Let's get to cookin with Julie

Let's get to cookin with Julie

Who doesn't love a little Pampered Chef in their kitchen!!!!

My story & my why to joining this awesome company.

A little about me, I work full time as well as having a full time job being a mom and wife. It seems we never have just that little extra bit of income to go on vacation more than once or twice a year. I’ve seen many success stories personally and via FB so I thought why the heck not, what have I got to lose? NOTHING, so here I am!

I love to cook and bake, especially with my 12 year old daughter. I want her to get into being able to whip something up for us whenever she wants. With this whole COVID quarantine going on she has kicked me out of the kitchen a couple times and made some FANTASTIC dinners. Super proud mom and dad moment I must say!

So here i am earning a little extra cash, enjoying and reaping in the benefits PC has to offer and teaching my daughter to cook with all these amazing tools!

So here I am earning a little extra cash, enjoying AND reaping in the benefits PC has to offer teacnot to mention teaching my daughter to cook with all these amazing tools!