Lev Tahor Survivors

Lev Tahor Survivors

The Goal: Stop the Abuse, Hold Abusers Accountable, Dismantle a Harmful Cult, Assist Those Who Need Help Leaving.

Lev Tahor Survivors was created and is run by a group of dedicated individuals focused on the rescue and support of the current victims and survivors of the Lev Tahor Cult, and has a fourfold purpose:

Stop the abuse
Hold abusers accountable
Dismantle a harmful cult, and
Assist those who need help leaving. We ourselves are NOT survivors but seek to represent and support survivors. We wanted to

New Podcast: Mendy Levy Talks Lev Tahor 14/07/2023


If you missed it, watch this new podcast interview with Mendy Levy

New Podcast: Mendy Levy Talks Lev Tahor Mendy Levy talks about his life in Lev Tahor and why he hates talking about it. Watch this latest Living L'Chaim podcast.

Lev Tahor cult member accused of marrying off minor child 31/05/2023

Lev Tahor Marries Off Children!
Read the Full Story Here:

Lev Tahor cult member accused of marrying off minor child The Jerusalem resident was arrested and released after a court appearance.The post Lev Tahor cult member accused of marrying off minor child appeared first on JNS.org.


טאָן ניט שענקען! פּסח איז אַ הויך צייַט פאַר לב טהור צו זאַמלען געלט. אבער האלט שטארק! געלט איז די איינציקע מאַכט וואָס די זידלען פירער האַלטן איצט. העלף די ארעמע קרבנות צו לעבן אַ געזונט, פרומע לעבן - אַוועק פון זידלענע מענטשען!


PLEASE DON'T DONATE! Pesach is high season for Lev Tahor to fundraise. They may tell you that the money is for the hungry children. They may tell you that the money is just for their family. And your heart may go out to them.

But hold strong! Money is the only power the abusive leaders hold right now. Help the victims live a healthy, frum life - away from abuse, by not donating money to those who abuse them!



Lev Tahor has been spotted fundraising door to door in England. Please share and inform neighbors and friends not to give any actual money to the collectors as it goes into the pockets of cult leadership and not to the actual victims inside Lev Tahor.


With all the darkness in this world, there is even more light! We just have to open our eyes and our hearts to notice the light all around us.

Next year .levy should celebrate with his entire family still trapped by darkness!


We need your help finding Lev Tahor! If you see them, message us right away! Please share! Here's what happened:

The early morning raid on a Lev Tahor compound in Mexico, near the Guatemala border, took place on Friday, September 23rd, by Mexican police with assistance from a private Israeli team. Two Lev Tahor members were captured and arrested with allegations of human trafficking, r**e, and other serious offenses. Two other members had left the compound only days before the raid and are being sought by police. "Numerous children were saved in the raid, including children forced into marriages as young as 12 or 13, and young teen mothers seemed to be hiding their babies under their robes." a person present at the raid said. Police separated the boys and girls, with female police for the women, to ensure the sensitivity of their religious observances. Children were kept with their parents. Special arrangements were made to accommodate the victims’ needs during their stay in a comfortable safe home for abuse victims, such as strictly Kosher food, Kiddush cup and wine for Shabbat, prayer books for Rosh Hashana. Aleph Institute had a Shofar driven hours to their location for Rosh Hashana. Yisrael Amir, who had left Lev Tahor three years ago and been trying to retrieve his now-3-year-old son, was reunited with him, and they flew back to Israel. "Their reunion was done with specialists on hand, and went much smoother than expected, bringing tears to many of those present" an eyewitness reported. A special team including a former Mossad agent, child trauma specialists, and others, was present for the raid to provide the utmost care in this sensitive situation. In the raid, numerous documents were recovered, including letters discussing the brutal abuse carried out as punishment for infractions. In an unfortunate turn of events, in the middle of the night, Lev Tahor members took the victims from the safe home, including the children that were awaiting travel plans to reunite with their families. The children are now held captive by the cult in dangerous conditions. This raid deals another blow to the Lev Tahor leadership, following the conviction of 2 members earlier this month for their role in the 2018 kidnapping of 2 children from their mother’s home in New York. The group leadership entails 15-20 people and still has an estimated 70-80 followers in Guatemala, many held against their will. As the recapture of these children illustrates the risk they still present.


