Jelina Shah Consulting

Jelina Shah Consulting

I help reverse Type 2 Diabetes so you can live as the happiest, healthiest version of yourself


It wasn't until I landed a job as a clinical pharmacist helping people manage their diabetes that I knew I wanted to learn more about helping people PREVENT diabetes and lose weight.

I remember it like yesterday, even though it was 3 years ago!

My job was to adjust insulin and make sure my patients were not only taking their medications as prescribed, but help them lower their blood sugar. However, as I started to speak to my patients, I realized that many of them had no idea what diabetes was and that their food choices were impacting their blood sugars. Several of them believed that they would have to be on insulin forever and they had little to no control over the disease. Having a dad (and several uncles) with diabetes, I understood feeling destined to getting diabetes, but I also knew it wasn't my destiny as I changed my own health the year before. By educating my patients, they learned about how to not only eat differently but how to manage stress, crush their cravings so they could come off of their insulin and other medications. Many of my clients had a new lease on life!

Looking back, it can be hard to believe that I also used to struggle with weight loss and the fear of diabetes... but we all start somewhere!

If you want to learn more about my story, visit my website! 🌟


🌟 Testimonial Spotlight 🌟

"I would recommend Jelina to my family and friends. She taught me everything about meals and medications. I will remember her voice, her advice with everything. Thank you for everything!" - PQ, 56 years old

With the Craving Crusher Program, my mission is to empower you with the knowledge and support you need to lead a healthier life. It's moments like these that remind me why I do what I do. 💚

Photos from Jelina Shah Consulting's post 06/09/2024

5 Myths About Weight Loss That Keep You Stuck

Myth 1: Eating carbs will make you gain weight. 🍞
Truth: Carbohydrates are an essential part of a balanced diet. We'll show you how to enjoy carbs and still shed pounds.

Myth 2: You have to starve yourself to lose weight. 🙅‍♂️
Truth: Starving is not the solution! Discover how to nourish your body and shed excess weight without deprivation.

Myth 3: Healthy eating is bland, boring and expensive. 😩
Truth: Healthy meals can be delicious and satisfying! They also don’t have to cost an arm and a leg. Learn to make nutritious food your taste buds will love and doesn’t break the budget.

Myth 4: You need to spend hours at the gym. 💪
Truth: You don't need to live in the gym. We'll teach you efficient workouts that fit into your busy schedule.

Myth 5: Weight loss is a solo journey. 👫
Truth: You're not alone! Join our supportive community and let us guide you toward success.

Ready to crush these myths and achieve your weight loss goals? Join our Craving Crusher Program today!


What if you could lose weight and prevent diabetes...

…Without giving up the foods you love like BREAD (Because ain't nobody got time for that!)

Good news.. you totally can!!

With the Craving Crusher Program, you'll learn how to enjoy your favorite foods while achieving your health goals. Our proven strategies and personalized guidance empower you to conquer cravings and create lasting change.

I won't lie and tell you it’s going to be effortless (although many previous clients would argue and say it feels effortless). But it will be worth it.

If you're interested in the Craving Crusher Program, tap the link to get started today!


🇺🇸 Happy Labor Day! 🇺🇸

As we celebrate hard work and dedication, let’s also take a moment to prioritize our own well-being.

Whether you're enjoying a relaxing day off or gearing up for the new season, remember that taking care of your health is just as important as your work.

Ready to invest in your wellness journey? Let’s work together to achieve your health and weight loss goals with a holistic approach that fits your lifestyle! 💪🌿


I never thought I could be thin.

I felt like I was destined to be overweight and my efforts were in vain. I poured my energy into diets, exercise, and restriction, only to find myself trapped in a cycle of frustration. 🔄.

I was only eating 1200 calories, I was starving, and then at the gym for HOURS. Despite all of that, the scale wouldn't move. I felt hopeless and my efforts felt futile. Then I would binge because what was the point???

