Dion For Indiana

Dion For Indiana

Dion Bergeron is the Republican Candidate for Indiana House District 9. He provides transparency and won't sidestep the big issues facing our state.

Dion is a former Correctional Officer and Truck Driver so he understands the real needs of Hoosiers.


DDD 1.10.24 2024 Is Here!
We are off to a wild start.
Studio is up and running and I hope you'll take the time to join us while we bring you up to speed on the guests we have incoming, some slight changes we've made to the formula to help things along, and the absolutely bonkers current events we've had lately.

I missed all of you and I'm really looking forward to talking with you tonight.
See you soon!


11.5.23 Returns!

We have a lot to catch up on. What happened at the Great Awakening Tour? Why didn't I stream it?

What's going on with Michigan City Election? I'll give my thoughts on the candidates and show you where you can find more information on those running for office in our municipal election in just a few days.


is proud to welcome a very special guest onto our show: Clay Clark.

Who Is Clay Clark?

Clay Clark is a father of five kids, the organizer, emceed and host of the General Flynn ReAwaken America Tour, the former “U.S. SBA Entrepreneur of the Year” for the State of Oklahoma, the founder of several multi-million dollar companies, and the host of the Thrivetime Show podcast which has been number one overall on the iTunes business podcast charts 6 times! Clay Clark is a member of the Forbes Business Coach Council, an Amazon best-selling author and the host of the Thrivetime Show podcast which has hit #1 on the iTunes charts in the category of business 6 times. Throughout his career he’s founded several multi-million dollar businesses including:

Party Perfect (Which was purchased by Party Pro Rentals)
www.Thrive15.com (The interactive online entrepreneurship school)
The Tulsa Bridal Association Wedding Show

Throughout his career he has been featured in Fast Company, Bloomberg, Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, PandoDaily, and numerous other publications. He’s been the speaker and consultant of choice for top brands throughout the country including: Hewlett Packard, Maytag University, Valspar Paint, and O’Reilly’s Auto Parts. Clay is also the co-founder of 5 children, and is the proud owner of thousands of trees, dozens of chickens and 13 cats.

Join us on Monday January 16th at 7 PM Central time to talk to Clay and hear about his current projects, the ReAwaken America Tour, and much more.

(Stay Tuned for special upcoming projects involving this channel and some huge news - Rumble link to be added as soon as possible)


Dion's Daily Dose for November 17, 2022

What is the role of the County Sheriff? Why and how are they taught to defer to the Federal Government? What's at stake?

We'll get into this and a lot more, including election results. Here in La Porte County, Indiana, there were some very important positions that we were able to secure, and we'll talk about that and much more!


It looks like tonight didn't quite go our way. Unofficial Final numbers are in for my race and it appears that we fell just short, though we did far better than 2020.

I am overwhelmingly grateful for the opportunity to give you, the voter, a choice and I am thankful for the outpouring of love and support I was shown this election.

Going against a 20 year politician is always difficult, and my opponent had name recognition for sure. I've narrowed the gap significantly.

To the thousands that voted for me:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I regret that I won't get the opportunity to represent you in this office, but rest assured I won't forget about you.

My next adventure is right around the corner and only God knows what the future holds.

The good news is that Republicans in general did VERY well and we are going to see some major shake ups and hopefully some major improvements.

Congratulations to all the winners tonight.
Deepest condolences to those that worked hard and still came up short. It's always tough and there are plenty of "What if"s.

God bless all of you and good night. I'm going to spend some much needed time with my family. ❤️


There have been so many wonderful people exercising their right to vote and supporting today.

I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support and the friendliness of the vast majority of people today.

The very tiny minority that have been rude or anything other than cordial is disappointing, but no surprise. Rage seems to be the most prevalent emotion for those on the far left. They are few in numbers but make a lot of noise.

There's still time to get to the polls and

On every level, we have to elect patriots that love this country and believe that We The People must take our country back.

What do we mean by that? We mean returning the power to the people. We mean electing transparent and accountable officials that will listen and respond to their constituents, even those from an opposing party, or no party at all.

The people that hate me (still not sure why) will still be listened to and answered when I'm your State Representative. Even if we are diametrically opposed politically, I will still respect your opinion and I will still represent you.

I will work across the aisle to bring real progress and real representation. To all constituents of District 9.


One of the team members reports having an object thrown at them by one of the passengers of a silver minivan. If you have video or photo evidence of this, please contact us.

