Frequency of Love

Frequency of Love

Energy Sound Therapy is a new kind of healing based on ancient principles, with a modern twist


This life is a limited experience
Experienced by a limitless soul

Everything is meaningless
And just as meaningful

Nothing is right
And nothing is wrong

We are individuals
We are one in the same

Sometimes we swim against the tide
When it leads us to where we need to be

Doing nothing
Is doing something

Dreams are as real
As reality

Failure is as fruitful
As success

Hate is as powerful
As love


I don't know about you, but I needed this. Are they right or are they right!? Prentis Patrice Hemphill


Many of you know that for the past year, I've taken a side step from FOL to focus on learning. By 2022, I'll be trained as an 'Integrative Health Coach' and 'Ayurvedic Health Counselor.' I've also received a Reiki I attunement, and once I become familiar with its energy, I'll start sharing it. I want to know a little about a lot because there's no "one size fits all" with healing.

The more I learn, I feel it's essential to acknowledge that as one of many white females in this industry, I can never truly know the essence of Reiki, Ayurveda, or Sound Healing. I can't claim sacred wisdom as my own, or identify myself as part of the ancient cultures from which they stem.

I can only act as a channel, and practice with the intention of love and honor. I will spend my life in awe; experiencing & sharing with my own heart, but aware of my privilege and forever humbled by my teachers and the millions who came before. βœ¨πŸ‘οΈ


In case you needed some Monday motivation from spirit. Anyone else binge on ? πŸ‘»


Anyone else tired of the offensive connotation behind being called crazy?

I've been called "crazy" or "weird" more times than I can count. When I heard those words as a teenager and into my early 20s, I used to withdraw or become defensive. It was like a punch to my ego. It's been a long road to understanding that what makes me weird and crazy is simply what makes me unique. I can truly say that I wouldn't trade my quirks for the world.

My crazy is what makes me an intensely random combination of extroverted and introverted, and what makes it easy for me to connect with people's energies during a session. It's also what makes me a Human Design Manifestor with a 1/4 profile and a Virgo with a deep dark Scorpio moon. Embracing my crazy has also prepared me for the amount of not giving a s**t it takes to put yourself out there in the alternative wellness world. πŸ˜‚

Let's face it, we're all pretty crazy. Are you embracing what makes you different?


Energy is the fabric of the universe. πŸŒ’ The stars, planets, animals & humans, and the walls around us are all energy. Matter may appear static to the naked eye, but it vibrates at different frequencies deeply connected to its state of being.

Woven in the material world also lies an invisible world of not only light, sound, WiFi and radio waves, but also our emotions, thoughts & beliefs, dreams, memories, pure consciousness and the quantum field. Every time you say "hey, is everything okay?" or you call someone and they say "It's crazy you called I was just thinking about you!" you're picking up on subtle, unseen energy.

I stopped in my tracks when I came across this tidbit of wisdom in my ayurvedic studies. The fact that this idea was formulated upwards of 5,000 years ago blows my mind. The more I reflected on this, the more I understood that this is something we've always known intuitively. We just need a reminder now and again that beauty and love is all around us, even if we can't see it. πŸ‘οΈ


"Love or fear are the choices we have in life. Love is our natural vibration, while fear is a man-made illusion"

This past weekend, I attended a beautiful intuition workshop led by where he relayed this message. While I already know this in my heart, I needed the reminder. It's all too easy to forget that although pain is an inevitable part of life, we're only as miserable as we choose. It's not easy to think like this when you've lost a loved one, broken a bone, or are living through a pandemic [EVERYONE 😭] But at what point do our thoughts become more hurtful to us than the actual tragedy?

We will always have something that no one or nothing can take away from us, which is how we chose to respond. I strive to simply just be conscious of this, because *when* I experience adversity, I'll remember that I still have a power within. The power to rewire my own thoughts from fear, to love.


There's more to rose than meets the eye!

Did you know that rose oil is known to have the highest measured frequency of all essential oils? It resonates at an average of 320 MHz, which is significantly higher than even lavender at 118 MHz or sandalwood at 96 MHz.

