Primitive Function

Primitive Function

Myofunctional therapy to grow the way we were primitively designed and live with Primitive Function.


Copying for Myo Monday! I couldn’t have said it better!

Empowering Parents: Questioning Orthodontic Watchful Waiting for Your Child's Health

The Australian Orthodontic Society recommends that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by age 7. Many parents take their child to the orthodontist with concerns of dental crowding and problems like overbites, and they are placed on a program of annual reviews and monitoring of the problem with the aim of ideally delaying treatment until the permanent teeth come through. The aim is to complete treatment efficiently in one phase and minimize burnout of a child that may occur with multiple phases of treatment.

Some parents have concern about the problem worsening each year but don’t recognize they have other options. The problem is that, as each year passes, we miss the chance to redirect the underlying poor pattern of jaw and facial development.

Breathing and Airway Impact:

The jaws are the bony framework for our airways. They form the floor of our nasal passages, housing for our tongue, and skeletal support for our throat muscles. Crooked teeth are most often a symptom jaw development is going off track. And that equates to some degree of limitation of airflow, which will ultimately impact sleep quality.

Last week, I saw a 10-year-old child by referral from a dental colleague. My colleague was the first person to identify to mum that she had a severely restrictive tongue-tie, very narrow V-shaped palate, and obstructive tonsils. She had a significant vertical facial growth pattern associated with a chronic mouth breathing habit. There were concerns with chronic snoring, difficulties with emotional regulation, and ADHD type symptoms. They had been seeing many health care professionals, and attending for yearly orthodontic reviews, and my colleague was the first to give mum answers – it was a massive weight off her shoulders.

Between seeing my colleague and me, the child has had ENT surgery and a reduction in snoring. There has been a remarkable improvement in her emotional regulation with improvements in sleep quality. But there is persistent mouth breathing, and the narrow palate and reduced tongue space are factors for this. I can’t address her tongue-tie until tongue space is restored. She is just a bit older, and out of my comfort zone to treat orthodontically. In fact, jaw surgery as she gets older will be a valid option to help unlock missed growth from earlier childhood, and optimise her airway, sleep, and facial balance.

Many times, parents want to know, “Why I was not told about early intervention earlier?”

Take-Home Message:

The take-home message for parents is that early intervention may not always be offered, and some professionals might even be critical of those who offer early treatment. However, if you have concerns about issues getting worse or notice any functional challenges related to speech, breathing, sleep, behaviour, attention, and concentration, or night-time symptoms like teeth-grinding or bedwetting, seeking a second opinion could be valuable. Empower yourself as a parent to advocate for your child's well-being and explore all available options.


Happy Myo Monday, everyone!

🌟 Today, let's deep-dive into signs that might be signaling the need for myofunctional therapy. Knowledge is power, right? 💡 Here we go:

👄Mouth Breathing: Chronic mouth breathing can impact facial development and oral function.

🗣Speech Challenges: Difficulty with speech sounds may suggest underlying myofunctional issues. While I don't specialize in speech therapy, my focus is on addressing the muscles that support speech. Think of me as a complement to speech therapy, helping fine-tune the muscle mechanics for improved oral function.

😣Jaw Discomfort: Persistent jaw pain or tension could be related to improper oral muscle function.

👎Thumb Sucking: Prolonged thumb sucking may contribute to orofacial issues.

🤕Chronic Headaches: Regular headaches, especially around the temples, may be linked to oral muscle dysfunction.

👄Open Mouth Resting Posture: Constantly resting with the mouth open can lead to a range of issues over time.

👅 Tie or Lip Tie: Conditions where the tongue or lip movement is restricted can benefit from myofunctional therapy.

😁Orthodontic Relapse: For those who have undergone orthodontic treatment, any relapse may be indicative of myofunctional issues.

Spotting these signs early opens the door to proactive intervention. Consider consulting with me for a personalized assessment. Your oral health matters!


