Mind, Body, and Soul Counseling LLC

Mind, Body, and Soul Counseling LLC

My mission is to focus on improving the mind, body, and soul.


Self-Love is so important!

Self love is not always easy. It can be challenging and not fun at the time, but your future self will thank you!


Sometimes your journey includes therapy.

..and let go of external expectations 🩷


“At the heart of Biblical counseling is not a set of skills, but a person; Jesus Christ.”-Winston Smith

If you are interested or in need of faith-based counseling, I offer this service. You can set up a free consultation or contact me directly to discuss this service further.

Proverbs 20:5 – “Counsel in the heart of man [is like] deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.”



Acceptance Difficulty- "When it’s challenging to embrace positive occurrences in your life. This phenomenon can manifest in various ways, such as feeling unworthy of good fortune, fearing that it won’t last, or even self-sabotaging to prevent happiness (Psychology Today)."Remember, you are deserving of happiness and good things in your life!

2 Corinthians 9:8 "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."


One of those little steps may be starting therapy. Asking for help can be difficult. My goal as your therapist is making your initial appointment a simple process and providing you with a safe space to pursue therapy. I would love to assist you with taking this step. Schedule a free 20-minute consultation: mindbodyandsoulcounseling.com


Hope everyone has a great start to their week!

Have a great day!😊❤


Set up a free consultation with me!

Currently, I am doing telehealth only. I provide mental health, substance abuse, and faith-based counseling. I do not accept insurance. I do self-pay and provide a sliding scale if applicable. I will provide you with a superbill that you can submit into your insurance, so you can receive reimbursement for your sessions. If you are interested in therapy or have any questions you can contact me through my business page on Facebook, psychology today, or go directly to my website.

Brianne Swango - Counseling 02/10/2023

It has been a while since I have posted about my therapy practice, so I wanted to make sure to keep everyone informed on the changes that have taken place. I will no longer be working out of the Tech Building. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. I truly appreciate the support I continue to receive even through all these changes. I am going to be working remotely and providing telehealth therapy. I will provide services in the community and will meet at a secure location if clients need to be seen in person.

I am accepting new clients! I provide mental health, substance abuse, and faith-based counseling. If you are interested in therapy or have any questions you can contact me through my business page on Facebook or my website. I am also on Psychology today. I do not accept insurance and only do self-pay. I do provide a sliding scale if applicable. I also provide a superbill that you can submit into your insurance, so you can receive reimbursement for your sessions. Thank you again to everyone who has supported me through these changes. I am truly blessed!

Brianne Swango - Counseling Counseling offering Telehealth and In-Person appointments. Paperwork can be filled out online. Schedule an appointment today. Contact us at (812)584-0868


Mindful Monday

Progress -"forward or onward movement toward a destination."

Philippians 3:13-14


A good Monday reminder!


Pause 💕


Matthew 12:28
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ❤️
