Binding the Broken

Binding the Broken

A ministry of Helps. Healing. Educating. Leading. Praying. Supporting.


Pray for Haiti!

Haiti endures an ‘assault on democracy’ as Moise clings to power 13/06/2021

Pray for peace for Haiti today. Christ is the answer🙏🏻

Haiti endures an ‘assault on democracy’ as Moise clings to power Political upheaval in the island nation of Haiti prompted the Biden administration to allow Haitians in the U.S. to renew their protected immigration status. It reverses the Trump administration's efforts to end those protections. But as Yamiche Alcindor reports, anxiety about the future remains amo...


Praying sincerely for Myanmar, especially for the protection of the missionaries and people there!

URGENT PRAYER REQUEST from HeartCry Missionaries in Myanmar.
“Dear loving Brethren,
I am writing this Report with a broken and trembling heart. My eye is filled with sadness and tears of hurt. First of all I want to beg you to pray for our safety and protection. I pray that the angel of the Lord will continue to surround every home in our country.
The military has taken control and is killing civilians. Every day we needed to collect dead bodies on the road with tears and pains. Banks are being shut down, and it isn’t easy to get online.
It breaks my heart so much. Everywhere is filled with smoke and fire as factories are burned and destroyed. Thousands of people don’t have work, food, and a place to stay now.
Almost all of our church members ran back to their village. There is neither market nor a shop where we can buy food because every road is blocked now. How long will we last if it continues like this!?
Just a while ago, the soldiers’ truck came and stopped near our house. We were terrified; they captured six people who were having tea in the shop. We don’t know what they will do to them. God is my only Hope.
All missionaries are suffering the misery of this greatly. My faithful missionary friend has a wife who is about to give birth, and there is no hospital opened. He said to me they would deliver the baby themselves in their small house by trusting God.
Dear friends, I have two small little girls, one is two years, and another is six months; I don’t care if I don’t have food to eat, but I think much for them and their safety. May you continue to uphold us in your prayer for our safety, provision, and protection. Soldiers are catching people from every house, and now they are near to us. Please pray for us.”


Good Evening Friends!
Bro. Noel Victor is currently working hard in India to open the Halieus Theological Seminary & Ministerial Society. While he is making great progress, continue to keep him and the work in India in your prayers that God would bless and multiply the Word going forth!

Specifically, keep in your prayers that God would direct them to a suitable building to for the Seminary.


There is a world just outside your front door that is hurting and begging for a savior. On every side they are surrounded by the noise of this world and cannot hear the call of Jesus Christ bidding them come. Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? They need a preacher who will stand up in the face of adversity, screaming into the mouth of Hell that Jesus still saves.

Your World is Waiting on You!


Psalms 9:10 - And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.

During these times of uncertainty, let your hope remain in the One who will never forsake you or change!

Super typhoon batters Philippines, 1 million in shelters 01/11/2020

Super typhoon batters Philippines, 1 million in shelters A super typhoon slammed into the eastern Philippines with ferocious winds early Sunday, knocking down power in several towns and prompting the evacuation of about a million people in its likely path.


We are excited about the work that God is doing in the Nation of India! We found out today that another brother is starting a bible school not far from Deepak and Swarna! Not to mention that we are over half way to our goal for Project Bibles to India.

So far Deepak and Swarna have been able to pass out approx. 250 bibles to a nation that is 94.6% unreached by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With your help they plan to pass out an additional 1000 bibles before Christmas! These bibles are only $3 a piece and we are just about to reach our goal.

Thank you to all those that have given! If you haven't had a chance to give yet and would like to you can now at:

All proceeds unless specified otherwise is going directly to Project Bibles for India!


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. - 2 ch 7:14

Pray Saints Pray!


Quick Poll: How Many Missionaries do you know?


Big journeys begin with small steps. We all want to do something grand and glorious, but often times neglect the small things just under our nose. Focus on the little things and make them grand and glorious, and when the Lord is ready, He will call.


It is high time we as saints of God began to intercede for our brothers and sisters around the Globe. Join together with us as we pray for the safety, well being, and furtherance of the great mission the Lloyds have in Haiti. 🇭🇹


Have you ever been on a missions trip? Where to? Where would you like to go next?