Sound familiar? I get it. The constant battle with the scale, the hours spent at the gym, and the restrictive eating can make you feel like there's no way out. But let me tell you, I found my way out by understanding the power of hormones like insulin. Once I grasped how these biological forces were influencing my body, the weight started melting away effortlessly. 🌈

Guess what? You're not alone in this. If you've ever felt defeated by your efforts, I'm here to tell you there's a better path. I'm eating the foods I love without guilt, bidding farewell to endless gym sessions, and feeling absolutely incredible.

Want to break free from the cycle? Let's chat! Share your thoughts below or send me a PM. Together, we can rewrite your story. 💪


Are you making this simple mistake?

🚫 Let's talk about a common misconception: Avoid falling for the sugar-free or diet food trap. And those "Keto" packaged products might not be the magic fix you're looking for.

Here’s what to do instead…

Those seemingly convenient options are often loaded with chemicals and ingredients that can actually spike your blood sugars, disrupt your lower carbohydrate journey, and leave you feeling unsatisfied. Have you ever wondered why those diet versions of your favorite treats don't leave you feeling full? Artificial additives could be to blame, messing with your hunger hormones and satiety cues.

Ready for a better approach? 🌱 Skip the shortcuts and choose real nourishment.

Psst. You don't have to wait for what you want… PM me REAL and I'll share more details.


💖 Let's talk about one of my guiding principles: EMPATHY.

Empathy is at the heart of everything I do.


Because I believe in making a genuine connection with people, letting them know they're heard and supported. Compassion and kindness go a long way in creating a space where everyone feels understood, even when their journey might be different from mine.

Do you value empathy too?

Share your insights in the comments below! Let's build a community of understanding and support. 🤝


✨Once you try this, you'll never be the same ✨

It’s how I get my body back in shape after vacation every 👏 single 👏time 👏

And, you can too!

Sign up for the Craving Crusher Program!

Tap the link below to learn how you can see results like this or PM me for more info →


If you're looking for help with preventing diabetes and losing weight, you're in the right place!

And today, I'm here to give you some of the best advice I have.

Eat what your body NEEDS first then eat what it WANTS. Meaning, you don't have to skip the bread, but make sure to eat the salad and protein first. You eat less bread because you are full from the nutrient dense foods, and your body doesn't have a hormone response that increases cravings! A double win! Best don't have to give up the foods you love!

Ask any and all questions you have in the comments, and I'll be answering them throughout the day!!

Save this post to refer back to and tag a friend in the comments who could use this too!


Would you rather eat a high calorie avocado toast with microgreens, an egg, tomatoes and red onions or a low calorie oatmeal apple cinnamon oatmeal packet with water for breakfast?

I would chose the avocado toast even though it has WAY more calories and fat! It is nourishing and delicious and I know it would keep me full for hours unlike the oatmeal packet. I use to eat the oatmeal packet and an hour later, I would feel so hungry and not full. Believe it or not, once I started to eat the higher fat and higher calorie nutrient dense food, I started to finally lose weight!

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


Here is a beautiful testimonial from my client and friend Terri:

“I knew my A1c had been creeping up, so I wasn’t surprised when recent lab work revealed I was officially in the “pre-diabetic” range. As a former pharmacist I have seen the ravages of diabetes up close, and I refused to go there. I immediately went to the grocery store with the intention of changing my eating habits, but once I got there, I froze in a panic. I DID NOT KNOW HOW TO EAT.

Fortunately, I knew what to do. I texted my friend Jelina right there in the produce department. (Full disclosure: we’re former colleagues.) We started meeting via Zoom within two weeks. I really thought I knew proper nutrition, but the information she gave me blew my mind. I implemented changes right away and the weight started coming off.

Here I am three months later and I’ve lost 17 pounds. It really hasn’t been all that hard because nothing is off limits. The best part is when I go to bed and I no longer berate myself for all the ‘bad’ things I ate that day. I’m looking at clothes differently thinking, ‘Yeah, I can rock that.’