Jacob (Yaakov) Rosner showed remorse for his role in Lev Tahor kidnapping.
Sentence: Free (on account of time served)

Matisyahu Malka begged the judge to give him the same prison sentence as his Rebbe (144 months).
Sentence: 66 months

Mordechay Malka (Matisyahu's cousin) gave a speech saying sorry to everyone.
Sentence: 57 months

PRESS RELEASE: TWO MEN SENTENCED FOR THEIR ROLES IN THE KIDNAPPING OF GRANDCHILDREN OF CULT FOUNDER New York - On Wednesday, September 7th, 2022, Judge Nelson Roman sentenced Matityau Moshe Malka and Jacob Rosner for their respective roles in an elaborate kidnapping scheme. Aron Rosner had been found guilty for his involvement in the brazen 2018 kidnapping of a 12-year-old boy and his 14-year-old....


It's lonely being in Lev Tahor.


Lev Tahor is fundraising in Boro Park and the New York area. Do NOT give them any money or harass them as they are victims.

Offer them a drink and let them know that whenever they decide to leave Lev Tahor, they will be welcomed by the frum community.


Lev Tahor members spotted on Dunsmure Road in Stamford Hill.

Notify friends in London to tell everyone they know to avoid donating to cult members as it directly supports abuse.


If you have 27 minutes, listen to this extraordinary Montreal Gazette podcast in which reporters Jason Madger and Maya Kroth share their share their experiences with Lev Tahor.


- A pregnant, drugged, badly beaten teen appears at a Montreal hospital
- Yoil Weingarten admitting on tape to the fungal feet allegations
- Former neighbors recall seeing pregnant 13-year-olds pushing strollers
- A bruised child in their Guatemala City complex

Listen to the episode on the True Crime Byline podcast, one:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2TqvzxqAQQl5mh1bG9WTZ6?si=satXSZToRt6Qrxqj9YDydA&nd=1

Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lev-tahor-the-case-of-a-missing-community/id1628690886?i=1000570687259

Google podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5tZWdhcGhvbmUuZm0vdHJ1ZS1jcmltZS1ieWxpbmU/episode/YWM0ZGY3ZmMtMDc4ZS0xMWVkLWE1M2EtMmI5NjgyYWViYTEx?sa=X&ved=0CAQQkfYCahcKEwjAk-6a4oz5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQ&hl=en-CA

Amazon music: https://music.amazon.com/podcasts/5918c979-7bcb-4b7c-b7e9-20a3c10058d0/episodes/45a4848a-6d96-4634-b0f9-ac750ca24ec7/true-crime-byline-lev-tahor-the-case-of-a-missing-community

Warning over extreme Jewish sect fundraising in London 19/07/2022

We can confirm that they are in London. Thank you to everyone who sent in photos and videos. Please let us know if you spot Lev Tahor in your region so we can inform the public.

Warning over extreme Jewish sect fundraising in London The claims, not yet verified by Jewish News, have been circulated by a group helping survivors of the Lev Tahor sect, whose jailed leaders were convicted of child kidnapping.


Lev Tahor is in New York! Here's what you can do.

Share this poster with your friends.


Share this with your Yiddish speaking friends.

Lev Tahor is in New York. לב טהור זענען אין ניו יארק

די כת (קולט) פירערשאַפט האָבן געשיקט עטליכע מענטשן אַרום ניו יארק צו זיי זאַמלען געלט.

גיב זיי נישט צדקה


Leadership behind bars, Lev Tahor cult now seeking to move to Morocco, opponents say 14/07/2022

Your thoughts?

