Steve McAlphabet Videos

Videos by Steve McAlphabet. Steve McAllister is a multi-faceted artist and Sarasota native.

I want create more than I want to consume.

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I want create more than I want to consume.

It's impossible to pay off the debt we've created with the money it's helped us make. What are we all really striving for?

We are all individuals AND we are part of a bigger whole. There is more than one truth.

I think work is underestimated as value-added capital and many wealthy people are deprived of what it truly has to offer because they can just pay to not do it.

I'm not a big fan of Christianity, but I still love Jesus.

I became homeless because of ADD and Jesus. (I think that makes a good song title).

Always remember that life is a gift.

In order to tell a new story, we're going to have to let go of some of the older stories we tell ourselves.

Too many of the jobs in our culture are for the sole purpose of making money for a very few. I think we need to give more thought to purpose.

I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane.

Separation is an illusion.

I have faith that eventually things will all fall into place.