Tie Dye Butterfly Spirit Warriors

Tie Dye Butterfly Spirit Warriors

Connect with us and let us help you transform your life. But believe us when we tell you it will be worth it.

Faith Ambassadors and Spiritual Wellness providers with a mission to help lead people into their calling so they can discover and live out their passion right here and right now. Committing to a healthier lifestyle is just that – a commitment, and it’s a big one that will take a lot a dedication. Our teams personal commitment is to provide you with accountability, understanding and support while a


And people are your assignments!!!

💘😘 Be Kind. 💘😘


And people are your assignments!


For all those who need this time day, from the Bible App:


Even when my life feels chaotic, I can experience Your peace because of what Jesus did on the cross. Thank You for making this possible by sending us Your Son! He has made a way for us to know and experience You.

Even when life feels out of control, I can cling to the truth that Your peace isn’t based on my feelings or circumstances—but on Your character and faithfulness.

When I don’t feel at peace, please make Your presence known to me. Remind me that You’re in control. Give me Your strength and comfort when the world feels unsafe. Protect my heart and mind from the weight of my feelings and thoughts.

Allow me to sense Your presence, and to live with confidence that You are always near. Let my life be an example of Your peace that surpasses understanding.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The ocean is my office this week. Still cranking out some nuggets for my business.

Hope everyone is finding a beautiful way to find peace and love in your work and surroundings. 💙🥰

Peace is something we have to work for and I hope and pray that my journey helps you know it's value.🙏

Like my page below to keep learning more about the importance of practicing peace in your life. 👇


One of the greatest tools we have in life is to think before we speak. So simple yet so hard.

Why is it so hard for us to do this simple thing? I remember when my emotions would get so flared up, that my mouth would take over. 😬

When I was going through my deepest valley and my feelings were so raw, exhausted and exposed, I found myself snapping at certain points and the target was always just the wrong person in the wrong place.

It was really me who was not practicing a way to care DEEPLY about myself. And when my lid was boiling over, someone else got the brunt of it. In fact, I got in trouble a few times over it when I was working at my previous job. YIKES 🙄

It took a lot of practice and training for me to look inside myself and figure out it was all FOR me and not happening TO me. This perspective shift was a game changer when it finally took a hold of me.

I have heard and learned that many times before, but when I finally went inside my soul to do the work, it grabbed my heart and changed my life.

Now instead of hate and anger inside, I feel peace and love. AND because I have learned to let go of so many things that are out of my control, I CAN think before I speak. (most of the time 😂)

I thank God for my journey. It has taught me so much and I feel so much better in life overall. I truly love my journey now, even the scary parts.

Can you relate to having those raw exposed emotions? Are you in that space now? Anytime you get to that place, instead take a journey inside. And may God give you the grace and mercy to hear his voice. Many happy blessings my friends.


I am inviting anyone who would like to fellowship, pray, and worship together to join me on the Third Thankful Thursday of each month in my private FB Group.

This is a time to bring your prayers and lift them up to God as we share, praise and worship with each other. You can join my private FB Group though the Group link in the comments.

I can't wait to see you there. 9:30AM on Thursday this week.

Join me live on Thursday for a Prayer, Praise, and Worship Power Hour!

You must be a member of my private group in order to join live, click the link in the comments to join my Journey To Joy Group. Every Third Thankful Thursday of each month we will come together to lift our hearts, prayers, and eyes to God for his Guidance and Wisdom.

See you there.

Wisdom Is Knocking, Will You Open the Door? 28/12/2020

I would like to invite you to this 31 day Wisdom of God Challenge starting on January 1st. I watch Pedro grow his coaching ministry over the last year and he seems truly engaged in teaching through Gods word.

I wanted to invite you to check out his free 31 day challenge with me and kick off the new year forming the habit of bringing God to the center of your world every single day. I will begin to host further discussions on this type of topic in 2021 so stay tuned and let’s open our hearts to allow God to light us up on behalf of those who are not ready yet.

