Improvement by Movement

Improvement by Movement

I mechanically diagnose and coach resolution of pain with PURPOSEFUL exercises via TELEHEALTH.📍VA&WV

Service areas include the states of Virginia and West Virginia

My Mission: To optimize quality of life by treating musculoskeletal disorders using a highly standardized model built on research and best practices with the unmatched accessibility and convenience of telehealth while being held accountable for the quality and outcomes of my care. My Goals: To obtain a complete understanding of the pa


Are you frustrated going to appointment after appointment, waiting months, taking all kinds of medications, spending your valuable time and money and not getting any lasting relief for your back pain?

You would benefit from a McKenzie mechanical examination to get to the root of the problem and create a targeted plan specific to your condition.

I am available for consult and telehealth treatment. Please call to request an appointment 540-384-4200.

For additional info, click link, or link in bio

Ask Your Representative to Include New Medicare Bill in Legislative Package 22/12/2023

If you are a PT or PTA, please take 2 minutes to do this. Medicare is trying to cut reimbursement again in 2024. We all know that just leads to poor patient care and burnout for us. Our patients deserve better and we deserve job satisfaction.

Ask Your Representative to Include New Medicare Bill in Legislative Package On Jan. 1, 2024, dozens of providers, including physical therapists, paid under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule will face a cut in payment unless Congress intervenes to provide additional funding to the fee schedule. When Congress returns to D.C...

Photos from Ramara Physiotherapy's post 04/04/2023

She knows what’s up. What she said 👇👇👇


Just saying…

Patients deserve care TAILORED to them, not cookie cutter exercises, so they can meet their pain relief goals and get back to what they love as quickly as possible.

Discuss what this would look like with a no cost, no pressure consult.

Book online or text to set up a time to chat.


Have persisting pain in spite of receiving treatment? Here's 6 common reasons why... -


This patient was told he needed injections and possibly surgery for his elbow pain. But with only 2 exercises he does on his own, he is "nearly cured" (to quote him!).

Many painful conditions can respond like this and people can learn what to do to treat and manage it independently.
Reach out if you or someone you know want to learn how to independently manage their aches/pains! I specialize in coaching effective and targeted techniques through telehealth.


Foot pain relief!!

This is an example of a joint mobilization that rapidly resolved pain in two recent patients’ lateral foot.

It was a movement into the opposite direction of what these patients’ foot did excessively throughout the day.

All they had to do was learn how to mobilize their joint combined with a few strengthening exercises and within a few days, the pain was significantly better. No need to change shoes or add orthotics.

Both patients are now back to running without pain.

And they now know exactly what to do in the future if the pain starts to return. -I LOVE helping patients become independent!

Wishing you knew exactly what to do for your painful joint?
I specialize in identifying mechanical issues and coaching patients in effective self treatment through the convenience of telehealth.

Call/text me to schedule a free consult (ZERO PRESSURE). You can also schedule a free consult online.

Send a message to learn more

The Method - The McKenzie Institute, USA 14/10/2022

The Method - The McKenzie Institute, USA The McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy - MDT - focuses on assessment, treatment and prevention of future back, neck and extremity injuries.


I've rebranded a bit!!

Over the past year of helping people with their pain through telehealth while also treating patients in-person, I have realized how much the telehealth version of care is a COACHING service.

BOTH versions can work GREAT!

So if you or someone you know are too busy to go into a clinic for spine or extremity pain OR simply prefer to be coached on exactly what to do for your pain condition (and I'm talking succinct, specific exercise PRESCRIPTIONS), this is an excellent option. It is resulting in outcomes as good as in-person care.

As you may know, the coaching service I do is unique in that I use the MDT® approach. This method detects and helps resolve mechanical issues that are often missed in other approaches. So if you've already tried PT, chiro, etc, THERE IS HOPE and I can offer you something different.

Schedule online and learn more on my NEW website!


