It's History

It's History

My name is Urian Rios, and I am a history Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. History. I am an avid music listener of all styles.

This page is a forum to promote an intelligent, civil, and gracious discussion on diverse topics at the intersection of faith and history, ranging from the ancient history of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures to current socio-political issues. I have a Bachelor's in Theology from Grace Christian University, and a master's in liberal studies with a focus on history from the University of South Florida


Because Easter is about...


While Navalny gave his life to oppose Putin's ruthless and criminal regime, Trump continues to praise him and has gone as far as encouraging the war criminal to do "whatever he wants" to NATO members who default in their financial obligations to the alliance.


The right to protest is an essential democratic value. Therefore, there is nothing necessarily wrong for people to take the streets in support of the Palestinan cause. The problem is that most Western protestors doing so, are ignorant of the history and geo-politics of the region. For example, what does it mean to say "Free Palestine?" Who are the oppressors of Palestine? The Israelis? Hamas? The indiferent Arab nations? The Arab nations that finance and train terrorists? What would a "free" Palestine look like? Who would be in charge? Hamas? The Palestinian Authority? Finally, what defines one as a Palestinian? These are just a few questions we should ask before commiting to one side of the conflict. My advice to Pro-Palestine Western youth is "stop ranting, and start researching." There are no easy or obvious solutions to the region's conflicts.


A sad day for anyone familiar with the history of the United States!

It's History Research Center 31/05/2023

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All things considered, it seems like that radical Republicans, (that are the majority now), and their proxies, like Foxnews are committed to destroying our country, by undermining our democratic traditions and fueling violence by promoting a misguided interpretation of the 2nd ammendment.


šŸŽ¶Whatcha gonna do when they come for you? Bad boys, bad boys whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?šŸŽ¶

Politics - Philip Yancey 10/07/2022

Philip Yancey is by far my favorite contemporary author. Yancey says everything I want to say, but better. He gave this interview in 2010, but his perspective on the intersection of faith and politics is still valid and relevant.

Politics - Philip Yancey How do you balance your own deep sense of faith with your passion for your nation? Iā€™m not sure I have a passion for my nation, to tell... read on


Florida House Bill 1435 - AKA Listening To Music While Black

A new Florida law will make blaring music in a personal vehicle punishable by law. Beginning July 1, drivers can receive a fine of up to $114 for blasting music in their cars. This is a new law, but in a country with such a dismal record on race relations, it raises old concerns. First, there was ā€œvoting while blackā€ when, during Reconstruction, white mobs terrorized and murdered black voters. Then there was ā€œwhistling while blackā€ when on August 28, 1955, 14-year-old Emmett Till, an African American from Chicago visiting family in Money, Mississippi, was brutally murdered for allegedly flirting with a white woman. More recently, we have referred to ā€œdriving while blackā€ in connection with many incidents of police profiling and violence against black drivers. Therefore, if our (not so) past history is a predictor of what is to come, we will soon be talking about ā€œlistening to music while black.ā€


260 years later Putin is still pursuing Russia's territorial expansion, but withdrawing from Europe's political and cultural life. You've got to love history!


I am so disappointed with my Alma Mater, Grace Christian University. In which twisted world is okay for a Christian university to promote a shoot whatever event and raffle a long gun in the process? The insensitivity of such an event in the aftermath of three mass shootings in our country in which long guns were used is appalling. Where in the foundations of the Christian faith can we find any support or justification for the infatuation of American Christianity with guns?


The falacy of this argument is that every mass murder was once a law abiding citizen.


Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong has threatened to renounce his U.S. citizenship and move to England. I understand his frustration, but as a historian, England wouldn't be my first choice. But, I grant that he is a musician, not a historian.

Arizona Horizon election debates 2022: Republican candidates for Governor 03/07/2022

The Arizona Republican Debate, AKA, "The Circus Has Come To Town!" If this reflects the current state of the GOP, the party of Lincoln is definitely dead!

Arizona Horizon election debates 2022: Republican candidates for Governor Arizona Horizon election debates 2022: Republican candidates for Governor


Choose the best title for this image:

1. Cruz vs Elmo: The final battle for America's Soul!

2. It would be funny, if it wasn't so sad!


Compare/contrast the post-presidency legacy of Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump.


I grew up in Brazil under a military dictatorship. In school, we had to go through certain civic rituals promoting the regime's ideology. We also had civics classes taught by teachers trained and censored by the government. That is why I am shocked and concerned with the new civics training offered by Florida's Department of Education. Portions of the training materials that came to light recently reveal that it promotes a historically inaccurate and socially offensive view of American exceptionalism and values. This manual is part of a series of developments in our recent history that seem to reveal that our institutions and our democracy, like a frog in the kettle, are slowly being cooked to death.


The Catholic Church - an institution that prevents women from occupying positions of authority, has a long history of sexual abuse, including the r**e of nuns by priests - has no moral grounds to promote a pro-life agenda.


According to FoxNews, the January 6 insurrection was a protest, but a protest against the Supreme Court decision was an insurrection!


Back to Backup decisions of this Supreme Court demonstrates they are not defenders of the constitution, or protectors of States rights. They are narrow-minded political pawns regurgitating the sociopolitical discourse of the Religious Right. The inconsistency of denying the right of states regulate guns - the number 1 cause of children's death in the United States - and at the same time, allowing the states to regulate women's reproductive choices is blatantly hypocritical.


Today, the United States Supreme Court signed the death sentence of thousands of poor, mainly black and brown women who will be forced to resort to unsafe abortion practices.


The intrinsic contradiction of the so-called "pro-life" movement is that it does not offer a reasonable policy to save lives. Criminalizing abortion will not reduce the number of abortions performed in this country, but it will add to the statistics, the death of poor women who will resort to unsafe abortion practices. A secondary contradiction is that most pro-life are also pro-gun activistis. Therefore, it is more important to protect the lives of the unborn than the born children.


Warren Earl Burger was nominated by President Richard Nixon and served as the 15th chief justice of the United States from 1969 to 1986. In a 1991 interview in the PBS News Hour, Justice Burger debunks the 2nd Amendment myth in just a few seconds.


With the exception of the Civil War, one can argue that the provisions of the 2nd Amendment have never been used to guarantee the "security of a free state." On the contrary, as we have seen in the recent history of the United States, the 2nd amendment has more than often facilitated the murder of innocent Americans.


Even after 19 children and 2 teachers were gunned down by a deranged 18-year-old man, Senator Ted Cruz and his Republican radical right-wingers continue to focus on defending an archaic and misunderstood constitutional amendment to assure the continued support of the gun industry. Mass shootings such as what happened yesterday are an almost exclusive U.S. phenomenon, and the prospect of reversing it is non-existent.


Just submitted the final grades for my American History class at USF. One more semester of teaching completed. Relaxing for the rest of the day today, because Tuesday the in-person Summer class starts and I have a lot of preparation to do. I love teaching, but it is a non-stop challenge. I am looking forward to teach this class because all enrolled are international students! A Brazilian teaching American History to students from many different countries. That's what I call globalization!


Heroes come in all shapes and sizes!

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Because Easter is about...
Epic Freudian Slips by the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations!

