Spiritual Dope

Spiritual Dope

Connecting with entrepreneurs who have aligned their lives with their spirituality... their purpose


🎉 Feeling overwhelmed at work? Need to calm your nerves but tired of the same old boring breathing exercises? 🤪

Introducing our newest breathwork technique: The "F*ck It" breath! 🤯

1. Sit or stand comfortably, preferably in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.
2. Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs to capacity.
3. As you exhale, let out all the frustration and anxiety that's been building up inside you.
4. Repeat this cycle, breathing in calm and collectedness, and breathing out f*cks and frantic energy.
5. Continue for several minutes until you feel more centered and less frazzled.

This breathwork technique is perfect for those high-stress work environments where you're constantly faced with ridiculous deadlines and impossible tasks.

It's a way to say "F*ck it" while also practicing mindfulness and self-care. 😜


The problem in middle life, when the body has reached its climax of power and begins to decline, is to identify yourself, not with the body, which is falling away, but with the consciousness of which it is a vehicle. This is something I learned from myths. What am I? Am I the bulb that carries the light? Or am I the light of which the bulb is a vehicle?

One of the psychological problems in growing old is the fear of death. People resist the door of death. But this body is a vehicle of consciousness, and if you can identify with the consciousness, you can watch this body go like an old car. There goes the fender, there goes the tire, one thing after another— but it’s predictable. And then, gradually, the whole thing drops off, and consciousness, rejoins consciousness. It is no longer in this particular environment. ~Joseph Campbell

(Book: The Power of Myth https://amzn.to/48BdZnz)


Don't forget that this giant squishy gorgeous pillow exists, and that we have only one left in stock. Because if I see one more "HELLO FALL" Pillow on a couch...

Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life...OH are we ever!

Speaking words of wisdom. Words written on fabric that will make you think of sweet things of consequence. This beautiful, soft pillow will add good energy to any room it's added to.

26x26 square pillow with down insert and hidden zipper
Material: 100% Cotton/Duck Feather Insert



The Alley Cat's Chronicle:
"In the heart of this damn city, tucked away in some forgotten alley, there was an old cat named 'Whisker the Wise'. With one eye, he'd seen more s**t than most. 'Listen up,' he'd start, his voice raspy yet captivating, 'I once chased a golden butterfly through this concrete hell. Folks laughed, said it was just a damn moth. But to me? That was pure fu***ng magic.' The lesson? Beauty and dreams are in the eyes of the beholder. So, what's your golden butterfly in this skeptical s**tshow of a world?" 🐱🦋


The Graffiti Guru's Guidance:
"On the side of some old-ass building, a graffiti artist named Luna painted her soul out. Her masterpiece? A tree growing ballsy and bold in the middle of a concrete jungle. Its roots, stubborn as hell, found water in the unlikeliest of places. Its branches reached for the stars, like a big 'f**k you' to the city that tried to suppress it. The message? Even when life's a bitch, with some grit and guts, you can thrive and touch the damn heavens." 🎨🌳


The Subway Singer's Song:
"Down in the subway's belly, where echoes meet dreams, Jax would belt out tales. His voice, deep as the night, sang of a lantern that shone like a badass in the darkest tunnels. This flame? Fueled by pure hope and some ancestral mojo. It never flickered, not even when s**t hit the fan. The moral? Even when you're deep in the dark, your spirit can shine bright as f**k, lighting up your damn path." 🚇🕯️


The Bazaar's Bedtime Story:
"In the midst of the bazaar's chaos, a merchant named Farid spun tales. He'd talk about a rug, woven with threads from a phoenix's badass feather. Stand on it, and you'd feel like you could conquer the fu***ng world. But the real magic? It's a reminder that your inner fire, your damn confidence, is the true magic that can lift you above any s**tstorm life throws." 🛍️🔥


The Harbor's Hidden History:
"At a foggy harbor, old sailors, salty as the sea, would share tales. Captain Elias, a legend in his own right, spoke of a compass. Not your regular north-pointing bulls**t, but one that echoed your heart's wildest desires. This compass? It led you not just to new lands, but to your fu***ng destiny. The lesson? In life's vast ocean, it's the journey, the damn stories, and the wild passions that truly guide your ass." 🌊🧭


The Park's Profound Proverb:
"In a city park, where nature meets noise, an old-timer named Remy would play chess and drop wisdom. 'Life,' he'd start, puffing on a cigar, 'is like this damn game. Sometimes you're the pawn, sometimes the king. But remember, even a pawn can cross the board and become a fu***ng queen.' The lesson? No matter where you start, with the right moves, you can own the damn game." 🌳♟️