When you ingest, apply, or simply smell rose, your body's frequency will naturally begin to match the higher frequency [in every case, rose]. As a result, your vibratory rate will increase - helping to boost your mood and emanate a feeling of love. You will actually become the definition of "high vibe."

So literally, stop and smell the roses🌹


The only thing scarier than this year's halloween is 2020 news. Anyone else ready to burn it? πŸ”₯

Tomorrow night at 10:49am ET, we're experiencing a rare and ultra-intense Full Blue Moon in Ta**us. πŸŒ‘ This particular full moon is connected with Uranus, a.k.a. the planet of unpredictability and wanting to break free. So, you might have an urge to break out of your usual routine and do something a little more wild.

Full moons are also all about emotional release to free up energy for new things. A great way to do this is by literally burning all this s**t you want to let go of - aside from the news, you could try taking on taxes older than 7 years, love letters from your ex, or your previous job's employee handbook. Go crazy! If the idea of a burning ritual creeps you out, all the better. The next halloween full moon won't return until 2039.

Big thanks to my favorite astrology experts for helping me attempt to stay relevant [, , ]


In my chakra series, I broke down each of our energy centers and what it feels like when they're blocked. During sessions, I balance chakras with the help of a selenite wand, but there are many ways of opening chakras on your own by using a variety of crystals, essential oils, or simply meditation & visualization. You can get creative with this - energy flows where intention goes.

My 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘒𝘭 favorite way to unblock chakras is by using sound (no surprise πŸ˜‚) There are many different sounds that may resonate better with you, but I love listening to the frequencies of the Solfeggio Scale - a series of frequencies associated with each of the chakras. Each one, listed below, is said to affect the subconscious mind to stimulate healing & promote clarity. If you're feeling s**tty, try seeing what happens when you play these in the background - and let the power of sound do it's magic. ✨ [Link below] 🎧

ROOT - 396 Hz removes subconscious fears, worries, & anxiety
SACRAL - 417 Hz facilitates change
SOLAR PLEXUS - 528 Hz repairs DNA & awakens transformation
HEART - 639 Hz balances emotional state & elevates mood
THROAT - 741 Hz cleanses the body & aids in self-expression
THIRD EYE - 852 Hz awakens intuition & inner strength
CROWN - 963 Hz activates Pineal Gland & strengthens connection to universal consciousness


Ready & waiting for my Ayurveda course at to begin next week! I'm incredibly excited to be able to dive deep into Ayurvedic teachings not only to create more balance in my own life, but to ultimately offer Ayurvedic Health Counseling as a service in 2021.

Energy Sound Therapy and Ayurvedic Health Counseling are VERY different services on paper, but they both acknowledge the interconnectedness of mind, body, & spirit. πŸ§ πŸ‘οΈβœ¨


Anyone have a 10th? 🌍πŸ€ͺ


Every single damn thing in this universe is energy in motion, vibrating at a certain frequency - the glass you're drinking from, our thoughts, our emotions, bacteria and viruses, etc... Knowing this, we can "tune in" to the frequencies we WANT in our lives by raising our vibration to become resonant with whatever frequency that is.

If you want success (whatever that means to you), focus on this with intent. Visualize your life with success, and FEEL what it's like to have it energetically, even if you're far from it materially. Do this over and over and over again, and ultimately you'll tune in to a perfect pitch where your own personal frequency matches your intention and desire. In other words, the universe is just one big boomerang, so throw it in the direction you want!

By practicing this technique, we harness the power of healing or creating change from energy to energy versus matter to energy. During a session, I use custom-made frequencies that entrain your body to become synchronistic with higher vibratory rates, channelling this process of energy to energy healing in just 2 hours or less. You can call it a shortcut, but I call it love. πŸ’“

[πŸ“·: ]


The Matrix forever changed the way I view reality. I know we've all heard this before, but I'm really feelin' this today.

Just a reminder that even if we're told where to go and what to do, we are the only ones who make our own choices, do the work to refine ourselves, and adapt. Need I say more? 🀯


Seventh and final in this series is the crown chakra, or 'Sahasrara' in Sanskrit. No surprise, this chakra is located at the very top of the head. It's all about connection to our spirit or "higher self," and to a universal wisdom. 🀯

When in balance, we have an awareness of a consciousness bigger than ourselves. We might feel liberated from our own self-limiting patterns and beliefs, because we know that there are no limits as a spiritual being. When blocked, we might be living in our heads and feel a sense of isolation. Or, we might just feel like our normal selves (instead of in a blissful state of enlightenment) which is totally OK! πŸ˜… Very few of us experience a fully open crown chakra on a consistent basis.