Jelina’s common-sense approach and positive attitude have made all the difference. She knows her stuff and she’ll be your biggest fan.”

If you're ready to embark on a similar journey and take control of your health, I'm here to be your biggest fan! Let's work together to achieve lasting results and prevent diabetes. 🎉💪


🌟 At the heart of my mission is the belief that small, sustainable changes can lead to remarkable transformations! 🌟

I'm passionate about guiding you towards a healthier and happier lifestyle through achievable steps. It's not about radical diets or temporary fixes; it's about fostering lasting well-being and preventing diabetes. 🏋️‍♀️🥗

Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the incredible potential of your well-being. PM me or tap the link to learn more! 💌✨


🤔 Myth or Fact? Here’s the truth 👉👉👉

If you’ve ever thought that willpower is the key to losing weight and becoming healthy, you're not alone. I hear it all the time!

But here’s the truth, your body's hormonal imbalance is what is triggering your cravings, not your lack of willpower. 💡 Using your willpower alone is exhausting and will only work for a short period of time.

By addressing the root cause and balancing the hormones in your body, you won't need to rely solely on willpower to stay away from the cookies or the chips.

Discover the power of hormonal balance in achieving effortless weight loss and becoming the healthiest version of yourself. 💪

If you're ready to take control of your health and well-being, let’s get started today!

Just tap the link below or PM me ✨


✨ Ready to transform your life with expert guidance? ✨

“Jelina Shah is a real gem in her expertise of helping people manage diabetes and live the best life possible. Jelina's expertise is impressive, and she has my attention when she talks. She is warm and welcoming, yet she is firm about what must be done to create positive results. She is an outstanding expert, teacher, and has a special way to get her point across. Highly recommended!” — Randy B.

Tired of feeling defeated every time you step on the scale?

Feeling like you are destined to be overweight?

Sick of giving up the food you love in the name of “health”?

So are many of my clients…they decided to try a different approach and finally, they are feeling happier, healthier and showing off smaller waistlines.

🌟 Don't miss out on the opportunity to work with me! 🏋️‍♂️ Highly recommended by countless individuals, including Randy! 🌟


Calling all book lovers!

What are you currently reading?

I'm reading "the Circadian Code" by Satchin Panda, and I LOVE IT!!

Share any recommendations you have in the comments!


Thanks, but… no thanks. 😅

Ever since the Craving Crusher program , my clients have kissed unwanted weight and suboptimal health goodbye.

If you're ready to join the club, just head over to or PM me. 🎉


So, here’s the thing…….

Losing weight isn't really cut and dry. ❌

I'd love to give you a definitive answer, but the truth is, it depends on a lot:

👉 Your hormones and how long it will take to balance them
👉 Your ability to cope with stress
👉 Your medical history and underlying medical conditions

And I wouldn't be doing my best as a Holistic Diabetes Health Coach if I didn't give you the nuances of the situation.

Tap the link below to dive deep with me 1-on-1 so I can make a customized recommendation OR see all of the options and decide what’s best for you.


🌟 I couldn't be prouder of this wonderful feedback from MMZ, a valued client who achieved incredible results! 🌟

Jelina's guidance has made a significant impact on her wellness journey, and she now feels accomplished and confident about her food choices. 💪 With personalized support and expert advice, MMZ learned what to eat and experienced a newfound sense of security on her path to health. 🌿

If you're seeking a transformative wellness experience like MMZ, don't hesitate to reach out! 📩 Let's work together to conquer your goals and create a sustainable, empowered lifestyle. Tap the link below or PM me to get started today! 😊


In case you haven't noticed… 😏

When I looked around at other Programs, I knew I wanted to do things differently.

It was really important to me that my programs helped people:

🏋️‍♀️ Crush their cravings without relying on willpower
🍎 Achieve a balanced and nutritious diet without feeling restricted or deprived
💪 Boost their overall well-being without crazy, intense exercise routines or specialized diets

And so, The Healthy Hero Model was born.

