Memo to the Nation

Memo to the Nation

Proposals for the benefit of the Nation. Discussion.


RIP Sonya Massey




From today.

Was Ukraine betrayed by its elites? 15/03/2022

Was Ukraine betrayed by its elites? Oligarchs sowed division well before Putin invaded

Photos from Memo to the Nation's post 05/03/2022

First instalment. 2nd and perhaps final instalment on Monday.


Some say the first rule is to learn from your mistakes. WRONG! The first rule is to recognize when you have made a mistake. That's too difficult for some of us, so the least we can do is acknowledge that we make mistakes too.


We live in our home, our town, our state, our nation and our world, all at the same time.


As we approach the transition of power from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, The United States seems to face every challenge. We can see several signs of a democracy not having its best days. Its worst days, that’s how many feel, and there is some support for that.
First off, and foremost, is the fact that we just had an insurrection. This may be seen in hindsight as a protest/prank, or just an innocent act of desecration. But there is no sugarcoating it, the breech of the United States Capitol was a levy of war and an insurrection against our country, qualifying every participant for a conviction of treason, punishable by death, or at least 5 years behind bars. Also add
That our cherished right of free speech is being submitted to Twitter and Google and Facebook for their political supervision. Imagine, for instance, the Twitter ban on Donald Trump, FOR LIFE. Prior Restraint of speech used to be odious to Democrats and those on the left. But they are presently for silencing people, ing people wherever it helps their position. I think we are so shaky at this point that the participants all think they are somehow justified in betraying the first amendment. This is a horrible road to go down.
And just as bad, or worse, has been the promotion of what has been termed the Big Lie, that the election was stolen from President Trump. That is the worst example, but in general President Trump ran his mouth all the time and very often said things which were not true, and when confronted had the defective fighter’s instinct to double down on his own mistake. What a poor example President Trump has been for children, or any of us.
The fact is our system needs to be shaken up, not in terms of insurrection, or surrender of our free speech to well-meaning tech overlords, but instead we need an approach better and stronger than what the Democrats and Republicans have been able to arrive at. They are just too bogged down with themselves and their power. They quite often are not fair and/or objective.
Be that as it may, this does not mean that our nation is doomed. We need some sort of regeneration, and usually our country is able to do just that.

Old Brown Shoe (Remastered 2009) 07/01/2021

Most missed masterpiece of all time.

Old Brown Shoe (Remastered 2009) Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupOld Brown Shoe (Remastered 2009) · The BeatlesThe Beatles 1967 - 1970℗ 2009 Calderstone Productions Limited (a di...


18 USCS 2381 defines tyranny as a citizen levying war against the United States, and I believe taking over the Capitol qualifies, in fact I know it does under these circumstances. Treason is punishable by death or at least 5 years imprisonment. The insurrectionists need to be prosecuted for treason. Vice President Pence and the Cabinet need to be at the ready to remove President Trump from office pursuant to the 25th amendment. They should just do it really, as suggested by my Governor, Phil Scott, Republican of Vermont. But shy of that they need to be ready to jump at the first instance of further harm to our nation.

Frederick Douglass’s American Identity Politics 19/11/2020

Frederick Douglass’s American Identity Politics Mark Twain copied a friend’s remark into his notebook: “I am not an American; I am the American.” That is a claim—to be the American, the exemplary or representative American&


Starting now it is incredibly important to the nation that Donald Trump and Joe Biden both act with the greatest dignity, fairness and graciousness, whether they win or lose, or if the outcome is still uncertain or confused. All issues can be handled in a civil manner. I fully trust Joe Biden to step up with grace and dignity. Donald Trump can do it too, and if ever there was a time this is it. He needs to put the country first. The whole world is watching and many are expecting a big s**t show, pardon the expression. The candidates need to step up here and act big, and frankly we all do. This could turn into democracy's finest hour somehow, as turnout may break records, and the
American performance might just be cool calm and collected, and those who think this is a great time for more antagonism might be a small, misguided minority in the electorate.


Just a photo for fun.


Some photo art, just for the fun of it. No responses necessary, likes or otherwise.


Good Friday

This is a big day
Not afraid, I’m going to keep moving
That is a declaration
I plan to remember
And repeat to myself
If I catch myself
Feeling low or falling down

So – I do embark
And see
Close but far away
A new me
Standing up and lifting up
Ready to overcome
Sun, rise again
Please Dear Lord
Let this be done.