In my next post, I'll explain how you can balance all of your chakras. Even though each has its own distinct qualities, when one is out of balance, it affects all the rest like a chain of dominos. ⛓️


Sneak peek into my beauteous healing space. ✨ More pics coming soon! Due to the pandemic, I'm accepting a limited number of in-person appointments. DM me if you're interested, and I'll send you a link to check out my services! πŸ’“


Hey girl hey. Check me out in a Q&A with and Steve, founders of the Energy Sound Therapy technique, facilitated by ! We're answering commonly asked questions, and chatting about what it takes to get certified. βœ”οΈ

Watch the full [feature length πŸ™ƒ] video in the link below!πŸ”₯Can you tell I'm a virgo by my obvious preparation?


Sixth (and my personal favorite) in this series is the third-eye chakra, or 'Ajna' in Sanskrit. This chakra is located between the eyebrows, governing the pituitary gland, eyes, and head. It's all about intuition and registering inner knowledge beyond our senses. Ever heard of the 'sixth sense?' πŸ‘€πŸ‘»

When in balance, we're able to clear away smoke and mirrors (aka drama and bulls**t) to see the big picture of any situation. We might receive intuitive messages in the form of dreams, visions, feelings, etc. When blocked, we might have trouble trusting our inner voice and learning new skills.

At the end of this series, I'll tell you how you can unblock your third-eye chakra and get back in touch with your intuition, just like animals can sense a storm. β›ˆοΈπŸ¦‰


𝕽𝖝: 528hz | 5 minutes a day | 7 days a week 🎧

Frequencies can be a form of medicine for the body. Sound waves aren't just heard with our eardrums - their vibrations have the power to reverberate through our bodies, communicating with us in a unique way.

When we're listening to the frequency of 528hz, our own resonant frequency seeks entrainment with its high-vibrational state. In other words, you're literally "tuning in" to its frequency of healing and love. The lower-vibrations, and all the crappy emotions that go with it, are overruled. Bye, Felicia! πŸ‘‹

Be mindful of what you're tuning in to, and tune OUT what you don't want to hear, even if it's your own damn thoughts.


"Put your oxygen mask on first, before assisting others." Chances are you've heard this many times over while half listening to a flight attendant's safety instructions. It may be the cold hard truth, but what they're really saying is that without yourself, you can't help anyone else.

Why is this such a foreign concept when it comes to our lives? Why do we find it impossibly difficult to nourish ourselves first, talk to ourselves like a best friend first, and to love ourselves first?

We've been programmed to believe that by neglecting ourselves, we're actually benefiting the people and things that we care about. But this isn't the case. When we're feeling broken, the love we give isn't whole. When we put ourselves first, we're not being selfish - we're simply understanding that we can't serve from an empty vessel. πŸ’—

Photos from Frequency of Love's post 23/08/2020

Over the past decade or so, there has been an incredible surge for ritualistic herbs like white sage 🌿 to match the trendy aesthetic of modern day spirituality. Because of this, the way sage is harvested isn't always as sacred as the plant itself. There aren't any regulations, and companies are destroying the plant for profit - with zero respect for its indigenous roots. I'm definitely guilty of buying into this system before I did my homework!

I'm fortunate to have access to a beautiful garden with a few varieties of thriving sage, so I've been making my own. Swipe to see the stages of processing - I simply picked the leaves, dehydrated them for 2 hours, and put them in a container to keep until I smudge with an abalone shell.🐚 If you don't have a dehydrator or container, you can leave them out to dry and wrap with twine or cotton thread.

Will you join me in this sustainable trend? 🌍 πŸ’—


Fifth in this series is the throat chakra, or 'Vishudda' in Sanskrit. This chakra is tied with the thyroid/parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. It gives voice to the heart chakra and influences our verbal expression.