Let’s create a inner movement in order to create an outer movement.

Wisdom Is Knocking, Will You Open the Door? [TIME SENSITIVE] 3,990 Gladly Paid $31, Yours Free If Act Fast


"If your not going within; then you are going without!" - Cindy Fox


What things have changed your life? I know it's weird to say, but my daughters addiction changed my life for the better, that is after I learned how to cope.

When I first started seeking real help for my life that had become totally unmanageable for me, I was given the same 12 steps that are given to addicts at AA meetings. I thought what the heck... I'm not the one with a problem. HA HA

It didn't take long to understand what they meant by saying I was NUTS. What they meant was the I was Not Utilizing The Steps! We are given steps all the time for processing how to accomplish a certain thing we are working on.

Heck, even God gave us the 10 commandments which I believe are the ultimate steps to a successful, well lived life. When we learn a process to get through some of the toughest things life throws at us, we are better equipped to deal anything that comes to pass.

Being better equipped means showing up to the pain and processing it regardless of how bad it is. It's my motto that if you are not going within, then you are going without. I urge you to lean into your battles and search you soul for a connection with God.

He is the way to living the abundant fruitful life that He has called you to live even if there is pain and suffering along the way. There is help for EVERYONE!


And He loves us anyway! One thing we can always be grateful for is the kind of love God gives us even when we fall short!

In our fallen world we can continue blindly thinking we ourselves are in charge and have control... or we can give it up to the one who can change us.

Thank you God for sending your son, Jesus Christ, to cover all of our sinful ways!

I am slowly changing from Cin-full to Zin-full. Thank you Jesus 🙏❤️🙏


“Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and the thinkers…but most of all, surround yourself with those who see greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.-----Unknown


If beating yourself up worked, you'd be wealthy, healthy, and euphoric! Have you tried loving yourself instead?
~Cindy Fox~


What seeds are you planting in the fields around you?

Sometimes it’s so hard to wait for those seeds to begin to sprout and take root.

You nurture and drip on them regularly anticipating some activity to show up, but like an already grown tree it just appears the same. Day after day, it seems like nothing changes.

Then when you have finally learned the balance of not smothering the seed nor ignoring the seed, you begin to see the subtle shifts it is taking in its growth.

We are Gods farmer! It’s up to the farmers to plant the right seeds for the glory of our God, and then to tend to its gentle nurturing so that the fruit becomes replenishing and refillable for our future generations to come!


It’s been a while since I have been in FB and I’m sorry for my absence. Amy and I are busy taking extra good care of ourselves and living in serious prayer mode for the world right now!

We want to touch base with our spirit warriors and see how everyone here is doing?

Please tell us your prayer needs and let us add you to our circles of prayer warriors for some extra lifting up to our mighty and powerful Savior.

Leave your prayer request in the comments and know that you are covered in Gods love & light, and in our prayers! 🙏❤️🙏


Good Day Spirit Warriors, This was perfect for me today. Thought you might like it too. ❤️🙏❤️

Lord God, I thank You for being my Healer. I ask that You heal my heart. I confess, God, that I have not always loved You or Your people the way I should. I confess that I have been selfish. I confess that sometimes I have played the victim when You have called me victorious. So I thank You for not keeping a record of my wrongs and for forgiving me and cleaning me up when I make mistakes.

I pray, God, that You wash me clean of every hurt and pain that has caused me to rest in depression. I ask, O God, that You strengthen me. I ask, O God, that You would stir up the gifts inside me that I may be successful in the spaces You have appointed me to be successful in. I ask You to bring meaning to every mess in my life and reveal Your glory in me.

God, place a hedge of protection around me. Thank You, God, for being my way maker and my help in the time of trouble. I look to You for help in the midst of my trouble. I thank You for giving me another chance to seek Your face and for turning this situation around. I believe it is so by faith, and by faith so it is. Amen.


