Denishé Hats

Denishé Hats

"Whimsical, Seuss-like, elegant, floral, fun and flattering"—all of these are terms I've heard people use to describe my hats.

From felt, straw, and fabric I make eye-catching one-of-a-kind hats that make people smile.


This made me laugh.

Photos from Artscope Magazine's post 28/06/2024

One of my hats was accepted to this show. The opening is this weekend. Hope to see you there.


I'll be at this event with my studio open, though I may be greeting for a period of time because I love to do that. I hope you'll consider stopping by and hearing about everything ArtSpace Maynard has going on and hear about future plans.

Join us for Open Studios during the Maynard Art Walk on 5/4, 5-7:30.

Besides the chance to visit the new studios, see some familiar faces, and check out some amazing creations, you can also win a raffle prize and vote on artwork to hang in Maynard Town Hall!

And of course, don't miss the new classroom space at 77 Main.

Details on website - link in bio.


This hat made its once-a- year appearance. Happy Valentine’s Day!


Many thanks to everyone who came out to ArtSpace Maynard last night to see our latest gallery show. I enjoyed sharing my hats and my giant collage with everyone. I especially appreciated the thoughtful consideration people gave to the collage. It was super helpful to be able to talk about my process.

I'm feeling like ArtSpace Maynard should have a show that's all in-process work, and invite all the ArtSpace Maynard Artist Members to come and talk about how they make what they make and why they even make it. Anyone interested in something like that?


I'll be there to talk about my mixed-medial collage, my hats, or whatever else you want to talk to me about.

Remember to join us for ReFresh Opening tonight- an exhibit of ArtSpace artist work and their interpretation of change and renewal. 74 Main st (upstairs) 4-6pm.

Photos from ArtSpace Maynard's post 31/01/2024

Sweet fascinator for a wedding.


Playing in the studio.


I love this hat because it has a built in ear warmer feature. I hope to make more of them before winter is out.


Revived a little fascinator of mine.


I'm going to be in my studio at ArtSpace Maynard from 1:00-4:00 today with a handful of other artists. We're at 74 Main Street, second floor (walk up), in Maynard. Feel free to stop by if you're in the area.


We had such an amazing turnout for the ArtSpace pop up during the Maynard Holiday Stroll! Studio 202 was buzzing and seemed to have people elbow to elbow some of the time. I hadn't done an event like this in so long that I was both surprised and confused when people wanted to buy hats. 😂

The photo is with me and my fabulous studio mates.


I had greeting cards made of my image of the Maynard Holiday Parade. We will be selling them at ArtSpace during the Holiday Stroll. So come on up on December 2nd, from 6-8:30. We’re at 74 Main Street, 2nd floor.

I hope to see you then.

Photos from Denishé Hats's post 26/10/2023

I forgot to post the hat that I made from those materials that I shared a while back. Let me also tell you that this hat was inspired by my client’s new kitchen chandeliers. That tells you a little about how playful she is. So much fun!

Photos from ArtSpace Maynard's post 30/09/2023

I'll be downtown with ArtSpace tomorrow, at MaynardFest or at least that's my plan. Don't worry if you see me in my wheelchair--it's just safer for me right now. On a normal day, I'm getting around with a walker.

Though I won't be able to show it to you tomorrow, I love my new studio space and having the other artists so close by, and I really love that we are downtown. I just wish it were bigger so we could have more artists with us. I still have to finish unpacking, but hopefully that will happen soon.


I’m working on an important hat commission and feeling really excited. I haven’t been able to make a hat in such a long time for various reasons. Here are materials that I’m working with this time. So fun.


I've forgotten to post here in a while! Let me catch you up with things. If you're late to the game, I had a right hip replacement in November and then subsequent right femur breaks in January, and then again in May. Yup, it really was lousy, and yes, I have osteoporosis. This last break has had me in a wheelchair for three months--a time I have gotten through with much love and support.