Vote for whomever you like. Dislike whomever you want to, but keep your hands to yourself and act like a reasonable person.

This is why we're so divided. Disagreeing with someone isn't enough for some anymore.

Attacking people for their political opinion is something that is happening far too often these days and it has to stop.

If you want to physically assault a member of my team (which in this case happened to be my son 🤬) then contact me directly and I will gladly stand in. I'm serious.

Do not attack my team.


Election Day 2022!

I'm excited to see what the day brings for all of us.

The team has worked hard. Family, friends, supporters (both long-term and relatively recent additions), and fellow candidates have all suffered through very early mornings, extremely late nights, some going without sleep entirely.

Why do we do this? Because We The People deserve better than what we currently have. There are some good people in office, but we can agree that in MANY areas we need change. We demand accountability, and we will be heard. My team (with special recognition for my wife- the hardest working person I've ever met, whose faith in me makes me strive to be a better person and a better man) has done things I thought were impossible with the resources they had, and I've learned so much in the last few years from them and from you.

The people that have been involved with me and my team want to give us our voice back. They want the government to stop just pretending they represent the will of the people, and go back to actually doing so.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are on the cusp of something incredible. I can feel it in the air. There is a brewing excitement and wave of positivity that many smiling faces at the polls exude.

The team will be out across the District today at many polling locations.
will be in Porter County today. Team members will be in La Porte County.

To my fellow candidates that have worked hard and worn themselves out in order to truly represent your constituents and offer them something more, you have my thanks and my appreciation. Campaigning is hard, tiring, and financially draining. You open yourself up to ridicule, insults, lies, hate, and much more. Your life becomes much more public and it can be jarring and it certainly takes a toll. Thank you for putting your name on the ballot.

Whatever the results of the election today, it has truly been an honor and a pleasure running to be your voice... no, OUR voice in Indianapolis.

If elected, I will never forget that I work for you. I will always vote for what is best for my District and my fellow Hoosiers. I will be transparent, accountable, and reachable.

Cajun by birth but Hoosier by choice.

I hope to see you at the polls!

God bless you, God bless Indiana, and God bless the United States of America 🇺🇸.

Photos from Dion For Indiana's post 07/11/2022

Tomorrow is it. The big day.

will be working the polls around the District and we hope to see you out and about.

It has been a wild ride this election season. Sign drama worse than ever, attack ads and mailers, outright lies, and more. While my opponent focuses on negativity, I've tried hard to show why I'm the better candidate.

There is a consistent theme to the attacks from the left. Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled Dangerous! and Extreme! They no longer allow open discourse and free speech. If you don't openly support their policies, you're labeled "the enemy".

Make no mistake, this election is critical for all of us.

I've given it my all and done my best to show why we need a change and how I'll be different. I've met and talked to so many wonderful people throughout the area over the last few years and I'm so grateful for all the support from so many of you.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone that has supported me, whether that is through donating your hard earned money, volunteering your time to knock doors with me, attend my events, or share my message. I know there are many more of you that are going to vote for me that haven't said a word publicly. I've spoken with many of you personally and I understand your desire for anonymity. Many of you feel as though you have no voice or will be attacked if you use it.

I will be your voice.

I appreciate each and every one of you.

Another 2 years of the incumbent changes nothing. There will continue to be excuses as to why they can't get anything done, and we, the people, will have nothing to show for it. Electing me changes everything.

This election, if you want-

A representative that will accomplish what YOU want, not just make excuses

Transparency and Accountability

Communication directly with the person you hired via phone and email, not a form letter from an assistant or just being outright ignored

A representative that utilizes modern technology to speak directly to you, the voter, and gives you the opportunity to speak directly to them

Someone with real world experience in a variety of crucial areas including transportation, criminal justice, IT, real estate, and much more

Someone that isn't afraid to stand up for "flyover country". Someone that will speak up when it's needed and doesn't care how they're labeled.

A representative that truly believes in free speech and will protect and defend that right, welcoming conversation from all sides and fostering intelligent, rational discussions.

This election, I ask for your vote because we can do better than what we have. We deserve better.


Dion's Daily Dose: General Election 2022 (Nov 8th)- Midterms 11.6.22

Special Event: Round table discussion with Dion Bergeron, Shawn Holmgren, Ben Holmgren, and Donovan Bergeron.

We're going to be having an open discussion about the people and positions on the ballot this election. The people we know personally, the things we've discovered, and the ways you can learn more about them will all be covered.

