The Apex Pursuit Company

The Apex Pursuit Company


The Apex Pursuit is a business dedicated and tailored to YOU. 100 % personalized fat loss, muscle gain, body recomposition, training, nutrition and sport related programs are available to help YOU feel and achieve your best.

Photos from The Apex Pursuit Company's post 23/08/2022



Not 1 of these transformations happened over night, each one of these individuals stuck to the plan given to them, showed up and put in the work to get to where they are at. And that’s just the start! Their journeys are far from over.

Whether it be 50 pounds or 10 pounds each individual should be proud of the work they have done and the outcomes they have achieved. Believe in yourself and believe there’s a better version of yourself waiting for you to grab and there’s no stopping what you can get done.

Blessed to be apart of each one of these journeys and watch how attitudes, lifestyles and overall mental and physical health prospers in the process. Can’t wait to be apart of many more and help others reach and strive to better themselves daily!

Visit my website

Or DM me personally for inquiries and how to get started!

~TAP IN Coach Zac

Photos from The Apex Pursuit Company's post 14/08/2022

SO proud and excited to share some of the successful journeys that have been made over at The Apex Pursuit Company! Here are just a few examples of what can be done when you attack your goals and decide to make a change! Words cant describe the feeling of building a great relationship with my clients and watching them grow mentally and physically as they better themselves daily.

Each and every client that joins makes a decision to better themselves. I will be there every step of the way, from the good days to the bad to ensure we attack our goals on a daily basis and never loose sight of the end goal! One of the hardest steps in any journey is that FIRST step. The initial leap of faith and formulating a plan to make a change can be so intimidating and overwhelming for most. But for those who do, they rarely never regret! Tell me your goals/reasons why, and let me make the plan! All I need from you is attendance and a winning attitude and your well on your way to reaching your goals.

NO COOKIE CUTTER PROGRAMS HERE. With programs 100% tailored and customized to you, we will ensure each day is set up for YOUR own success. Everyone is different and needs different forms/techniques to build their own success.

From younger to older, experienced to inexperienced I have built a great foundation with all types of clients and working to reach their goals.

Feel free to check out my website or DM/Message me for any inquiry. I would love to discuss and help set up a plan to get you where you want to be!
on Instagram

Coach Zac


The Apex Pursuit strives to reach any and all of your fitness, sport or nutrition related goals. 100 % personalized fat loss, weight maintenance, muscle gain, body recomposition and athletic skills training programs are offered to help YOU feel your BEST.

‼️‼️Now booking new summer clients interested in looking and feeling their best these upcoming warm months. Slots are limited, but I am looking for 4-5 more dedicated clients who are ready to make the change and pursue a healthier more active lifestyle.‼️‼️

Any and all experience levels are welcomed. A good attitude and a strong work ethic is all it takes to reach your goals!

Call, text, email or visit my website today for FREE inquires and consultations!


~Coach Zac


The Apex Pursuit is now offering group sessions/classes for anyone looking to train together as a team to better yourselves!

Classes consist of HIIT, Athletic, Functional Fitness, And Power Output Based Classes.

Bring yourself and train with up to 5 others in a group to push past your limits and have an environment where you can thrive.

For times and availability’s contact me directly through DM, email, or through my website



Attention Rochester!

Protein is one of the most vital macro nutrients to get in on any diet, especially when coupled with a quality training program. It is the building blocks and road to recovery to almost all human functions and cells. Many times when people try to start a “diet” some good advice would be to simply track calories and protein content on a daily basis and let the carbs and fat fall into place. So if you struggle to find tasty ways to get your protein in you need to try BODY FUEL of Rochester.

They offer smoothies, shakes and bowls filled with nutritious fruits, proteins and more. They are stacked to meet your micro and macro nutrients while giving your body the fuel it needs to recover and get going! They offer various different flavors and options to pick from and is one of my go to spots for a nice refreshing post workout shake.