Leadership behind bars, Lev Tahor cult now seeking to move to Morocco, opponents say Extremist Jewish group seen getting blessing from controversial celebrity rabbi Pinto for latest cross-border flight; activist says most in group being held against their will


עטליכע לב טהור רעקרויטערס און פאנדזאמלערס זענען יעצט אין ענגלאנד. אויב איר זעט זיי, געדענקען אַז זיי זענען וויקטימס און זאָל זיין באהאנדלט גוט. ביטע שיקן בילדער, ווידעא און אינפאָרמאַציע דורך WhatsApp צו 1-845-262-4066+


Lev Tahor is fundraising and recruiting in London. Share this with your British friends now!


Meet Uriel Goldman and share his dossier.


Per a Kikar Hashabat report, Lev Tahor is disintegrating, with cult members spotted in Israel and London.

Read the report: https://kikar.co.il/422666.html


Let's talk Uriel Goldman, Lev Tahor's spokesperson and fundraiser (and suspected strategist). He's been in the news recently after being spotted visiting Rav Yoshiyahu Pinto in Morocco (see https://monsey.info/lev-tahor-leadership-spotted-visiting-rav-yoshiyahu-yosef-pinto-in-morocco/).

His brother is Michael Yehuda Goldman, a Lev Tahor teacher suspected of molestation and child abuse. His son Yisroel Yehuda Efraim Goldman is suspected of involvement in a Lev Tahor kidnapping attempt.

Uriel and his brother joined Lev Tahor when the cult was still in Israel. A former member of Bnei Akiva, Uriel’s intelligence, persuasiveness, and communication skills turned him into one of the cult’s leading fundraisers, their formal spokesperson, and an advisor to cult founder Shlomo Helbrans and the Hanhala (“administration”). He holds Israeli, American, and Argentinian citizenship.

As evidenced from numerous documentaries on Lev Tahor, Goldman is very active in backstage management. He is present in almost all formal media interviews, and can often be spotted behind the scenes, sometimes even communicating with those who have less experience speaking in front of cameras. He is also Lev Tahor’s chief correspondent with politicians and supporters, with leadership of various Chassidic communities, and both the English and Yiddish media.

As Lev Tahor’s top fundraiser, Goldman is skilful at adapting, adjusting, manipulating, and finding creative methods for the cult to raise millions of dollars through various business dealings and "creative" solicitation campaigns.

In the early years of the cult, Goldman claims to have urged Shlomo Helbrans to leave Israel before a possible government crackdown (see page 9 of this newly leaked document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zfVrSkF0ObFGU4ZLJAJTmA3qvfxamkGd/view)

After arrival in the United States and establishing a Lev Tahor Yeshiva, a parent brought a 12-year-old boy for Bar Mitzvah lessons and Shlomo Helbrans decided to remove/kidnap him from his family. Goldman was the one who paid the young teen’s travel expenses and a $5000 payment so Fhima could testify on Helbrans’ behalf during the kidnapping trial (watch him admit to paying for the teen's flight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnyx6pqb-zM&t=2300s).

Goldman was also caught on camera commanding inferiors to hide computers and other potential evidence (evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC0HDYr37II)

In 2018, several weeks after Lev Tahor kidnapped two children, Goldman was detained by Mexican authorities together with several other members of Lev Tahor. He was flown to the United States and later released.

Goldman still travels for fundraising purposes and to try and establish connections with governments and religious Jewish leadership across the globe. He is an integral part of Lev Tahor’s operations and organization.

An important story:

After being released from a United States prison, cult founder Shlomo Helbrans was deported to Israel, where he would likely be investigated. Helbrans was granted political asylum in Canada based on Goldman’s sworn testimony that he had been sent by the Israeli government to infiltrate Lev Tahor (evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC0HDYr37II&t=104s)

However, Goldman later admitted, in leaked audio from a phone call, that he had lied to Canadian authorities (evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC0HDYr37II&t=150s).