If you're tired of dealing with cravings, , I would love to connect.

Just tap the link below to get started or PM me.


🤦‍♀️ How else can I say this..?

Diabetes prevention can be hard to explain when you know the ins and outs of health and wellness.

Jokes aside, it’s my absolute OBSESSION. I love helping people conquer cravings and prevent diabetes.

Want to get a complete, step-by-step breakdown of how to achieve your wellness goals?

Tap the link and grab "What to Eat to Avoid Diabetes" ✨


Are you making this simple mistake?

Don’t make dinner your biggest meal.

Here’s what to do instead…

Shift the focus to lunch and make it your biggest meal, as your body burns about 5-10% more calories at lunch compared to dinner.

Psst. You don't have to wait for what you want… PM me and I'll share more details.


🌎🎉 Happy World Emoji Day! 🎉🌍

Let's celebrate the power of emojis in expressing our emotions and connecting with others. 💬❤️

For my amazing healthy heroes, emojis are more than just fun little icons. They're a way to communicate our struggles, victories, and everything in between on our health journeys. 🙌💪

So, on this special day, I invite you to share your favorite health-related emojis in the comments below! 📝👇

Whether it's the 💪 flexing arm to symbolize your strength and determination, the 🥦 broccoli to represent your commitment to healthy eating, or the 🏋️‍♀️ weightlifting emoji to showcase your fitness journey, let's express ourselves with emojis!

Remember, emojis have the power to unite us, inspire us, and bring a smile to our faces. Together, let's create a positive and supportive community where we can share our health stories and triumphs. 💚

Wishing you all a fantastic World Emoji Day! Let's spread some emoji love and keep rocking our health goals! 🌟😊


"I would recommend Jelina so very much. I couldn’t have accomplished my goal without Jelina’s motivation. She inspired me. I am grateful Jelina showed up when she did." - MG, 59 years old.

🌟 Testimonial Spotlight 🌟

Thank you, MG, for sharing your empowering journey! 🙌 Your success is a testament to the transformative power of personalized coaching. 💪

If you're ready to be inspired, motivated, and supported in achieving your health goals, look no further. Jelina is here to guide you every step of the way. 🌿✨


Hey, Health Heroes, I just wanted to share a message today to remind you that you are capable of incredible transformation. Believe in yourself and your ability to make positive changes. Your health and well-being matter, and with the right guidance and support, you can achieve lasting results. Keep pushing forward, stay committed, and never forget that you have the power to create the life you deserve.

I hope you have a great day full of positivity and progress. See you around the internet! ♥️


Hey, Emotional Eater, you NEED this →

"Mindful Eating" is the most important thing you need to achieve freedom from emotional eating. Best part, it's not as hard as you think...

And, I can show you more!

Hit follow for more holistic health tips and let me know in the comments if you want to know more about mastering Mindful Eating. ⤵️


Are you tired of diets that don't work?

In my Craving Crushers Coaching Experience, you'll learn how to nourish your body and keep your blood sugar stable.

No more yo-yo dieting!

Save your spot today!

Click the link:


🍫 Happy World Chocolate Day! 🍫

Indulge in the rich, velvety goodness of dark chocolate today and celebrate the many benefits it brings to your health and well-being. Did you know that dark chocolate, especially varieties with 70% cocoa or above, is not only a delectable treat but also a nutritional powerhouse?

Here are some reasons why you should savor dark chocolate guilt-free:

1️⃣ Rich in Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants that help fight off free radicals in your body, protecting your cells from damage and promoting overall health.

2️⃣ Heart-Healthy Goodness: Research suggests that consuming dark chocolate in moderation may contribute to a healthy heart. It can help improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

3️⃣ Mood Booster: Dark chocolate contains compounds that stimulate the production of endorphins, which are natural "feel-good" chemicals in the brain. Enjoying a square or two can give you a delightful mood lift.

