Do Life Health, Personalized Precision Medicine

Do Life Health, Personalized Precision Medicine

Do Life Health is a pharmacy consulting business providing personalized care through pharmacogenomic and nutrigenomic testing.

Photos from Mark Hyman, MD's post 27/03/2024

WARNING!!!!! long post but super educational


We hear a lot about genetics these days, from using it to find out where your ancestors came from to testing for specific diseases. But what genes are, what the study of genetics covers, and how genetics can be used as an impactful health recommendations tool is still somewhat a mystery to most.

Here at Do Life Health, Personalized Precision Medicine, we've discovered the value of knowing your genes, and want to share it with you. Here's a quick guide to what genetics is and how it can lead you to your optimal health.


Genes are bits of code found in our DNA that carry and create our various unique traits. Obvious examples are our eye color or height, but genes can also inform other things like our metabolism, how our cardiovascular system works, or if we might be predisposed to disease. 99.9% of our genes are the same as everyone else’s, but it's that .1% that make us truly unique — and from where we can gain the most insights into how our bodies function.


Genetics is the study of genes. It's the study of how traits are passed down through families, which genes affect which body processes, and how different genes express themselves, but most importantly how we respond to the world around us, the food we eat, the exercise we do, and the stress we encounter.


That .1% of our genes that isn’t like everyone else’s is important because it's where genetic variants come into play. Genetic variants are simply ‘spelling changes’ in our genetic code that may impact how the gene works. People that have a specific genetic variant may find their cellular or systems functionality impacted in some way, making it different than someone else’s — sometimes for the better!


Genes can do all types of things in a person's body, and variants can influence functionality all the way down to the cellular level. For example, the ACE gene influences our potential for fitness endurance or power. The GSTM1 gene helps eliminate toxins from our body. The HFE gene affects our iron storage. The APOE gene impacts inflammation. As you can probably guess, any variation that alters a gene’s functionality can contribute to everything from general bad health to chronic disease.


A common misconception is that our genes are set for life, and we can't change them. We can’t change the code, but if we know what genetic variants a person has, and how their genes express themselves in various ways to influence a person's health, then that person can make lifestyle and food choices that take those genetic variants into account. For example, someone may have a genetic variant that causes them to store iron too well. That means that we can do further testing and if need be recommend treatments that will address any excess iron. Or someone may have a genetic variant that impacts their ability to metabolize caffeine. They know then that they need to cut back on that extra cup of coffee!


How do we find out what a person's genetic makeup is? Take a test! Genetic testing is fast and painless, and typically involves a simple cheek swab. The results, however, are complex, and can provide insights into cellular function, systems function, cardiovascular health, how we manage our energy intake, nutrient processing, and more.


To reap the benefits listed above! If you knew your genetic makeup that explained how your body functioned and reacted to the world around you, there's no limit to what kind of insight that could provide into your health. You could eat the foods that would help optimize your health and you could do the exercises that are right for your metabolism and energy levels, based on your genes.

Your genetics can also point towards the root causes of illness and disease that could help us create a much more tailored treatment approach. In other words, your genetic test is like a blueprint that will help you know how to build your health and wellness correctly.

As a genetic specialist pharmacist certified in pharmacogenomics, (the study of how medications are broken down in the body based on your genes) I decided to add nutrigenomics as part of my personalized precision medicine.

It was my veteran patient who made me realize how benefical nutrigenomic testing would be in my pharmacogenomics and gut health practice.

He was on 26 medications - many of those meds depleted many important nutrients and vitamins critical for health. Not only was the medication depleting his Vit B12 but so were his genetic variants. His requirments were much higher than the average joe. So it was a double whammy for him!!!

Nutrients and vitamins are essential for the body's cells to run the basic biochemisty process needed to function.


You may think you know yourself pretty well, but you can get to know yourself a lot better by getting to know your genes. They won't just give unique insights into how your body functions, but can put you on the path to optimized health and wellness — maybe the path you've always been searching for.

Ready to start your personalized health journey?

If so, message me or comment below.


The gift of that keeps on giving…message me or comment below for more information.


The most meaningful gift in the world.
3x4 Genetics
Lifetime use.
Last-minute ready.


The 3x4 Genetics Sale was a HUGE success thanks to you all.

I have no words but.....




To those who have supported me thus far, holy smokes you are keeping me busy. And for that, I am grateful!

