Nate Daniels - Life Coach

Nate Daniels - Life Coach

Nate Daniels is a certified Life Coach.

I am currently offering a Therapeutic Approach to working through some of life's greatest challenges, working collaboratively to create a successful plan that will lead to reaching ones goals and dreams.


Bridge the Gap with Nate Daniels' Therapeutic Coaching

🌈 Empower Your Emotional Journey Today! 🌈

While waiting for traditional therapy, don't put your growth on hold. Nate Daniels in Taunton, MA offers a supportive step forward with therapeutic coaching. Utilizing techniques from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Neurolinguistic Programming, Nate helps you build resilience, manage stress, and prepare for life's challenges. This isn't a replacement for therapy but a proactive way to start your path to emotional wellness now.

πŸ‘‰ Want more info?

5 Essential Goal-Setting Tips for a Transformative 2024 from Life Coach Nate Daniels 27/12/2023

Check out my blog post about goals for the New Year!

5 Essential Goal-Setting Tips for a Transformative 2024 from Life Coach Nate Daniels Kickstart 2024 with Life Coach Nate's tips: Reflect, set SMARTER goals, break them down, foster growth mindset, and stay accountable.


In a world that often races by, I'm choosing a different rhythm. A rhythm that beats to the sounds of unique moments and unconventional love. Every day, I want to immerse myself in those special, fleeting moments that make life truly vibrant.

To my dear ones, near and far: know that you are loved deeply. Every interaction, every shared smile, is a reminder of how much you mean to me. Let's not wait for 'someday' or 'maybe' to express our affection and gratitude.

Remember, tomorrow is a whisper in the wind, a promise yet to be made. Today, right now, is our undeniable reality. Let's seize it with open hearts and minds. Let’s make decisions that add color to our lives, regardless of life's uncertainties.

Bid farewell to the 'woulda, shoulda' chorus. Embrace the 'can and will.' Let's fill our days with love, laughter, and the sheer joy of being alive, together.

Here's to living differently, loving uniquely, and treasuring every moment.



Wishing everyone a Healthy and Happy Thanksgiving!

Everyday should be a day where we're thankful. However today is the day to embrace it and cultivate it.


🀝 Mastering the Art of Personality Management 🀝

Hey everyone! It's Nate here, your go-to life coach. Today, I want to share a golden nugget of wisdom that can transform your personal and professional life: The importance of understanding and managing different personalities. 🌈

Why is this crucial? Because every day, we interact with a diverse range of people, each with unique traits, motivations, and communication styles. By learning to adapt to these varying personalities, we unlock the key to:

**Better Relationships: Whether it's with family, friends, or colleagues, understanding their personality helps us connect more deeply and avoid misunderstandings.

**Effective Communication: Tailoring our approach to each personality type ensures our message is received and understood as intended.

**Increased Empathy: Recognizing the diverse perspectives of others cultivates empathy, leading to more harmonious and respectful interactions.

**Professional Success: In the workplace, this skill is invaluable. It leads to better teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution.

**Personal Growth: Understanding others begins with understanding ourselves. This journey enhances our emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

πŸ”‘ Key Takeaway: Life is a kaleidoscope of personalities. Embrace this diversity, adapt your approach, and watch your relationships and career flourish!

πŸ’¬ Share your thoughts or experiences in managing different personalities in the comments below. Let’s learn and grow together!

πŸ“… Stay tuned for my upcoming webinar on "The Art of Personality Management" for deeper insights and practical tips!


Hey everyone! 🌟 As we're gearing up for the warmth and joy of Thanksgiving, I've penned down some thoughts on a subject close to my heart – The Power of Gratitude.

Check out my blog post

Mindfulness and Mental Health 27/10/2023

How mindfulness can transform your life.

Mindfulness and Mental Health Mindfulness is a practice of bringing one's attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way, which has been associated with numerous benefits for mental and physical health. Here’s how mindfulness connects to our well-being and why integrating it into daily life could be transformative: Re...

