Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention

Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention

The Northfield Mayor's Task Force works to create a community where youth can lead healthy lives, free of alcohol and drug use.

Our mission is to connect community members to the information and resources locally available to resolve youth alcohol and drug abuse.


Last night 10 of the graduating Youth on Boards members braved the storm and were recognized by the City of Northfield, Minnesota for their participation in City Boards & Commissions and the Mayor's Youth Council. In 2024, 40 seniors participated in the Youth on Boards program, serving in both the public and nonprofit sectors. We are grateful for their dedication and hard work this year.
Congratulations on your graduation, we can't wait to see what you accomplish in your bright futures!

Last night 10 of our graduating Youth on Boards members braved the storm and were recognized by the City of Northfield, Minnesota for their participation in City Boards & Commissions and the Mayor's Youth Council. In 2024, 40 seniors participated in our Youth on Boards program, serving in both the public and nonprofit sectors. We are grateful for their dedication and hard work this year.

Congratulations on your graduation, we can't wait to see what you accomplish in your bright futures!

Photos from Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention's post 07/05/2024

Be the one who saves a life! Attend a FREE naloxone training tonight from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the NCCC: Northfield Community College Collaborative. Participants will learn how and when to use naloxone and will receive their own naloxone kit. Arrive early – space is limited.

Photos from Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention's post 03/05/2024

Talk to your teens about the risks associated with ma*****na use.
Make sure they know the facts.

It’s illegal for people under age 21 to use and possess ma*****na in Minnesota, and the legal ramifications could vary widely. If your child is in possession of ma*****na, they will be disqualified from participating in sports and activities. In addition, using ma*****na before age 18 may affect how the brain builds connections for functions like attention, memory and learning.

For more facts about ma*****na, visit*****na_508.jpg

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre los riesgos asociados con el consume de ma*****na. Asegúrese de que conozcan las realidades.

Es ilegal que personas menores de 21 años consuman y posean ma*****na en Minnesota, y las ramificaciones legales podrían variar ampliamente. Si su hijo está en posesión de ma*****na, será descalificado para participar en deportes y actividades. Además, consumir ma*****na antes de los 18 años puede afectar la forma en que el cerebro establece conexiones para funciones como la atención, la memoria y el aprendizaje.

Para obtener más datos sobre la ma*****na, visite

Kala hadal qaangaarka khatarta cabitaanka ka dhalata isticmaalka maruwaanada. Hubi in ay ogsoon yihiin xaqiiqada dhabta ah.

Waa sharci daro in dadka da’doodu ka yar tahay 21 ay isticmaalaan oo heystaan maruwaana gudaha Minnesota ciqaabta lagu mudanayo waa mid aad u kala duwan. Haddii ilmahaaga uu isticmaalo maruwaana, looma ogolaanayo inuu ka qeybq aato ciyaaraha iyo waxyaabaha kale ee dugsiyada ka socda. Waxaa intaas dheer, isticmaalka maruwaanada ee ilmaha aan gaarin 18 waxa ay saameyn ku yeelaneysaa sida ay maskaxdu ula shaqeyso isku xirka dareenka, xusuusta iyo barashada.

Xaqiiqo dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan maruwaanada, soo booqo*****na_508.jpg

MN Join the Escape - 2024 Escape the V**e Challenge 01/05/2024

An anti-va**ng PSA created by a trio of Northfield High School students is a finalist in the statewide Escape the V**e Video Challenge! The video “Sports Won’t Wait” was created by Haley Zeledon, Cedric Cusack, and Rae Musicant, and it’s one of seven finalists in the high school division.

More than 500 Minnesota students entered videos in the contest. You can watch all the finalist videos and vote online at this link: mnescapethev**

Voting closes at 8 p.m. on May 5. Winning videos will be announced on May 6. If the Northfield students win, NHS will receive $500!

MN Join the Escape - 2024 Escape the V**e Challenge Escape the V**e is a PSA video contest where Minnesota 6th-12th graders can use their voice to raise awareness about the dangers of va**ng.


Be the one who saves a life! Attend a FREE naloxone training next Tuesday, May 7, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Northfield Community College Collaborative. Participants will learn how and when to use naloxone and will receive their own naloxone kit. Arrive early – space is limited.

Be the one who saves a life! Attend a FREE naloxone training next Tuesday, May 7, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the NCCC: Northfield Community College Collaborative. Participants will learn how and when to use naloxone and will receive their own naloxone kit. Arrive early – space is limited.