March 25, 2005🦓


I want to thank anybody and everybody who liked or followed or looked at this page. Here is my goal, I want to beat the CORONA virus, aka, COVID19. In my prayers I wish my "Memo" could out-viral that coronavirus. The Memo to the Nation is absolutely free to share, or "communicate," so couldn't you please?
REMEMBER THERE IS NO HARM DONE BY SHARING THIS memo to the nation, but instead a GOOD: by sharing information and a perspective. I know this argument for sharing my site is persuasive, but, don't worry I will never judge anyone for not sharing the piece. Everybody, I mean EVERYBODY has reasons for things they do and don't do.


Three of the most important protocols necessary for fighting Covid-19: 1) Unless proven otherwise, assume anyone you encounter has the virus and can spread it; 2) Unless proven otherwise, assume YOU have the virus, and that you can spread it; and 3) unless known otherwise with certainty, assume every surface is covered with active Covid-19. Given known facts about this flu, if we all act with the above understandings, then Covid-19 will be eradicated before you can say . . . . Aaaachoooooo! Not done yet. Here for your consideration are the very beginning bones of a poem I am hoping to be able to write: Be not afraid/ Oh Lovely Nation/ Better than that/ Be part of the battle/ And go to your station/Time to fight back, Jack/ We're a Nation indivisible/ Gonna give Covid-19 a heart attack/ So what if it's invisible? Cause of that we're going to give the virus a free pass? Soldiers cry bulls**t/ We're going to kick its ass.


So here is my new page. I'm looking to speak, and I'm looking to discuss. Please read the first Memorandum, about fighting Covid-19. If any of you can find it in your hearts to share this page or posts from this page, then God Bless you. It's all done, honestly, with good intentions.



TO: The Nation
FROM: Richard Pennington
DATE: March 19, 2020
SUBJECT: Coming together to fight COVID-19

Take heart, world and America, we will ride past this pandemic. I’m not saying we’re not going to get our hair mussed up. The coronavirus has already done a lot of damage and is no doubt going to do a lot more. This has been a sucker punch, and it has been a rough couple of rounds. The World is working on its Rocky moment. Hope abounds. Just breathe. Breathe!
WAIT, AACHH! Before you breathe, did you check to make sure you are not sitting in a cloud of COVID mist?? Yes, I’m willing to joke some about this crisis. I’ve seen more and more humor coming out on social media, and in person, real people humor. That’s a good development. Cuts the stress. To anybody and everybody: if you have any opportunity to reduce somebody else’s stress, be it friend, family or stranger, then take advantage of that opportunity. Which leads me to my next point.
Every one of us, and every establishment or institution, we are all agents on the same team in dealing with this current pandemic. This is a societal challenge. We rightfully look to our federal state and local governments to take intelligent and effective action to help us through this time of tremendous difficulty. But what you really want, what you really need, what we are capable of, is for the whole team, top to bottom, to be doing the best we can. Here are some thoughts about fighting the virus and helping our people through a very disruptive and dangerous period insofar as livelihoods and the economy are concerned.
1. Something we can all do is prevent further spread of the virus. I have to think right now here in the US we are lessening the spread, but not preventing the spread. We as a team are not where we need to be in terms of stopping transmission of the virus. Let’s go back to the basics. The virus spreads in a purely mechanical fashion. We know what that this invisible fiend virus gets you by getting into one of your orifices. That sounds bad already. But we can protect our orifices in a straightforward way. Of course we have to stay away from contaminated air. This mostly means staying away from other people’s sneeze and cough zone. That’s about 6 feet on the safe side. If you have to get closer, then you can still be fine if the person doesn’t cough or sneeze. So make it fast and tell the person not to cough or sneeze. (Side note: children are able and want to be part of the solution.) The potential transmission I just spoke about is airborn by way of droplets from a cough or sneeze, or a spraying laugh (yee gads) or the like. That does not hang up in the air for long. Another form of airborne is much rarer, where the virus gets carried in an aerosol, eg. some bodily fluids have become atomized, so to speak, and in the aerosol the virus can linger in the air for up to around three hours. The good news is that this situation typically occurs in hospitals where breathing machines are being used, etc., and they have ways of trying to minimize that risk. Now the other form of transmission comes from surfaces, and this is very tricky. Why, because the invisible fiend virus can stay viable on a surface for a very long time, up to three days. So don’t go sniffing or listening to or licking unaccounted for surfaces. Keep your orifices away from surfaces! It’s not that popular anyway! And if you touch an unaccounted for surface, do the proper cleaning or decontaminating of your hands as soon as you can, AND be mindful that your hands should not go near your orifices, or your face in general, until after the cleaning. And you shouldn’t go touching everything else in the meantime either.

