Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant

Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant

Helping your littles get a full night sleep, and naps too!

Timeline photos 23/06/2022

The American Academy of Pediatrics emphasizes the need for infants to sleep on their backs on flat noninclined surfaces without soft bedding and details the risks of bed-sharing under various scenarios within its first update to safe infant sleep recommendations since 2016.

Safe Sleep for Babies Act Will Ban Inclined Sleepers, Crib Bumpers 09/05/2022

Safe Sleep for Babies Act Will Ban Inclined Sleepers, Crib Bumpers The Senate passed the Safe Sleep for Babies Act, which will ban the sale of inclined infant sleepers and crib bumper pads. Consumer Reports has linked the sleepers to dozens of deaths.

Timeline photos 18/02/2022

Improving mothers’ sleep may help improve parenting, too. Studying 413 mother-toddler pairs, researchers found that sleep deficits contribute to mothers’ stress and result in less positive parenting during a crucial time of day, their toddler's bedtime routine.


What signs does your baby show when they become overtired??

Check out my new blog post to learn more about preventing overtiredness!! Link to blog in bio!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 06/10/2021

You don’t have to silently struggle with your little one’s sleep! I can help with sleeping through the night and naps too!!

Comment “me” below and you will be on your way to a better night sleep for your whole family!


Have you tried melatonin with your kiddos?

Check out my new blog post to learn more about melatonin and if it really works!!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 22/09/2021

How many naps a day does your baby take?

Knowing when to drop a nap can be tricky! Comment below if you need help with dropping a nap!!


Eat, Play, Sleep! This schedule works great!

This ensures that our baby is always eating as soon as they wake up so that the temptation to fall asleep while eating is diminished. Also, when your little one has just woken up, they will have more energy to eat until their tummy is full. When your baby is ready for sleep, you can put them down awake, but drowsy!

If you have any questions about your baby’s schedule or the Eat, Play, Sleep schedule comment “me” below!


Sleep is not a luxury!! Please don’t think just because you have a baby you will never sleep again. Some babies are great sleepers all on there own. Some need a little help. I’m here to help!

We sleep trained my little guy at 7 months. He went from waking 2-3 times each night to sleeping through the night in a few days! I also gained hours back in my day because I didn’t have to rock him for 45+ minutes each time I put him down! It was the best decision! Happier Mama and happier baby!

If you are ready to get the sleep you deserve, let’s chat! I offer free sleep evaluation calls where I can learn a little bit about your situation and I can share my program and package information, and decide if we are a good fit to work together. Link to book a call is listed in my bio! Let’s chat!!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 15/09/2021

Want to learn more about how I can help your family meet their sleep goals?

Book a free call with me today! Link in bio!


Want to know how to create the perfect nursery?? It’s actually way easier than you might think!

Check out my latest blog post to find out!

Link to blog in bio!


When teaching your child independent sleep skills the most important thing to remember is that consistency has to be there 100% of the time. We need to make each sleep situation exactly the same so your child can develop a consistent strategy on their own. Then your child will become familiar with how to put themselves to sleep in every situation!

If you have been thinking about sleep training and want to learn more, click on the link in my bio to book a free call with me!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 10/09/2021

Are you going to try any of these tonight??


I remember doing this when my little guy was a baby! Have you ever had to ninja out of your kiddo’s bedroom?

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 07/09/2021

Are you ready to start? Are you ready to lay your child down awake and know they can put themselves to sleep on their own? Are you ready for your family to sleep through the night? Are you ready to get the sleep you deserve?

Comment “me” below to get started!!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 07/09/2021

Toddlers are fun, crazy, sweet and let’s not forget stubborn!! If you want to learn more about toddler sleep training comment “me” below!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 03/09/2021

Thinking about working together to help your family reach their sleep goals??

It’s a simple process that we can get started right away!

Comment “me” below if you want to learn more!!


Sounds a little crazy right? Skipping naps will not help your baby sleep better at night, it may even cause them to have a hard time falling asleep and/or staying asleep.

If you need to skip a nap try putting your baby to bed early that night to avoid overtiredness!!

If you are struggling with your baby’s nap schedule comment “me” below!


Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 01/09/2021

Overtired babies can have a harder time falling asleep and staying asleep. Overtiredness can even lead to more frequent night wakings!


Sleep is not a luxury!! Please don’t think just because you have a baby you will never sleep again. Some babies are great sleepers all on there own. Some need a little help. I’m here to help!

We sleep trained my little guy at 7 months. He went from waking 2-3 times each night to sleeping through the night in a few days! I also gained hours back in my day because I didn’t have to rock him for 45+ minutes each time I put him down! It was the best decision! Happier Mama and happier baby!

If you are ready to get the sleep you deserve, let’s chat! I offer free sleep evaluation calls where I can learn a little bit about your situation and I can share my program and package information, and decide if we are a good fit to work together. Link to book a call is listed in my bio! Let’s chat!!



I definitely heard about this when my little guy was a baby. To be honest, I never actually tried it! Check out my new blog post to find out why!!

Link to blog in bio!


Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 28/08/2021

Does your little one sleep with a sleep sack or pillow and blanket?


This one really hits home for me this week. We have been potty training at my house and it’s going… Ok🤪. How did potty training go at your house? What I really want to know is how long before I can take the p*e pads off my couch?!


Ask away! Drop your baby sleep questions below and I will answer them in my stories tomorrow!!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 24/08/2021

Keep bedtime routines short and simple! Most of all keep your routine consistent!! Kids and babies thrive on consistently! No

Need help with your baby’s sleep? Let’s chat!! Book a call today! Link in bio!


Early bedtimes are best to insure that children do not become overtired. When a child is overtired, it become more difficult to settle down and fall asleep. When sleep does come, a child is a lot more restless with more tossing and turning and can lead to more night time wake ups. Bedtime should happen between the hours of 6:30pm – 7:30pm. Don’t forget to allow time for a consistent bedtime routine!!

Need help with bedtime? Let’s chat! Book a call to learn more! Link in bio!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 23/08/2021

Which tip are you going to try tonight??

Want to go all in?? I offer 1 on 1 coaching packages and together we can get your baby sleeping better in a few days! Want to learn more? Let’s chat! Book a free discovery call with me today! Link in bio!!

Timeline photos 20/08/2021

A new study links sleep loss in new mothers to accelerated aging. Researchers found that sleeping less than 7 hours a night at 6 months after birth was linked to an older "biological age," which can differ from chronological age.
However, with every hour of additional sleep, the mother's biological age was younger. Read more:

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 20/08/2021

Are you a tired mama?

I’m here to help!

Drop any emoji below to learn more!!

Photos from Nicole Gonet - Sleep Consultant's post 18/08/2021

Are you tired of being tired? Try to imagine what it would be like to lay your baby down awake knowing they can fall asleep on their own! No more hours of rocking or wondering how many times they will wake up each night. Are you ready to get started? Comment “me” below!