Enjoy a 10 percent off coupon upon booking just 1 session with me at the gym or any one of my other products available on my website!

~TAP IN Coach Zac


Don’t just get into shape or be healthy, STAY IN SHAPE AND STAY HEALTHY.

Long term results from knowledge, feedback, 24/7 lines of communication and tailored 1 on 1 programs to keep you looking and feeling your best.

I don’t look for quick short term results, I look for sustainable long term lifestyle changes that will prevent yo-yo dieting and huge weight fluctuations that you, me and many others have seen so many times from failed diet plans or training programs.

Spring is coming and I have a few open spots left for some dedicated, hard working individuals ready to either….
•make a change
•take their current status to the next level
•look and feel healthier overall
•stop making excuses and finally take that step!

Visit my website at

Or reach out by DM or email [email protected]

For inquiries and all other questions and see if we would be a good fit!

Coach Zac


If you or anyone you know is struggling or has struggled in the past to keep/maintain their weight loss or fitness journey use this guide as a boost!

There is no easy pill, drink or magic spell that is going to optimize your success more than putting in a little effort. Effort, consistency and sustainability are the 3 major keys to success in the fitness world! Use this checklist to help guide you when it comes to reaching your goals!

If you’re interested in direct or online personal training/nutrition/or athletic development feel free to contact me directly at 5857370623 or through my website



Front loaded good mornings🌞

One of my absolute favorite leg machines. So versatile. Targets quads, hamstrings and glutes all with different angles and positions. Love to get creative and find new effective ways to target muscle groups.

I have ALWAYS struggled with LOW BACK pain. My whole life. Exercises like heavy RDL, or good mornings are great ways to load the hamstrings, however I find they tend to put lots of stress on my low back and have lead to injury in the past. Even with the best form. So I have found a newer and smarter way to load the hamstrings without nearly any stress on the low back. Using this squat machine with a front loaded position and performing good mornings has changed the game for my hamstring loading exercises. Zero back pain or pressure, and really elongates, stretches and targets the hamstrings effectively. Never neglect your posterior chain strength. Especially as athletes!!!

Give it a try next leg day if you ever struggle with back pain like me!


Coaching, nutrition services and personal training found on my website or DM me.



Now there is a certain benefit to cheat curls or other cheat exercises to go past the point of strict failure. However you can put muscles and tendons at risk if not performed safely and smart. Simple exercises like a incline DB curl like this can completely isolate muscles and take out other whole muscle groups (for example the delt in other bicep curl variations) that could be used in the movement. What this also does, is it makes you go lighter! You can’t move the same weights as you would if performing a less isolated movement. Allowing for safer sets, easier on the joints, but still allocating that time under tension and muscle stimulation you would get from the others.

Give it a try! Train safe, train smart, train hard.

~TAP IN ⚡️

Coaching, personal training, nutrition and other health related help visit my website


Looking for a few more individuals in the Rochester area ready to make a difference!
I heard a great quote that I thought would be worth sharing…

“A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing will ever grow there. So become comfortable with feeling uncomfortable, and growth will be right around the corner”

Visit the link in my bio or go directly to for inquiries, questions and contact information!


Optimizing the basics.

DB pull overs are a great fundamental movement for back and even chest development. You elongate the lats and can get a great stretch and contraction. Now how can we make this movement even better?

Add a band around the dumbbell and secure it to an anchor. This added band resistance will not only add weight to the movement but will apply constant tension that the dumbbell cannot do. At the top of the movement after the stretch without the band there is not tension on the lat anymore as the weight is just sitting above you. Adding the band makes sure there is constant tension applied at all ranges of the movement. Allowing for more activation, stretch and connection. Bands can be a great way to add more depth and growth to your programs! Give this one a shot!