2. Preventing the spread of the virus could be mechanically achieved if we all GUARANTEED through our actions that we are not participating in transmission. That’s perfect world stuff, not our world. BUT EVERY EFFORT counts. If, say, with present levels of diligence and skill we are expecting 5,000 new cases in the US in the next 24 hours, but with heightened ex*****on of the protocals we turned that number in to 1,000, then that makes a huge difference. The nature of this viral business is that success begets success, whether it be the virus’s success or humanity’s success. If you look at the numbers from China, and God knows I hope they are somewhat accurate, you see the epidemic there being brought to heel to a large extent. This must be due in part to job well done by the Chinese people in following protocal. Here in the US we have much more freedom and autonomy and sometimes (usually) getting coordinated action from the citizenry is like herding cats. But here we are going to up our game because we know, every last one of us, that this is what we have to do. Hey, if we are lazy and stupid now, and let this virus rip up our society and economy, I bet not a single person will say, “I’m glad people like me avoided those anti-contagion protocols.” So here we need to refer to that old chestnut: FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. Come on people, this project is critical. The stakes are high with death and illness, and perhaps even higher regarding a potentially devastating recession or depression or outright breakdown of society. And on the flip side, the actions we need to take are really not that hard at all. The protocols. They’re easy. Not even that time consuming. Yes I do believe we can get America to a top notch compliance rate in performing the all important COVID-19 protocols. I cannot abide refusal of persons to follow the rules. “I don’t care” is not a legitimate justification. New paradigm: Americans can be very responsible.

3. Suspensions, Closures, Furloughs, Job Loss, Quarantine, Travel Bans, Cancellations . . . . These disruptions are coming at us left and right. This might be the most frightening part of our present crisis. But these shutdowns are going to be with us for a while. On the other hand the economic impact of shutting down so much of society simply cannot be overstated. This is crisis time. The situation absolutely demands that huge amounts of government funds are thrown at the economy, focusing on the families and communities with the greatest need, but also with attention to general economic stimulus. And the rich corporations and American tycoons that have some cash in hand – they need to go all in to help shore up the system through this tough time. And again, we’re all in this together. All of us have to get tight with systematically following all the protocols perfectly. We need this thing over yesterday. But since instead we have weeks ahead of us dealing with shutdowns, we need to remember also that we need to look after each other, help each other, take care of each other. But I really don’t need to mention that, the people know what to do and they do it.

And while we hate all the shutdowns, like no school, like no daycare, so you have to stay home during that time you wanted to work and you even had an essential job where you could keep your paycheck, but you have to stay home instead with your kids, like no travel, no sports, no social gatherings, or all of these things severely restrained, and while we hate the strain and the stress, and the lack of money, and the uncertainty, we will all nevertheless soldier on and figure it out. The people shutting things down are just trying their best to make the right decisions. The sooner we get a grip the sooner we can unloosen that grip, and believe you me, that needs to be pronto. And in that regard, all institutions need to be ready to get back going. And maybe in a modified form. Lots of places can get going soon, though perhaps in a modified lessened status, with appropriate protocols, as activity accompanied with strictly complied with protocols can prevent the spread of the virus just as well as blanket shutdowns of our society. We need to be preparing those modified ways of doing business post haste. People gotta get paid. We can do it. It’s possible, so we can do it. I know we will do it.

4. Now would be a good time for ultra-rich individuals and gargantuan corporations to step up, with pure, voluntary, uncomplicated, no-strings attached giving to the American people in those places where these companies have customers or employees, which for these guys is everywhere. They could act fast and they could even work together, to be smart about it. For example, here’s what I could envision:

Act 1
(On March 21, 2020, President Trump, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeffrey Bezos,Mike Bloomberg and Mark Zuckerberg, along with Anthony Scaramucci, are gathered in a secure briefing room, somewhere under Maryland.)

