WBRX Wellness
Wellness Products-dissoluble, balms, capsules, clean room air 24 hours Shop online RLH.wbrxglobal.com
Question for you? Do you of someone taking CBD? Ask them if they know how their consumable is processed? Does the company they order from give them a certificate of analysis per product?
If not!! I invite you order from me (Rlh.wbrxglobal.com) Our products are Medically grade, organic and you what you are consuming. Look at the data we provide.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended!! I appreciate your support and hope you learned something. I do every time I hear it.
Two more days, I have a several spots still available. You will be able to ask questions with our physicians.
You're invited!! July 22, 2021, The Gin at Nolan Creek in Belton, TX. Register online WBRXGLOBAL.COM - Zoom and In Person.
Welcome to RLH Wellness. Alternative ways that may help you stay healthy, control chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation and insomnia.