E3 Horsemanship

E3 Horsemanship

A way for you to achieve your equine dreams!

E3 Horsemanship is here to help you develop a deeper connection with your horse while teaching you the "what", "why", and "how" along the way.

Photos from E3 Horsemanship's post 20/06/2021

We've all been there-we get to the barn and are dragging our feet to get into the saddle🤫 What happened to the little kid that would give anything to keep riding for just a *little* longer? I have found that having a plan for my rides are what help me mount up. I set 1-3 goals to work towards for each ride. I find if it don't, more often than not I end up going in mindless circles until I feel I've been on long enough to consider it a "ride"!😅 Need some ideas to have something to work on? Slide to the next picture for some of my favorite simple exercises that work both horse and rider🤩
PC: Rebeca Paro Equine Photography


How do you deal with an anxious horse?😰 This is Rosie, an adorable Arabian mare. She has an incredible work ethic but sometimes can't get out of her own head. My go-to for regaining attention is a slight squeeze of my inside leg and inside rein until I get an ear turned back towards me.
However, sometimes this doesn't always work quickly enough or as soon as I release, the horse returns their attention to whatever is bothering them. For Rosie, her best attention getter is focusing on her feet! I almost never ride her without some poles on the ground to distract her from something she might be worried about. Once she zones back into lifting her feet and placing them so she doesn't trip, she has to forget about what was scaring her before.🌹 I encourage you to try to see what works with your horse! Make it a teachable moment, not a battle✅


Welcome to Summer 2021!☀️ It's been awhile, but I will be trying to consistently post and educate through my social media platforms. To get back in the swing of things-let's focus on attitude! 💥After a hard year of quarantine, the one constant for me has been being able to work with horses. I loved having this place to get out of the house and still be able to have safe contact with other people during lessons. Coming into a lesson with a good attitude sets you and your horse up for success. If you don't - I make it a personal challenge to make sure we're both smiling by the end of it! Attitude has a direct communication line to achievement, and vice versa. Getting off at the end of a ride always feel better when you have achieved a goal; even if it's as small as having a safe, fun ride! 💪As the days get longer and the weather stays nice, remember to enjoy time with your horse with a great attitude😁
PC: Rebeca Paro Equine Photography


Who here has a horse more experienced than them?🙋‍♀️ My gelding was a team roping horse before he came to me. I've never swung a rope before this year and once I found out his background, I was interested. I have a long way to go until I reach his level of knowledge about this event, but knowing he has the experience makes me more confident and excited to do this with him. What background does your horse have?🐴


Want to use your seat to stop your horse instead of your reins? Try this exercise!
🚶‍♀️Walk forward 8 strides
✋Stop, using your seat first by leaning back slightly, tilting your hips back, and pushing your legs forward. If your horse does not stop, say "whoa". If they are still moving forward, pick up on your reins
⬅️ Backup 8 strides, keeping your hips and legs in the same position.
Repeat! Keep track of your strides and make sure you use your body and vocal cues FIRST before using your reins to stop.


Winter Boredom Busting!❄️ Many of us are stuck inside indoor arenas right now. We all feel the winter blues and wonder what to do to keep our horses entertained. Winter is the perfect time to work on obstacles! Poles, barrels, bridges, etc. are perfect for on ground and in saddle enrichment. Stay warm!🐴


Happy Thanksgiving from E3 Horsemanship! I hope you all enjoy your day and tell your ponies you're thankful for them 🦃🐴


Put on your listening ears 👂
Listening is a two way street: if you ask your horse to focus on you, as a good horseman you must also focus on your horse. Pay attention to where they put their focus and acknowledge that. Enjoy 15 seconds of satellite ears ☺️


Now that we're headed into the colder weather, indoor arenas are becoming the equestrian gymnasium! While this space is typically smaller than its outdoor counterpart, there is a lot of beneficial work that can be done inside during the winter months. My favorite exercises include square corner drills, lateral work, and obstacle courses to keep the horse's minds engaged. What are your favorite things to do in the winter time with your horse?
picture: .paro.equine


Happy Halloween! I tried to dress up Granger as a cowboy, but he didn't think his costume was as cool as I did. Have a spooky and safe night everyone!
Picture: .paro.equine


Get out and enjoy some trail "blaze"ing before it gets too cold!
Getting your horse out of the arena and onto the trails is a great way to evaluate your connection and expose them to a new environment. Even though he had been on these trails before, the blanket of snow changes the surroundings. Notice how the horse I am riding is listening to me with his ears angled backwards. Focus is key in and out of the arena!
-Make sure you know hunting laws in the areas you trail ride and wear your orange!-


