Evangelistic Pearline McLean Out reach Ministry

Evangelistic Pearline McLean Out reach Ministry

Evangelistic Pearline McLean Out reach Ministry prayer for the Nation and Children GOD bless you all.this

page is to reach people to pray for them.


Gm to everyone in the name of Jesus Christ of our savior and king , in the presence of GOD there is power in the name of Jesus if you are sick the almighty GOD will heal you. You just of to pray to God your heal .


I am praying for you all out there to repent Of your sins before GOD Amen Amen Praise the Lord GOD almighty God bless You all ways hallelujah.


What a fellowship what a friend we have in Jesus to God be the glory i am praying for you all so change your left in christ Jesus name amen Blessing and hander .


No matter what pain you are going through just holed on Jesus name he will see you though if you are sick Jesus the saver heal you in Jesus name.


Praise the Lord GOD almighty God bless you all,do not let satan target your mind and your soul saints of GOD keep shouting for Jesus .amen glory to God.


What a fellowship what a privilege to carry to GOD in prayer a wake ⏰ up time to pray for you,to be safe in the name of Jesus our soon Coming king the most high praise to God be the glory i am praying for you all Amen glory to God Amen.


Dear Jesus i am praying for the Nation and Children and the sick to be heal in Jesus and the children and the nation prayer for them to repent Of your sins in the name of Jesus. Amen glory to God.


Praise the Lord GOD almighty God,let give GOD thanks for health and to keep you from the enemies Amen glory to God.


Gm to the facebook friends and family greetings in the name of Jesus our soon Coming king the most high praise,let GOD be a blessing. In your life to day give GOD a chance in your life to day give GOD almighty God the praise.


Praise the Lord GOD almighty God,i am praying for the Nation and Children The Evangelistic outreach ministry for children there are some children are sick i asking for a divine healing for them to be healing in the name of Jesus.


Praise the Lord GOD almighty,give GOD the glory i am praying for you all The children and the sick need healing AND the nation do you know Jesus can heal your body and your mind give GOD a chance in your life to day repent of your sins before GOD Amen glory to God Hellelujah to the lamb 🐑 of GOD.


Give GOD the glory he to be glorify ,in the scripture of. Genesis 38 vs 9 the word of GOD says that back in time when a man married to a woman and she does not have any children and he die there be his brother go in to her that the brother that went in to her is name was o-nan and when went in to her he. For she was her husband brother and he spilled it on the ground ,for because he now that she was his brother wife. So what he did GOD was not please of what he did so he was dead . for i am saying this when some ofyou get pregnant throw the pregnancy a way and when can not have no children then you are in problem with your self so go to God and repent amen glory to God.


In the midst of GOD,what privilege to carry to GOD in prayer let all be praying for the people of the nation and Children, there are so many people are dieing by the gun. I am saying to the drug and alcohol abuse come to repentance GOD is calling you all to repent Of your sins before GOD Amen glory to God.Amen glory to God.


Gm to the facebook friends and family greetings in the name of Jesus our soon Coming king,in the scripture of Jeremiah 1 vs 5 in the word say before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee;and before thou camest forth out of the womb i sanctified thee,and i ordained thee a prophet unto the Nation.Jeremiah was chosen by God from in the womb, a time when you are choosing by GOD almighty and a times when GOD give you a word to tell my people that they are sining against God and the people go against you.Amen to GOD be the glory.


Evangelistic outreach ministry for children and the

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