Care With Pharmacist Works

Care With Pharmacist Works

ChronicCareRPh (CareWithPharmacist) is a concierge service providing personalized Pharmacist care an


In todays data driven world, any computer literate person, who has worked for a living, would have faced the challenge of using a spreadsheet. This article is a useful guide, not just to impress your colleagues but to make life a little bit easier for you.

Job essentials…. 01/11/2021

In todays data driven world, any computer literate person, who has worked for a living, would have faced the challenge of using a spreadsheet. This article is a useful guide, not just to impress your colleagues but to make life a little bit easier for you.

Job essentials…. In todays data driven world, any computer literate person, who has worked for a living, would have faced the challenge of using a spreadsheet. This article is a useful guide, not just to impress yo…


I have followed the public fued between apple and facebook ever since Apple announced a recent update ( I think it was IOS 14 ) with its privacy centric features. Long story short…… I have had difficulty sharing news, webpages, pictures with friends and family on WhatsApp. Whenever I launch the share screen to share and select WhatsApp…… nothing happens. A quick solution ……. (1) Minimize the app your are using to share (2) Launch WhatsApp and make sure its connected (3) Go back to your original app you were trying to share something and tap on WhatsApp again to share. In my experience, it worked almost immediately in recent models of iPhones and took a few seconds to work in older models of iPhone. Do share your experience

Whatsapp sharing option not working on your iphone? 01/11/2021

I have followed the public fued between apple and facebook ever since Apple announced a recent update ( I think it was IOS 14 ) with its privacy centric features. Long story short…… I have had difficulty sharing news, webpages, pictures with friends and family on WhatsApp. Whenever I launch the share screen to share and select WhatsApp…… nothing happens. A quick solution ……....

Whatsapp sharing option not working on your iphone? I have followed the public fued between apple and facebook ever since Apple announced a recent update ( I think it was IOS 14 ) with its privacy centric features. Long story short…… I have had diff…


Every parent instinctively want to keep their children from harms way.

But I wonder, if parents with anti vaccination beliefs have considered that they may be self sabotaging this parental instinct by not getting vaccination.

Ideally such parents should talk to their grown children about the pros and cons of taking a decision whether to vaccinate or not. But, is more dire in such households with children below the age of 12 since, as of now, they do not even have the option of having a choice.

Read the related news .........

Keeping our children from harms way…… 09/08/2021

Every parent instinctively want to keep their children from harms way. But I wonder, if parents with anti vaccination beliefs have considered that they may be self sabotaging this parental instinct by not getting vaccination. This is more critical in anti vaccine households with children below the age of 12.

Keeping our children from harms way…… Every parent instinctively want to keep their children from harms way. But I wonder, if parents with anti vaccination beliefs have considered that they may be self sabotaging this parental instinct…

Timeline photos 30/07/2021


GlycemaCORE is a drink mix formula that supports blood sugar balance already within normal levels. 14 SERVINGS / JAR


Chronic Care Pharmacist 21/07/2021

Proudly presenting Check it out and let me know what you think!

Chronic Care Pharmacist Providing the helping hands that your Healthcare deserves..


DoT to fine Rs 10,000 for fraud messages with fake headers

India specific news 05/07/2021

DoT to fine Rs 10,000 for fraud messages with fake headers

India specific news DoT to fine Rs 10,000 for fraud messages with fake headers



Take a read ….. and remember to ground yourself and not let your mind wander around worrying about things to be done

8 Strategies to Manage Overwhelming Feelings | Psychology Today 21/06/2021

Take a read ….. and remember to ground yourself and not let your mind wander around worrying about things to be done

8 Strategies to Manage Overwhelming Feelings | Psychology Today Take a read ….. and remember to ground yourself and not let your mind wander around worrying about things to be done


…… then make sure to add a little black pepper to your source of Turmeric consumption. Click here to read the associated article and know why….

Turmeric and Black pepper have been used together in Indian food recipes for ages now. Now research is unlocking the scientific reasoning and benefits of using these wonderful natural products.As mentioned in the article, the composition of these beneficial compounds in the spices, that is Curcumin and piperine, is relatively small but consuming them together improves the absorption of Curcumin 2000 percent which , by itself, is absorbed very little in the body.If we look at the use of these spices from a scientific point of view, delivering these medicinal compounds to human body without psychologically making the recipient feel, that they are taking medications is quite GENIUS in itself. I cannot help but wonder, how many more wonderful pearls of wisdom are yet to be rediscovered by humankind.