As always feel free to DM or visit my website if interested in training or services!

for the stringer


Work smarter⚡️🧠

Using a cuff for lateral raises completely takes out an extra joint from the movement. Excluding the wrist from this lateral raise movement allows you to
1. Avoid struggling though a weaker joint (wrist)
2. Allow much more focus on the shoulder muscle itself and less on holding a dumbbell and wrist stability
3. Get the best shoulder pump on earth
Give it a try next shoulder day. Do you normal dumbbell lateral raises then move over to a cable machine and attach a cuff and try the same movement. Feel the difference for yourself. It’s game changing and can bring your training IQ to the next level.

For more training programs, nutrition help or anything else fitness related feel free to DM me or visit my website

Link is in bio!





Most common mistake for New Year's Resolutioners is that they set unrealistic goals. Unrealistic meaning these goals do not fit their current life, surroundings, finances etc. Making adherence incredibly hard to follow. Not for the sake of wanting to, but rather lacking the materials or resources to do so. So set smart goals that are attainable for you, your surroundings, life, finances and go make them happen!

Two, people set big goals or multiple goals and try to attack them all at once. DON'T DO THIS. If it's a big goal, break it down into multiple smaller goals and attack these smaller goals one at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself and make it feel impossible or you're buried in work. Perfect small things and once those are perfect or down, move onto something else and work on that. Don't overload yourself at the beginning.

Three, be consistently good. Setting smart goals allowing you to be consistently good with them is better than setting a goal where you can only occasionally be great at them. Consistency is KING to see any progress no matter what aspect of life you consider. So allow your goals or resolutions to set you up to be consistently good with them. And love the progress you will see!

Online coaching or personal training can be found on my homepage or at or feel free to call or text with any questions!

~TAP in Coach Zac

The Apex Pursuit Coaching 02/01/2022

Everyone has their New Year's Resolutions, but who is going to actively pursue them!?

Who is going to be the person who makes that first step instead of always dreaming about it. Regret does not come from those who try but to those who sit back and let the moment pass.

The name speaks for itself, THE APEX PURSUIT is a brand that helps people actively pursue a better/healthier and more efficient version of themselves! Not only in the gym, but in all areas of life. Discipline, time management, improved self esteem, improved confidence, ability to follow through, and overall gratification and satisfaction of knowing you CAN take a step in the right direction are all fundamental characteristics I dedicate my services to improve upon with all my clients. Let these fundamentals bleed into other aspects of your life, optimizing overall life efficiency and actions.

Fitness may not be in your top priorities when it comes to resolutions this year and that's OK. But think of it this way, who can't be just a little bit more motivated, disciplined and an overall achiever rather than a dreamer? These things don't come to those who sit back and let the moments pass, they come to those who want to pursue a better version of themselves overall!

So no more “ i'll just start next week” and more of “how soon can i begin?”. Start 2022 like no other year in the past! Take that first step and make it a year of overall GROWTH and IMPROVEMENT no matter what your goal is!

~TAP IN Coach Zac

If you're interested in personal training, nutrition services, athletic improvement or overall health development feel free to check out my website and browse around to see if this is something you want for yourself!



I have taken some time to upgrade my outreach and platforms!

I have created and built my own personal website where everyone now has a platform to search my programs, learn more about myself and my services, book services and start their journeys to success! Take a minute to check it out! Super excited with the outcome and happy to upgrade my services to make life just a little bit easier for anyone looking to be involved in one of the best personal training experiences in Rochester!

Give it a look here:



Know what you’re eating. Someone’s definition of a “light breakfast” or meal can actually double/triple the calories of another.

I stress food identification and having the knowledge to properly address and consume the right amount of macros/calories based on your goal. While one meal may be okay with one, it may be too much for others based on their goals. Having the knowledge to identify and consume the right foods to meet ones needs is what can make the difference between results and plateaus.

Calories in vs calories out is what will ultimately control weight loss or weight gain. Educate yourself so you don’t make the same mistakes! All my clients receive this kind of education and coaching on a daily basis!








Not much to explain for this post.