If you have purchased 3x4 tests, I am currently 29 orders (and counting) behind from the holiday sale alone. Not to mention the results and orders before the sale I am waiting on. 🙃

Due to this high influx of orders in a very short time along with me being a one-man show, I highly suggest the following:

1. Once you receive your 3x4 kit make sure to complete your cheek swab and mail it back ASAP.

*Keep in mind the scheduling and priority of your telehealth appointments will be based on when the sample arrives back at the lab.

That should give us some wiggle room to get something in the books within 6ish weeks since results can take anywhere from 4-6 weeks.

2. If 3x4 testing is remotely on your radar for you or a loved one you may want to consider ordering now to secure a spot that isn't crazy far out.

Word of mouth has been a driving force and I believe that will only compound as test results and consultations are completed.

You know just like Christmas Cheer....


Do you ever feel frustrated when …

You and a friend are eating the same food plan.

You are doing the same excercise program.

They feel great!

They lose weight/inches but you don’t?

First of all, comparison is the root of all evil 😈 so STOP…but keep reading.

Even without comparison it is human nature to become discouraged when you are working so hard but not seeing results.

Maybe you think exercising excessively will be the solution. Nope!

This will actually cause inflammation and make it even harder for your body to use your fat stores and lose weight.

Eat less, excercise more isn’t a fair blanket statement for everyone anymore.

Our bodies nutrient requirements and response to exercise is unique based on our genetic makeup.

Just like with pharmacogenomics and prescription medications. It’s not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Nutrigenomic testing looks at your genes impact on

👉 nutrient requirements
👉 energy expenditure
👉 exercise response
👉 injury risk
👉 recovery response

➕ 31 additional areas from inflammation to high blood pressure to memory and mood.

Gene variants known to affect specific areas are grouped together and scored based on the impact they have in that area.

Leading us to very high, high, moderate or low impact so we know where you need the most support.

This gives us more informative results than looking at one single standalone gene.

Nutrigenomics is a once in a lifetime test that provides us with a blueprint of your genetics allowing us to create a customized nutrition, excercise and if needed supplements specific to your needs.

It’s personalized precision medicine.

Weight loss and excercise are just an example of some of the info we get from this test.

Reach out if you want to know more.

Pharmacist Fights For Her Kids Battling Cystic Fibrosis, CFLD, CFRD Using Precision & Functional Medicine - Healthieyoo 12/10/2022

Check out my article on

Pharmacist Fights For Her Kids Battling Cystic Fibrosis, CFLD, CFRD Using Precision & Functional Medicine - Healthieyoo CF impacts the lungs, pancreas, cystic fibrosis-related diabetes, CFRD, liver CFLD, and the gut. Check out CFRD, CFLD, & nutrigenomic testing.


Can you guess what percentage of people have a gene variant that affects their response to medications?
Have you guessed yet?

👉👉Yes, that includes YOU!

Inquiries or to join our waitlist

email: [email protected]

phone : 701-792-6070

Pharmacogenomics: The Right Drug, for the Right Patient, at the Right Dose 17/07/2022

The Right Drug, for the Right Patient, at the Right Dose...
Mayo Clinic explains benefits of Pharmacogenomics.

Pharmacogenomics: The Right Drug, for the Right Patient, at the Right Dose Pharmacogenomics is the study of using a person’s genetic profile to better understand or predict drug effectiveness, guide dosage, and improve patient safet...

Viewpoint: PGx is one-time test that lasts a lifetime 16/07/2022

Check it out and learn more about Do Life Health.

Inquires or to join our waitlist

email: [email protected]

phone: 701-792-6070

website coming soon!!!

Viewpoint: PGx is one-time test that lasts a lifetime PGx is the study of how a person’s genes respond to medications.


Do you want to take control of your health and feel better?

- Have you ever felt frustrated with taking multiple medications?

- Do you ever feel the medications are making you
feel worse?

- Are you ever concerned about what medications you can safely take together?

- Are you stressed about the cost of medications?

- Do you have a new diagnosis and want to ensure you start off on the right medication and dose?

- Are you tired of the length of time it takes to find a mediation to treat your depression/anxiety?

- Do you ever think about your family history and wonder about your future health?

If you can relate to any or perhaps all of these scenarios we are here for you!

Do Life Health uses your DNA to tailor medications to your unique genetic make-up.

Imagine how it would feel to have your own personal medication expert holding your hand.

Someone that knows you and can personalize your care all the way down to your DNA.

Say goodbye to medication google searches and HELLO to Do Life Health!

For more information or to join our waitlist contact us at [email protected] or 701-792-6070