I think it's time to tell you a little more about me! My name is Emma Edwards and I started E3 Horsemanship in May of 2020. I have been around horses for the past 15 years of my life. I took lessons of all kinds growing up and I am so thankful for the unique experience of learning how to truly become a horsewoman by having all types of horses to ride. I started assisting my trainer with lessons in 2015 and learned quickly how rewarding it was. Fast forward a couple of years and E3 was born! This lovely guy next to me in my first horse "Granger". We became a team in August of 2020 and I have loved getting to know him more over the past couple months. If you're interested to learn more about me or my method of horsemanship, head to my website www.e3horsemanship.com for my contact information!
photo by: .paro.equine



What’s that? The colder weather is getting to you? Work and school are filling up your schedule? This time of year is hard on us equestrians. However, this year you don’t have to worry about your horse getting out of shape. E3 Horsemanship is now offering conditioning rides!🥳 Head to e3horsemanship.com and click on “Riding Services” for more information!


Sometimes you just gotta switch things up! This client and her horse are working on building confidence in each other. Setting up obstacle courses help them get out of their head and focus on what’s in front of them. By the end of this lesson, “Stormy” trusted his rider enough to pop right over the tarp 🐴

Timeline photos 22/08/2020

Game face on😎
Focus is one of the words you’d hear the most in a lesson from me. Where the rider places their focus determines where their horse goes. A shift in focus can literally mean the difference of going left or right!
Did you know I also offer conditioning rides? This is one of my clients horses that I am putting a ride on to refocus him on what we are working on in lessons. Contact me for more information 🐴
Photo: Rebeca Paro Equine Photography

Timeline photos 14/08/2020

Straight cheesin!😁
Working with your horse should always have an element of fun in it. Lightening the mood with your horse allows for them to relax and enjoy the time spent with you. Personally, I love giving a reward through a neck/chest scratch because it always makes me smile watching them wiggle their lips! 🐴


Let’s talk aids! This rider is a beginner (seriously, this is like her 5th ride!👏🏼) While she has a great seat, good upper body, and keeps her heels down, she is still figuring out individual aids.
If you watch her hands, they move together as one unit. Her next step will be learning to loosen her shoulders and get comfortable loosing her grip on the reins. Clearly, she is getting where she needs to go. The aid is accomplishing it’s purpose. However, as equestrians we always strive to be better! The more time spent in the saddle, the clearer the message you send with your aids 🐴


Lunging your horse is a great tool to determine their mindset! It’s become a part of my routine before I get in the saddle and I encourage my students to incorporate it at well. The more in tune your horse is to you on the ground, the more they will be in the saddle 🐴

Timeline photos 13/07/2020

Communication is key 🔑
I value communication between myself and my students to the highest degree. If I can communicate with my students in a way that makes sense to them, they can communicate with their horses to achieve the desired result. Check out my website in my bio if you’re interested in learning more about me or how to sign up for lessons🐴


Have a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life💥
This is a client’s horse who’s had some trouble hollowing out while riding. Taking him back to the basics of stretching through his neck and driving with his hind will teach him to carry himself in a more comfortable and proper way. I gotta say I love it when I get on a horse who picks things up quickly! Mr. Fox hasn’t been asked to ride through the bridle with his head level in years, but did awesome when I popped on him today 🦊

Photos from E3 Horsemanship's post 30/06/2020

Teaching beginner riders is humbling. It takes me back to the beginning of my riding career🐴 This student just started learning how to ride and realized how much multi-tasking is required to ride properly! We came up with a checklist: heels down, hands down, eyes up. The more she repeats these things in her head and with reminders from myself, they’ll be second nature in no time. A mental checklist is one of the best ways to be prepared for every ride💪🏻 Stay tuned for her progress! @ True North Ranch

Timeline photos 18/06/2020

Look closely 👀 You’ll see a course set up with plastic bags, pool noodles, tarps, and poles! What’s missing from this picture?🤔

Reactive horses! Desensitizing your horse by introducing them to new objects is a great way to engage their mind and chase away boring arena rides. Even something as simple as opening a velcro strap while sitting on their back can be beneficial to “bomb proofing” your horse 🐴

Timeline photos 12/06/2020

One of the most important parts of riding is your position on the horse🐴

A month ago, this student was “perching” in her saddle causing her to lean forward while trotting. In today’s lesson, she was sitting tall with her shoulders and hip aligned perfectly! Hard work pays off💪🏻

How do you work at improving your riding position?

Timeline photos 01/05/2020


•The E3 Horsemanship website has officially launched! Check out the link in my bio for a full view of the services I offer and what E3 is all about•

Videos (show all)

Want to use your seat to stop your horse instead of your reins? Try this exercise! 🚶‍♀️Walk forward 8 strides✋Stop, usin...
Put on your listening ears 👂 Listening is a two way street: if you ask your horse to focus on you, as a good horseman yo...
Sometimes you just gotta switch things up! This client and her horse are working on building confidence in each other. S...
Have a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life💥...This is a client’s horse who’s had some trouble hollowin...
