To Know Oneself: Guiding You Back To You

To Know Oneself: Guiding You Back To You

I want to help you understand yourself: your desires, your values, your goals, and your dreams - and

Timeline photos 03/09/2019

I try to begin each day with a small act of creation, the purpose of which is not to become something larger or more time-consuming. If a morning act slowly becomes two mornings or four or ten, then so be it, but the point is to remind myself daily that my entire existence is an act of creation, and not of happenstance or acceptance or routine solely.
Existence is, of course a mixture of all of these things; you have received blessings and curses by happenstance; you have found yourself in a routine that is far from it's beginning and far from over; you have experienced gain and loss that forced you to accept new circumstances.
But from each of these things, you are given a daily opportunity, even an hourly or momentary opportunity, to create or to be created.
To be created is to allow your circumstances to mold your purpose. To create is to assert yourself in response to and using those circumstances.
Create something each day. Because if you do not, you had better hope that the forces creating you are just as invested in your growth and flowering as you are.


I sit for an hour every morning to work on this new venture, to check on and grow other ventures, to meditate, and ultimately to just sit with myself, my plans, and my goals.

We aren't able to lead our own lives unless we make time for our lives.

Finding space helps one to know oneself. Let me help you find that space.
Let's chat.

Timeline photos 11/08/2019

It is under the hypnotic gaze of the Moon and stars that a dreamer finds not only that their dreams are beautiful, but more importantly that their dreams are just as real as the stark physical world that sits plainly under the hot noonday sun.


Next time you want to yell a belief at another human, also ask yourself: "Why does this belief need to feel honored?"



Maybe we hit the wall with self-understanding because we've used the same words to describe the wild transformations we've all experienced.

A new set of eyes might reflect something back to you that you knew all along, but didn't have the words to say. I know I've benefitted from this exact kind of interaction.

That's where I come in 🙂. Curious?

Timeline photos 02/08/2019

:: The Sage and the Pilgrim::
The Sage was walking through a garden when he came upon a pilgrim who looked lost.
“What are you looking for?” asked the Sage.
“I seek my life’s meaning," said the pilgrim. “Why am I here?”
“Because you walked here,” said the Sage.
“No, I mean what am I doing here?”
“Talking to me.” The pilgrim grew frustrated. The Sage smiled gently. “Who are you?”
“My name is-”
“Who are you?” interrupted the Sage.
“I work for-”
“Who are you?” the Sage again interrupted.
Exasperated, the pilgrim answered “I’m just a simple pilgrim!”
“Excellent,” said the Sage. “Let us explore what that means.”

Who am I? How did I get here?

In many ways, I have been developing To Know Oneself my entire life. Every conversation I’ve had with a friend or family member, a student in my classroom, or even a casual conversation with a client or a stranger has been in service to the simple idea of knowing oneself.

I, like most people, have been on a path of self-discovery for most of my short life. I would go on solitary walks in the woods or along the river as a child and then young adult in college. I studied the conscious interior human existence as a student of philosophy and religions. I studied and taught history, mostly through the understanding of who people were at different points and time.

In short, my life has been devoted to studying myself and studying other people. And now, I’d like to help you study you.

Socrates allegedly directed us: “know thyself.” These two simple words are some of the biggest that we will ever hear, and their impact cannot be ignored. They have directed almost every move in my life, and I am still unpacking their power.