The Essential Escape: Why Vacations Matter More Than We Know 19/10/2023

Check out my blog post

The Essential Escape: Why Vacations Matter More Than We Know Explore why vacations are crucial: they enhance health, boost productivity, and provide vital rest. In the U.S., work trumps well-being, but


🌿 Embrace the Power of Nature for Self-Care! 🌿

Hey friends! 🌞 Life has been quite a journey lately, and amidst all the hustle and bustle, I've realized just how essential it is to take time for ourselves and indulge in some much-needed self-care. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Today, I want to share with you the incredible impact that spending time outdoors can have on our well-being, and why I truly believe that investing in Life Coaching can be a game-changer! πŸ’«

🌳 Nature's Healing Touch 🌳
There's something magical about being surrounded by the beauty of Mother Nature. πŸƒ Whether it's a serene hike through the woods, a peaceful moment by the beach, or even a simple stroll in the park, spending time outdoors has a unique way of rejuvenating our mind, body, and soul. 🌺 Nature helps us unplug from the digital world, offering a chance to reconnect with ourselves and find inner peace. So, let's make a promise to ourselves to spend more time in nature, embracing its healing touch. ❀️

🌟 The Power of Life Coaching 🌟
Life is an incredible journey filled with ups and downs, and we all need a little guidance to navigate through its twists and turns. πŸš€ That's where Life Coaching comes in! Investing in a skilled Life Coach can be one of the most transformative decisions we make. 🌈 They help us unlock our potential, set achievable goals, and provide the support and encouragement we need to overcome obstacles. A Life Coach can be a true ally in our pursuit of happiness and personal growth, helping us gain clarity and direction. 🌠

🀝 The Importance of Investing in Ourselves 🀝
Taking care of ourselves isn't selfish; it's an essential investment in our well-being and future success. When we prioritize self-care and personal development, we become more resilient, confident, and better equipped to handle whatever life throws our way. 🌻 Life Coaching is not just a luxury; it's a valuable tool that empowers us to create the life we truly desire, helping us become the best version of ourselves. So, let's take that step forward, invest in ourselves, and watch how life unfolds beautifully! 🌈

πŸ’­ Embrace the Journey πŸ’­
Remember, life's journey is about progress, not perfection. Let's be gentle with ourselves and celebrate every small step we take towards self-improvement. πŸŽ‰ So, I encourage you all to spend time outdoors, soak in the wonders of nature, and consider investing in Life Coaching to embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth! 🌺


Good cloudy cool day for an afternoon fire to relax and reflect. It's a reminder that not everyday will be perfect. But it's up to you to find the good in it. We all go through life and process experiences both good and bad at our own pace. There isn't any formula that can bring peace. That comes from within and it's important to do the things you want to do in order to find and bring that peace up to the surface. Have a great weekend everyone!


Even on a cool cloudy day, always be willing, always be able, and always be smiling!


We will soon be entering the nicer weather of 2022. With that in mind, it's important to begin setting your short term and long term goals for the remainder of this year. Creating the perfect balance between work and relaxation is vitally important for your success. You only have one life to live so be sure to make it exciting and enjoyable all at the same time.


Whether you live in a 500 square foot apartment or a 5000 square foot home, the loneliness will always be the same. No matter if you're flying first class or economy in a plane, if the plane crashes, it is one hundred percent guaranteed, you will crash with it, no matter the class. My point today is this, true happiness, the inner happiness you poses does not come from material things in this world. When you have people who love you, and you love them, and people to talk to that listens and respects you, nothing else will ever matter. You will always be the same person to them whether you have $5 or $500,000. This is true happiness. Be there for one another today, and value what's important. Never forget it. Have a great Thursday! -- Nate

Life Coach Nate 09/07/2020

I am currently accepting new clients into my coaching practice. If you know anyone who may need some assistance with the circumstances in their lives, please direct them to and have them "Contact Me for a Free Consulation." - Feel free to share with anyone you may know.

Life Coach Nate


Don't focus too much on the past. There's not much you can do about it. Instead, learn from it and decide what you are going to do differently!


Good Morning Facebook! So, I did something a little different in my day today and it felt amazing and reminded me to be a little bit healthier every day. I haven't gone through a walk in my neighborhood for the longest time, but I did that this morning and it was very refreshing. It centered me for the entire day and reminded me that routines are healthy. While routines can leave you vulnerable, they are also essential to our overall well-being. Daily walking is something I do all the time when I'm on vacation, and I love it. So, why not make it part of my daily routine at home? Just something I thought I would share as a personal experience today.