Do you believe in the health benefits of TURMERIC? 15/05/2021

…… then make sure to add a little black pepper to your source of Turmeric consumption. Here’s why…. Turmeric and Black pepper have been used together in Indian food recipes for ages now. Now research is unlocking the scientific reasoning and benefits of using these wonderful natural products.As mentioned in the article, the composition of these beneficial compounds in the spices, that is Curcumin and piperine, is relatively small but consuming them together improves the absorption of Curcumin 2000 percent which , by itself, is absorbed very little in the body....

Do you believe in the health benefits of TURMERIC? …… then make sure to add a little black pepper to your source of Turmeric consumption. Here’s why…. Turmeric and Black pepper have been used together in Indian food recipes for ages now. Now resear…


WHO classifies triple-mutant Covid variant from India as global health risk …….Link to the article

Its no surprise that adaptation is a natural order of survival. Every living being learns to adapt so as to survive and thrive and its true for the Coronavirus as well. But for a multi-cell living being, we as humans have a steep ladder to climb and beat this virus’s adaptive strategies. This is because we are emotional beings and adapting is not as black and white as it is for the virus.

Here’s whats going on …….WHO classifies triple-mutant Covid variant from India as global health risk …….As the coronavirus with a triple mutation that was first identified in India is taking hold , Indians are finding themselves on the frontline trying to fight and fend off this deadlier version of the virus. As per WHO, a variant can be labeled as "of concern" if it has been shown to be more contagious, more deadly or more resistant to current vaccines and treatments. WHO issued a clarification Monday to their earlier remarks, saying that current data shows the existing Covid-19 vaccines "remain effective at preventing disease and death in people infected with this variant." But this also suggest that any one single strategy such as getting vaccinated, staying at home etc won’t be effective on its own. The response would require employing multiple strategies together to significantly increase our defenses. I personally believe “ Prevention is better than cure “ and thus doubling down on preventive measures gives us a best shot in this war against COVID. Some practical measures we could employ includes

Use two masks at the same time but more importantly, at times where we might be at higher risk of infection, such as going out to grocery or public place. More importantly use a more breatheable Cloth mask all the time and use a surgical mask on top of it while in a place with higher than normal exposure risk such as public place. Use a face covering along with a mask in public placeUse a negative ion generator ( especially a personal one that can be worn on ourselves ). Even though its usefulness is not established against Coronavirus, using this will help to make sure any polluting particles ( including viruses) that are suspending in the immediate breathable air around us, are forced to settle down on the floor and reduce the chances of inhaling them.

The coronavirus is adapting by mutating and its triple mutation puts India in the frontline to adapt and fight…. 11/05/2021

WHO classifies triple-mutant Covid variant from India as global health risk …….Link to the article Its no surprise that adaptation is a natural order of survival. Every living being learns to adapt so as to survive and thrive and its true for the Coronavirus as well. But for a multi-cell living being, we as humans have a steep ladder to climb and beat this virus’s adaptive strategies....

The coronavirus is adapting by mutating and its triple mutation puts India in the frontline to adapt and fight…. WHO classifies triple-mutant Covid variant from India as global health risk …….Link to the article Its no surprise that adaptation is a natural order of survival. Every living being learns to adapt…


Link to USATODAY article

This is not just an Indian problem but a Global issue and global support will help reduce the burden. I hope organizations across the world could help support by sponsoring production of educational materials, mainly Videos that are peer reviewed and accepted by the scientific community and also sponsor the marketing of those mterials via Television and other video platforms popular in India.This is a dire situation for the general public in India and we must invest in resources that help EDUCATE them in proper preventive measures to start with and then guide them in assisting and handling positive cases in need.

India’s second covid wave, the new variant and what we know 01/05/2021

Link to USATODAY article This is not just an Indian problem but a Global issue and global support will help reduce the burden. I hope organizations across the world could help support by sponsoring production of educational materials, mainly Videos that are peer reviewed and accepted by the scientific community and also sponsor the marketing of those mterials via Television and other video platforms popular in India....