Drop a comment below and let us know!🇦🇫🇦🇽🇦🇱🇩🇿🇦🇸🇦🇩🇦🇴🇦🇮🇨🇱🇨🇼🇮🇳


Binding the Broken is excited about the opportunity to support a work in India. Deepak and his wife are native pastor's in the area that attended FGBI and returned to start a great work in their homeland. They are ministering to unreached people groups in Andhra Pradesh, India, planting churches, working in children's ministries and ministering to the leprosy affected people groups as well as needy village pastors. They have dedicated their live's to do His ministry and ask for prayer for their family and the work in India. You can support them Via Paypal @

Please note "Deepak" or "India" in the notes. All proceeds will go directly to Deepak and their ministry!

Report: 500 Ethiopian Christians Killed in 'Targeted Genocide' by Muslim Extremists Since June 09/09/2020

“Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians‬ ‭6:2‬
Take a moment to pray for the persecuted church around the world and specifically for the church in Ethiopia

Report: 500 Ethiopian Christians Killed in 'Targeted Genocide' by Muslim Extremists Since June An Ethiopian Christian leader says it's time to launch an international inquiry after hundreds of Christians were murdered – including pregnant women, children, and whole families – by Muslim extremists in parts of the Oromia regional state since the end of June.


Praying God’s protection over the Lloyds, the kids at the homes in Haiti, and Bro. Jude and his family!


Let’s remember our Haitian Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Prayer during this turmoil in their country.



This just in from the Petit’s in the Philippines:

Greetings from the sunny Philippines!

On March 2, we landed in the Philippines for another three years. We were so excited to see all of our pastors, their wives, and families. Everyone was anticipating the upcoming convention. We had choir practice with the students and the pastor’s children. It was amazing how quickly the songs came together. It really was one of the easiest times we have had.

Then March 10, the Cornavirus was really beginning to cause problems and we had to contact Bro. Vance and Bro Pascarella and tell them that we did not feel it was wise for them to come. We were relatively sure that Manila was going to go to a “Lock down,” because of the virus and they would either be stuck in Manila or at our place. It was a good decision, bcause they would have been stranded in Manila. Unfortunately, the convention had to be cancelled, because the government limited the number of people that could gather together in one place.

Much to our dismay, March 14, we found out from one of our pastors, who was contacted by the barangay captain that we were to be quarantined since we had come from a country that had the virus. So on Sunday, we could not attend church! They did have church but with “social distancing.” Whoever heard of that term a month ago? On my birthday, March 15, my wife and I stayed at our apartment with no visitors and certainly nothing special going on! We planned to get a piece of cake at the bakery the next day to celebrate it. On Monday, we were allowed outside again. We purchased several food items in preparation for what we knew would be an inevitable “Lock down” in our region. We stopped by the bakery for that special piece of cake and it was closed!

Now on March 18, the entire island we live on was ordered to be “Locked down.” Since we are over 60 years old, at least until April 12, we are not allowed to leave our residence. Have no fear for us, we have pastors that can go for us and purchase necessities of life as we may need them. For them to do that they will need to get a special permit from the barangay captain. Grocery stores are on extremely limited hours. Now we can say that we have survived this first week of quarantine.

How crazy our life is! For the last year we have travelled throughout the USA presenting the mission work of the Philippines. We went almost 50,000 miles. We enjoyed so much our time being with our friends in the USA and sharing with them our vision. Now we see each other and no one else and the van sits idle in the parking lot. It’s a good thing we married our best friend! We are counting our blessings. God provided money for us to air condition our living room and kitchen. This tremendously helps my wife’s health. We were also able to get for the first time, what seems to be good internet service at our apartment so we can do some work that way.

Our pastors have been surviving through this time. Filipinos are survivors they say. It is so hard when you are used to having a full schedule to be limited in your mobility. Financially, it is extremely difficult for them since they have low income to start and then with no services there are no offerings. Thankfully, as far as we know none have the coronavirus!

For those of you that have been praying for Ptr. Selacio and Ptra. Alia’s baby, let me say thank you. The baby girl’s name is Precia and she is doing much better.

When you pray, please remember our summer activities in the Philippines. Normally, we have 4 youth camps and all of our churches have Daily Vacation Bible School for a week. It looks like our youth camp in Eastern Samar will have to be cancelled, since we will still be in “Lock down” when it was supposed to take place. Please also pray for our Pastors and congregations. In the USA there are some provisions that are being made. Here most of the people life a hand-to-mouth existence and if they don’t work they don’t eat.