When in balance, we're able to articulate our truth yet openly listen to what others have to say. When blocked, we fear judgment and have difficulty finding the right words to express ourselves.

At the end of this series, I'll tell you how you can unblock your throat chakra and take back your personal power! 🎀✨


"I love you, I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you" 🌺
I learned this from my beautiful Hawaiian friend. HoΚ»oponopono, meaning β€œto make right” or β€œcorrect a mistake,” is an ancient Hawaiian philosophy of forgiveness based on the idea that everything we know as reality is experienced in our individual minds. In other words, what we think, how we act, and how we feel are influenced by our inner selves ( , anyone?)
If we have the power to create our own problems, we we have the power to solve them once we take responsibility. Easier said than done (that's for sure πŸ˜…) but it's a powerful practice to remind us that forgiveness is twofold, and by forgiving others we forgive ourselves. We can break free from the past by using the energy of a grudge to create a new reality.
"I love you" emits gratitude out to the universe. πŸ’“
"I'm sorry" is recognition and acceptance of responsibility for the actions, thoughts, and emotions that have caused conflict to manifest into our reality.
"Please forgive me" is a request to make amends with both our higher selves and the universe.🌍
"Thank you" is an opportunity to show gratitude for allowing your negative thoughts, actions, and emotions to be cleared.


Citrine is a powerful crystal known for manifestation and abundance. It sparks creativity, and lights the path toward our soul's purpose.

I was recently gifted this beautiful gem and look forward to having it right by my side on this new endeavor. βœ¨πŸ’Ž


My business cards are in! I ordered from , a company that specializes in eco-friendly seed paper products. These particular cards can be planted in soil and will grow into basil - with a little lovin'. 🌿❣️

You'll leave your session with a refreshed outlook and a basil-plant-to-be. In-person sessions are available starting Monday, August 17th! - head to my Fb page to book online!


Fourth in this series is the heart chakra, or 'Anahata' in Sanskrit. Located in the center of the chest, the heart chakra is the unifying bridge between the lower chakras of matter and the upper chakras of spiritual awareness. It's all about our ability to feel connection, and to give and receive love.

When in balance, we're able to express love and compassion freely toward ourselves and others. When blocked, we may have difficulty opening up and tend to harbor negative feelings from past experiences.

At the end of this series, I'll tell you how you can unblock your heart chakra! πŸ‘οΈ πŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ–€


"It is better to be a part of beauty
for one instant and then cease to exist
than to exist forever
and never be a part of beauty"
- Excerpt from The Lesson of the Moth, Don Marquis

One of my favorite poems is written from the perspective of a cockroach who is observing a moth trying to break into an electric light bulb. He questions the moth, asking why it so obviously risks its life to get close to the light. The moth knows the danger, but it would rather live a short life of beauty than a long life of boredom. The cockroach disagrees - it would rather live a long life with half the happiness.

Sometimes I find myself reading this poem over and over as a reminder to take risks for what inspires me, regardless of the outcome. It has challenged me to discover what I find beautiful, because it hasn't always been so apparent.
Have you discovered what lights you up? πŸ”₯ Who do you agree with - the cockroach or the moth?


If you're stuck inside or feeling all sorts of anxiety, try listening to a 528 hz love frequency or nature sounds playlist. My favorite tracks are part of a Miracle Tones playlist on Spotify, but you can also find many options on YouTube. 🎡✨

As you listen, you'll notice your breath slowing, your muscles relaxing, and your thoughts becoming more focused. It's a really accessible and immediate way to ease your mind & body.

When I lived in Chicago, I played these songs on repeat to drown out the unexpected sounds of neighbors.🀯 I'll be creating my own playlist of favorites to share with you, and playing these songs in the background during in-person sessions! πŸ’“


Farewell to the incredible city of Chicago, and thank you to everyone who made it feel like home for the last three years.

After many bittersweet goodbyes, I’m overwhelmed with emotions of love and grief, relief and fear, gratitude and sadness. Just like the relational concept of yin and yang, there will always be a touch of darkness in light, and light in darkness. I know that it’s okay to feel these contrasting emotions because the duality itself is what makes them whole. β˜―οΈπŸ™πŸ–€