Why suffer when you don't have to?!
..I find that people who's sciatica worsens from prolonged sitting (especially in a car) can rapidly resolve those symptoms.

I'm talking within only days to weeks.

They just need to follow a simple yet SPECIFIC intervention prescription.

Which can usually be done from the comfort of their own home.

So if you or someone you know are suffering from sciatica every time you take a long car ride... quit suffering, I CAN HELP!

Schedule a telehealth PT coaching session today:


EVERY person deserves all three.

Unfortunately it doesn't happen "out there" every time.

If you feel like you're "just a number", are doing cookie cutter exercises and have to disrupt your day going into a clinic for your back pain, I offer a solution.

I perform thorough physical assessments, figure out an accurate mechanical diagnosis and match your condition with an appropriate intervention.

I then coach you in implementing the specific treatment plan virtually.

I closely monitor your response to treatment and make adjustments accordingly.

I do this through the convenience of telehealth, offering before and after work slots.

I currently see patients physically located in Virginia and West Virginia. Indiana coming soon!!
(...Not in those states? Ask me about the mechanical wellness services!)

👇 👇 👇
Easily schedule online!

Feel free to message me with any questions!


Back pain is NOTORIOUS for returning.

Just when you think it's gone.. boom, there it is again.

That will make anyone grumpy.

While we can't always prevent it from returning, we CAN apply early intervention techniques and prevent a severe flare!

👉 👉 👉 Using specific mechanical self assessment prevention strategies has shown to reduce the recurrence of a significant low back pain flare from 50% to 10%.

And the best part... the patient does not need to seek professional care!

So if you're in back pain or the next time you have it, become empowered to self-treat and then learn how to PREVENT it.

Set up a telehealth PT coaching session today.
Call/text to schedule: 540-384-4200
Or Book online!

Mention this ad for a 25% discount 😊


Is your pain from muscle, nerve or joint?
Is there inflammation, something a little "out of place", or has tissue become "tight & tangled?"

I've said it once, I'll say it again, then 100 more times

👉 Understanding WHAT we are dealing with is CRUCIAL for implementing a fast and effective treatment plan.

My specialty is using symptom behavior to sort all that out (nope, no imaging needed).

I do this through telehealth and coach you in resolving the painful condition using a holistic and evidence based approach.

Reach out to me to see how I can help you!


Did you know that most labral tears in the shoulder (a tear in the cushion of the joint) DO NOT HURT or cause functional issues?

The latest research is clear on this.

This is one of those studies: They found that up to 72% of people between the ages of 45 & 60 WITHOUT shoulder pain have labral tears on an MRI. (link to source below)

We are learning more and more that unfortunately MRI findings are misleading and do not tell us WHY someone has physical pain.

Which explains why so many people can become pain free with movement therapy even though they have been diagnosed with "structurally compromised" things like arthritis, labral tears, meniscus tears, disc disease, stenosis, etc.

On the flip side it also explains why many people have surgeries for things like labral tears and are no better as a result.

The good news is that a sound mechanical exam CAN lead us to the source of the pain so the patient is getting the right thing treated.

👉 Mechanical examinations are my specialty and ensuring the right thing is treated is my priority.

Get scheduled today for treatment that may be faster and more simple than you think 👀

Learn more:


Reverse shrinking?!

This pretty cool recent study supports this.

More and more literature supports that corrective outcomes come from repetitive movements!

👉 Finding the best repetitive movement to resolve muscle, joint and nerve pain is my specialty...

👉 👉 Call/text to discuss how my telehealth coaching sessions can help you! (or I will find you someone in person!)


Movement is medicine.

Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal itself!

They just needs to be moved correctly.

Which can get highly specific....
The body needs:
1) the right movement (or exercise)
2) the right intensity of the movement
3) the right repetitions & frequency of the movement and
4) to temporarily avoid aggravating movements.

👉 A Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy® examination will tell us all of the above.