Sam Boardman, co-chair of the Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (N-ASAP), was among the students handing out Be Safe Be Sober pledge forms and materials this week at Northfield High School. The Be Safe Be Sober campaign aims to remind students about the importance of being safe and sober, especially during celebrations like Prom—which is this Saturday—and the upcoming graduation party season.

To learn more about the campaign and the alcohol-free Prom activities going on this weekend, you can listen to a recent 95.1 The One interview with Meleah Follen, Healthy Community Initiative’s Network Impact Director, and Carter Steenblock, a student member of N-ASAP:

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 02/04/2024

Talk to your teens before they get behind the wheel. Make sure they understand the risks of drunk and drugged driving.

Let your teens know that it’s never okay to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or to get in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Remind youth that the best strategy for staying safe is to stay sober.

For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes antes de que se pongan al volante. Asegúrese de que entiendan los riesgos de conducir ebrio y endrogado.

Hágales saber a sus hijos adolescentes que nunca está bien ponerse al volante de un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del alcohol u otras dr**as, o subirse a un automóvil con un conductor que ha estado bebiendo o usando dr**as. Recuerde a los jóvenes que la mejor estrategia para mantenerse a salvo es mantenerse sobrio.

Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite

La hadal dhalinyarada ka hor inta aanay wadin gaadiidka.
Hubi in ay fahmaan khatarta wadista gaadiidka qofka oo cabsan ama sakhraansan.

Dhalinyaradu ha ogaadaan in marna aysan sax aheyn in qofku gaariga wado isaga oo cabsan ama isticmaalay maandooriye, ama aad gaari la raacdo iyada oo wadaha gaariga uu khamri cabay ama isticmaalay maandooriye. Xusuusi dhalinyarada sida ugu wanaagsan in ay tahay in ay ka fogaadaan cabista kahmriga.

Macluumaad la xiriira goorta iyo xilliga la bilaabo wada shaeekeysiga noocan ah, soo booqo


We’re almost to the end of National . You can mark the occasion by listening to a 95.1 The One interview recorded earlier this month with City of Northfield, Minnesota Mayor Rhonda Pownell and Healthy Community Initiative Network Impact Director Meleah Follen. In the first 14 minutes of the interview, they talked with Jeff Johnson about the important work of the Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention (N-ASAP), a city commission with adult and youth members.
(The second part of the interview focuses on what’s new at the NCCC: Northfield Community College Collaborative.)

Listen here:


Do you know someone who has gone the extra mile to help reduce risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse in Rice County, who has been an advocate for recovery efforts, who has promoted mental health and well-being, or who has helped build assets for youth and other community members? Please help us recognize and encourage these community leaders!

The Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition is accepting nominations for its 2024 Prevention Champion Awards. Nominating a Prevention Champion is simple and takes just a few minutes. Click here:

Nominations are due April 5, 2024. The Prevention Champions will be recognized in May during National Prevention Week.

Do you know someone who has gone the extra mile to help reduce risk factors for alcohol and drug abuse in Rice County, who has been an advocate for recovery efforts, who has promoted mental health and well-being, or who has helped build assets for youth and other community members? Please help us recognize and encourage these community leaders!

The Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition is accepting nominations for its 2024 Prevention Champion Awards. Nominating a Prevention Champion is simple and takes just a few minutes.
Click here:

Nominations are due April 5, 2024. The Prevention Champions will be recognized in May during National Prevention Week.

Photos from Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention's post 08/03/2024

Talk to your teens about the risks associated with va**ng.
Discuss how va**ng can serve as an entry point to ni****ne use, not an exit strategy.

Although e-ci******es* were created to help people with a ni****ne addiction quit regular ci******es, the FDA has NOT approved them as a quit smoking aid. In fact, among current e-cigarette users ages 18-24, 40% had never been cigarette smokers. E-ci******es can lead to ni****ne addiction just as regular ci******es can. V**e fluid contains heavy metals like lead, tin, and nickel, and other substances that can harm the body and lungs.

*V**es and e-ci******es are the same thing, essentially. A v**e is a type of e-cigarette in which the fluid containing ni****ne is vaporized while being inhaled.