The Rooftop's Rugged Rhyme:
"Up on a graffiti-tagged rooftop, where the city's pulse meets the stars, a rapper named Kilo would freestyle. 'Life throws shade, but I wear it like a crown. Every setback, every damn fall, just a step to my throne.' The message? When life's a bitch, wear its challenges like jewels and shine like the badass you are." 🌃🎤


The Garage's Gritty Gospel:
"In a dimly lit garage, where engines roared and dreams were built, a mechanic named Taz would share tales. 'This engine? It's like your heart. Sometimes it stalls, sometimes it roars. But with the right fuel, passion, and a little fu***ng elbow grease, it can conquer any road.' The moral? Your journey might be rough, but with heart and hustle, there's no stopping you." 🛠️🚗


The Diner's Daring Doctrine:
"At a 24/7 diner, where coffee meets midnight confessions, a waitress named Lila would serve wisdom with pie. 'Honey, life's menu is vast. Sometimes sweet, sometimes bitter as hell. But remember, it's the mix of flavors that makes the journey fu***ng delicious.' The lesson? Embrace life's ups and downs, and savor every damn bite." ☕️🥧


The Alley's Audacious Axiom:
"In a graffiti-filled alley, where shadows whispered secrets, a boxer named Spike trained. Between punches, he'd say, 'Life's gonna hit hard, no doubt. But it's not about the hits you take, but the s**t you can dish out and still stand tall.' The message? Be resilient, fight back, and never let life knock you the f**k out." 🥊💥


The Studio's Sassy Sonnet:
"In a neon-lit studio, where beats met dreams, a DJ named Nix would spin tales. 'Life's playlist is unpredictable. Some tracks lift you, some drop you. But remember, you're the damn DJ of your destiny. Remix, replay, and rock the f**k on.' The lesson? Control your narrative, dance to your rhythm, and make life your ultimate jam." 🎧🎶


The Bridge's Bold Ballad:
"On an ancient bridge, where stories met sunsets, a poet named Mira would recite verses. 'Life's river flows fierce and fast. But on this bridge, between past and future, we stand, strong and steadfast. The currents can't break us; we're built to fu***ng last.' The message? Life's flow might be relentless, but with courage and conviction, you can stand unshaken." 🌉📜


The Market's Maverick Mantra:
"In a bustling market, where chaos met commerce, a vendor named Raj would hawk wisdom with wares. 'Life's a barter, mate. Give and take, win and lose. But always remember, your spirit's currency is invaluable. Spend it wisely, and earn the fu***ng respect you deserve.' The lesson? Value yourself, make smart exchanges, and always know your worth." 🛍️💸


The Tunnel's Tenacious Tale:
"In a graffiti-tagged tunnel, where darkness met art, a skater named Leo would share insights. 'Life's tunnel might seem endless, but there's always light, always an exit. So, skate through the s**t, catch the air, and ride towards your damn dawn.' The message? No matter how dark the journey, with momentum and mindset, you can find your way out." 🛹🌅


The Bakery's Brazen Belief:
"In a cozy bakery, where flour met fantasies, a baker named Ella would serve stories with sweets. 'Life's like this dough. Sometimes sticky, sometimes smooth. But with the right ingredients, love and a little fu***ng patience, you can bake your dreams to perfection.' The lesson? Mix, knead, and rise above life's challenges to create your delicious destiny." 🍞🍰


What you consume matters.

It will be processed by you and come out in one way or another.

So when you choose to drink… whatever you drink... you aren’t just consuming the beverage... you are consuming what the vessel signifies… example here is from a mug Meg made.

There is a message I consume while I drink my coffee. It’s one of love and of course oxytocin. And you could probably argue that my mind is creating more of both in my body and I may express more of both as that is the directive.

It doesn’t have to that deep.

But it is.

When it’s not that deep you aren’t consciously creating.

And if you look around yourself and you have a bunch of s**t in your life that you don’t want or can’t figure out how it got there... it’s because you’re not making conscious intentional choices...

And a huge portion of that stems from intentional ingestion… food… messaging… beverages… people… surroundings… the list goes on.

At any rate, great mug Meg.


“When [swordsmen of other schools] confront an opponent, they immediately get agitated and attempt to defeat the other swordsman through a hot-blooded frontal attack. This is a grave mistake…when they can no longer depend on physical power due to age or ill-health, their inadequately formed techniques will fail them—it is as if they had not studied swordsmanship at all, a needless waste of effort. This is false swordsmanship. Students of the Way must awaken to this principle while training harder and harder.”