Challenging days and times are always going to come into our life from time to time. That’s just the reality of the human experience. It can’t be stopped. BUT we can rely on God to give us the strength, courage, and stamina to not only see it through, but to also find the silver lining and good that these challenges bring us. We walk by faith and not by sight!


From a devotional in the Bible App. Beautifully said:

Elitism is an attitude of superiority that lifts some people up while demeaning others. It is a mindset that uses illegitimate criteria by which to judge people. It judges people based on false conclusions and ungodly perspectives, making some superior, while treating others as inferior. It makes illegitimate distinctions among people based on race, class or culture. Elitism will always kill unity within the body of Christ. Instead, we must get rid of elitism through love. We must love others, no matter their race, culture or class, and we must consider their needs as more important than our own.


Praying is my #1 lifeline 🙏💗

“Even when we don’t know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” Romans 8:26

God knows us deeper than we will ever begin to imagine we know our selves.

What is something we can help pray for you in your life? Not only are we the Warriors of the Spirit, we are Warriors of prayer too.

If you or someone you know are in need of prayers, please message us so we may be powerful in our request to the Father.

The power of prayer is indescribable🙏💖

Inner Child Meditation 13/05/2020

I have been working on a digital course over the past couple of months and I am excited to get it finished and launched soon. It is about the things I have learned as I have made joy and happiness for the life I WANT to live to be my priority in life. 🧚‍♂️🙌

During the course I do an inner child meditation with my clients and each time I have gone through this they are asking me to video it for them... so I did. 🤲🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️

I wanted to share it with our spirit warriors and would love to know your experience with it. Did you like it? 😁🤨😕 Did it help you connect with a younger version of yourself? 👍👌👎 Did you feel the compassion and love connection with your inner self? 👩‍👧💝💟

It will take you 20 minutes to go through it and I encourage you to be in a quite space where you can follow your imagination into this deep contact with your inner child.

The first time I did this type of meditation, I cried like a baby. It opened up such a dialog that I can continue this day with my non-physical self. It is a great tool and I pray 🙏 that it will really help you get fully connected in body, mind, and soul. ✝️☪️☮️🕉

Please let me know what you think and if you liked it? I would honor and accept any feedback and comments. Blessings my friends.

Inner Child Meditation Please enjoy this 20 minute guided meditation that will take you on a journey of connecting with yourself as a child. During this meditation you will take yo...

How He Loves - Mothers Day 13/05/2020

This is how my church is being creative with praise and worship for the children’s ministry. So amazing to see things like this come together. How is your church group being creative in these uncertain times? Post a link in the comments and let’s all enjoy a little music to our souls! Oh, How He Loves is!

How He Loves - Mothers Day This is "How He Loves - Mothers Day" by GatewayFilm on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


Happy Mother’s Day all you beautiful mommas!


Just wanted to share a little tidbit about my mission and love for Kundalini yoga with you all. This video is a tad long, but towards the end I share a beautiful meditation to connecting with the innate spirit of mother earth and goodness of motherhood. This is a great Mother's Day meditation that will put you in full appreciation of the divine spirit of mothering. Sat Nam, Amy.


Remember you are a glorified houseplant! You need water, fresh air, and sunshine 🌞


Living in the now is crucial to releasing our ability to try and control the things around us that are not ours to control. It's a crucial step for us to remember on a daily basis so that we CAN have control of the one thing that is ours - our emotions and our reactions and our judgements.

Elevating our feelings in any given moment is the one thing we can control. It's not easy to do all the time especially if you listen to the news and media surrounding COVID-19. So much information being shared is scary and makes us feel so uncertain about the future.

We can choose to tune out of that world problems and into our inner world to create that peace, positivity and prosperity that we truely desire for our lives. Wishing you all the success in finding the balance that is right for you.


Hey spirit warriors! I’m still here and have a message to share with you all🤗


This verse has been very helpful to me lately. Not knowing what your future holds is a bit scary.