For more ways to talk with youth about how va**ng ni****ne compares to smoking ci******es, visit
For resources on supporting your child in quitting va**ng, visit

Photos from Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention's post 01/02/2024

Talk to your teens about mental health and how they are feeling.
Normalize these conversations, and reach out for help if there are concerns about mental, physical, or chemical health issues.
Having frequent talks with teens in a safe environment will show that you care about their physical and mental health. It can also foster a more open and honest dialogue about the risks of underage drinking, drug use, and other topics.
For more information about local chemical and mental health resources, visit the RCCMHC Resource Directory at

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre la salud mental y cómo se sienten.
Normalice estas conversaciones y busque ayuda si hay inquietudes sobre problemas de salud mental, física o química.
Tener conversaciones frecuentes con los adolescentes en un entorno seguro demostrará que se preocupa por su salud física y mental. También puede fomentar un diálogo más abierto y honesto sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol por menores de edad, el uso de dr**as y otros temas. Para obtener más información sobre los recursos locales sobre la salud química y mental, visite el Directorio de recursos de RCCMHC al

Kala hadal da’yarta cudurada dhimirka iyo sida ay u arkaan.
Sheeko ka dhig mid caadi ah oo laga wada hadli karo, oo caawinaad weydiiso haddii aad dareen ka qabto cudurada dhimirka, caafimaadka jirka, ama isticmaalka maandooriyayaasha ah.
Ilmaha oo aad si joogta ah ula hadasho iyaga oo dareemaya amaan waxa ay tuseysaa in aad dooneyso daryeelkooda jir iyo maskax ahaaneed. Waxa kale oo ay keeni kartaa in ilmuhu u furfurnaado ka hadalka iyo ka sheekeynta khatarta cabitaanka khamriga, isticmaalka maandooriyayaasha, iyo mowduucyada ee da’yarta. Macluumaad ku saabsan adeegga isticmaalka maandooriyayaasha iyo cudurada dhimirka, soo booqo Jadwalka Adeegyada ee RCCMHC ee


Come work with us! Healthy Community Initiative is seeking a director to oversee and manage the collective impact work of the Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition. This full-time job offers a starting salary of $60K-$62K, depending on grant management and coalition-building experience, and other perks.

The director will facilitate the strategic direction of collaborative prevention, intervention, and treatment initiatives in Rice County in close coordination with community partners, youth, and families of those struggling with substance use disorder.

Candidates should have at least three years of related coalition leadership and/or program management experience and experience writing and managing government grant proposals, budgets and reports. Application review will continue until the position is filled with a qualified candidate.

Learn more and apply at

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 17/01/2024

Talk to your teens about prescription drug safety.
Help them stay safe.
Start talking to youth early about prescription medicine safety. Make sure they understand what opioids are and the risks of misusing prescription medicine. Though it may not seem like it, they hear your concerns. Store your medicines at home in a lockbox, and dispose of unneeded prescription and over-the-counter medications at the nearest Take It To The Box location. For more information, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre la seguridad de los medicamentos recetados.
Ayúdelos a mantenerse a salvo.
Empiece a hablar con los jóvenes desde una edad temprana sobre la seguridad de los medicamentos recetados. Asegúrese de que comprendan qué son los opioides y los riesgos de hacer un mal uso de los medicamentos recetados. Aunque no lo parezca, escuchan sus preocupaciones. Guarde sus medicamentos en casa en una caja segura y deseche los medicamentos recetados y de venta libre que no necesite en la caja Take It To The Box más cercana. Para más información viste

Kala hadal ilmahaaga amaanka daawooyinka dhakhtarku qoro.
Ku caawi in ay amaan ku nagaadaan.
Xilli h**e kala hadal dhalinyarada daawada uu dhakhtarku qoro. Hubi in ay fahamsan yihiin wax loo yaqaan obiyoodh iyo khatarta ka dhalan karta marka si khalad ah loo isticmaalo. Inkasta oo aysan u ekeyn, dhab ahaantii way dhageysanayaan waxyaabaha aad dareenka ka qabto. Daawada ku keydi meel xiran oo guriga dhexdiisa, iyada oo daawada aan loo baahneyn ee dhakhtarku kuu qoray ama daawada aan dhakhtar kuu qorin gee goobaha ugu dhow ee daawada lagu fogeeyo. Si aad u hesho macluumaad dheeraad ah, soo booqo