Limited information is available on local candidates usually so we will try to fill in any gaps that we can.

If you have particular information that you feel is crucial for voters to be aware of, please email it to [email protected] so that we have time to review it and include it in the discussion tonight.

Although Donovan won't be able to vote until the 2024 election, I feel that he adds excellent perspective from the youth to the conversation. He's the next generation of voter and it will be interesting to hear his take on things.


11.5.22 3 Days: Vote for the world you want.

We're only 3 days away from Election Day. Please vote.

I'm gonna hang out with you for a while, talk about some things that are important to me and what I'd like to get done once I'm your State Representative. I'm also going to talk about some of the defining moments I had when growing up, and how it shaped me. I hope you get the chance to hang out with me!


On the radio this morning at 9:30 AM.

Tune in to 95.1 FM/AM 1420 WIMS to join in the conversation. 👍😉


November 3, 2022

Mailers, Lies, and Desperation

My opponent (or someone connected with them) has been sending out mailers with outright lies in them.
In a roundabout way they even accuse me of a potential crime.

The truly amusing part to me is that they're doing this because they have nothing to stand on. No policies, no successes, no plans.

My opponent is "too busy" to interact with voters (I was sent screenshots of this, which I'll share), and is too busy virtue signaling to come up with any real platform.

I wanted to take the time to address the lies and tell you what's going on.


Become an educated voter.
Learn what people stand for and what they're going to do.
Don't just vote for name recognition or a catchy phrase with no real merit.
Everyone knows the name Joseph Stalin but I'm certainly not voting for him.

Learn what they're about. Look into them. See if they're worthy of your vote.

An educated voter is the most powerful mechanism for change we can have on election day.

It's okay to leave a race blank if you don't know about any of the candidates.

Photos from Indiana Department of Transportation: Northwest's post 01/11/2022

Team Bergeron will be walking in the Michigan City Veteran's Day Parade on Saturday November 5th.
Calling all ... ... hmm...
If you would like to walk with us Saturday in the parade, message us with your shirt size and we'll give you all the details.

I forgot to mention that it is a short parade. About 5 blocks or so only.


I'll be on the radio this morning in about 20 minutes (10:40 AM or so). I'll be joining an existing broadcast of fellow Republicans so make sure you tune in to hear how we can improve life for all of us here in District 9.

95.1 FM/AM 1420 WIMS


Michigan City trick or treating is set to begin at 4 PM today.
While I wasn't able to get a costume together, I'll still be handing out candy.

Even as a kid I found it more fun to hand out candy and see all of the wild and innovative costumes the others had put together rather than go myself.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday!


There seems to be a belief that you have to look or dress a certain way to be a conservative.

Stop letting misconceptions guide your perceptions. The foundation of the conservative mindset and Republican party (the Constitutional Republican beliefs that I hold dear) are that all are created equal and you can (and should) exercise your freedoms.

If you want to rock a goth look, go for it. If you're covered in tattoos, awesome!

I don't care what you look like or how you dress. I celebrate the fact that we live in a country that allows us to exercise our freedom of expression and dress & look how we choose.


Another day, another sign drama.

This time, my signs were removed from the early voting location on 8th and Wabash Streets and tossed into the grass. Interestingly enough, my opponent's signs were in the exact spot my signs had been placed.
Pure coincidence I'm sure. 🙄
In one instance, they removed my sign from my H stake (the metal stake the sign goes on to hold it upright in the ground) and stuck my opponent's sign right onto my stake. My stakes are corrugated and are easily identifiable. All of the stakes we've seen on my opponent's signs are smooth (save this one, which was in the exact spot my sign was placed).

Are we going to continue to play silly games or can we become adults for the rest of this race? It's almost over.

Let the voters decide who they'd rather have representing them.

This is just one symptom of a larger problem. I've had voters reach out to me regarding bullying and abuse they've been on the receiving end of for simply asking questions on my opponent's social media.

Is this what we want? Bullying, abuse, theft, entitlement, a holier-than-thou attitude, and a complete disregard for the will of constituents is the current attitude of the incumbent and supporters.

District 9 deserves better.


10.26.22 Guest: Jeff Maurer- Candidate for Indiana Secretary of State (Libertarian)

Join us on Wednesday October 26th when we will be interviewing Jeff Maurer.
Please note that due to his schedule, the show will be starting 1 hour later than usual. We will go live at 8 PM Central (rather than 7).
We hope that you will be able to watch and comment live.