My wife and I are praying for you as you go through this time of crisis. We realize it has a real affect on churches and their families. The truth is God is in control, we just don’t always understand His ways. We are praying that this time of desperation will be followed by a revival!

Until He comes again,

Bro. Mike and Sis. Luann Petit


"Of old hast thou laid the foundation of the earth: and the heavens are the work of thy hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed: But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Psalms 102:25-27


Binding the Broken is continually compiling our missionary contact list for support and for prayer. There are many missionaries, both foreign and domestic, that may not be able to itinerate and raise awareness for their work in every area of the USA. Drop the names of missionaries (or tag them if they have social media) and comment the countries that they serve in below so that we can better support and pray for them together as believers.


So often we as members of a progressing society get so caught up in the emotion and focused on this rat race we call the “American Dream”. In doing so we completely lose focus of the only thing that really matters, Eternity! DO SOMETHING TODAY THAT MAKES A DIFFERENCE IN ETERNITY!

Timeline photos 28/01/2020
'This is huge': Locust swarms in Africa are worst in decades 28/01/2020

Our prayers our with the people of Kenya and the surrounding countries as they battle this locust plague

'This is huge': Locust swarms in Africa are worst in decades KATITIKA, Kenya (AP) — The hum of millions of locusts on the move is broken by the screams of farmers and the clanging of pots and pans. But their noise-making does little to stop the voracious...

Ecuador Missions 27/01/2020

Ecuador Missions Reaching Ecuador, One Soul At A Time.

Photos from Binding the Broken's post 27/01/2020

The Joshua Project daily shares an unreached people group to pray for! The content and phots below are just a small except of the great information you can view daily!
Sign up at the link below for email updates from them!

🟥“The Muthuraja or the Muthrasi people are known as Muttiriyan or Muttiriyar. The name Muthuraja is derived from the word mudi, meaning top most and raja, ruler. Mudiraj also means ancient king or old king. The Muthuraja have several occupational subgroups, which indicate place, professions, ancestors, etc. Some claim to be Kshatriyas, others consider themselves as untouchable Sudras. They are distributed mainly in Andhra Pradesh.

🟥Muthuraja are mainly a land owning community and their traditional occupation is agriculture. Rice, jowar, maize and ragi are their staple cereals.

🟥It is common to have marriages arranged through negotiation. Dowry is given in both cash and kind. Both widowed and divorced persons are allowed to remarry. They live in nuclear families and adhere to male equigeniture for inheritance.

🟥Traditionally the Muthrasi were employed as soldiers and guards. At present cultivation, fishing, masonry, agriculture and industrial labor, daily-wages are their primary occupations. Some of the Muthrasi are professional ballad singers. They also prepare fishing nets and tramping devices and are experts in making crackers and explosives.

🟥The sacred specialists from their community perform worship, birth, marriage and death rituals. They also practice ancestor worship every year on Pithru Amavasya, while offerings are made to their ancestors. They have both Shaivite and Vaishnavite sections in their community.

🟥Their village deities are Malleswara, Venteswara, Muneswar, Someswara, etc. They celebrate local Hindu festivals like Ugadi, Sankranti, Ekadasi, Diwali, Ram Navami, etc.

🟥Alternate names: Mutrasi, Mutharaja, Mudiraj, Muthrasollu.

🟥Prayer Points
* Pray for the salvation of the Muthrasi people.
* Pray for an active involvement of the Muthrasi Christians among their own people and for an openness to the gospel in their community.”


Another great item to add to your prayer list!


For those of us in open countries that allow the gospel, remembering to pray for persecuted our Brothers and Sisters in Christ around the globe can be an out-of-sight, out-of-mind issue that you only think about when your church has a missionary over or you flip to the page of your Bible that has a prayer card in it. But Friends, PRAYER IS POWERFUL! We have a RESPONSIBILITY to uphold our fellow believers in prayer for we may one day need the prayers ourselves! We may never see the results in this life, but do not grow weary in well doing. CAN YOU IMAGINE the reunion in heaven with a Brother or Sister you prayed for, not knowing, and finally meet face to face?
If you don’t know where to begin, check out a few of these links below, you can commit to praying for a pastor or Christian around the globe, pray for specific needs in countries and more.
