Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education

Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education

I am running to fill a seat on the WCSD Board of Education! I appreciate your vote! I’m Amy Horton. I love our City.

I was born and raised on Watertown’s North Side and am a graduate of Watertown High School. That’s why I decided to remain here and along with my husband Chris, raise our five children in Watertown. My passion for Watertown and my desire to create a better future for residents are my motivations behind running for City Council. I’m not a typical politician, but I have the skills, drive and knowled

Photos from Councilwoman Sarah Compo Pierce's post 08/01/2022

This is a great idea! 💡 Please weigh in!

Your voice matters!


I’m always happy to give back whenever I’m able.

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

We ALWAYS have a lot to be thankful for. 🦃


While Election Day did not yield the results I had hoped, I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU. Thank you to the voters who listened to my message and cast their vote in support of me. Going door-to-door to more than 2,000 households, I met so many amazing people—these are individuals who truly make Watertown the special place that it is.

Thank you to my campaign volunteers for the many hours they put in to help me through this process. Special thanks go out to Jenn, Abby, Adrien, Beth, Jeri, Shasta and so many others.

And last but certainly not least, thank you to my loving family, including my husband Chris, my children, my mother Nancy, my stepfather Greg and my brother Brian. I am so fortunate to have loved ones who were ALWAYS there to support me, no matter how hard it got or how many hours I spent away from them.

As a political newcomer, I learned a great deal over the past eight months and am grateful for the experience. I learned that there’s value in keeping it “positive.” While many other candidates decided to spend time tearing others down, I am proud that my campaign consistently worked hard to share my vision for the City, without turning to negativity and divisiveness.

I learned too, that things aren’t always what they seem. Not only did a couple other candidates and myself have to overcome our political opponents, we had to overcome a very biased media—namely, Newzjunky. Whether it was repeatedly reducing me to a “babysitter” in their headlines, not responding to emails from other candidates who inquired about advertising or cherrypicking news stories that suited their preferred candidates, it has become abundantly clear to many in our community Newzjunky is not an objective news source.

In addition, it is also unfortunate that our other main media outlets, in the last week of the campaign, decided to zero in on a single campaign contribution I received that was detailed in my campaign finance disclosure report—something that is required by law. Meanwhile, others in the race neglected to even file reports for the Primary or General Elections, denying voters a true picture of who was actually funding their campaign.

In the case of one candidate in particular, front-page advertisements appeared at the top of the Watertown Daily Times, with no reporting regarding who was actually paying for them. Ironically, I inquired with the Times about advertising in this space, but was told I needed to seek “permission” from a non-candidate, non-city resident in order to do so. This, in a word is wrong.

In light of this I would encourage people to expand their horizons when looking to educate themselves about what’s going on locally. Go beyond the headlines and read the full story, or better yet, watch/attend a Council meeting for yourself. Don’t let a website tell you what—or how—to think.

Moving forward, I would like to congratulate those who were victorious and wish them the best of luck. Like so many others, I only want what is best for our City. I hope that the future Council can work together to make Watertown a better place.

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 02/11/2021

Election Night Party is underway! We’re at Spokes Craft Beer and Tapas downtown—all are welcome, so stop in! 🇺🇸


Voting, ✅✅✅

I spoke with 7 News after casting my ballot. Check out the story by clicking below and remember, polls are open until 9:00 PM!

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 02/11/2021

All set up at Starch! Stop by for a FREE cookie or donut to celebrate Election Day! 🍪 🇺🇸 🍩


🇺🇸Stop by and get one of these AMAZING cookies, or a donut from Starch Cafe and Bakery to celebrate Election Day. I'll be handing them out from around 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM! 🇺🇸

Tomorrow is Election Day! Amy Horton will be here passing out doughnuts and cookies! Stop in and celebrate your right to vote! Polls open at 6 am. Go to the Jefferson County Board of Elections for more information on voting or your registration status. We think voting is important at Starch, so stop in of you need help and our staff would be happy to help! If you’re not registered yet, or you need to know your poll site we can help you with that too! Just ask!


Come celebrate Election Day with me at Starch Cafe and Bakery on State Street.

I'll be there handing out FREE donuts from 9AM to 4PM. Stop by and say hi!



I would be humbled by the opportunity to serve you, and respectfully ask for your vote today. Polls are open from 6AM to 9PM. I hope you'll take a moment to cast your ballot!


Before Election Day (it's tomorrow!) I wanted to take a minute to say a BIG thank you to all who have made my campaign possible, including:

🇺🇸My loving, supportive family

🇺🇸The people of Watertown: In total, I've knocked on over 2,000 doors. This has been one of the BEST parts of the campaign, because it has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people who like me, take great pride in our City. Thank you to all who took the time to listen to my message and share their thoughts.

🇺🇸My campaign team: As a political newcomer, I've felt so fortunate to have the BEST volunteers who were there for me no matter what...whether it was to drive me around as I went door-to-door, or encourage their friends and family to get out and vote...I cannot thank you enough.

🇺🇸YOU! Even if you've been following along here on Facebook and liking/sharing my posts, I'm truly grateful.

To all my supporters, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!


As most know, I am running to finish out the term of former Watertown City Councilman Jesse Roshia.

MANY thanks to the former Councilman for his words of encouragement and support!

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 01/11/2021

I'm using every last moment before Election Day to talk with the people I'm hoping to soon represent on Watertown City Council.

Many thanks to all who have taken the time to visit with me and share their thoughts about how to better our City!


Tuesday night I will be hosting at Election Night party at Spokes Craft Beer & Tapas, beginning at 7PM!