Right now, I'm still in the practice phase of walking with the walker and learning to put full weight into it.

Last week I started my osteoporosis medication, a daily injection that I give myself for the next two years. I'm sure I'll feel less nervous about walking once I have some medicine going in me for a bit. It's taken a while to get it because I needed and enocrinologist to prescribe and advocate for me, which required a bunch of testing and approval from insurance for the medication.

This was not the summer I would have wanted, but my husband gets me out for espressos every day, which is nice because having coffee together is one of my favorite things. We were also able to make some day trips and we got to the Cape for a couple of days. I've also been forced to slow down (remiscent of those first days of COVID), so I find myself appreciating smaller things more than usual--the temperature of the air, a chat with a friend, a delicious meal.

People have said that I've got a good attitude. I'm doing the best I can. Hopefully when you find yourself in a tough situation, you'll have the community and the resources to do the best you can, too. I have so many people to be thankful for, and I'm so lucky that my life has allowed me to experience something lousy as manageable.

I'll see the surgeon this week and we'll see how things are going with me starting to put weight into the leg. I'll report back when I get a chance.

On the hat-making end of news is that, though we're leaving our studio space at 63 Summer Street here in Maynard, ArtSpace is taking a new space in downtown Maynard. I'm going to be sharing a suite/space with three other artists that I'm really fond of: Andrew Child, Priscilla Alpaugh-Cotter, and Lily Chen (that picture is of them). It's a much smaller space, but I really think it's going to be great. When we have Open Studios, I hope you'll come by.

Much love.


I guess I got to Open Studios late last week because I was in the process of breaking my leg, again.😕

When I heard the news, my initial response was grief, but I remembered how lucky I am to have so many people who love and care about me, which seems to ease despair. How can one despair against a tidal wave of love?

I am not posting the X-ray image to keep you from dispairing or vomiting--whichever is your way. 2023 is certainly trying to test my patience and resolve.

I'll have surgery tomorrow and then a long recovery, again. If you own one of my hats, maybe give it a little salute tomorrow.


Hi all. It seems like I might be late getting to the Open Studios today. If it turns out thhat I can't make it at all, I'll figure out another way to give away that hat.

Stop by and see our other talented artists. They have gone to the trouble to really put out a huge breadth of work.


I will be giving away a small, striped bowler hat tomorrow’s (May 20th, 10-4) last 63 Summer Street Open Studios.

If you, or something you love, has a rather small noggin, come to my studio and declare it. It’s a bit of a Cinderella experience. The first one it first gets to take it away. Said small- headed person does have to be in person to get the hat, and it does have to fit them appropriately (not cupping just the top of the head’s crown).

Your little head never won you a prize before. Let’s make it happen.


Saturday, May 20th is the last Open Studios that ArtSpace will have at 63 Summer Street in Maynard. It's where I've had my studio for 19 years. I'm still waiting to see where ArtSpace lands next. In the meantime, you can stop in and see ,and try on, my hats, which I'm saving till last to pack.


One last event for the ArtSpace artists in the 63 Summer Street location! Mark your calendars for May 20th, 10am-4pm. I'll be there to talk hats, life, life in hats, and really anything else you want to talk about, including hats. 🎩🧢👒


As I pack up my studio, I’m coming across little mementos that I’ve kept to remind myself of the joy I get from sharing my hats. Here’s something I found today.


ArtSpace is having a moving sale tomorrow from 10am-4pm. There's lots of stuff--art supplies, brand new toys in boxes, furniture, frames, electronics, tools.

Some studios will also be open. I'll be there if you want to take a peek at my hats before I pack them up.

63 Summer St.


I’m working on packing up my studio of 18 years and hoping that ArtSpace finds a good place to land in Maynard. I do feel hopeful.

We’ll be having a “Moving Sale” on April 22. Time is yet to be decided. Mark your calendar if one last romp through the studios is something you would enjoy.


If you want to see how one should be dressing for Royal Ascot this year, here's their "look book."