Ready to get on with life? - Social Distancing Survey 10/06/2020


Well, now has come the time to share the results from my small study. 90 people from Massachusetts has taken this survey. 2 From FL, 1 from CA, 1 from CT, and 1 From PA, 2 from RI, 1 From NY. On display is the Massachusetts results. I found them quite interesting:

1) 75.4% of the people surveyed said they are ready to get on with life and go out when things open. 2) 66.2% of the people said they wear a mask when they go out in public where 33.71% said they don't. I am seeing this myself and I am in the No category myself. 3) I found this interesting and really goes to show you how split our society is. 54.5% said we should end the need to wear face coverings while 45.4% said we shouldn't end it. I would say this is just about 50/50. 4) 75.2% of those surveyed said the wearing of face coverings should be a personal choice. I do agree with this. 5) Here is another that was about 50/50. 56.1% of the people surveyed said they believe social distancing works, while 43% said they don't believe it does. 6) At the same time 68.5% said they are ready to see social distancing end. 7) 86.6% said they know someone who has been affected by the virus while 57.7% say they know someone who has passed.

Now, if I had collected peoples info, which I did not for this particular study, I could then re-visit some of the questions to extract even more specific data, but I feel what i'm seeing here is that most people are ready for life to get back to normal.

If I could put something together like this, then, why can't our leaders do the same?

Here is a link to the graphical version of the data: Feel free to share!

Ready to get on with life? - Social Distancing Survey Create and publish online surveys in minutes, and view results graphically and in real time. SurveyMonkey provides free online questionnaire and survey software.


Waking up each morning and thinking of a minimum of 5 things you're thankful for is a great way to start your day!

Are you ready for life to return to normal? 07/06/2020

I am in the process of conducting a very small study / survey about guidelines surrounding the Coronavirus Pandemic and I would really appreciate your participation and input. There are only 10 questions and it will take less than 60 seconds to complete and is 100% anonymous. Understanding how the majority of the population feels can definitely help shape the way things are handled at a local and state level. Please take a moment to visit and answer the 10 questions as honestly as possible. By doing so, you are providing some very important community insight into the way the world is feeling. I will share the results upon completion of the survey. Thank you for your time.

Are you ready for life to return to normal? Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free.

Photos from Nate Daniels - Life Coach's post 31/05/2020

Life doesn't have to be the way others are telling you it has to be. I'm living proof of this. Everyone needs a sense of "normalcy." That may mean different things to different folks. For me, it was as simple as getting on a plane and traveling to a place where life is going on. If you can't find peace and an outlet for your frustrations, it will come out in ways that can be harmful to yourself and others. Find what makes you happy and go to it. Don't let anyone else dictate your life. Be educated and choose for you! ;) Happy Sunday Everyone!


Sometimes it's ok to just focus on what you need. Life can be very distracting at times. Do what you need to do to make yourself happy every now and again!


You only have one life to live, so make sure you do something every day to make it worth living!


It's still okay to question everything, gather your own data, and make your own decisions!


Looking forward to the day we can all travel freely again. What are some of your dream destinations and what are you willing to do to get there?


Finding peace and tranquility isn't too hard if you know where to look. Try creating a small space within your home that just feels right.


The great outdoors is still pretty great! This is coming in our near future. Today I'd like you to write a list of all of the good things in your life right now. I'm willing to bet you will be surprised how many things you write down.


Our mental health is extremely important to our well being. What are you doing on a daily basis to care for yourself? It's okay to do something for you. We are faced with horrific information on a daily basis and isolation can be frightening, so always remember that 1) You are not alone and 2) we will get through this. In the meantime, find something you get enjoyment from and do it on a daily basis.


Fear is a powerful tool. It can be used against you without you even knowing it. Don't let fear determine how you will live your life. Always look at the bigger picture, even if it's at a distance.


It's sometimes tough to make decisions. We've all been there. The question I have is, what does your gut tell you? What do you feel will make you the happiest?

A Therapeutic Approach to Life

Nate Daniels started his Life Coaching Practice in October of 2017. After realizing that far too many individuals seem to struggle with the circumstances they currently find themselves in, Nate decided to offer his expertise and a different perspective for dealing with the challenges that we all face. Sometimes all that it takes is a second pair of eyes and ears to offer a unique outlook into ones life and options.

A specialty focus: Having known and lost so many close friends to addiction, I personally chose to pursue specialized training in the areas surrounding Substance Use Disorder. Since acquiring this training, Nate has served in many capacities within the City of Taunton. Staying in recovery is not an easy feat by any means, but again, offering a unique perspective and accountability, Nate helps individuals with healthy choices to get them to where they would like to be.

Everyone is unique & different. There isn’t always a clear answer as to what is right or wrong for your life. Often times, others will attempt to choose for you, but in reality, only you can choose when equipped with the right knowledge. Let us begin unlocking that knowledge and insight today.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday 10:00 - 12:00