India’s second covid wave, the new variant and what we know Link to USATODAY article This is not just an Indian problem but a Global issue and global support will help reduce the burden. I hope organizations across the world could help support by sponsoring…


It may be time for Indian authorities to consider models adoped by US given the serious jump in Virus cases.

US has already reached a milestone of acheiving vaccination of over 40% of its eligible adult population thanks in great part to mobilizing retired and practicing pharmacists. Following the tremendous success demonstrated by state of West Virginia in its Vaccination efforts, it was a surely a very welcome decision at the federal level to expand this widely successful program nationwide.

Major crucial steps taken by US government in this regard started that helped were things like using emergency powers to formally recognize Pharmacists authority to order and perform COVID Tests, provide protection under US federal law to Pharmacists in line with protections afforded to other Allied Healthcare

As of the beginning of this year a great number of Pharmacists in US were not approved immunizers simply because they did not make the move to get the simple but ADDITIONAL IMMUNIZATION TRAINING to enable them to do the same. Given the situation steps were taken to enable the Accredited Immunization Training Programs to deliver the training virtually and allowing the crucial part of ON HAND TRAINING to be done individually and be certified by an existing provider who is authorized to immunize. Apart from this, state authorities ( who regulate the practice of pharmacy in their respective states ) fasttracked the approval process using the process of online submissions.

Government also took the steps to address the bottlenecks associated with the business side of implementing such processes in local pharmacies which are typically small mom and pop pharmacies with limited resources to jumpstart such programs in short notice. Medicare took the step to nearly double the administration fee to $40 per administration. Since, Medicare’s fee structure serves as a go to reference for state medicaid programs and other insurances, it opened the door for these small community pharmacies ( who were crumbling under the burden of razer thin margins from dispensing of medications ) to risk resources and time towards this endeavor.

In India, since private hospitals already have the freedom to charge 200 INR as administration fees, it may be a relatively easier task to pique the interest of small business healthcare providers in India such as Private practice physicians, pharmacies and other healthcare practitioners to take up vaccinations and operate vaccine clinics.

Considering the operational challenges in running such a program, CoWIN program by Government of India would be very helpful for such small businesses to get started.

Apart from the drive to vaccinate people it will be crucial to significantly increase the ability to order, collect and process COVID tests and I believe it will significantly help if both physicians, pharmacies and private hospitals can start administering COVID Point of Care Testing at their place of business and also conduct ongoing clinics at hotspots or high density population areas such as Gated communities. Since, nearly every Prescriber now a days is able to provide care and assessment for COVID cases virtually, setting up clinics at easily accessible places like Gates communities, pharmacies etc will enable people such as seniors, disabled and other disadvantaged people to get consultation ( via Telehealth ) and submit test sample for Point of Care testing in one place.

Of course, some minor but necessary enhancements and changes need to be made to CoWIN program to fit the needs of such small businesses in getting started and ensure a successful implementation. Ultimately moving the needle in handling this enormous uptick in COVID cases will need all hands on deck but this strategy would be a great start to put a dent in this epidemic.


It may be time for Indian authorities to consider models adoped by US given the serious jump in Virus cases. US has already reached a milestone of acheiving vaccination of over 40% of its eligible adult population thanks in great part to mobilizing retired and practicing pharmacists. Following the tremendous success demonstrated by state of West Virginia in its Vaccination efforts, it was a surely a very welcome decision at the federal level to expand this widely successful program nationwide....

EXPANDING ACCESS TO COVID VACCINE ADMINISTRATION AND POINT OF CARE TESTING BY MOBILIZING SMALL BUSINESS HEALTHCARE SITES. It may be time for Indian authorities to consider models adoped by US given the serious jump in Virus cases. US has already reached a milestone of acheiving vaccination of over 40% of its eligible …


Data shows that there are some key differences between the COVID vaccines in terms of side effects, and this one's more common with Pfizer.
— Read on

This Side Effect Is Far More Common With the Pfizer Vaccine, Data Says 19/03/2021

Data shows that there are some key differences between the COVID vaccines in terms of side effects, and this one's more common with Pfizer. — Read on

This Side Effect Is Far More Common With the Pfizer Vaccine, Data Says Data shows that there are some key differences between the COVID vaccines in terms of side effects, and this one’s more common with Pfizer. — Read on…


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