iodine to regulate the thyroid metabolism; the carotenoids fucoxanthin and fucoidan for protection from cancer and obesity; and the heavy metal and radiation binder, algin.


Can babies take Colostrum6? They sure can! Bovine colostrum is 99.99% compatible to human colostrum. Here are a couple of testimonies.

Lisa shares... "my own grandson was a newborn & he had respiratory issues & was on a gentle formula because he spit up so bad. Colostrum6 in his bottles made a BIG difference as we got breakthrough in every area."

Dr. Kleinsmith, when his 3 children were born, would open a capsule of Colostrum6 and put it in each of his own children's baby bottles (his wife pumped during the day so he did the night feeding to let his wife sleep). He says that by week 4 they were sleeping through the night!


👸 Treat yourself like the queen you are with Anovite Ageless Skincare...Just ask Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt.

🛀 Cleopatra & other royals adored milk baths, and it's been discovered they never missed a day, considering it the key to their beauty.

We now know that the milk they were luxuriating in was packed with growth factors and peptides (small proteins). 🧬
🔬 Centuries later, science has found bovine colostrum boosts cell production by up to 108% for a powerful collagen-building effect. Keeping up collagen products wins the anti-aging skin war.


🦋 Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee with energy 🐝

Seismic6 is caffeine done differently...👌 Plant-based 200 mg of caffeine extracted from coffee beans, yerba mate, and guarana seed to provide you a natural mega-wave of energy.


Hoppy Monday 🐰 Hop on this fact of the day!

Q: Why Can’t I Just Get Raw Colostrum From My Local Dairy Farmer? 🤔
A: Raw Colostrum differs from processed Colostrum because it contains immune factors from just one parent. Anovite 6-Hour Colostrum is beneficial because it is pooled from thousands of cows that provide broad-based immune factors.


Super Saturday with Wonder Woman 🦸🏼‍♀️

"I am so thankful for these SUPERFOODS!! I still cant believe that was me 🤪

Most everyone knows my story about falling out and them saving my life but what ppl don't know is that these whole food supplements helped my skin tighten up.

I lost a face, so I had loose skin on my face and arms!!

Everyone always wants to see my arms and tummy to see if I have had surgery……….No I have not!!

NOT only did my skin tighten up but my muscles are more defined!!! 💪

The ABSOLUTE BEST part is that I feel incredible!!! Everyone always told me…"When you get older, you aren’t going to have all that energy. You will calm down and need rest.” Well, here I am, still peppy as ever, and I FEEL BETTER than I did in my 20s and 30s!

I am so very thankful for more reasons than one.

I am so very blessed to be able to help people feel and look their best!!!

It's never too late to make a change!! You can make the REST of your life the BEST of your life 💪" -Wendy C.


March 18, 2023 Dr K came here from Utah.
It was an honor to be on stage with this great man. He truly cares about his customers.

Do you know 10 people that would benefit from our products? Let’s share. I can show you how to send your 10 people a free sample☺️ FREE🙏

Message me for details….



I had someone say to me today, "Surely you wouldn't take both of these in a day".

❗️ Just because the packets resemble each other, I would in no way use one or the other! They are two TOTALLY different products with a few of the same components in differing amounts and for differing purposes.

🔷 LimuZ6 has a powerful detoxifying/cleansing effect on the body. I know of nothing that can replace the power of it for removing heavy metals. The zeolite and Limu seaw**d alone make this product outstanding in its field, and then when you add the PAC support for the urinary tract issues, lung issues, etc., you're definitely not looking at an energy drink, yet we do experience better physical and brain energy with it. The rem sleep with LimuZ6 can't be beat. You won't get these benefits with Seismic6.

🔷 Seismic6 energy drink is just that and that is where it is focused. It is not your drink to detoxify and keep your body cleansed of foreign pathogens and help you reach that deepest rem sleep level, but it gives you energy like the popular energy drinks today - minus the nasty stuff (even dangerous stuff!), and the benefits are still rolling in on how strongly it supports your system while doing that.
One of the main things that sets Seismic6 apart is the Nootropic’s, it literally feeds your brain 🧠
Seismic6 also helps curb your appetite & supports better gut health. (Personally it helped me get over my plateau in losing weight, those last stubborn pounds)
Weight loss has been a great surprise to many taking Seismic6 and LimuZ6 together. The mechanisms, timing, and benefits are absolutely different with both products!

❤️ You can enjoy these two products separately or use them together which is what I do.


I am living my best life Thanks to Anovité 💚

Anovité came into my life in April of ‘22.
I had Covid in February and by April all of my hair basically disintegrated. One day I had hair and then it was gone. Craziest thing ever.
A lifelong friend told me she knew what could help and told me about a support group for women that lost their hair from Covid. I wanted so bad to talk myself from going but being desperate for my hair I went. It didn’t take me long to realize I was at an mlm meeting.
I’ve tried this home based business industry for 30+ years because I believe in the industry but I never found the right one for me.
It was August of ‘21 when I decided I was done. I was so burnt out that I didn’t even want to think about going through that again. So to find myself at this meeting was frustrating.
I didn’t pay much attention to anything being said until the testimonies. A couple folks definitely had some awesome stories and I asked questions. This sounded like a Fairy Tale! No way can something make your body feel this good day after day.
But man was I wrong.
By the time I left that evening I was an Associate and placed an order-mainly to prove it didn’t work as good as they said But for the first time in a long time I secretly had hope.

It was 2-3 weeks before I noticed much change. Y’all I was sleeping better, first time in my life I have fingernails, the dentist was so impressed my gums were healthier than they’ve ever been. There’s lots of small changes that have had a huge impact and everyday is better. Before Anovité my grand babies would want me to get down in the floor & play with them, I could get down but getting back up wasn’t so easy.
It was about 4 weeks in I bent down & got back up & it hit me, I hadn’t been able to do that in years. y’all today I can roll around on the floor, chase & crawl & get right back up and that’s huge for me. I can honestly say I feel better than I have in 20+ years.
I am so Thankful my friend did what she did to get me to that meeting, I am thankful for Dr K and the leaders who are proving to me everyday how different Anovite is. It truly is people helping people and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.
My name is
Melissa Curtis & this is my Anovité Experience.


‼️We want to hear 👂🏼 from you 🙋🏼‍♀️
In the coming weeks we will be focusing on different parts of the body… tell us what you would like to learn more about❓❓❓


Can you relate 🤷🏼‍♀️😂😂

This used to be me before Limuz!!!

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