- Yamaoka Tesshu (1836-1888), “True and False Swordsmanship”, 1882. Tesshu was a celebrated samurai of the Bakumatsu period. Initially a leader of ronin (masterless samurai), Tesshu would go on to join the personal guard of the Sh**un, and would later help to negotiate a peace that would lead to the Meiji Restoration. During his youth he participated in thousands upon thousands of contests with some of the best swordsmen in Japan; at age twenty-four, he engaged in more than 1400 matches within a single week.


🔥 Get ready to level up, you fearless souls! 📚✨ If your self-talk's been duller than a butter knife at a sword fight, it's time to shake things up! "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" is your ticket to unleashing your inner awesome. 💪🔓

🧠 Give your mindset a total makeover—paint it with the hues of self-love and confidence like a graffiti artist on a creative spree! 🎨✨ Remember, your mindset's like a GPS; punch in the right coordinates, or you'll end up in the middle of nowhere. 🗺️💥

💖 Need some inner zen? 🌱 Craft a space in your mind where your inner voice isn't a critic, but a motivational DJ spinning tracks of positivity. 🎵🌈 Your self-love cup will overflow like a fountain in a magic garden! 🌸💕

🌌 Speak your future into existence, because words aren't just syllables; they're like cosmic spells. ✨🔮 "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" is your spellbook to shape your destiny like a sorcerer on a caffeine kick. ☕🧙‍♂️

🚀 Buckle up, because you're about to rocket into a realm of awesome transformation! 💥 These tools aren't just pages—they're your jetpack to launch you toward the constellations of empowerment. 🌟🚀

Now go grab that book, amigos—it's time to unlock your inner awesomeness and transform your self-talk into a masterpiece! 📖🔥


Finally! We have been talking about this for years: nasal breathing and mouth-taping in sports performance!

We were delighted to see this article as Iga Swiatek prepares for the Canadian Open.


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🌟 Exciting Update! Double HEader!🌟

I recently had the pleasure of hosting an episode on Spiritual Dope featuring an incredible guest, Arcturus Eden, who shared their transformative experiences and insights. Here are three key takeaways from our enlightening conversation:

1️⃣ Embracing a Shift in Perception: Arcturus used to believe that all drugs were inherently bad but underwent a profound transformation when a colleague challenged their beliefs influenced by the government. This opened their eyes to the potential benefits and profound experiences offered by substances like L*D.

2️⃣ The Transformative Power of Burning Man: Arcturus reflected on their regret for not attending Burning Man sooner, thinking it was a mere hedonistic camping trip. However, their first experience proved otherwise. Burning Man served as an expansive playground for personal growth and a hub of futuristic culture, revealing the intricacies of human ingenuity and divine orchestration.

3️⃣ Unveiling Personal Identity and Purpose: Dive into Arcturus' exploration of human design, where they discovered their role as a peacemaker and advisor. By understanding their unique energetic channels and chakras, they embraced the necessity of patience in waiting for invitations to give guidance, emphasizing the importance of being true to oneself to avoid bitterness.

Join us on Spiritual Dope as we delve deeper into these fascinating concepts, discussing the role of psychedelics in personal growth, the interconnection of dreams and life purpose, and their profound encounters with higher intelligence and alien civilizations. Don't miss out on the insightful conversations that will expand your spiritual horizons!

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below and let's continue this journey together. Stay tuned for more thought-provoking episodes on Spiritual Dope! ✨🎙️✨


🌟 Key takeaways from this episode of Spiritual Dope:

1️⃣ Psychedelics have a deep history and have been used in tribal ceremonies for centuries. They are now being integrated into Western psychotherapy and recreational settings.

2️⃣ The infrastructure for the safe use of psychedelics is growing, with clinics, ceremonies, and harm reduction models being established. However, misuse of psychedelics can lead to dangerous situations if not used in the proper context.

3️⃣ Processing pain and trauma during psychedelic experiences has shown promising results in overcoming harmful behaviors such as addiction. Education, strategic planning, and having the right set and setting are crucial for a safe and transformative psychedelic experience.

Listen today!

Photos from Project Healing Hive's post 31/07/2023

Come on over if you're local - you will get a great breathwork session and support some good in the community at the same time!

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This week we have Jen Gilchrist on the Spiritual Dope podcast. .Jen is a spiritual mentor who helps people connect with ...
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Adjusting your carrier signal
Day 37