4️⃣ Nutrient-Rich Delight: Dark chocolate is a good source of minerals like iron, magnesium, and copper. These essential nutrients play vital roles in various bodily functions, including energy production, immune support, and bone health.

5️⃣ Mindful Indulgence: Dark chocolate's intense flavor and richness make it a perfect choice for mindful indulgence. Savoring a small piece mindfully can satisfy your chocolate cravings while keeping portion sizes in check.

Remember, when it comes to dark chocolate, quality matters. Look for varieties with higher cocoa content, preferably 70% or above, to reap the maximum health benefits.

On this World Chocolate Day, treat yourself to a piece of decadent dark chocolate and relish in its delightful taste and remarkable benefits. Share your favorite dark chocolate moments in the comments below, and let's celebrate the joy of this irresistible indulgence together! 🎉✨


Let’s end the cycle of emotional eating TOGETHER 🙌

Here’s what I do to break these habits:

✔️ Understand the Science: Discover the biology behind weight loss, debunking myths and empowering you with knowledge. It's not your fault. Learn to have your body work with you, not against you!
✔️ Mindset Mastery: Address the emotional aspect of eating, conquer cravings, and develop effective coping strategies. Stop relying on willpower!
✔️ Lifestyle Transformation: Implement sustainable changes in nutrition, sleep, stress reduction, and exercise for lasting results. Act as the healthy version of yourself by asking yourself, what does "healthy me" do in this situation.

Need more support along the way or want more tips?

Comment below with a 💌 or DM me, and we can talk it out.


🌟 Transform Your Health and Achieve Lasting Results! 🌟

HM, a client just like you, had incredible success with our program. Here's what she had to say:

"I would recommend working with Jelina. It is a good program. Jelina explains things really well. I lost weight. I went from a size 16 to a size 12."

Imagine what you could achieve with personalized guidance, expert support, and a proven approach. My program is designed to empower you to transform your health, shed unwanted pounds, and create a sustainable lifestyle that lasts.

🔹 Personalized Guidance: Receive individualized coaching tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you have the tools and strategies that work specifically for you.

🔹 Clear and Informative Explanations: Jelina's expertise and ability to break down complex concepts make it easier for you to understand the why and how behind your health journey.

🔹 Real Results: Witness your progress as you shed pounds and sizes, just like HM who went from a size 16 to a size 12 in a few short months. Experience the joy of reaching your weight loss goals and regaining control over your health.

Ready to embark on your own transformative journey? Don't wait any longer to achieve the results you've been longing for. Send me a PM to learn more about our program and take the first step towards your success!

💪 Let's make your weight loss journey a reality! 💪

Videos (show all)

Thanks, but… no thanks. 😅Ever since the Craving Crusher program , my clients have kissed unwanted weight and suboptimal ...
So, here’s the thing……. Losing weight isn't really cut and dry. ❌ I'd love to give you a definitive answer, but the trut...
Struggling to lose weight? Try this! 💡Hot take: Strenuous exercise like running on the treadmill isn't the answer… Inste...
Let me guess... you've been hearing tons of experts in the Diabetes and weight loss space lately sharing that eating sev...
The last piece of the plate method and the most delicious part IMO! Don’t forget to watch parts 1 and 2! #carbs #holisti...
Want the full story?!? Start with part one of the plate method (for extra credit then check out veggies explained) #part...
Watch part 1 of the plate method, then watch this!#vegetables #holistichealth
Stop counting calories and try this instead! #loseweightnaturally #holistichealth #partoneofthree
I'm here to normalize feeling sad, mad, or any emotion that isn't happy.Because it is impossible to be happy ALL OF THE ...
Nice to meet you!!
Are you sick of feeling like your cravings control you, and ready to finally turn it around?I can help!!I help clients c...
Get one step closer to better health... right here and now.I get it. You probably keep bumping up against the challenges...
