Auria Fuentes

Auria Fuentes

Supporting others on their meditation journey

People In Power Worldwide | meditation 20/07/2023

Want to heal your wounded aspects once and for all. I'm proud to be Compassion Key certified. This method of healing trauma from your life, generational trauma and karmic imprints is invaluable. Do you help others achieve their goals, but you feel stuck? Did you do healing work around a topic or event and land up figuring out you still are blocking money, or not manifesting your soul mate. If you have any interest in a Compassion Key session reach out through my
website for more information.

People In Power Worldwide | meditation A monthly, live 15 minute social media meeting place for meditation. Millions will meditate for inner peace to positively affect the lives of billions, raising our universal consciousness, letting love be the driving force of energy in our world.


Check out my blog post- Learning from experience

Wow! It's really real! I am coming to you the Sunday after my first live event. Looking from the outside, it was a hot mess- between a wind storm, dropped internet connections, people not caring I was filming and talking next to me... it was disappointing but not in any way disheartening to me. I learned soooo much. By ne...