Photos from Healthy Community Initiative's post 15/12/2023

Talk to your teens about saving a life. Educate yourself and your teens about Steve’s Law. Don’t Run! Call 911! Save a life!
Encourage your kids to ALWAYS call 911 in an overdose emergency! They are protected from prosecution under Steve’s Law.
Under Steve’s Law and the Minnesota Good Samaritan Law, any person who seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose cannot be prosecuted for possession of drugs or paraphernalia. Both the person seeking help and the overdose victim are protected from prosecution if they cooperate with law enforcement.
For more information, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre cómo salvar una vida. Infórmese a sí mismo y a sus hijos adolescentes sobre la Ley de Steve. ¡No corras! ¡Llame al 911! ¡Salve una vida!
¡Anime a sus hijos a que SIEMPRE llamen al 911 en caso de una emergencia por sobredosis! Están protegidos contra el enjuiciamiento bajo la Ley de Steve.
Según la Ley de Steve y la Ley del Buen Samaritano de Minnesota, cualquier persona que busque asistencia médica para alguien que experimente un envenenamiento por alcohol o una sobredosis de dr**as no puede ser procesada por posesión de dr**as o parafernalia. Tanto la persona que busca ayuda como la víctima de la sobredosis están protegidas del enjuiciamiento si cooperan con las fuerzas del orden. Para obtener más información, visite

Kala hadal ilmahaaga badbaadinta nafta. Wax ka ogoow oo la socodsii caruurtaada Sharciga Steve. Ha cararin! Wac 911! Badbaadi naf!
Ku dhiiri geli caruurtaada in ay MAR KASTA wacaan 911, haddii ay arkaan qof isticmaalay maandooriye aad u badan. Sharcigu ma ogola in lagu maxkamadeeyo sida uu dhigayo Sharciga Steve.
Sida uu dhigayo sharciga Steve ee Muwaadinka Wanaagsan ee Minnesota, qof kasta oo gargaar caafimaad u codsada qof khamri ku sumoobay ama isticmaalo maandooriye aad u fara badan laguma maxkamadeyn karo maandooriyayaasha ay heystaan ama tuubooyinka lagu isticmaalo maandooriyayaasha. Laakiin qofka doonaya caawinaad oo dhib ka soo gaaray isticmaalka khamriga iyo maandooriyayaasha lama maxkamadeynayo haddii ay la shaqeeyaan ciidamada nabadgelyada.
Si aad u hesho macluumaad dheeraad ah, soo booqo


The Northfield Area Family YMCA is hosting a FREE naloxone training on Tuesday, Dec. 5, from 6-7 p.m. Learn how to step in and help reverse an opioid overdose. The training is provided by the Steve Rummler HOPE Network.

Register now at or scan the QR code below and help save lives!

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 16/11/2023

Talk to your teens about their screen time usage.
Too much screen time can negatively affect a teen’s physical and mental health.
Discuss the rules for digital media use as a family. Allow your teen to provide input, and set and enforce appropriate limits. Make sure you set a good example by limiting your own screen time.
For more information about the risks and benefits of digital media, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre el tiempo que pasan frente a la pantalla.
Demasiado tiempo frente a la pantalla puede afectar negativamente la salud física y mental de un adolescente.
Hablen en familia de las reglas para el uso de los medios digitales. Permita que su hijo adolescente dé su opinión y establezca y haga cumplir los límites apropiados. Asegúrese de dar un buen ejemplo al limitar su propio tiempo frente a la pantalla. Par obtener más información sobre los riesgos y beneficios de los medios digitales, visite

Kala hadal qaangaarka khatarta sigaarka qiica ah ee la dhuuqo.
Ilmaha oo waqti badan ku qaata waxa ay saameyn dadban ku yeelan kartaa caafimaadka jirka iyo kan maskaxda ee da’ yarta.
Kala hadalm ilmahaga nidaamka qoysku u dajiyo isticmaalka waxyaabaha elektaroonigga ah. Dhageyso ra’yiga ilmaha, un adaji oo dhaqan geli xadka u geyso. Waa in aad tusale wanaagsan u noqotaa adiga oo naftaada waqti u gooya isticmaalka shaashada. Si aad u hesho macluumaad dheeraad ah ee ku saabsan khatarta iyo faa’iidada isticmaalka elektaroonigga, soo booqo:

Public Policy This Week | The Fentanyl Epidemic with Northfield, Minnesota Chief of Police Mark Elliott, 10/27/23 02/11/2023