🌟 Unlocking the Secrets to Healthy Jaws, Craniofacial Development, and TMD Prevention 🌟

Your jaw and craniofacial structure are the cornerstones of your overall health. They impact not only your appearance but also your ability to breathe, speak, chew, and sleep. Let's explore why this is so vital:

Proper Craniofacial Development:
✨ Proper Bite Alignment: A balanced craniofacial structure ensures that your upper and lower jaws align correctly. This leads to effective chewing, speaking, and a reduced risk of dental problems.

✨ Facial Symmetry: Craniofacial development contributes to facial symmetry, which isn't just about aesthetics but is linked to self-esteem and confidence.

✨ Airway Health: A well-developed craniofacial structure plays a crucial role in airway health, preventing obstructions and reducing the risk of sleep apnea and breathing issues.

✨ Healthy TMJ: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) health is closely linked to craniofacial development. Proper jaw growth can alleviate TMJ disorders, reducing pain and discomfort.

✨ Orthodontic Health: Craniofacial development influences orthodontic needs. A well-developed jaw may require less orthodontic intervention, saving time and money.

Myofunctional Therapy and Craniofacial Development:
🏋️‍♂️ Tongue Posture: Myofunctional therapy emphasizes proper tongue posture. When your tongue rests against the roof of your mouth, it stimulates upper jaw growth, resulting in a well-aligned bite and a balanced face.

😃 Mouth Posture: Myofunctional therapy encourages a closed mouth posture during rest, reducing stress on the jaw joint and helping prevent TMD issues.

👃 Nasal Breathing: Addressing improper breathing habits, myofunctional therapy promotes nasal breathing, aiding in craniofacial harmony and reducing airway-related problems.

By nurturing proper craniofacial development and considering myofunctional therapy, you're investing in your long-term jaw health and preventing TMD issues. Remember, your habits today shape your oral health tomorrow. 😁🌿


👃💨 Breathe Right, Grow Right! 💪🧡

Did you know that the way you breathe can have a profound impact on your facial structure and overall health? 😲 Let's talk about Myofunctional Therapy and why nasal breathing is a game-changer for craniofacial development! 🏗️👶

👉 Nasal Breathing = Natural Face Lift: Nasal breathing encourages the tongue to rest on the roof of your mouth, which stimulates proper development of the upper jaw and creates a more defined facial structure. 😁✨

👉 Better Sleep, Better You: Nasal breathing promotes better sleep quality by filtering and humidifying the air, reducing the risk of snoring, and improving oxygen intake. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to refreshed mornings! 🌙😴

👉 A Healthier You: Nasal breathing filters out harmful pathogens and pollutants, providing your body with cleaner, healthier oxygen. It also stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which has numerous cardiovascular benefits. Say goodbye to sickness and hello to a stronger immune system! 🦠🌿

👉 Myofunctional Therapy: Myofunctional Therapy is like a personal trainer for your tongue and facial muscles. It helps correct improper oral habits, such as tongue thrusting and mouth breathing, to optimize breathing and facial development. 💪👄

Remember, it's never too late to start working on your breathing habits and facial development. Consult a Myofunctional Therapist today and unlock the potential of a healthier, more symmetrical, and happier you! 🌟


Myo Monday!!! Couldn’t have said it any better!!!

Back to School means adjusting sleep schedules along with behavior and learning focus. Sleep is extremely important for kids’ bodies and brains. Kids who regularly get sufficient amounts of sleep have improved attention, behavior, and overall health.

When your child isn’t getting enough sleep, they can struggle with focus, following instructions, learning, behavior, staying awake, and can be depressed and anxious. There are other, longer-term consequences related to airway health and sleep disordered breathing too, like dental problems, facial growth, failure to thrive, obesity and diabetes.

AND Sleep Disordered Breathing is associated with a clinical presentation of ADHD. Up to 50% of parents with kids who have ADHD report their kids suffering from some type of sleep problem, particularly trouble falling asleep and being able to stay asleep.

Make sure your child is getting the quality of sleep needed for optimal learning.

Happy Back to School! 🤪📓✏️📚


👋 Happy Monday everyone! Let's talk about something important today: Facts about airway concerns and sleep-disordered breathing. 💤 🌬️💤
😴Sleep disordered breathing goes beyond fatigue and exhaustion. It's intricately linked to your overall health!