All are welcome to attend and enjoy:

🗳OPEN bar!
🗳Watching the results come in!

I hope to see you there!


🍩🍩🍩DONUT FORGET...I'll be at Starch Cafe and Bakery on State Street TUESDAY giving away FREE donuts to celebrate Election Day!🍩🍩🍩

Stop by for a sweet treat!


Last night 7 News did a story on the final days of the campaign. I was guessed it...going door-to-door!

Check out the full story here:



In the past several months, I’ve knocked on more than 2,000 doors, talking about what matters to YOU learning how I can be the BEST representative possible when elected to City Council.

If elected, I pledge to work toward the following goals:

🇺🇸Spending taxpayer dollars wisely. I am fiscally conservative and will work to make SMART investments with YOUR money.

🇺🇸Using the skills I've built as an advertising sales executive to help market our City and truly make it a place where people want to live, work and visit.

🇺🇸Building a better Watertown for our next generation. That means working with our other community leaders to improve safety, address the drug epidemic and enhance DIVERSE recreational opportunities for youth and families.

I respectfully request YOUR vote and would be humbled by the opportunity to be YOUR representative for the TWO YEAR SEAT on City Council.



Polls are open from 6AM to 9PM. If you need information on where to vote, click here:

If you need a ride to the polls, send me a message!


Voting Tuesday? Stop by and see me at Starch Cafe and Bakery for a FREE donut!

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 31/10/2021

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Stop by the Horton Household (180 Ward St.) for FULL size candy bars! 🍫 🎃 👻

Ps—I think my mom may have won best costume! 🧙‍♀️

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 31/10/2021

Another busy day going door-to-door! Many thanks to all who took time to chat and share their words of encouragement! I finished with enough time left to carve pumpkins with my little ones! 🎃

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 30/10/2021

THINK PINK! Started my day off at the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Sending love and support to all who are battling this illness, along with their loved ones! 💕


TRICK OR TREAT! Making your Halloween plans? Bring your family to the Horton household for FULL SIZE candy bars and other spooky surprises! 🎃👻🍫


It's here...the last weekend before Election Day! I'll be spending it continuing to go door-to-door and talking with YOU the voters!

The finish line is in sight thank you in advance for your consideration on Election Day!


🍩🍩🍩Voting on Election Day? 'Donut' forget to stop by my event at Starch Cafe & Bakery!🍩🍩🍩

I'll be there from 10AM to 4PM. Let’s celebrate election day with a FREE donut.

***Note, you don't need to cast your ballot for me to receive a donut (though I'd appreciate it!). This event is open to ANYONE exercising their right to vote.


Tonight I spent time going door to door on Ives Street. Thank you to all who took a moment to talk to me, including to Mr. Southwell!


THROWBACK THURSDAY: The past eight months have been a lot of things--rewarding, fun, exciting and of course, BUSY!

These people right here, my loving family, have cheered me on since day one. I couldn't have gotten this far without them! 💛


“Vote my mom”-Wes, age 2!

Throughout my campaign my family have been my biggest supporters—even my youngest, who never hesitates to encourage people to support my candidacy ♥️


ELECTION NIGHT PARTY! Join me at my Election Night party at Spokes Craft Beer & Tapas!

We'll be enjoying lots of food, drink, fun and of course, watching the results come in. All are welcome!



Do you have an hour or so to spare as I enter the final days of my campaign? We're looking for:

📣People to help knock on doors

📣People to help make phone calls to remind voters to head to the polls

If you can lend a hand, send me a message. THANK YOU!

Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 27/10/2021

A rainy day today—but I didn’t let it stop me from meeting those I hope to represent! Thank you to all who took a couple minutes out of their day to chat with me.


Many thanks to Glen Curry for having me on his dhow this afternoon! We talked about a number of important topics, including:

📻 The North Side Pool

📻 My marketing skills and how I will use them to better the City

📻Addressing the drug epidemic

📻Keeping living in Watertown affordable

And more! Give it a listen below.


Taking the phrase “running for office” quite literally in the final days of my campaign! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸



The biggest way you can help me over the finish line is to VOTE on Election Day, or during Early Voting at the County Building (Arsenal Street) on the following dates and times:

Noon to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26
Noon to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 29
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 30
9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 31



Did you watch tonight's 7 News forum? Comment below with your thoughts!

PS, if you missed it, it's available here:


I'm Amy Horton and I'm running for the TWO YEAR seat on Watertown City Council. I have the drive, ideas and experience to be an effective voice for YOU and would greatly appreciate your vote on Election Day! 🇺🇸

7 News presents Watertown city council candidates forum 25/10/2021

📺 TUNE IN! 📺 The 7 News candidate forum airs tonight at 7 PM on their FOX 28 station (typically channel 2 or 28).

Thanks again to 7 News for the opportunity to talk about the issues with my fellow candidates!

7 News presents Watertown city council candidates forum The hour-long special airs at 7 p.m. on WNYF, Fox 28.



Photos from Amy Horton for WCSD Board of Education's post 24/10/2021

Taking it easy tonight after nearly 7 hours straight of meeting voters at their homes! 👟

I’m working hard to finish this campaign strong—and it’s only a fraction of how hard I will work on your behalf as YOUR representative.

Videos (show all)

“Vote my mom”-Wes, age 2! Throughout my campaign my family have been my biggest supporters—even my youngest, who never h...
Taking the phrase “running for office” quite literally in the final days of my campaign! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
🗳ICYMI, early voting started today! 🗳Ahead of Election Day (Nov. 2) you can vote at the County Building on Arsenal Stree...