City of Northfield, Minnesota Police Chief Mark Elliott appeared on 95.1 The One’s weekly radio show, Public Policy This Week, on Oct. 27 to talk about local, state, and national aspects of the fentanyl crisis. During the wide-ranging discussion, Elliott discussed the work of the Rice County Opioid Response Council, the Mobile Opioid Support Team (MOST), and the benefit of partnerships. To listen to the hour-long conversation, visit

Public Policy This Week | The Fentanyl Epidemic with Northfield, Minnesota Chief of Police Mark Elliott, 10/27/23 Hosts Nathan Leaf and Rich Larson talk with Northfield, Minnesota Chief of Police Mark Elliott about the Fentanyl epidemic, what is being done at the federal, state and local levels to combat the issue, and what resources are available to those with drug problems and their loved ones.

Photos from Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention's post 09/10/2023

Cheers to Parents and Guardians! Thank you for NOT providing alcohol, ma*****na, or cannabis products to minors. Our whole community is affected by underage consumption of these substances. Let’s all take responsibility to prevent it.
To learn more about the social host ordinances in Faribault, Northfield, Dundas, and Rice County, visit:

¡Saludos a los padres y tutores! Gracias por NO proporcionar alcohol, ma*****na o productos de cannabis a menores. Toda nuestra comunidad se ve afectada por el consumo de estas sustancias por parte de menores de edad. Asumamos la responsabilidad de prevenirlo. Para obtener más información sobre la ordenanza de anfitrión social en Faribault, Northfield, Dundas y el Condado Rice, visite:

Dhiirigelin Waalidiinta iyo Mas’uulka ilmaha! Waad ku mahadsan tihiin in AADAN khamri, maruwaana, ama maandooriyayaasha kale aadan siin da’ yarta. Isticmaalka khamriga ee da'yarta waxa ay saameyn ku yeelatay bulshada oo dhan.
Aan dhamaanteen qaadno mas’uuliyadda si looga hortago. Si aad wax uga ogaato sharciyada u degsan xafladaha ee Dundas, Faribault, Northfield, iyo Degmada Rice, soo booqo:


Shout out to the people everywhere who are saving lives through prevention! Together, we’re partners in prevention. Visit:


In response to rising fentanyl deaths, the Hennepin County Sheriff's Office has launched a series of videos about fentanyl use and public resources for accessing help. The first video shares the story of Seth Carlson, a 17-year-old man who died of fentanyl in 2022. You can watch the video here.
For information about where you can get free naloxone locally (naloxone is a medicine that temporarily reverses an op**te overdose), visit

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 14/09/2023

For students in , September marks and a transition . It can be an exciting, yet often overwhelming time. One way to cope is to stay connected with supportive and trusted friends, family, and mentors. Learn more:
Para los estudiantes en , septiembre es el y del . Puede ser un momento emocionante, pero a menudo estresante. Una forma de hacerle frente a la situación es mantenerse en contacto con amigos, familiares y mentores de confianza que brinden apoyo. Obtén más información en:

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 13/09/2023

Talk to your teens before they make plans with friends. They hear you!
The new school year is a great time to establish family rules for social activities. Youth need your help understanding the facts about alcohol and other drugs. Talk with them about the risks of underage drinking, ma*****na, and substance use, and be clear and consistent about your expectations.
For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes antes de que hagan planes con sus amigos. ¡Le escuchan!
El nuevo año escolar es un buen momento para establecer reglas familiares para las actividades sociales.
Los jóvenes necesitan su ayuda para entender los datos sobre el alcohol y otras dr**as. Hable con ellos sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol, ma*****na y sustancias por menores de edad y sea claro y coherente con sus expectativas.
Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite

La hadal ka hor inta aanay raacin saaxiibadood. Way ku dhageysanayaan!
Bilowga sanad dugsiyeedka cusub waa xili aad ugu wanaagsan in la dajiyo xeer qoyska u degsan ee la xiriira bulshada.
Dhalinyaradu waxa ay u baahan yihiin in ay fahmaan xaqiiqada la xiriirta khamriga iyo maandooriyayaasha kale. Kala hadal khatarta khamriga ee dhalinyarada yaryar iyo isticmaalka maruwaanada, oo si cad oo joogta ah ugu sheeg waxyaabaha aad ka fileyso.
Talo ku saabsan xilliga la bilaabo la hadalka iyo sida loo bilaabo, soo booqo