❓Did you know... ❓

➡️60% of patients with diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea also have a peripheral neuropathy which is partly reversible with OSA treatment!
➡️Within Type 2 diabetes population, approximately 71% have OSA (Consider getting an overnight sleep study!)
➡️75% of women with gestational diabetes have OSA
➡️Within the OSA population, 40-64% have Erectile Dysfunction
➡️In OSA population, 52% have Temporomandibular disorders.
➡️In Rheumatic Arthritis patients, 47%-75% had OSA
➡️Sleep disorders are very common in patients with atopic dermatitis and have a wide range of effects.
➡️Sleep disordered breathing inhibits growth in 1%-10% of children by decreasing insulin growth factor.
➡️33% of children with ADHD were habitual snorers (consider sleep study!)
➡️In children OSA population, 84% are mouth breathers

(Treat the cause..Treat the Airway- Dr. Steven Lamberg)

🌙💤 Poor sleep is a serious matter, and if you suspect a sleep concern or airway issue, don't ignore it! 😴🚨 Talk to your physician or consider reaching out to me for guidance and support.


Great visual Kimmie Herrera!!!

When the tongue does not rest in the proper position, it leads to other problems associated with mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, airway obstruction and poor development of the jaw and skeletal structures. It can change how you swallow, have an effect on TMJ, teeth alignment, facial growth and airway obstruction leading to poor sleep.

⭐️ People of all ages suffer from poor tongue posture and can do really well with Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy to correct many myofunctional impairments.

👅 Tongue Posture is an integral piece to an open airway, obstruction can lead to severe health issues if not addressed.


Been a busy summer so Myo Mondays have been lacking…..but they will be back!!! Hard at work at all times learning and growing as a myofunctional therapist to be able to give the best to my clients. 👅🧠📚💻⛳️. Reach out if you have concerns regarding airway, nasal breathing, oral rest posture and function, etc.


Primitive Function wishes you all a Happy and Safe 4th of July. So thankful for the ability to celebrate our Independence and Freedom!🇺🇸🎆🎉


💪🧠👁 The human body cycles through two phases of sleep, (1) rapid eye movement (REM) and (2) non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, which is further divided into three stages, N1-N3. Each phase and stage of sleep includes variations in muscle tone, brain wave patterns, and eye movements. The body cycles through all of these stages approximately 4 to 6 times each night, averaging 90 minutes for each cycle.

💤 Sleep stages are important because they allow the brain and body to recuperate and develop. Failure to obtain enough of both deep sleep and REM sleep may explain some of the profound consequences of insufficient sleep on thinking, emotions, and physical health. Sleepers who are frequently awoken during earlier stages, such as people with sleep apnea, may struggle to properly cycle into these deeper sleep stages.

😰😩When you miss out on Deep Sleep:
•Insulin levels rise, and your body stores more fat
•Levels of the hormone that make you feel full and controls your appetite (leptin) crash, and your body can't melt fat as well.
•Appetite-regulating hormones go haywire, making us hungrier and making us crave unhealthy foods.
•Testosterone levels sink, as do your libido and muscle building ability.
•HGH (human growth hormone) levels shrink, taking away your bodies natural anti-aging ability.

🛌 😴 When you get your needed Deep Sleep:
•The body scavenges for harmful chemicals in your body and removes them.
•Aging cells are repaired.
•Muscles and other tissues are repaired
•Insulin levels are regulated and glucose and testosterone levels are stabilized.
•The immune system is restored.
•Hormones ghrelin and leptin, which play a role in appetite, are stabilized.
(The 8-Hour Sleep Paradox: How We Are Sleeping Our Way to Fatique, Disease, and Unhappiness - Dr. Mark Burhenne)


A social media post simply can't give you all the information out there...but I wanted to post this to make you think. Even though crowded and crooked teeth are COMMON....that doesn't mean it is NORMAL.