President Trump: Welcome here gentlemen. You know when I first took the call from Mooch I was ready for anything. We’ve tangled some . . . RIGHT MOOCH?, we’ve tangled, but forget about it, I love the Mooch. Nothing but love for the Mooch. And he called me and said, I’ve been talking to the boys and they want to help the country. So I said let’s set this up, they want to help the country. I’m very excited to hear what you’re going to say, it’s going to be beautiful.

Jeffrey Bezos: It’s an honor to be here sir.

President Trump: Jeff hey listen, before we go on, do you think you could help me with a little problem. It’s the virus tests. I want the tests. The tests don’t want me. I want tests in the hospitals, I want tests in the Walmarts, at the airports. I want tests anywhere a person could be. I want tests. But I don’t have tests. I’m real estate, I can run a big project. But you, Jeff. You’re the God of logistics and distribution. You gotta help me here Jeff. Talk to my team when we’re done here. Give ‘em a hand. Please. Please (Prez Trump grabs his lower lip) PLEASE.

Jeffrey Bezos: Sure I can help you with that, or at least I can try. Now I think we can get to our proposal for helping with this fiendish COVID virus. For that I would like to have our friend Michael Bloomberg/

President Trump: Good. Good. Very Good. Beautiful.

Jeffrey Bezos: /our friend Michael Bloomberg who I think has the latest numbers on what people are giving, I’d like to have Mike give us a summary of where we’re at. Mike?

Michael Bloomberg: Uh, yes, Thank . . . . mmm, excuse me! Thank you for giving me the floor. Here it, I’m giving $2 Billion, Jeff is giving $3 Billion, Mark is giving $1 Billion. Bill and Melinda are giving $6 Billion, Warren is giving $4 Billion, Apple is giving $5 Billion, Microsoft is giving $7 Billion, Amazon is giving $4 Billion, Berkshire Hathaway is giving $7 Billion, Facebook is giving $4 Billion. (Bloomberg pauses, looking up with signifigance)

President Trump: That must come to over $20 Billion dollars!

Mark Zuckerberg: $43 Billion. Look, I heard different numbers before I came over here! I’m coming off more and more like a third rate magnate! I’m increasing my pledge to $5 Billion. (then ensues general back and forth among the titans, whereby they kept raising their individual pledges to help the country, to the end that each of them agreed to spend $10 Billion, bringing the total pledged to $91 Billion, the nature of the bidding appearing to indicate that light was dawning on the marble heads of the magnates showing them that their stature, their greatness, for all of time, will be measured by how they stand up to help their country in this trying time. They know that this country has been good to them to allow them to amass so much wealth, They know this Covid-19 is shaking the foundations of the system, and they know they need the system. Stepping up to save the system is thus an imperative for our wealthiest companies and individuals, The more they help the system, the higher go their stock prices. The lesson is, playing your part pays dividends!! In the meantime, President Trump calls the meeting back to order. )

President Trump: Well, you all did a beeautiful thing. We all did. Thank you for coming .

Bill Gates: Actually Mr. President, we did want to tell you what we plan to do. We decided in general the best thing to do is give the money away to individuals. Give it away in a way that doesn’t cause any mobs, but giving it away without restraint or regulation, certainly with a purpose of being fair in a general sense, but with an emphasis on quick pronounced direct action. So say we’re in a distressed neighborhood handing out paper, we’ll do our best to be fair.

President Trump: Handing out paper?

Bill Gates: You know, handing out cash. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Go street or go home. (Bill Gates looks worked up, but calms down.) Ahem. But street action is just part of what we will be doing. Mike has taken on New York City as his pet project and priority (surprise, surprise) and, we all agree that’s a good fit. Melinda and I will take California, and we’ll prioritize getting schools and families (from the whole country) state of the art technology required for remote learning wherever there is a need. Warren is taking on the daycare crisis caused by school closures. Jeez, Warren, that’s a tough one. And Mark is still imagineering what his pet cause . . . Excuse me, yes Mr. President?