Obesity related diseases are riddled throughout the top causes of death in the US today. The sad and unfortunate truth is that these diseases are more times than not self inflicted. Lifestyle changes can and should be the catalyst.

Ill leave this up for thought.....

What seems more logical when it comes to treating, reducing the risk or keeping you alive in general?

A) Doctor prescribed medications on a daily basis that can be expensive and may lead to other complications causing you to have to take more pills. Not even curing but rather masking the issues until it is time for the next dose?


B) Properly prescribed and adhered nutrition/diet changes with a healthy amount of exercise. In this case it has been known to take people off of their prescribed medications, yes medications meaning multiple, and cure or reverse their illnesses. Leaving you feeling better with no ups and downs and not having you rely on a pill to keep you ticking.

Just a thought that I felt like needed to be addressed, taking the short cut instead of taking actionable steps to get yourself better does not sit right with me.

~TAP IN Coach Zac


To everyone, not just my athletes, don't let a holiday or a time away from your work destroy what you have built! You worked hard for what you have! So keep it! Online programs and in person training available now for a LIMITED TIME PRICE for the Holiday season.
Plan ahead and take control of your life!
~TAP IN Coach Zac

Photos from The Apex Pursuit Company's post 10/11/2021

After just 1 week on the new Nutrition Program which was completely customized and tailored to his lifestyle and food preferences he was able to find a new way of sustainable eating or "dieting". His health related goal was to lose weight while still retaining his muscle mass. With the help of this programming he is well on his way to acheivng just that! Subtle yet effective changes were made to his preexisting eating patterns which in return, made it feel like less of a "diet" while still experiencing the results he is looking for. He also found it helped him learn more in the kitchen! This is a huge factor and step ion the right direction when trying to clean up eating behaviors as you actually recognize and identify what you are eating on a daily basis, and not leaving it up to some fast food chain or processed food company to decide for you!
Encountering small wins like this throughout your journey is what keeps people motivated and in the pursuit for their goals! This is what I strive to do for every one of my clients!
~TAP IN Coach Zac



Healthy sources of dietary fat are essential for your overall health and well being. Fats play huge roles in hormone regulation, mental health, healthy blood lipid levels, cholesterol health, joint support, overall heart health and many more. We identify dietary fat with getting fat and many times we steer clear of them in our diets. While fats are the highest calorie-containing macronutrient, this does not mean they contribute directly to fat accumulation in the body. Fat accumulation occurs when we intake more energy or calories when we expend, leaving us in a calorie surplus. So no specific macronutrient is going to make you fat or skinny. That is a myth.
It is important to identify the proper fats you should or shouldn't be including in your diet however for the overall health benefits they can supply. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are going to be your best go to dietary sources for health. These include nuts, seeds, oils, fish, eggs, and trace amounts in some dark green leafy veg. Saturated fats are fat sources that come directly from animal sources. Meat, pork, poultry, dairy, and tropical oils such as coconut or palm oil. These fats are also quite demonized in the general public. However, a healthy amount of these fats in one's diet will not do much harm if you are also utilizing the healthy mono and polyunsaturated sources. People tend to get in trouble with saturated fat sources when they consume loads of it, compiled with an overall unhealthy diet lacking other fat sources and many vitamins and minerals. So overall you want to prioritize mono and polyunsaturated fats the most while still understanding some saturated fat in your diet is OK. The only real fat source we should never really consume and can only do harm to your body and health is trans fat. Trans fat comes from heavily processed foods through the use of hydrogenation. This fat is completely man made and altered and can do serious harm to your blood lipid panels and cholesterol levels. Lowering good cholesterol and increasing bad cholesterol.
Below is my TOP 10 beneficial sources of dietary fat everyone should be aiming to include into their diets for optimal health and body function!