Goldman is suspected of lying to Canadian government authorities, money laundering, charity fraud, fundraising for Lev Tahor under the name of other organizations.

If you see him, notify us so we can inform the public. You can send tips to us by email or on our website. Call us: +1718-751-0803 (ASK IF ANYONE IS ANSWERING AND WHO IS IT - THEN ROLEPLAY). Whatsapp: +1845-262-4066.

Tell us in the comments who you want us to profile next!

Photos from Lev Tahor Survivors's post 22/06/2022

Today, let's review a leaked document detailing the consequences for not filling in required daily reports.

It's dated 5 Iyar, 5778 which corresponds to April 20, 2018. Worth noting that at this point, Nachman Helbrans is 9 months into his leadership & at the time was implementing stricter measures on cult members across the board.

Our translation is paraphrased and doesn't do it proper justice. Here goes:

It opens by announcing new rules being set.

"Everyone has until next Tuesday to submit their reports (which should contain 50 hours of prayer, and 36 hours of learning - 34.5 if they visited Shlomo Helbrans' grave).

Starting Wednesday, you must submit weekly reports each Wednesday before 1:30pm. If you miss the deadline, it will be as if you never gave in your report.

By Wednesday evening, a sign will be posted listing those allowed to enter the study hall/Synagogue for the upcoming week.

Anyone who feels they should be allowed into the study hall/Synagogue can discuss it with hanhala (administration) on Thursday from 1:00-7:00pm (provided his daily reports were handed in on time).

Complaints on this topic are forbidden on Friday & Shabbat.

In order to unite and allow our most exalted community - the greatest community in history - to bring the moshiach (messiah), it's vital that everyone details their every action & behavior.

This allows for accountability with yourself, & allows your mentors to guide you.

Detailing your daily movement allows mentors & superiors to give you guidance on your personal "tikkun" (repair) in this incarnation so you avoid torment in the world to come, as we heard numerous times from Shlomo Helbrans.

This why it's important to fill in your daily report, detailing all your actions related to service of Gd as Shlomo Helbrans taught.

Therefore, anyone who ever wants to be part of our community is required to fill in their daily reports.

The goal of this document is to outline the boundaries and consequences for those who don't fill in their daily reports. Anyone disregarding or mocking their report will face larger consequences, including being considered as if they never handed in their report.

Anyone banned from the study hall/Synagogue for a period of two weeks due to issues related to their daily reports will not be allowed to send their children to our schools and institutions & will be sent out of our compound (as detailed in Shlomo Helbrans' books).

May we merit to bring about the moshiach."

End of paraphrasing.

Do any other Jewish communities require daily detailed reports, on threat of expulsion?

See this & more documents at https://levleaks.com



On Twitter, we analyzed our Uriel Goldman video https://twitter.com/LevTsurvivors/status/1537125916140265472?s=20&t=gVkFZFVCemLKHs-lECC7TA

Watch is closely because our video exposes the mastermind behind the cult's public image.

We start with Shlomo Helbrans pointing to Goldman as coordinator of the Shai Fhima $5000 payout to testify that he wasn't kidnapped by Shlomo Helbrans (Fhima later admitted to CBC Canada that he had lied).

A key Lev Tahor claim is that Israel is unjustly hunting them down. And much like antisemitic cabals, cult leadership alleges that Israel maintains some form of global control over US, Canadian, Mexican, & Guatemalan authorities.

This simply isn't true. Relatives of members stuck inside the cult have pressed the Knesset to take action (and continue to do so), to date Israel has not done anything to deal with citizens trapped inside the cult, some of whom have issued cries for help to relatives.

One key aspect common in cults is finding an external enemy to fear, create a constant state of anxiety, and blame failures on. For Lev Tahor, Israel is enemy number one. But not always!

Antizionism plays a big part of Lev Tahor's ideology, and yet they openly host extremely Zionist rabbis like Eliahu Birnbaum (https://otsamiel.org.il/en/about-us/) and share Lechaim with him for Yom Haatzmaut.