We ask all of our guests to provide a biography and we were directed to Mr. Maurer's website, where the following information was available:

"Jeff Maurer is the nominated Libertarian candidate for Indiana Secretary of State and will appear on ballots statewide on November 8, 2022.

Jeff is an entrepreneur whose career spans tech, transportation, and budget and finance. He serves as a development officer for Students For Liberty, the largest pro-liberty student organization which champions free markets and free speech around the world.

Born in New York City, Jeff grew up on Long Island, graduating from Long Beach High School in 2000. He then graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2004 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.

In 2013, Jeff chose to move to Indiana for a better quality of life, after being exhausted by the corrupt politics, big government, and high taxes of New York. Jeff lives in Carmel, Indiana, and is a Hoosier by choice.

Jeff has always felt called to serve, and joined his local volunteer fire department at the age of 16. He served for more than a dozen years as a firefighter and officer.

Jeff currently serves his community on his homeowners association board and was appointed to serve on the Carmel Economic Development Commission and the Home Place Advisory Board.

Jeff is currently enlisted in the Indiana Air National Guard, and continues to serve our state and our nation.

As an ongoing commitment to service, Jeff is ready to proudly serve you as Indiana Secretary of State. "


DDD 10.25.22 Guest: Former Mayor Ron Meer of Michigan City joins where we will address a variety of topics including:

How to work across the aisle. Mayor Meer had to work with a state legislature that was a Republican super majority, despite being a Democrat in a blue city (Michigan City) that had been ignored by the state for a long time.

Although La Porte County has shifted to narrow Republican control in recent years, there is still a need to work across the aisle. Michigan City has retained Democrat leadership across councils and boards, despite electing a Mayor that ran as a Republican.

If elected, Dion Bergeron will have to work across the aisle locally, ensuring that he is able to accomplish the goals of the District's constituents. Although the state legislature is predominantly Republican, Dion will still have to coordinate with Democrat politicians and community leaders on a local and county level.

Reasonable discussion is too rare these days and we all could use some pointers on how to work across the aisle.

I'm looking forward to speaking to Mr. Meer and I hope you're looking forward to watching!


DDD 10.24.22 Guest: Sean Fagan: Candidate for La Porte County Prosecutor

Sean Fagan is the candidate for La Porte County Prosecutor running on the Republican ticket.
His race is highly charged and we're sitting down with him to find out what he'll do if elected, what he sees as the biggest hurdles to getting the job done, and how his life experience and legal experience qualify him for one of the most powerful positions in the county.

If you want to learn more about him, his bio, or have questions go to https://www.facebook.com/SeanFaganForProsecutor/

Join us to ask questions you may have, learn why he believes he deserves your vote, and to learn more about the people on your ballot!

(Note: Still working and learning with Rumble. If anyone is familiar with live streaming to Rumble, please reach out to us. I really want to get it to work but so far I've been unsuccessful)


As of tomorrow, we have just two weeks to go until election day 2022.

I've always prided myself on being available, accountable, and transparent. If you are still unsure of which way to vote on the race for District 9, or if you are considering giving the incumbent another 2 years, please reach out to me and ask the questions that matter most to you, so that I can have the opportunity to earn your vote.

This is our opportunity for change.

Another 2 years of the incumbent changes nothing. No investment, no advancement, no accomplishment. Two years of Bergeron changes everything!

On or before November 8th, press the button for Bergeron and let's make District 9 better for everyone.

Videos (show all)

DDD 1.10.24 2024 Is Here!
11.5.23 DDD Returns! A Lot to catch up on, MC Municipal Election, and More!
DDD Special Guest Clay Clark 1.16.22
DDD 11.17.22 Sheriffs, Subservience, and Stakes Plus More
DDD General Election 2022 (Nov 8th)- Midterms 11.6.22
DDD 11.5.22 3 Days: Vote for the world you want
DDD 11.3.22  Mailers, Lies, and Desperation
DDD 10.24.22 Guest: Sean Fagan: Candidate for La Porte County Prosecutor (R)
DDD 10.25.22 Guest: Ron Meer: Former Mayor of Michigan City
10.26.22 DDD Guest: Jeff Maurer- Candidate for Indiana Secretary of State (Libertarian)
DDD 10.18.22 Special Guest Tonya Millis- Libertarian Candidate for US Congress, Indiana District 9
DDD 10.14.22 Ask Dion - Questions Answered!