~TAP IN Coach Zac



Do not over complicate the little things. Sometimes the answers are that easy and right in front of you. It is just up to you to put them into action. This list is a super simple yet effective way to start lifestyle changes. Mainly directed toward fat loss, increased metabolism and overall health. If you are interested in a list on the other end, directed more toward weight or muscle gain, I can make a post related to that as well. LET ME KNOW.

As always if you are interested in acquiring personal training, or online programs feel free to contact me through messenger, direct message, or contact me directly, call or text @ (585)737-0623 and I would be happy to help you on whatever life journey you are ready to make steps toward.

If you never make the initial step, you may never unlock the potential hiding inside of you!

~TAP IN Coach Zac



Walking…. seems simple and too good to be true for weight loss and overall health right? Well the truth is much more simple than it may seem sometimes. Walking alone has beneficial effects to the body comparable to some prescription drugs. Imagine being able to be taken off of your blood pressure, glucose/blood sugar and arthritis medications, by simply moving your body for around 30-45 minutes a day? What would you say to that?

Walking has been shown to increase blood circulation, help shuttle glucose or sugar out of the blood stream, increase heart rate for overall heart health and helps strengthen, increase flexibility, reduce pain/stiffness/swelling in joints from arthritis.

Stan Efferding, creator of the Vertical Diet, emphasizes the use of micronutrients and stresses the importance of digestion and recovery, and preaches the ultimate importance of simply walking. He bases his ideas off of studies showing how taking a 10 minute walk immediately post meal consumption has been shown to be a more effective way of reducing blood sugar levels than prescription drug Metformin. It allows for proper digestion, and helps shuttle nutrients into the muscle and out of the blood stream.

As for heart health and circulation benefits, walking is a great way to simply get your body moving and functioning on a regular basis. With proper intention walking will increase heart rate and circulation cousin increased blood flow to all areas of the body. This will help with overall heart health, because we all know a strong heart is a healthy heart, and recovery to parts of the body with the increased blood flow to them. Blood carries nutrients which are essential to proper recovery, strengthening and rebuilding of tissues and bones. It has been shown in some studies that taking a simple 30 minute walk 4-5 times a week can decrease the risk of coronary heart disease by up to 20 percent! By a simple walk. Who doesn't have this kind of time to spare? Spare 30 minutes a day to possibly help gain or reach those older years of life.

Arthritis comes from joint stiffness, swelling and weakness. It causes people to become more sedentary from the pain. Which in the long run, makes the arthritis even worse by causing more stiffness and weakness from the lack of use of this joint. Low impact exercise or movements, such as walking, is the best treatment for arthritis! It helps get blood flow to the areas to help recovery, helps strengthen the joints through low impact movements and helps decrease stiffness and increase flexibility through movement of that joint.

So when it comes to walking, never think it's too good to be true or it's not worth your time. Walking, even to the most elite of athletes, has been shown to be overpoweringly beneficial. Overall health, longevity and optimum function of the body and to your life can be helped through a SIMPLE, FREE, LOW IMPACT AND STRESS RELIEVING activity such as taking a 10 minute walk. Optimize your time and your life.

~TAP IN Coach Zac



Never think of progress as "I only did so this much". Progress is positive no matter how small you may think it is. It shows direct correlation to hard work and dedication to a plan. I said in the post, don't let your ego get in the way of your happiness and progress. Be proud of whatever the progress that was achieved. 1 pound, 2 pounds, 5 pounds or 10 pounds, you made the decision to make a change and the feedback is there, let it motiate you to work harder and keep going, not discourage you and cause you to quit because you only...... did that much. Have a winners mindset and always keep looking forward to improve and keep giving your best! Thats all that you can do.

~TAP IN Coach Zac



How many times have you heard people demonize the consumption of carbohydrates, saying they make you fat, or eating them past 8 pm is going to make you fat? These are MYTHS!!! Simply not true, carbs do not make you fat, too many calories will make you fat.