Joyride is a safe ride home shuttle service available during the Defeat of Jesse James Days on Thursday, Sept. 7, Friday, Sept. 8 and Saturday, Sept. 9 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. This is a free bus ride within the city of Northfield only. Pickup at the Entertainment Center at 5th and Water Street. Tickets available at the Entertainment Center and all bars. Thank you to the Defeat of Jesse James Days Committee and the Rice County Safe Roads Coalition including the Northfield Police and College City Beverage.
Joyride es un servicio de transporte seguro de vuelta a casa disponible durante los Días de la Derrota de Jesse James, el jueves 7, el viernes 8 y el sábado 9 de septiembre, de 10 p.m. a 2 a.m. Se trata de un viaje gratuito en autobús sólo dentro de la ciudad de Northfield. Recogida en el Centro de Entretenimiento de las calles 5th y Water. Boletos disponibles en el Centro de Entretenimiento y en todos los bares. Gracias al Comité de la Derrota de Jesse James Días y la Coalición de Carreteras Seguras del Condado de Rice incluyendo la Policía de Northfield y College City Beverage.

Joyride is a safe ride home shuttle service available during the Defeat of Jesse James Days on Thursday, September 7, Friday, September 8 and Saturday, September 9 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. This is a free bus ride within the city of Northfield only. Pickup at the Entertainment Center at 5th and Water Street. Tickets available at the Entertainment Center and all bars. Thank you to the Defeat of Jesse James Days Committee and the Rice County Safe Roads Coalition including the Northfield Police and College City Beverage.
Joyride es un servicio de transporte seguro de vuelta a casa disponible durante los Días de la Derrota de Jesse James, el jueves 7, el viernes 8 y el sábado 9 de septiembre, de 10 p.m. a 2 a.m. Se trata de un viaje gratuito en autobús sólo dentro de la ciudad de Northfield. Recogida en el Centro de Entretenimiento de las calles 5th y Water. Boletos disponibles en el Centro de Entretenimiento y en todos los bares. Gracias al Comité de la Derrota de Jesse James Días y la Coalición de Carreteras Seguras del Condado de Rice incluyendo la Policía de Northfield y College City Beverage.


Today is International Overdose Awareness Day, which means it's a good day to spread the word about where free naloxone is available in Rice County. Visit for a list of locations in Northfield and Faribault.
Learn more about substance abuse disorder and area treatment programs at

Visit for a list of area locations where the anti-opioid medication naloxone can be obtained at no cost.

Learn more about substance abuse disorder and area treatment programs at

Photos from Healthy Community Initiative's post 11/08/2023

Thanks to all the Northfield residents who hosted or attended Night to Unite parties earlier this month, and to the representatives from the police department, fire department, EMS and city staff who joined in the fun!

If you hosted a party, please be sure to fill out your online survey – the deadline is today! This helps the City of Northfield, Minnesota and the Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention plan next year’s event.

Photos from Rice County Chemical and Mental Health Coalition's post 28/07/2023

Earlier this week, law enforcement officials collected and safely disposed of 531 pounds of unused, unneeded medication – 157 pounds from the Faribault Police Department and 231 pounds from the Northfield Police Department. That brings the grand total for the Take It To the Box program up to 36,564 pounds of medication. Let’s keep it up, Rice County!

Remember: removing unneeded human or animal prescription and over-the-counter medication from your home prevents medication misuse! Dropping it off at one of the boxes means it will be disposed of in a way that’s safe for the environment. It’s also FREE!

Disposal boxes are available 7 days per week, 24 hours per day in the lobbies of the Faribault Police Department, Lonsdale Police Department, Northfield Police Department and Rice County Sheriff’s Office. Visit for more details.


The deadline to register for Northfield’s Night to Unite is this Friday, July 21! Click on the link to learn more and to register online:

Night to Unite is an evening to gather with your neighbors, get to know each other, and promote community safety. This year's Night to Unite is Tuesday, Aug. 1. All registered hosts will receive a free party kit that includes plates, napkins, spoons and forks, and activities for kids, compliments of the City of Northfield, Minnesota Police Department and the Northfield Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention.

For information about events in Faribault, contact the Faribault Police Department at 507-334-4305.

For the latest information about COVID-19 levels and prevention measures, visit

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