"Our jaws aren't developing properly and our teeth are increasingly crowded and crooked. Our shrinking and sagging jaws are leading to problems from the obviously critical to the seemingly small, from obstructed airways to less attractive faces. Braces and other devices can fix the tooth problem, but not the hidden dangers of serious diseases such as sleep apnea, heart disease, and cancer that can develop from poor jaw development. It is crucial that we address the underlying causes of too-small jaws, including insufficient chewing and mouth-breathing...
..Underlying the symptoms of crooked teeth, receding jaws, gummy smile, mouth breathing, and interrupted breathing during sleep are very serious diseases, many related to the stress of poor sleep. They include heart disease, eczema, lowered IQ, depression, ADHD, and perhaps even Alzheimer's Disease."
(JAWS - The Story of a Hidden Epidemic by Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich).

The modern world we live in sets us up for failure. But there are things we can do. From a newborn baby to the elderly. It is never too late.

I love the phrase "Begin the fix before age 6!" There are amazing professionals out there changing the way we look at teeth. Any orthodontist can make teeth beautiful and straight, but at what cost. When discussing with your orthodontist about a treatment plan for your child, make sure they take into consideration the structure of your child's face and their airway. FORWARD GROWTH and WIDE GROWTH.

If you have questions or want guidance on what to do and/or where to go for help, please reach out to Primitive Function (


"When mouth breathing is not addressed early, the impact on poor facial and airway development will tip a child onto a downhill slide that leads to side effects like poorer breathing, sleep, and health into adulthood." - Breathe, Sleep, Thrive - Dr. Shereen Lim

📌 Causes of mouth breathing:
∙ Allergic Rhinitis
∙ Nasal congestion
∙ Enlarged tonsils and adenoids
∙ Nasal disuse (habit)
∙ Narrow palates
∙ Nasal structure: Deviated septum, etc.
∙ And more...

📌 Consequences of mouth breathing:
∙ Dry Mouth
∙ Increased risk of upper airway problems
∙ Altered tongue posture and the development of other myofunctional disorders
∙ Poor facial development
∙ Crooked teeth
∙ Sleep Disturbed breathing
∙ Increased risk of behavioral, socio-emotional, and learning problems
∙ Sensory processing disorder
∙ Changes in body posture
∙ Gingivitis/periodontitis
∙ Increased risk for dental decay
∙ And more...

📌 Treatment
∙ 🗓 Schedule a consultation with Primitive Function ( or call 219-515-4950 for a full evaluation to determine the cause of the mouth breathing as well as the necessary steps and recommendations to get back to nasal breathing! 🙌


Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy is an interdisciplinary practice that works with the muscles of the lips, tongue, cheeks and face and their related functions (such as breathing, sucking, chewing, swallowing, and some aspects of speech). It acts in the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of people who may have these functions compromised or altered.

Have any of the following concerns?

TMJ problems
Forward head posture
Crowded teeth
High, narrow palate
Enlarged tonsils
Mouth breathing
Sleep apnea
Ortho relapse
Chronic headaches
Speech challenges
Thumb sucking/toxic oral habits
Frequent stomach aches
Digestive disorders
Periodontal disease/Gingivitis
History of ear infections/tubes
Scalloped tongue

Contact me at and see if myofunctional therapy can help you!!!


Take a moment today during the day off from work, cookout with friends and family, laughter, relaxation, or whatever else you may be doing today to remember those who sacrificed themselves for our freedom. Because of them, we are able to do all those things and more! 🙏💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Signs and Symptoms of OMD's

* Tongue-Tie
* TMJ problems
* Forward head posture
* Crowded teeth
* High, narrow palate
* Enlarged tonsils
* Mouth breathing
* Sleep apnea
* Snoring
* Ortho relapse
* Chronic headaches
* Speech challenges
* Thumb sucking/toxic oral habits
* Frequent stomach aches
* Digestive disorders
* Periodontal disease/Gingivitis
* History of ear infections/tubes
* Grinding
* Scalloped tongue

What do OMD's affect?

* Breastfeeding
* Chewing
* Swallowing
* Speech
* Jaw Movement
* Facial and skeletal growth
* Orthodontic treatment
* Facial appearance

What are the Benefits of Myofunctional Therapy

* Airway development
* Normalizing oral function and mitigating sleep disorders
* Correcting oral dysfunction
* Guiding healthy craniofacial growth
* Relieving orofacial pain
* Minimizing ortho relapse
* Helps replace old dysfunctional habits with healthy functional patterns
* Improve Digestion
* Jaw Pain/Headaches

Contact me and find out if myofunctional therapy can benefit you!


Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is one of the most serious and common forms of sleep-disordered breathing. It involves repeated upper airway collapse during sleep despite an ongoing effort to breathe.

The resulting airway obstruction can cause pauses in breathing, a drop in oxygen saturation, and disruptions in sleep. Patients with OSA are often at higher risk of long-term complications such as:
⚠️Daytime Drowsiness
⚠️High Blood Pressure
⚠️Heart Attack
⚠️Atrial Fibrillation
⚠️Type 2 Diabetes
⚠️Weight Gain
⚠️Metabolic Disease
⚠️Memory Loss
⚠️Car Accidents
⚠️Premature Death

Sleep in some way serves to "restore" what is lost in the body while we are awake. Many of the major restorative functions in the body like muscle growth, tissue repair, protein synthesis, and growth hormone release occur during sleep. This doesn’t happen when your body is fighting to breathe. Having OSA puts your body in “Fight or Flight” mode when we should be in “Rest and Digest”.

There are a variety of treatment or management options such as weight loss and lifestyle changes, surgical interventions (such as the removal of adenoids and/or tonsils), Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machines, Oral Appliance Therapy, and/or Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. 👅

Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis - PMC

If you or someone you know may be possibly suffering from OSA or sleep disordered breathing, take it seriously. Consider talking to your physician and discuss whether or not a sleep study is indicated for you. Remember OSA is the most serious form of sleep disordered breathing. Obstructive Sleep Disordered Breathing ranges from Snoring (Mild, moderate, severe), UARS (Upper Airway Resistance) and OSA (Mild, moderate, severe). Snoring, though common, is not normal. Treat it early!!!


Your tongue is actually connected to your toes through an intricate network of connective tissue known as fascia. The fascia is a very thin band of connective tissue that covers our muscles, offers protection to these structures, and helps to keep nerves and blood vessels in place.

A tongue restriction or tongue-tie can be symptomatic and problematic for people if all ages.

If the tongue is not able to function normally due to it being restricted or "tied", the growth and development of the teeth, jaws, and associated soft tissues are compromised. This may affect digestion, speech, breathing, dental occlusion (bite), TMJ function, posture, sleep disordered breathing and chronic pain patterns of the head and neck.


Myofunctional therapy takes commitment and compliance with daily exercises for optimal outcome and long term habits. It doesn’t have to be difficult to add them to your daily routine.

Some exercises really have to be completed while focusing in the mirror to ensure you are working the muscles correctly and not compensating. Some require tools that you use to work the appropriate muscles while adding weight, resistance or help with technique. Those don’t work too well during certain tasks, such as baking or cooking.😉😬

BUT…some are passive and can be done while doing other activities (like watching TV ) and many exercises require no tools that can be completed during every day tasks such as washing your hands, curling your hair, or taking a shower.


Take a sip of water and hold it in your mouth for 1 minute. Could you do it? Most importantly, could you do it comfortably? If you had to swallow, struggled, or it was uncomfortable consider an evaluation with an ENT to check your nasal structure and “plumbing”.

Things to know:
Nasal surgeries as a stand alone procedure is not successful. Any form of airway space creating procedure will bring about improvements, however, physiological rehabilitation is necessary for long term function. You need to re-train your breathing and facial and tongue muscles to utilize your new structures to get the best outcome!

👅Myofunctional therapy will strengthen, reeducate, coordinate all the muscles needed to ensure the habit of nasal breathing so you can utilize it and create the habit so it becomes your new norm.

👃🏻If you can breathe through your nose for a minute, you can breathe through your nose for life!


Crooked teeth don't happen via fate, they occur due to our environment.

In dental practice these images have become normal.

Our children today don’t develop jaws that fit 32 human teeth.⠀

In late adolescence we see it when wisdom teeth don’t fit. In late childhood we see it with crowded crooked teeth requiring braces.⠀

What we are witnessing is one of the most important health trends of human history. When our jawbones don’t develop, our airways are less developed. The roof of the mouth is the floor of the nasal sinuses, and reduces the volume to breathe through.⠀

The result is an increased pressure in the airway, and can lead to obstructed breathing during sleep, or sleep apnoea.