I am one of the lucky ones that seems to be benefiting from the pandemic. 💫

I had already started isolating last year when I left corporate America and so this huge change of being home all the time is familiar to me.

What’s been most amazing is that I feel like it was all created for my benefit. Like I attracted it. 🪐☄️

In the last year I feel like I have been living on the edge of my comfort zone, dipping my toe into being more real and trusting of myself.

I have had some real negative programming built into my being and have been diving deep into rewiring my thinking habits. 🧠

It’s been a tremendously enlightening transformation for me and this journey continues to amaze me. 🦋 🦋

Remembering that God only gives us little bits of our story at a time because we’d likely F it up if He showed us the full story, is so helpful to me!

I love to think of myself under a street light where I only get to know what’s coming as it shows up within the light. 💡

This verse is God’s way of helping us learn how to live our best lives. Our faith, hope, and love is our greatest resource and if more and more people could embrace this wisdom, we could create an incredible world. 🌍

God is using me to help Him spread peace, positivity, and prosperity! I am amazed and super excited for the rest of my life.

Whether you have been affected either negatively or positively by the pandemic, we must remember that we are not God and sometimes we cannot understand our hardships nor our miracles.

But we can have faith! Thank you God. 🙏❤️🙏🌍🙏


Reminder: this is YOUR life. You don't owe anyone any explanations for doing what's best for you.


7 days into The Heroic Heart 40 day challenge with my kundalini family🙏 This practice in particular spoke to me to deepen my connection through compassion and really place my focus towards others. To cultivate a greater sense of love, joy, happiness and being able to project that love to others with the wish of relieving them of their sufferings.

I choose to focus/dedicate the majority of my meditation to dear friend who is trying to conceive. This practice is so beautiful and the effects are so amazing that I can definitely feel a huge difference in my heart center💗

Although this is sped up, this practice takes me about 35 mins. with the last 11 mins. being the main meditation of complete stillness and cultivating deep deep compassion. So blessed to have found a practice that keeps me so strongly connected spiritually and physically❤️

What is something that keeps you connected and centered spiritually? If you are needing guidance to help you find that connection, let us know. We are here for YOU♥️



Good Day Spirit Warriors! During this isolation period every single day we are experiencing ups and downs.

We must remember to be compassionate and kind to ourselves as we walk through these uncharted territories.

I copied this incredibly enlightening message from a trauma doctor and hope it serves to remind you about tuning in and becoming aware of your own behaviors.

Be well and know that you are loved!

1. We’re all in a stress-response right now. All of us. And when survival stuff is up, certain cognitive functions change. Our capacity to think clearly is a little different. This is the territory of trauma, folks. It’s no one’s fault.
2. As a result, we can’t take in and integrate what we see happening around us, even if we haven’t noticed a challenge with processing. Integration won’t happen until later. Right now, we’re just in it.
3. Feeling numb is normal.
4. Feeling anxious or on high-alert is normal.
5. Feeling collapsed and depressed is normal.
6. Feeling clingy or impulsive or paranoid or nonchalant – all normal.
7. Reaching for your addictions is normal.
8. Seeing a range of responses in yourself at different times of the day is also consistent with being in an active stress-response – it all depends on your wiring related to stress and/or prior traumas. You may even enjoy certain experiences you’re having, while other parts of you are overwhelmed. We’re complicated beings with many parts sitting side-by-side.
9. Because the trauma is happening (still), the goal is meet yourself and all your coping mechanisms with compassion. Reach out for support. Call a friend. Eat an apple. Lower your expectations. Take a nap. Give your kids a break. Take a news break. Call your therapist. Move your body. Use your power tools (meditation, tapping, deep breathing, etc.) even if only for a minute.
10. Meet yourself with compassion again. And again.

I love you.

Videos (show all)

💯 Rawness!
Stay tuned for teachings of my daily kundalini practice...
Nabhi Kriya for Digestion