Would Satmar, Ger, Viznitz, Belz, do this?

Lev Tahor claims they have "nothing to hide" and yet a Fifth Estate Documentary caught on film the moment they forgot the cameras were rolling and in a panic rushed to hide evidence.

More recently, they completely demolished their Buvel compound in Guatemala. Why would they do that if they have nothing to hide?

Another lie is their minimum age of birth. The media hears them claim that no one gets married under the age of 16, but supporters on a Zoom call are told that 13-year-olds have been married in Lev Tahor.

Finally, their biggest open lie, exposed.

Shlomo Helbrans' Canadian refugee status was based on Goldman's sworn testimony stating that he had spied on Lev Tahor for the IDF.

But recently, when trying to gain admittance into Iran, Goldman openly admitted in a leaked phone call that he had lied to the Canadian authorities.

Lev Tahor still uses Shlomo Helbrans' approved refugee status as proof of persecution.

Our question is: do you still believe Uriel Goldman when he claims there is no abuse in Lev Tahor?

Share this post. Help us put an end to Lev Tahor.


Is this "the old way?" The "original Judaism?"

Photos from Lev Tahor Survivors's post 09/06/2022

Reporters from Kikar hashabbat recently visited Lev Tahor's abandoned Guatemalan compound and managed to nab dozens of photographs of what was demolished and left behind.

The photos depict a mikveh, shoes, hasidic garments.

Google translated article and photo essay: https://www-kikar-co-il.translate.goog/420629.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Yoel and Mendy Levy, who escaped as teens from Lev Tahor's Guatemalan complex in 2016, returned to the site of their trauma yesterday as part of their recovery process.

It was the first time the brothers had returned to the site since leaving the location where the bulk of their trauma took place.

Continue reading: https://www.levtahorsurvivors.com/post/levy-brothers-revisit-lev-tahor-buvel-complex-as-part-of-healing-process-are-thrown-out-by-security

Aron Rosner | Lev Tahor Survivors 09/06/2022

At 2:00 today, an in-person change of plea is scheduled for Aron Rosner, alleged financier of Lev Tahor's kidnapping plots.

More on Aron: https://www.levtahorsurvivors.com/aron-rosner

Listen in!

1. Call 1-877-336-1839
2. Enter access code 1231334 #
3. Press pound ( #) key

Aron Rosner | Lev Tahor Survivors Aron Rosner is the brother of Lev Tahor administration member Mayer Rosner. Arrested in December 2018, he was accused of financing a Lev Tahor operation to kidnap two children who had escaped from the cult together with their mother.




New York - Two important members of the Lev Tahor Jewish cult have been convicted for their involvement the brazen 2018 kidnapping of a 12-year-old boy and his 14-year-old sister, who were taken to Mexico where the girl reentered into a sexual relationship with her 20-year-old “husband.” One of the members was convicted for his role in another attempted kidnapping of the same children at a later date.

It took just one hour of deliberation for a jury to find Matityahu and Mordechay Malka guilty of conspiracy for kidnapping, international kidnapping, and attempted kidnapping. Current cult leader Nachman Helbrans and member of Lev Tahor administration Mayer Rosner have already been convicted and sentenced, and five more alleged co-conspirators have been charged.

During the trial, testimony brought to light some of the inner-workings of the cult and significant details of the kidnapping conspiracy.

On July 7, 2017 Lev Tahor cult founder and leader Shlomo Helbrans died under suspicious circumstances in a remote Mexican river. His son Nachman took control of the cult and added stifling new restrictions as he secured his new power. Within a week of his leadership, he forced his hyper-allergenic sister Miriam to consume sesame at a public gathering where she died.

