Tidy Ducts

Tidy Ducts

Residential air duct and dryer vent cleaning. Fast, friendly, professional service. Small locally owned business.
$25.00 per air duct
$125.00 dryer vent


Air ducts $30 each
Dryer vent $75
Lowest Prices in Lubbock!

Tidy Ducts 30/11/2021

GRAND OPENING!! Have your dryer vent and air ducts cleaned. Mention that you saw this FB post, and receive a $50 discount from now until March 31, 2022.
All air ducts and return air vent $30 each.
Dryer vent cleanings for $75.
Please call 806-782-1968 to schedule an appointment.

Tidy Ducts Residential air duct and dryer vent cleaning.
Fast, friendly, professional service. Small locally owned business.
$25.00 per air duct
$125.00 dryer vent