👉 👉 The result:
The person can solve their problem, on their own. No need for someone else's hands, medication or surgery.

If you want to be empowered to resolve your painful condition, reach out, I do personalized PT coaching.
Learn more:


"They barely looked at me!"

Is this how you feel when you see someone for pain?

Unfortunately, when it comes to muscle, nerve or joint pain, standard care usually involves minimal assessment and LOTS of trial & error treatments.

That's like a going to your eye doctor with complaints about not seeing very well.

And they just give you a pair of glasses off the shelf.

Without the exam, it'd be a complete guessing game!!

Addressing pain is no different!

Effective treatment hinges on a thorough and reliable EXAMINATION.
..which is an aspect that sets Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy® (MDT) apart from standard care.

MDT® involves an extensive and continuous physical assessment process which leads to a clear mechanical diagnosis.

With a clear diagnosis in place, appropriate treatment can be prescribed with confidence.

So, if you feel that no one really examines you when you're in pain...
...and they just give you pills, random exercises or interventions that don't seem to make sense...

See me or another MDT® trained professional to get clear answers and purposeful treatment.

Reach out to me, I can see you through telehealth or find you someone in person!


Did you know… Humans typically flex (bend and round) their spines 3-5 THOUSAND times per DAY!

Which is a leading contribution to back and neck pain.

But it’s simple to prevent.

Just stretch in the opposite direction a few times throughout the day.

Happy stretching!

If currently in pain, I’ll coach you how to resolve it through personalized 1-on-1 physical therapy coaching sessions via telehealth. 540-384-4200


Move Opposite!

More and more, we are finding that moving joints in opposite directions of daily repetitive movements will "correct" and "reset" misbehaving joints.

👉 This often calms down reactive muscle pain.

👉 👉 AND it can also take pressure off pinched nerves.

Which direction does your joint need to relieve your pain?

I have advanced training in 1) figuring this out through telehealth and 2) coaching you in resolving it.

call/text: 540-384-4200


Muscle pain? Or a misbehaving joint causing muscle pain?

If you don't restore the normal function of the joint, muscles will never stop reacting.

I specialize in sorting this out.
(And I find most muscle pain is a reaction to a misbehaving joint ...Yes, even in the setting of significant arthritis...)

I use Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® to do this and I can effectively assess and prescribe treatment through telehealth.

So you can see me virtually or let me find you someone in person... Whatever your preference... I just want to help you get the pain SOURCE treated and not just the symptoms.

Call or shoot me a text! 🙂


Muscle pain? Or a misbehaving joint that is causing muscle pain?

If you don't restore normal function of the joint, muscles will not stop reacting.

I specialize in sorting this out and prescribing appropriate treatment addressing the ROOT source (which I find most often is a misbehaving joint). ...YES, even in the setting of bad arthritis...

Do to this, I use Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy®.
And I can assess and treat effectively through telehealth...
..So see me virtually, or I will find someone for you in person... doesn't matter to me, as long as I can help you get the pain SOURCE treated and not just the symptoms.

Call or shoot me text to chat


Avoid assumptions and cookie-cutter treatments.

Choose 1-on-1 problem solving sessions & get personalized treatment plans under the guidance of a highly reliable and evidence-based approach called Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy®.

Seeing and hearing you is all that is needed to:
1️⃣ Take your body through a thorough mechanical assessment
2️⃣ diagnose your condition &
3️⃣ guide you to the most appropriate intervention

You can either see me through telehealth or I'll find you someone in person.....I don't care if its me or someone else as long as I can help you prevent assumed diagnoses and unnecessary interventions...

Call/text me to discuss! 540-384-4200.


This is an example of how UNIQUE our bodies are! 🤗

AND a reminder that when you have pain, it’s a COMPLEX process to determine it’s source and how it needs to be treated!

A thorough and meaningful movement exam is NECESSARY before you receive treatment.

Just like chest pain… you wouldn’t want that treated with antacids without thoroughly ruling out a heart attack first?