(More details on those deaths and the cult can be found in these two recent documentary films that we produced:

Nachman’s younger sister Sara Helbrans-Teller, mother of the kidnapped children, testified during the trial that several weeks after her father and sister’s death, Nachman informed her that her then-12-year-old daughter was to be engaged with a 19-year-old man. When Sara protested, Nachman publicly excommunicated her for a year, removed her 6 children from her home, and proceeded with the marriage of her daughter.

In October, 2018 Sara managed to escape from the cult compound near Oratorio, Guatemala along with several of her children. She made her way to the home of friends in New York where she obtained orders of custody and protection.

On December 6, 2018 Mordechay Malka rented a vehicle. Working with numerous co-conspirators that included his cousin Matityahu Malka and cult leader Nachman Helbrans (currently serving 12 years for his role in the abduction), they rented a motel room and purchased disguises. The Malkas smuggled drop phones to the 14-year-old girl and her 12-year-old brother (at a later attempted kidnapping, Matityahu Malka gave the girl a drop phone and sedatives).

Two days later, at around 3:00 in the morning, the children snuck out the house and into a waiting vehicle that drove them to Scranton airport, where Nachman Helbrans was waiting. Using passports belonging to Nachman’s children, they spent the day flying through several airports, eventually entering Mexico.

Incredibly, they not only broke numerous federal laws but as it was a Saturday, the Jewish day of rest, their behavior went against basic Jewish Halacha (law), a code the cult claims to adhere to more strictly than any other Jewish sect.

It took three weeks and over a hundred officers from law enforcement agencies in three countries to eventually track down the children in Mexico and reunite them with their mother. In 2019 and 2021, Lev Tahor cult made two more attempts to kidnap the children.

Mordechay and Matityahu opted to serve as their own council at the trial but after repeatedly proving incapable of abiding by court proceedings, that privilege was revoked and they were replaced by standby council.

During the trial, the court heard from numerous witnesses including the husband of the 14-year-old girl, officials from several agencies, and a former member of the cult who had participated in the plotting and carrying out of the abduction, and who detailed the atmosphere of fear and punishments inside the cult. Evidence produced included recorded phone conversations, photographs, video footage, and documents.

After an hour of deliberations, the jury found both Malkas guilty on all charges, including conspiracy for kidnapping, international kidnapping, and attempted kidnapping.

“I feel bad though,” admitted Lev Tahor survivor Mendy Levy, who escaped the cult a few years ago. “Because Mordechai Malka was not really a bad guy. He was just forced to do what he did by the Weingartens, Nachman Helbrans, and Mayer Rosner."

Sentencing for Matityahu and Mordechay Malka will be in September.




“I feel bad though, because Mordechai Malka was not really a bad guy. He was just forced to do what he did by the Weingartens, Nachman Helbrans, and Mayer Rosner. They made him do the crimes he did. He’s naturally a nice guy, based on my experience with him in Lev Tahor.”

Lev Tahor survivor Mendy Levy

Department of Justice Press Release:



Detailed written reports and analysis from the Malka trial

Day 1: https://www.levtahorsurvivors.com/post/lev-tahor-malka-trial-day-1-synopsis

Day 2: https://www.levtahorsurvivors.com/post/lev-tahor-cult-leader-took-3-flights-on-shabbat-malka-trial-day-2-report

Documentaries related to the above story



Read on our website: https://www.levtahorsurvivors.com/post/press-release-lev-tahor-cult-members-mordechay-and-matityahu-malka-convicted-of-kidnapping

Videos (show all)

It's lonely being in Lev Tahor.
URIEL GOLDMAN: MANIPULATION AND LIESOn Twitter, we analyzed our Uriel Goldman video https://twitter.com/LevTsurvivors/st...
Yoel and Mendy Levy, who escaped as teens from Lev Tahor's Guatemalan complex in 2016, returned to the site of their tra...
"When you see a Jewish child getting beaten, you have to do something to stop it. You don't think."- Yoel Kellner, truck...
Lev Tahor cult exposed: Uriel Goldman is the mastermind quietly operating Lev Tahor cultUriel Goldman has raised million...