How prevalent would you guess sleep apnea is in the world?

Here are the figures reported in the Lancet: "Using AASM 2012 diagnostic criteria and AHI threshold values of five or more events per h and 15 or more events per h, we estimated that 936 million (95% CI 903–970) adults aged 30–69 years (men and women) have mild to severe obstructive sleep apnoea and 425 million (399–450) adults aged 30–69 years have moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea globally.

The number of affected individuals was highest in China, followed by the USA, Brazil, and India.”⠀

A billion people.⠀

Sleep apnea is now known predispose to heart attacks, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, type-II diabetes, depression, anxiety, teeth grinding, and Alzheimer's disease.⠀

We are in a pandemic of poor craniofacial development and it’s time to wake up.

Many people in the community are learning how to reduce and potentially reverse the consequences of slow jaw growth.

We can prevent this in our children.

Have you noticed signs of crooked teeth in your kids?


Just like body posture and sitting up straight is important for your back and neck, the tongue’s posture is just as important!

Proper tongue posture is important for nasal breathing as well as the support beam for your facial development and structure. “Abnormal tongue positioning has been linked to dental and orofacial issues, including problems with tooth alignment and issues with speech.”


“A stuffy nose can lead to poor jaw development and mouth breathing. Mouth breathing can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis and periodontitis, and periodontitis can lead to endocarditis. And endocarditis can lead to heart attack or stroke.”
(Jaws The Story of a Hidden Epidemic - Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich)


Myo Monday!
Dr. Ben Miraglia - HOW DID WE GET HERE??
“Early soft diet leads to soft tissue weakness and dysfunction which leads to underdeveloped jaws which then leads to mouth breathing”
Soft Diet —>Soft Tissue Weakness/Dysfunction —>Underdeveloped Jaws —>Mouth Breathing!


Always wanting to continue learning, reading, studying, collaborating, you name it! Sleep Wrecked Kids by Sharon Moore is a great book to learn more about kids (and adults) and importance of sleep! Thankful to Airway Circle for the amazing book club and Myo Circle Internship!!!!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻


Nasal breathing is the most efficient way to breathe. It improves oxygenation throughout your body. Nasal breathing humidifies and warms inhaled air to body temperature, which makes it easier for your lungs to use. It also increases the airflow to your nerves, veins and arteries, improves lung capacity, and strengthens your diaphragm. Mouth breathing reduces the moisture in your mouth (dry mouth), which can lead to tooth decay and gingivitis. Mouth breathing can also cause a nighttime cough, bad breath, snoring, sleep apnea, grinding of your teeth, and tooth or jaw abnormalities.


Open mouth breathing can cause dry mouth which can increase risk for Gingivitis and/or Periodontitis (gum disease) as well as increased risk for decay and bad breath. I recommend SmartMouth to my clients as well as my patients in the dental chair. My favorites are SmartMouth Clinical, SmartMouth Dry Mouth, and SmartMouth Kids! First and foremost we should be nasal breathing, but until that is accomplished, consider SmartMouth Dry Mouth as needed throughout day or prior to bed to help lubricate the mouth.
Check out for $2 off coupon or ability to order online at 20% off. Can also find at Meijer, Target, Walgreens, and many more stores.

Videos (show all)

👨‍👧‍👦 Embracing the journey of ensuring the best for my kids’ craniofacial development! 🧠💪 It might seem a bit crazy to ...
👅 When the tongue sits low, the palate won’t grow! 😮. Thank you @airwaycircle for the amazing opportunity to spread awar...
Been a busy summer so Myo Mondays have been lacking…..but they will be back!!!  Hard at work at all times learning and g...
Signs and Symptoms of OMD's* Tongue-Tie                      * TMJ problems* Forward head posture* Crowded teeth* High, ...
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is one of the most serious and common forms of sleep-disordered breathing. It involves rep...
Myofunctional therapy takes commitment and compliance with daily exercises for optimal outcome and long term habits.  It...