Your pain is no different!

With me you will receive a one-on-one hour-long exam to thoroughly assess and problem solve your pain and determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

540-384-4200 to chat with me or schedule.


Happy Independence Day! ❤️ 🇺🇸


Nothing like the patient being empowered to turn off their pain with a single exercise.

…No hands-on care or equipment needed.


You know what’s a pain in the butt? BUTT pain!

If you have hip or butt pain, follow along… you could completely get rid of it with this one exercise.

***were not where 😊

Call or text me for a free discovery consult call…. Purely intended to see if I can help you. No annoying sales pitches!!!


The average cost of an MRI in the US is $1,325. and it is common to wait several weeks for an MRI. Then after all that, people are often left with more questions than answers.

Because MRI’s almost always show “benign findings”. These are structural things that aren’t “normal” but do not cause pain… how do we know this…?

…Multiple studies have shown that a LARGE percentage of people live with labral tears, degenerative disc disease, arthritis, stenosis, meniscus tears, rotator cuff tears (the list goes on) and DO NOT know it! (That means they have no pain and function perfectly fine!)

…then there is the population who have surgery for these things and are NO better… sadly because the source of the pain was assumed from the MRI and not a mechanical exam.

…and on the other hand, there are a number of people who have come in with “Structurally Compromised” findings (things I can’t fix with PT like arthritis, meniscus tears, stenosis… again the list goes on) and they go through a mechanical exam and treatment process, and their pain goes away and their function is restored…
…So they had another source of pain and just happened to have a compromised structure on imaging. And this is not a rare occurrence, I see this every single week.

It is important to remember that an MRI is only a piece to the puzzle. It is a single picture in time of a structure that is usually moving.

…GOOD NEWS, musculoskeletal pathologies have a consistent mechanical pattern. With a proper and meaningful movement exam, we can conclude which structure is at fault… without ever needing that MRI!

…MORE GOOD NEWS, majority of musculoskeletal injuries and pain conditions can get fully better with the proper movement strategies and conservative interventions.

If you aren’t sure if you need an MRI, I am highly trained in figuring that out using a thorough and systematic mechanical examination. And all I need is to see and hear you, so I can do this through TELEHEALTH.

Stop questioning, get answers. Call me for a free 20-min discovery call.


Temporary relief is an excellent sign that long term relief is possible. You just need the right movement prescription.

That’s my specialty and I do it conveniently through telehealth.
Call or book online.
Visit website for details:

Videos (show all)

Set your body up for success every day by stretching your entire spine out with this one exercise each morning!  Why thi...
"One-size-fits-all" pain relief ads are GIMMICKS. I've said it once, I'll say it again and again: Different kinds of low...
"One-size-fits-all" pain relief ads are GIMMICKS. I've said it once, I'll say it again: Different kinds of low back pain...
"One-size-fits-all" pain relief ads are GIMMICKS. I've said it once, I'll say it again: Different kinds of low back pain...
"One-size-fits-all" pain relief ads are GIMMICKS. Different kinds of low back pain need DIFFERENT treatment. Symptom beh...
Another of MANY examples of finding the right modifiation or technique to get meaningful lasting pain relief. My patient...
This is one of MANY examples of finding the right modifiation or technique to get meaningful lasting pain relief. My pat...
Just saying…Patients deserve care TAILORED to them, not cookie cutter exercises, so they can meet their pain relief goal...
Mobilizing the mid back can be so effective in resolving pain and improving posture (and what your momma told you was ri...
Mobilizing the mid back can be so effective in resolving pain and improving posture (and what your momma told you was ri...
Nerve tension and muscle tightness feel the same but require DIFFERENT treatments! So be sure which one you have and WHY...
Why suffer when you don't have to?! ...I find that people who's sciatica worsens from prolonged sitting (especially in a...


Opening Hours

Monday 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 19:00
Friday 07:00 - 17:00