President Trump: I want to thank all of you for coming, it’s been an amazing thing. Thank you all. Good day. Careful on the way up. Don’t shake hands. (Bill Gates and Warren Buffett come over to the President as the others are milling around with their goodbyes.)

Bill Gates: We also need, would you be willing, to sign an executive order and request for legislation? (Warren Buffett holds up a pen and wiggles it symbolically.) The basic proposition is that in companies spending money . .

President Trump: Just hand me the pen,
Bill Gates: Again, it’s a proclamation that, and note here its important you know what you’re signing Mr. President, it’s a proclamation that companies can devote resources to trying to help the economic system during this crisis, and can’t be sued by the shareholders for doing that.

President Trump: We’re done?

Bill Gates: Lastly, sir, we would request that we have a contact in the Whitehouse who could be a clearinghouse for information about our projects.

President Trump: Stop right there. This is beautiful. I got the perfect guy for you. (He begins to smile) . . . .MOOCH? You hear that? I’ve got a job for you!

Act II
(Sunday morning, March 22. The phone rings.)

President Trump: Good morning. Donald Trump speaking.

Oprah Winfrey: Yes, Sir, Donald Trump. Mr. President. This is Oprah.

President Trump: Oprah! What an unexpected pleasure.

Oprah Winfrey: Uh-hu. I heard about your little boys club meeting yesterday.

President Trump: Oh, that? Wasn’t even my idea. They came to me. Besides that, they don’t get to call me on Sunday morning and talk with me one on one, but you do. What’s on your mind, kid?

Oprah Winfrey: Ok then. I’m going to raise $10 Billion for the cause, from me and my rich friends. So, no, I don’t have that much that I can pull $10 Billion out of my bag. But I can get it done Mr. President. And I have some other ideas for helping out in my own way, things that only Oprah can do! I’m not bragging, I’m keeping it real. And I did get Googl e in with $15 Billion, then asked about a contribution from Alphabet , and came up with another $12 Billion! That’s a trip. Harvard’s Endowment in with $10 Billion. MIT with $5 Billion. Koch Industries in with $20 Billion. You know what, it’s Sunday morning. I’ll send you guys the details.

President Trump: That’s great stuff, Oprah, beautiful. You can just shoot that information over to Mooch and we’ll be on our way.

Oprah Winfrey: When did you start working with Mooch again!?

President Trump: That’s just it, it’s a brand new thing. I’m just going to put him on the phone with you right now while we’re at it. Hold on . . . .Mooch? . . . Jeez where did he go? Mooch?? . . .MOOOOOOOOOOOCH!!??

The End

5. Government Response: Government really has to act fast and act big. On the Federal level a round of assistance just passed yesterday, March 19. More action coming up. On the State side you see the Governors and Legislatures getting real focused on the special needs of their states in light of Covid-19. Regarding health and safety they are trying to make the best judgment they can to insure that all closures and restrictions are taken that are necessary to stop the spread of the virus. And they are also deeply concerned about the financial strains being placed on families and communities. They are looking for ways to help, and spending some money, though they only have so much.
The Federal Government, on the other hand, and for various reasons, has by far the greatest capacity to provide financial relief, and also possesses the best systems for delivering benefits. So getting back to that, I am sure the Congress and the President will work to come up with good programs. I do have a few points though:
- I do think direct payments to people, say $1000 per person (any age) are by far the best approach. That’s a shot in the arm to the economy to be sure.
- I do not think the payroll tax should be cut. That would direct help at people still working and getting a paycheck, and wouldn’t help the unemployed.
- It is also a time for speed and flexibility, and cutting of red tape, and getting turned on, full force, unemployment benefits. The feds should consider goosing those benefits as well. This seems to me to be the best instrument to use in connection with our crisis, it standing as a direct replacement of what is being lost due to the crisis.
- I wouldn’t put much of the effort into lowering interest rates expanding loan programs. The lending isn’t going to be the problem this time. Fact is, until we show that we have this crisis under control, nobody is really going to be eager to go borrowing or to go lending. Every emphasis has to be put on getting the virus under control as soon as possible, and holding things together until control is gained and we can resume our normal lives.

This is the time. We all have a job to do. If we all do our job, we’ll get the best outcome, which is really our goal. And I do believe that our best outcome will be very good indeed,

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Turners Falls, Massachusetts