Carbs are the main or preferred source of fuel for our bodies and contain 4 calories per gram. They are used by our brain, muscles and bodies for energy, and are quite good at what they do! People who say carbs make you fat, are generally identifying carbs with bad food choices. Over consumption in combination with greasy, fat loaded meals can cause problems when it comes to calories in vs calories out. Because in all reality that's what weight loss or gain is. If you eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight, if you burn more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. Some people just love their carbs a little too much, or do not track or identify the rest of their diet, so they blame their excess calorie consumption and weight gain on carbs.

No carbs are generally loaded in sugary cereals, donuts, cakes, pastas and other unhealthy processed foods, however, that's not what carbs should be labeled as. There are other much cleaner, healthier and preferred sources to eat on a daily basis that are better at keeping you in your deficit or maintenance. I will make a post talking about my top 10 preferred carb sources soon. So instead of mislabeling the whole macronutrient as bad, discover what you're actually eating and what sources they are coming from, I never suggest staying away from a full food group. This can cause bad food relationships and can lead to you not sticking to your diet long term because it is too restrictive!

And for the myth that carbs past 8 make you fat, it can be simply explained. Generally at night people tend to have their sweet tooth cravings or crave just larger amounts of food later in the day. The sweet tooth craving can kick in so hard that you simply go to your cupboard and eat any processed food source you can get your hands on, most likely loaded with sugars and fats to cure that craving you are having. So the late night cravings are actually what is hurting you. Not the carbs. Unhealthier food choices are much more likely to be made at this time and lead to the excess calories or calorie surplus for the day. One hour of night time sugar cravings can kill a whole day where you just did your best at following your diet. At 8pm it's much easier to grab a pack of cookies than making a meal that will actually benefit you.

~TAP IN Coach Zac



When it comes to toning, tightening or defining certain parts of the body, exercises and weights can be a great tool to utilize. However, weights and exercise alone will not be your saving grace. Definition, tone and tightening is seen and actually detailed out when body fat percentage decreases. You can build and tone all the muscle you want on certain areas of your body, but if there is body fat laying over the top, these muscles will not be seen. The key to defining and showing off these definitions is to incorporate these workouts, where you target specific areas while simultaneously losing body fat. This will show off all the hard work and dedication you have put in the gym to change this certain body part.
This can be done with simple diet changes, increasing your NEAT (non exercise activity thermogenesis) and little lifestyle changes helping you to shed some body fat and keep a leaner physique. When it comes to workouts, I have found and studied the best rep ranges to incorporate for a more toning and definition effect would be anywhere from the 10-15 rep range. I have also found that very slow and controlled reps where you actually focus on that specific muscle the whole movement while not giving up your form will give you the best results for what you are looking for. This increases total muscle tension on that specific area of your body, and the more time a muscle is under tension, the more it breaks down and the more it has the capacity to build back up again, stronger and more defined.
So when it comes to defining or toning focus on these main tips, find a sustainable diet plan which will allow you to lose some body fat to show off your hard work in the gym, increase your NEAT (walking is the easiest way to do so), incorporate a appropriate amount of protein in your diet for muscle recovery and strength (.7-1.1 grams per pound of bodyweight) and focus on slow and controlled reps while you are at the gym (10-15 total reps).

~TAP IN Coach Zac

Videos (show all)

Front loaded good mornings🌞One of my absolute favorite leg machines. So versatile. Targets quads, hamstrings and glutes ...
STOP THE EGO LIFTING. ⚡️Now there is a certain benefit to cheat curls or other cheat exercises to go past the point of s...
Optimizing the basics. DB pull overs are a great fundamental movement for back and even chest development. You elongate ...
Training alone? Looking to safely train past “failure”?  TAP IN⚡️
Work smarter⚡️🧠Using a cuff for lateral raises completely takes out an extra joint from the movement. Excluding the wris...


Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 20:30
Tuesday 06:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 20:00
Thursday 06:00 - 20:00
Friday 06:00 - 10:00
Saturday 06:00 - 10:30
Sunday 06:00 - 10:30